A/N: A fluffy Stydia oneshot. How nice…

I've been listening to Adam Sandler's "Grow Old with You" and I can't stop thinking about Stydia whenever I hear it cuz let's face it, Stiles would want to grow old with Lydia.



Prom Night

Lydia carefully applied her makeup, not too much, only a little.

After all, she was going with Stiles. And Stiles didn't care what she looked like. He just wanted to be with her, and that was all that made him happy.

The thought made Lydia smile, and butterflies of pure happiness flutter in her stomach. She stood up from the stood of her desk, and walked over to the floor to ceiling mirror. She looked pretty.

Unlike what Jackson wanted, which was flashy makeup, shouting dress and girly actions, she could be herself around Stiles. Which was just a plain blue knee high dress, with matching, short heels, and her hair done nice. She giggled, hiding her face in her hands as she blushed. But she nodded, walking to her door and down the stairs.

As if on queue, the doorbell rang. Lydia rushed over, pulling the door open to Stiles. He looked decent, with a black suit, white shirt and blue tie, the same color as her blue-midnight pearl dress.

He swallowed as he stared into her eyes, the breath suddenly leaving his lungs as he cracked a smile. "You look beautiful." he whispered.

Lydia looked behind him, trying to avoid eye contact as she blushed. "Thankyou."

Stiles held out his hand, and she took it, the pair walking to his jeep.

The drive was silent, but not a bad silence.

It was the silence of when two people where just so in love, they didn't need to communicate their feelings, or need to break the awkward silence.

They just needed to be together.

When they arrived, Stiles held the door open for her to step out of the jeep, taking his hand as she stepped to the ground.

Inside, the music was loud and exciting. They walked to the dance floor, laughing and talking with each other. Went to the tables, drinking fruit punch and watermelon. Then back to the dance floor.

It was nearing the end of the night. Most of the people had left, leaving only fifty or so people there. And the music was slow and peaceful. Lydia led him outside to the front of the school, and the two sat down on the cement steps, holding hands.

"Thanks for taking me." she said. Stiles nodded. "Thanks for going with me. I honestly didn't think you would."

Lydia looked to him. "Why not?"

Stiles shrugged, sighing. "I just thought you didn't…like like me."

She leaned her head onto his shoulder. "Well, I do like like you."

Stiles blinked. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Because unlike Jackson, or the hundreds of other boys I dated, you just…don't seem to mind what I look like. You just like me for me. And that makes me really happy. A type of happy I never really felt before."

She pulled away from him and leaned forward, resting her head on his forehead. "So don't change and be like those other boys. Just be you."

Stiles smiled, finishing the gap between them and kissing her lightly, his hand brushing against her cheek as his fingers tangled with her cherry-blonde hair.

A/N: *giggles and falls face first into a pillow*