I literally have no idea how I came up with this AU. I was just in chemistry, minding my own damn business and then swimming homos happened.

So I'm here to pollute this website with more of my terrible writing skills ;u;

This starts out in Haru's view in the first chapter, but everything after this will be in third person POV

Free! belongs to KyoAni

Aye did y'all hear? They just released a PV for Free! Season 2

People were shuffling around and chattering amongst themselves. The bell made a light ringing sound whenever the door opened and the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries was practically overwhelming.

I sat alone in a booth, staring out the window while absent-mindedly picking at a muffin with a fork. It was raining outside. I liked the rain. I liked the sound of raindrops rushing down and people's feet splashing into puddles. It was kinda calming, I guess.

From the corner of my eye, I see someone sliding into the seat across from me. He was really tall, had broad shoulders and a muscular build. His sandy brown hair was messy and it looked like he just got out of bed.

He didn't seem to notice me as he sat down. At all. As long as he didn't talk to me, I really didn't care. I sighed and went back to picking at my muffin. I felt the table shake slightly as the man quickly stood up again.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know this booth was taken!" he said. "I'll move somewhere else if you want."

I told him that I didn't mind and he can stay, but he didn't seem to be looking directly at me, nor did he seem to understand my signing.

Then I noticed that his eyes were dull and faded, but I could still see a bit of green in them. I eyed the cane in his hand, confirming my suspicions.

He was blind.

Upon realizing this, I immediately took out my phone and started typing.

"It's okay, I don't really mind." The computerized voice said.

"Really?" the man asked.

"Go ahead and sit down."

"Thank you." the man replied, sitting back down. "Sorry to bother you."

"It's no problem, really." I typed. "I guess I could use some company."

"Ah! Mako-chan!" I heard a voice call out. A certain overly-cheery blond boy came bouncing to our booth. "So, what will it be today?"

"Hot chocolate and a brownie, please."

"Coming right up!" Nagisa chirps happily. He notices my presence and turns to me. "Mako-chan, you're with Haru-chan today?"

"Wait, you know him, Nagisa?" Mako asks.

"Of course! He's the friend I keep talking to you about. He comes here almost everyday."

"I wouldn't say friend. We're more like acquaintances."

Nagisa puts on his cutesy pouty face. "You're mean, Haru-chan..."

I rolled my eyes "Quit whining. You got customers to tend to, don't you?"

"You two have fun now." Nagisa said, going back behind the counter.

"Nagisa is full of energy, huh?"

"He's a bit annoying, but he's a good kid." I replied with a slight smile.

Mako laughs a little. His laugh was actually kinda cute. "So you're the Haru-chan Nagisa told me so much about."

"What kind of things did he say about me?"

"Well, I heard that you were a really great swimmer. Nagisa says you look like a dolphin when you swim, not that I would know, but I'm sure it looks pretty cool. And he also said something about you two being the the same swim club when you were in elementary school."

"Is swimming all he talked about?" I quickly typed.

"Uhm...he told me this one story where his sisters snuck a girl's swimsuit in his bag and you let him borrow yours while you wore the girl's swimsuit."

"That never happened..." I said while gripping my phone tightly, making a mental note to murder Nagisa later.

"I figured."

"Mako-chan, your hot chocolate's ready!" Nagisa called from the counter.

"Thanks, Nagisa." Mako says, about to get up, but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"I'll get it."

"Oh...thank you."

I slid out of the booth and went over to the counter, grabbing the piping hot cup and the paper bag which was probably the brownie Mako asked for.

"I see you two have been talking~" Nagisa sang. Oh, how badly I wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face.

I glared at him, signing "Shut up"

I could still hear Nagisa giggling like an idiot when I went back to my seat. Sighing, I set the items in front of Mako and sat back down.

"Thank you, Haru-chan." he said with a smile.

"Please don't call me Haru-chan." I replied. "Having Nagisa call me that is bad enough."

"Oh, sorry. But I don't know your real name."

"It's Haruka."

"Haruka..." Mako repeats, testing it out. "That's a nice name."

I shrugged, "I get mistaken for a girl all the time because of it."

"Should I just call you Haru then?"

"Haru's fine. Everyone else calls me that anyway." I said.

"Okay then, Haru. I'm Makoto, by the way. Also a girl's name, so don't feel too bad."

Suddenly, the door swung open, making a loud bang. Makoto yelped at the noise, nearly dropping his cup of hot chocolate.

"Oi, Haru!"

I glanced at the offending red-head, frowning in irritation, "Could you have made a quieter entrance?"

"I was waiting for you to meet me at the train station for a goddamn hour! In the fucking rain at that!" Rin said angrily, dripping with rainwater. "Did you forget we had a swim meet today?"

"Were you not paying attention when I told you I wasn't going?"

The red-haired man groaned and took a seat next to me. "Seriously, Haru what am I gonna do with you?"

"Quit acting like you're my babysitter, idiot."

"Who are you calling an idiot?!" Rin yells, baring his razor sharp teeth.

"Stop screaming, people are staring."

"Uhm, should I leave or...?" Makoto asks.

Finally acknowledging the other man's presence, Rin calms down and tries to act casual, but he ended up looking a bit awkward. "Sorry about that." he apologized, clearing his throat.

"Oh no, it's fine."

Rin reaches a hand out across the table to Makoto. "I'm Rin, Haru's long-time friend and interpreter of sorts."

"Nice to meet you, Rin. I'm Makoto." the taller man replied, smiling sweetly.

I swear, in that moment, I thought I saw Rin blushing a little. I guess someone like Makoto would have that kind of effect on people.

Rin stares at his outstretched hand, then to Makoto, then back to his hand, then to me. I simply pointed two fingers to my eyes then brought them down my face. Upon realizing what I just said, Rin quickly pulled his hand back, "Oh shit, you're blind? I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"Don't worry about it. Stuff like this happens all the time." Makoto says, laughing in amusement. "A lot of people don't know how to act around a blind person, but I don't really blame them."

I gently elbowed Rin on the ribs and asked, "Don't you have swim meet to go to."

"I will, but I'm not going without you."

"I'm not even officially part of the team, you can't make me go."

"I can and I will."

"You just want an excuse to race me again, don't you?" I said.

"So, you two are really passionate about swimming, huh?"

"Well, I'm the one that's actually serious about it. Haru just likes to be in the water." Rin explained. "I'm actually trying to become an Olympic swimmer."

"Whoa, really?" Makoto exclaims in fascination. "Then I wish you luck in your goal."

The red-haired man laughs sheepishly. "Thanks, I guess..."

"What about Haru, though?"

"I'm an art major." I answered.

"What about you?" Rin asked.

"Me? Well, I'm majoring in literature. Nothing special." Makoto replied nonchalantly. "Though I do hope I can publish a novel or something."

With deft fingers, I typed out, "That sounds cool. Writing takes a lot a patience, doesn't it?"

"It does, but the end result is always worth it"

I felt Rin roughly tugging on my arm. "Come on, Haru. The captain is gonna yell at us if we're late."

I sighed, "If I go, will you quit bothering me?"

"That and you owe me for making me wait." Rin replied with a smirk plastered on his face.


"You two leaving already?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah, sorry to leave so soon."

"You two have a swim meet don't you? Don't let me stop you."

"Well, then..." Rin pulls me up by the arm and begins dragging me away. "See you later, Makoto."

I turn back to see Makoto waving goodbye. "Bye Rin. Bye Haru!"

I responded by pointing two fingers to the side; the sign for "See you."

"Haru says see you, by the way." Rin said.

The bell rang softly as we left the coffee shop. Rin stood under the awning, staring at the pouring rain. "Please tell me you brought an umbrella..."

I shook my head no. "I figured you would bring one."

"I swear to God, Haru..."

"It's not like I needed an umbrella, anyway." I said, walking out into the rain nonchalantly. "Just make a run for it if the rain bothers you that much."

"Hey, Nagisa."

Nagisa looks up from the floor he was currently sweeping, "Yeah, Mako-chan?"

"You were right."

"About what?" The blond asked.

"Haru really is an interesting person." Makoto replied. "I want to see him again."

"I'm sure you two will bump into each other again. Though, what's with the sudden interest with Haru?" Nagisa paused for a moment, then gasped loudly. "Could it be that Mako-chan has a cr-"

"No no, it's not like that! I just met him!" the other man interjects, feeling the heat rush to his face with embarrassment.

Nagisa bursts out laughing. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

I swear to buddha, I tried my best when I was doing my research, so I apologize if any of this seems inaccurate.

Haru has two ways to communicate with others:

"Bold italicized text" means he's talking in JSL (Japanese Sign Language)

"Underline text" means he's using a speech aid. You know, a thing on his phone that reads out whatever he types? He hardly uses it though, because typing and using a phone in general is a pain in the ass for him, but he makes an exception for Makoto, of course ;D

Anywho...care to leave a review?