A/N: So… This is my first fanfiction ever! I hope you all like it. I have to say that my first language is Dutch, not English, so don't be too harsh on my. It wasn't my destiny to write femslash, I'm not even gay, but I thought the chemistry between Rachel and Quinn was just too big to go unnoticed. So I began thinking about a tale in my head. That's how this turned out. Please read + review!



What am I doing? I'm popular, I have friends, I can get any guy I want but still, here I am, on some website where you can meet people and talk about how lonely you are. Before Quinn knows it, she clicks on the "create account" option. Choose a name. What's a good name if you don't want to be noticed? She hesitates for a moment. Then she types: Rabbithole17. She secretly loves Alice in wonderland, but that's just bad for her HBIC image, and she's 17 years old, so… perfect. She creates a password. Summary? She thinks about what other people think about her. If she'd write down what she thought about herself, nobody would ever want to talk to her. "Blonde hair, hazel eyes, slender, maybe slightly beautiful. Nobody knows I'm actually pretty shy and insecure." She sighs and taps 'confirm'. Congratulations, your account is successfully made. She scrolls through a list of accounts. Some are just so wrong and others just really sad. Like "I don't have friends and please help me". Quinn shivers and comes across an account with Barbra Streisand as profile picture. Interesting. You would almost think it's Rachel with her obsessive love for Barbra. Quinn snorts. That girl can be a real headache the moment she starts talking about her idol. It's pathetic, but also kind of admirable. At least one person can really be who she wants to be. Suddenly, a message pops up. "I see you're looking at my profile, kind stranger" Quinn frowns. "Do you have spyware on your computer or something? Damn…" The answer comes barely two seconds later. This person is fast. "I actually did download something…" Oh wow, she's strange. "Why would you do that? Are you some kind of stalker or something?" It takes longer till the next answer comes. "I'm definitely not a stalker. It's just that my profile is rarely seen by people, so you stood out" That's sad. She actually feels sorry for her. "Why?" She asks. "You really love asking questions, hmm? About the question: Some people at my school came across this account and now they're threatening all the people who look on my profile." O shit. Quinn hopes it's a small school. "You really can't be that bad." She says. "Tell that to the people at my school." Suddenly she's offline. And Quinn realizes she didn't even look at her nickname. Broadwaystar0110. Damn, this really is a Berry-clone. She grins and clicks on the "send friend request" button. To be fair, this person was fun. And weird. Very weird. But still entertaining. Then she turns her computer off.

The next day before school, she gets behind her computer. Broadwaystar0110 sent her a message.

-Broadwaystar0110: Why do you want to be friends? You'll receive hate, you know.

-Rabbithole17: I decide for myself who I wanna be friends with. If I'll receive hate, so be it.

-Broadwaystar0110: I don't understand. I read your summary. If you read mine, I'm like the ugly duckling. How can you be friends with someone like me?

-Rabbithole17: Someone like you? If I remember correctly, the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan at the end. And I don't think I'm beautiful, either. My friends and family do, though. I just put it down in my summary because they look at me that way. I don't really know what to think of myself.

-Broadwaystar0110: At least they do. I know I'm ugly and other people do, too. And don't doubt yourself: I bet you're really pretty.

-Rabbithole17: Then I'm gonna say it: you're beautiful. Don't change a bit about yourself. Those haters are just jealous and we should pity them for thinking that way. You're a star.

-Broadwaystar0110: You don't even know me.

-Rabbithole17: True. But I do know that you're talking shit about yourself right now.

-Broadwaystar0110: They make me believe it.

-Rabbithole17: Who?

-Broadwaystar0110: …

-Rabbithole17: Okay, too soon. You've known me for, what? 10 hours? I get it.

-Broadwaystar0110: No, you don't know me in real life so I'll tell you. The cheerleaders aren't that friendly at my school… And some jocks…

-Rabbithole17: Don't let them hurt you, okay? I know how they can be.

-Broadwaystar0110: I'm small. I'm hopeless if I have to fight all alone. I'm just not strong enough: physically and mentally.

The conversation with Broadwaystar0110 made Quinn feel sick. She's not an inch better than those jocks and cheerleaders she's talking about. It's not like she wants to be a bitch, she needs to be. So that includes throwing slushy's at kids like Rachel. But everytime she speaks with Broadwaystar0110, she has the feeling she's talking to Rachel, and that hurts. Because she kind of started caring about the girl. They've had some nice conversations and she'd discovered that Rachel really was a pleasant person when they were alone. Quinn walks into the school and sees her friends, Santana and Brittany, standing at her locker. She walks up to them. "Q." Santana says, and she nods as a greeting. "Quinn, you're here!" Brittany claps excitedly and pulls her into a massive hug. "I was here yesterday, and the whole week, Britt." Quinn laughs, and she gently pulls Brittany off her. Brittany looks confused. "But you look different!" Quinn shrugs and turns around, to see Rachel being pushed against the lockers. The girl falls down and just lies down on the floor for seconds before sitting up. Quinns first reaction was to walk up to the girl and help her. But then she remembers she's the HBIC, that Santana is watching her, and she has to do something mean like, right now. She sends a hand gesture to Santana. She gets the hint and walks up to he slushy-machine. A moment later, Quinn's walking to Rachel with a big gulp up ice-cold liquid in her hand. "Treasure Trail." she says coldly as she stands behind the smaller girl. She's still on the ground but she stands up quickly. Quinn hears her sniffling and then she turns around. Her eyes are filled with tears. This is something Quinn never gets used to. It's a terrible feeling. The brunette looks at her fearfully. She really is terrified for her. Quinn feels horrible, but she fakes an evil grin. "Missed me?" Rachel gasps and a quiet sob escapes her lips. Quinn looks at the slushy in her hand. It's blueberry. It's the worst slushy to throw at someone. The stain it causes is permanent and leaves a dark blue spot on clothes. "Brace yourself, Manhands." Without even thinking about it anymore, she throws the slushy at Rachel. The gasp that follows is filled with pure sadness and Quinn fights against her own tears. "I'm small. I'm hopeless if I have to fight all alone." The words from the online conversation are screaming in her head. She turns around without looking back. She makes her way to Brittany. "Please, help her clean up…" Quinn whispers brokenly in her ear. Brittany looks at her like she's crazy, but when she sees the helpless look on her face, she nods. Quinn runs away.

-Broadwaystar0110: Are you here?

-Broadwaystar0110: Oh, come on Stranger. I have my spyware, remember?

-Rabbithole17: What would you say if I was even worse than those kids at your school?

-Broadwaystar0110: I would say: no you aren't. Really.

-Rabbithole17: I wish I knew you.

-Broadwaystar0110: I have the feeling we already know each other better than anyone else.

-Rabbithole17: I don't even know what you like.

-Broadwaystar0110: I like singing. Broadway, you know.

-Rabbithole17: Is it weird when I say I don't know what I like?

-Broadwaystar0110: I doubt that. I bet you're extremely talented.

-Rabbithole17: You're so wrong. I'm hopeless. By the way: you should post a video, I wanna hear you sing.

-Broadwaystar0110: Maybe.

-Rabbithole17: Just do it. Throw away your fears

-Broadwaystar0110: You won't laugh and leave me, right…?

-Rabbithole17: You're stuck with me here. I'll never leave you. I like talking to you.

Seconds go by without a reply. Quinn starts to worry she went to far and that she scared this person away. Then, a video pops up. She clicks "play" and immediately the voice she knows so well flows through the air. Quinn is shocked. How could she be so stupid? She had so many clues that lead her to Rachel, and still she was too dumb to realize.

-Broadwaystar0110: Why don't you say something? You think it's stupid, right? I wish I hadn't sent it too you. I'm disgusting. My voice is terrible. I'm sorry.

Quinn's heart skips a beat. Rachel thinks she's ugly because of HER. She thinks she can't sing because of HER. She feels awful.

-Rabbithole17: You're so talented, and don't you know you're beautiful?

-Broadwaystar0110: You're lying.

-Rabbithole17: I've never lied to you. I can see and hear you in the video, right? It's amazing.

-Broadwaystar0110: So you think I'm good?

-Rabbithole17: Good? You're outstanding! You're a star. And you're gorgeous.

-Broadwaystar0110: I still don't believe you.

-Rabbithole17: You know what, I'll prove it to you.

-Broadwaystar0110: How?

-Rabbithole17: You'll see, little star.

The next day, she sees Rachel instantly. Quinn watches as she puts some books in her locker. Perfect. She tries to watch as good as she can and tries to see the code of her locker. Damn, too far away. This is useless. Quinn sighs and walks to her own locker. "Q…" She recognizes that voice everywhere. "Santana." She says without turning around. "I'll just ask you straight away, because what the hell? Why are you eye-fucking RuPaul every damn time?" Quinn coughs. "I do not". She fights back. "Oh, sure you do." Santana grins. "Shut it, S." Quinn snaps. "So you're not even denying it anymore? Oeeeh, twitter update! Quinn wants to get into the skirt of the dwarf!" She laughs. Quinn turns red. "I didn't look at her because I wanna fuck her, I just wanted to know what I could do next to humiliate her." Quinn says, as calmly as she can. Her heart is hammering in her chest. Santana frowns. "You know what, do what you want. I'm gonna search for Brittany. That girl just disappears out of nowhere and it'll always be mystery to me where she went. See you later, Q." She turns away and leaves. Quinn sighs. Rachel watches her from across the hallway. "See something interesting, Berry?" She snaps. Rachel turns bright red and she quickly walks away. That's when she realizes she hasn't even thrown a slushy at her today and that's probably the reason why Rachel was watching her.

During break, it's open season for the jocks at McKinley High. And they mostly focus on a certain petite brunette. "Please, this is my favorite sweater…" She tries, begging. She knows it's no use. Quinn observes the event from the other side of the room. She wants to do something so badly but she can't be noticed. How can she make the girl feel better without being noticed? She focuses on her friends again, who are flirting with each other. Quinn rolls her eyes. "It's unbelievable that you two knew each other for years but only started dating this year." She states. Brittany nods happily. "I know, right?! It wouldn't have if it wasn't for Sanny to put anonymous letters in my locker…" Santana blushes, trying to hide her face. "Aww, Sanny, it was so cute… It was like "My lovely honeysweet bee with…" Santana puts a hand on Brittany's mouth to cut her off. "Erm…" She coughs, bright red. Quinn grins at her clearly uncomfortable friend. Suddenly she realizes something. "Wait, B, did you say 'Anonymous letters'?" She asks. Brittany nods excitedly. "Yes, the first one I got was really awesome, like: "You're my rainbow-colored unico…" Santana coughs really loud. Quinn never saw her friend like this before. "I won't torture you any further, S." Quinn laughs and winks. Brittany looks confused. Santana looks relieved. Quinn knows exactly what to do after school. She borrows some paper from the library and starts writing:

-To Rachel.

Please don't be sad. You'll be a star someday and they'll be so jealous of you. Don't believe a single word they say and stay the way you are. You're beautiful!


Quinn checks the hallways to check if they're really empty. She already waited for half an hour. She slowly walks up to Rachels locker and hesitates for a moment. Then she just pushes the letter through the gap of the locker and walks away quickly.

-Broadwaystar0110: Hey stranger.

-Rabbithole17: Hi, little star. What are you doing?

-Broadwaystar0110: Feeling more awful than ever.

-Rabbithole17: Aww, don't be sad. You're beautiful.

-Broadwaystar0110: You keep saying that.

-Rabbithole17: Well, it's true.

-Broadwaystar0110: I don't believe it.

-Rabbithole17: Just check your locker tomorrow.

-Broadwaystar0110: Wait, what?

-Rabbithole17: I said I'd prove it to you.

-Broadwaystar0110: No seriously. What?

-Rabbithole17: Just wait and see, little star

The next day, Rachel unfortunately gets slushied, but there's something different about her. Her eyes are glowing. She even grins. She looks more powerful than ever. "You're staring at the midget again." Santana states. "Huh? No I don't." Quinn says. "Oh, yes you do. You totally want to taste her juices." Santana grins knowingly. "That's disgusting. And that's totally something YOU would, not me." Quinn blushes. "No, that's just horrid. She's Treasure Trail. And imagining you with her is gr… Well, it's kinda hot. But also gross." Santana frowns thoughtfully. Quinn rolls her eyes and walks away. "You're a pervert!" She screams over her shoulder. "You know I'm right, Fabray!" Santana screams back, very loudly, which causes everyone to look at Quinn. She totally wants to hide in the little hole in the wall, where a mouse is watching her, right now.

-Broadwaystar0110: You know who I am.

-Rabbithole17: I sure do.

-Broadwaystar0110: Who are you?

-Rabbithole17: You better don't find out about that.

-Broadwaystar0110: Are you a boy or a girl?

-Rabbithole17: Nosy much, hmm?

-Broadwaystar0110: Just say it.

-Rabbithole17: Nope.

-Broadwaystar0110: Fine. I'll find out myself. I will.