I do not own Pokemon!. Hope you like the final chapter:)
Chapter 9 Reunion
Last time...
Ash had a hard time dealing with the lose of his Pikachu and had struggled ever since, now that Ash is 20 years old he had been trying to put Pikachu to the back off his mind, but being a Gym Leader he was faced by an oppenent much like himself, who had a Pikachu, fortunatly for Ash, he had won but not without heart break and upset.
Ash was sat on his bed looking down at the floor, his eyes began filling up with water, 'Pikachu...' he said to himself, as he wiped the tears away from his eyes. He looked over at the shelve where he had Pikachu's Pokeball and a picture of him and Pikachu, on there adventure in Kanto, he just couldnt believe hes been with out his buddy for 9 years, he just wished he could still have him by his side.
He got up and shook the sadness off and walked downstairs his wife had been gone for more than two weeks, he didnt bother phoning her as he had other things on his mind. Today was his day off, so he went to visit Professor Oak, Ash was walking alone on the rocky terrain, to get to the lab, he then had a flash back.
14 year old Ash was on his way to Professor Oaks lab with Charizard and Starraptor by his side. Ash ran away from the rage of emotion inside of him, he could control it, Ash's face was full of tears, he didn't stop running until he tripped, he didnt both getting up he just curled up into a ball letting out the raw emotion inside, his pokemon followed behind, comforting him and curled up next to him. He felt the warm from the two pokemon, he soon fell asleep.
Flashback ended
Ash had a tear rolling down his cheek, he remember how much his Pokemon cared for him, but the one Pokemon he loved the most was not there. That day would always haunt him even if he was a grown up he still had the little kid inside of him. Ash then got to the Professors Lab, it was white building that had a mill behind it, it had a lush green open field were lots of Pokemon played, including his own, he opened the brown gate, and walked up stairs, to knock on the green door, he waited for a while until he heard footsteps walking towards the door and the door knob turned. There stood an tall old man, who had grey hair and a bright white lab coat.
'Hey Ash long time no see' said the old man, as he gestured his hand, to allow Ash in.
'I know, is it okay for me to see my Pokemon' Ash asked
'Yeah sure, you know the way' he said with a smile.
'Thank you'
Professor Oak Lab, is where Ash first got Pikachu, and this brought up lots of memories for Ash, which started to affect him but he didnt want to show it, so he ran out of the door to go to the garden. Ash heart was broken, he missed his Pokemon too much, so he thought seeing all his Pokemon will cheer him up.
'Hey everyone its me Ash'
All of a sudden a stampied of Pokemon headed Ash way. Causing Ash to panic and run away from them. If only Pikachu was here, he would be able to stop them. All the Pokemon stopped and looked at Ash then looked around. 'What are they looking for?' Ash thought to himself. Then he realised.
'Hey guys are you looking for Pi-ka' he stuttered as he looked at the ground a tear ran from his cheek and hit the lush grassy ground. Bayleaf then jumped onto Ash. 'Bayy'
'Hiya Bayleaf its been a while' he said petting his grass pokemon.
'Bayyy' said Bayleaf nuzzling into Ash.
Ash laughed for a while. But the other Pokemon just looked at him, as they were a angry at him as it had been 9 years since they had last saw him.
'Im sorry guys, i had a lot on my mind and i did plan to come, but i couldn't do it, i was a coward im sorry' he said as he threw two pokeballs in the air.
'ROOOARRHH' said his Charizard.
'Starrrr' said his Starraptor.
'Ill let you guys catch up, im gunna go and see Professor Oak' He said running off towards the lab, leaving the open green field behind him.
Ash's POV
I was running back to the lab but all the Pokemon behind me where all mad, due to me not seeing them, but i never forgot about them!. I left the garden and was back inside the lab.
'Professor Oak?' i shouted.
'Im in here' said a voice coming from his living room. I quickly walked toward the voice. As i got there, i was shocked by what i saw... I thought i was imaging it. There sat a boy with jet black hair and he was wearing a pink top and blue shorts, the boy from my dream. On his shoulder stood a yellow mouse pokemon... Pikachu. Was that my Pikachu... It couldnt be could it?. They hadn't noticed me yet. But i didnt know what to do, i broke down in tears drawing attention to me. Professor Oak looked at me and then looked at the Pikachu.
'Im sorry Ash' said the Professor as he put his hand on my shoulder. 'I shouldnt of called you over?' The boy sat on the sofa looked puzzled, the Pikachu took a good look at me and had a smile on his face, a splitting image of my Pikachu.
'Its okay ive got to pull myself together, its only a Pikachu' i murmured.
The Pikachu began to cry... 'But why?' i thought.
'Pikachu whats wrong' said the boy hugging his Pikachu, the Pikachu squirmed out of the boys arms and jumped on the floor.
'PIKKKAAPPIII' the Pikachu cried running towards me. I was amazed, is this...is this
'PIKACHU' i cried, as the Pikachu jumped into my arms i hugged into him, i continued to cry out of happiness. 'I can-cant believe its you' i stuttered i was astonished. 'Is this a dream, someone pinch me' but instead Pikachu cheeks began to spark and let out a thunderbolt. One power thunderbolt.
'Oh...my you defiantly are my Pokemon...' I chuckling, hugging him tighter and Pikachu hugged into me and letting out lots of tears
Pikachu's new trainer and Professor Oak looked at us and all i could do was laugh and cry.
Pikachu jumped onto my shoulder and nuzzled into my cheek.
'Umm...can i have my Pikachu back' said the boy sadly.
I looked at Pikachu and Pikachu shook its head. The boy put his head down, 'I saved you and this is how you repay me' said the young boy as he ran out of the room.
'He...he saved you?' i said to Pikachu. Pikachu nodded, but he wouldnt leave my side.
'Just like my dream' i thought to myself.
'Im glad you got Pikachu back... You can cheer up and be yourself but...but what about Paul?'
'Oh ill go and find him' i said as i headed towards the door, As i opened it, i saw a boy in tears on the door step 'Paul.. Im sorry' i said as i put my hand on his shoulder. He pushed me off.
'Look.. Have your stupid Pikachu back, it never stopped crying anyways' the boy said agressivly.
'What do you mean?' i was confused,
'Well since i saved your Pikachu like 3 years ago he never stopped crying, but with Pikachu at my side i had won every badge possible all i needed now is a badge from the Pallet Gym'
'Oh i see, and you also won on at Cerulean City' i asked
'Yeah, but something strange happened, when i faced the gym leader, i think her name is Misty or something like that, Pikachu jumped in her arms and wouldnt let go and also he didnt want to battle her' said the boy as he looked down at the ground.
'I know why?' i perked up
'Why?' said Paul curiously
'Shes my wife and i used to travel with her when i was young with Pikachu' i said looking at my buddy face, Pikachu blushed in embarrassment, 'he always has loved Misty' i laughed.
'Oh... But why was Pikachu left hurt on the forest'
'I looked for Pikachu for a long time 3 years to be exact but i could never find him and Team Rocket were after Pikachu and well there was an ex-'
'You mean you encountered Team Rocket as well' said the boy looking up at me. I was shocked. Team Rocket was after Pikachu again
'Well are there names Jessie, James and Meowth' i asked
'Yes how do you know'
'Well through out my journey they always showed up, putting up traps so that they could capture my Pikachu'
'They always tried to get Pikachu but i wouldnt let them, i always wondered whats so special about him'
'Trust me, there is something really special about him'
'Pikkaapika' said Pikachu as he smiled at me
'Oh..' said the boy as he looked up at Pikachu. 'Pikachu you can stay here, you finally found your trainer' he said with a smile. I was overcome with happiness and i grabbed Pikachu form my shoulder and hugged him tight.
'PIKKKAAA' said the happy Pikachu as he nuzzled my chest.
'Pikachu was the first Pokemon i ever got and he is one of my strongest Pokemon' i explained
'Pikachu is really strong he always won again all the Gyms i couldnt believe it when i couldnt capture him, but i promised him i would find his trainer and here you are'
I laughed and all i could do was feel happy and overjoyed to see my best friend again
Finally we are together again. After 9 years.
Normal POV
Ash and Pikachu, were together once again and they decided to go to Professor Garden.
'Hey Paul, do you want to see all my other Pokemon' Ash asked as he looked at Paul, Paul turned around and nodded his head.
They arrived in the lush grassy garden where Pokemon were around everywhere you looked, there were Pidoves, Pidgeys, Swellows and Tailows. Caterpies and lots more.
'Hey everybody look whos back' Ash shouted. All Ash Pokemon slowly began appearing the first where Charizard and Starraptor, but they stood there speechless.
'Pikachu's back'
They jumped in excitement.
'STAAARRR' shouted Starraptor, as he picked up Pikachu and placed him on his back. Starraptor began to flap his wings and took to the sky.
'Pikkka pi' Pikachu said waving his arms in the air, he was happy seeing everyone again.
'Pikkkkkaaaa' shouted the small yellow Pokemon, greeting everyone new and old.
'I never said Thank you for saving Pikachu' Ash said to Paul.
'Its okay i was just glad, i got to him in time' growled Paul.
All the Pokemon swarmed around Pikachu, they were all tweeting and shouting in excitement. Everyone was finally together again.
'So you said you wanted a Gym battle' Ash asked politely as he smiled at Paul.
'Uh yeah' replied Paul
'How many Pokemon do you have?' said Ash
'I have one' he quickly said.
'If you want i will take you there' Ash said 'Return Starraptor and Charizard' Ash grabbed his Pokeballs and pointed them at his Pokemon, they were caught in a red light sucking them into the Pokeball.
'Okay' said Paul as he followed Ash out of the beautiful Garden and they walked towards the Gym that is only a couple minutes from the Professor Oaks lab.
'Thats it right there' Ash said pointing towards a huge building that stood infront of them.
'Thank you' said Paul as he walked into the Gym.
Ash quickly ran round the back with Pikachu on his shoulder. Pikachu was confused.
'Oh yeah Pikachu im a Gym Leader now, I gave up being a Pokemon Master as i couldnt do it without you' Ash stated as he looked at his sad Pokemon.
Ash opened the back door and walked onto the platform, 'Hey Paul you ready to battle' Ash said with a giggle
'What..! Your the Gym Leader' Paul was shocked. 'Okay then i will beat you'
'I doubt about that' Ash shouted 'This is a one on one battle'
'Pikkkaapiikka' said the Pikachu who was perched on Ash's shoulder. It pointed to itself signalling that it wanted to battle,
'Alright then Pikachu your up' Ash shouted as Pikachu leaped off his shoulder.
'Pikkaa' shouted the small yellow mouse sparking his cheeks in stance for battle. The boy looked nervous. He held his chosen Pokemon in his hand 'Pikachu is really strong so we are gunna have to use all our power to win this' he whispered to the Pokeball.
'Okay come on out' shouted Paul, throwing the red and white ball in the air.
A white light shimmered on the battle field, then took shape into a ... Riachu!.
The Riachu stood there looking determined.
'Ive had my run in with lots of Riachu's with Pikachu and i know we can win this' Ash shouted.
'Pika Pika' shouted Pikachu, glaring at Raichu.
'You can go first Pikachu insists' Ash shouted, Ash knew it would be like old times, just like when he was 10 years old.
'Okay Raichu use Volt takle' said the determined boy. Raichu's body began to glow as he charged towards Pikachu.
'Pikachu up in the air' i shouted, Pikachu looked at Ash and used his tail to jump in the air. 'Max power spin and use Iron Tail'
'Pikachu can use Iron Tail?' the boy questioned.
'Hes known it for years' Ash giggled. Without warning Pikachu landed the attack straight on Raichu's head, stopping Volt takle in its tracks and leaving Raichu on the grown, slowly getting up.
'Now Pikachu, use quick attack' Ash shouted. Pikachu raced off by Ash's request,
'Raichu dodge it' Raichu was able to dodge but Pikachu hit Raichu's foot sending him flying into the wall.
'Huh?' Ash said, As Raichu came out of the wall,
'Raaaaaiiii' shouted the Raichu.
'Okay then Pikachu Electroball'
'Raichu hyperbeam'
Both attacks collided, both equalled, causing an explosion leaving the battle field covered with smoke, both Pokemon couldnt be seen
'Alright Pikachu lets wrap this up Pikachu' Pikachu nodded his head in agreement, 'Pikachu use Volt Tackle and Iron Tail' Pikachus body was surrounded in electricity as he charged towards the oppenent and then his tail turned to pure iron.
'Wait a combo move'
'Raichu use Volt Tackle' Raichu charged towards Pikachu, but Pikachu attack caused him to be slammed again the wall render unconscious.
'Return Raichu' Paul said as he returned his Pokemon. 'I guess you won'
'But because of you saving Pikachu i present you with a Pallet badge' Ash said as he presented a Yellow thunderbolt badge.
'Are you sure?'
'You would of beaten me if i didnt have Pikachu' Ash giggled
Paul took the badge and cheered, He would finally go to the Kanto Pokemon League.
'I know you can do it' Ash said, trying to encourage Paul on winning.
'Good bye Ash, Good bye Pikachu' said the boy as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Paul then ran off out of the Gym to start his journey to the Pokemon league.
Ash and his trusty partner Pikachu travelled back home.
'I cant believe your back Pikachu' Ash cried in happiness, 'I feel 10 again'
'Pikkkaaa' Pikachu nuzzled his face into Ash's cheek.
Ash and Pikachu get back home and open the door. There sat a long red headed girl, she turned to face Ash.
'Hey Ash' she smiled, running into him and hugging him and kissing his cheek.
'Hey Misty' Ash cried as he kissed her passionately.
Pikachu looked at them in disgust, he put his paws over his eyes. Which caught Misty's eye, she pulled away from the kiss.
'Ummm... A Pikachu?' she said puzzled.
'Its my Pikachu' Ash said
'What you mean you just caught it' Misty asked
'No its Pikachu, MY! Pikachu'
Misty stood still in shock, she couldnt believe her eyes, 'Ash will finally be happy' she thought.
'Im so happy, i was going to tell you something that happened the other day'
'What happened?' Ash asked out of curiosity.
'A kid came in with a Pikachu, and it hugged me and didnt want to fight me, it made me giggle it reminded me of your Pikachu' Misty explained
'Oh he told me about that and that was my Pikachu' Ash giggled.
Misty was shocked and then she knelt down to Pikachu and held her arms out. Pikachu leaped into her arms and hugged her tight.
'Im sorry i didnt know it was you Pikachu'
'Pikkkaaa' said the small Pokemon, nuzzling his face in her cheek
'Finally were a family again' said Misty, as she held Pikachu in his arms and got up from her knees.
Ash still had worries going through his mind and what the dreams suggested?, What did they mean was he seeing the past. He woke up every morning frighten and traumatized was it a way of Pikachu connecting with him. He hoped it was finally over and life could go on like normal but he wanted to say something before his life could be 'Normal' again.
'Misty i decided' Ash said as he looked into his wifes eyes.
'Decided what?' she asked in curiosity
'Im going on a Journey to be a Pokemon Master' Ash shouted.
Misty was astonished but she knew it would happen sooner or later.
'With Pikachu back i know i can be a Master' Ash yelled.
'Pikachu' Pikachu said with a big smile.
Hope you enjoyed ive planned a sequel to this one. Hope you like this story. Hope you read my other ones, leave a review and you can give me ideas on what should happen in the sequel!. Thank you for reading