Ok, guys, the couples are not Percabeth, Thalico, Jasper, Frazel, Caleo, or Tratie. These are BIG surprises. Also, I'm writing a new fic for The Selection (check it out) so I'll switch off writing chapters! Thanks!

At Goode:


I was one of the last of my friends to arrive at Goode. The only ones, who weren't here, were Travis, Conner, and my girlfriend Piper. I was about to meet some kid named Noah Freeman. I bet he was nice, but that also meant that I had to get up early that morning to get to Goode so I could find who I would be an ambassador for. The only bright side is that 1) I would probably make another friend 2) all of my friends would be here with me. Then, Piper walked in. "Hey Jason." She said hugging me tightly. I gave her a quick kiss. "Hi Pipes! How are you?" I asked with a smile. "Good." She responded, "Who are you ambassadoring?" "A boy named Noah Freeman." I said holding up the sign that the secretary had given me with Noah's name on it. "What about you?" I asked her. "A girl named Angelica Fey." She tells me, holding up her sign. "That's cool." I tell her. Then, a bus pulled up. A bunch of kids pooled out. "The first one looks so much like you that I had to look over to you to make sure you two were different people." She says laughing. The boy, rested his eyes on me, or should I say, at my sign. He looked kind of like a Noah. I guess I was right. Noah started to walk towards me, just as the second person came out.


Standing next to me was Jason and Jason's clone- er- I mean Noah. On the other side was my annoying almost-boyfriend Leo. He was poking me in the side of the head, typical Leo. I didn't try to protest; it wouldn't do any good anyway. I just cross my arms and roll my eyes. Then I saw a girl with long wavy black hair, pale skin, freckles on her nose and cheeks, and pretty brown eyes. I saw her looking delicately at each sign. Her eyes wafted over to my sign, smiled, and then glanced at Noah, so quickly that you could barely see. She started to stride over to me. I looked at my sign. It said "Nicole Pekeoc". That must be her. "Stop poking me Leo." I said slapping his hand down and giving him a hopefully threatening glare. It must work because he quickly gets the message and stops, mumbling an apology. I flipped my caramel curls behind my shoulder. "Hi," I say walking up to her, "are you Nicole?" "Yeah!" she responds, "Ok, well I am Calypso, I'll be your ambassador." I tell her. She starts looking strangely at my head. Without looking behind me I say "Stop Leo." She looks surprised probably because I knew he was doing something at my head and I take her wrist and pull her over to a different area as the next person comes out.


The thing that pulled out was a big white limousine. I expected for Rachel Elizabeth Dare to step out, before I remembered that she wasn't going to this school this year. Who was this? I wondered. I would have asked Jason or Noah, but they were engaged in conversation about weather. Oh my dorky boyfriend. I thought to myself with a chuckle. Then, one long leg with Carvela Gabe Peep Toe Strappy Stiletto Sandals (I was kinda eyeing these for a while. There a little fancy, but I would wear them to my dad's new movie premier or to the school dance. I've been hinting it to my dad for weeks now!) appeared out of the white limo, then another. Then a beautiful girl in designer clothes walked out. With one flip of her perfect curly blonde hair and she had every boy's attention. Though Percy shrugged and continued to talk to Annabeth as if he wasn't even fazed by the trance she had put on the rest of the boys. I wasn't lucky enough to say the same about my boyfriend though, or anyone else's boyfriends for that matter. I snapped Jason back into the attention of his conversation. He quickly obeyed. Blondie started to stride through the isle that everyone had made for her, over to me! Oh gods! This is Angelica! I straightened my white sleeveless tank top and my warrior braid with the eagle feather. As she approached me I held my hand out. She took it and we shook. "Hi Angelica! I'm Piper!" I told her, leading her down the hallway. "Hey Piper! Hey do me a favor, could you point out the cute boys at this school?" "Sure! Just one thing!" "Anything!" "Stay away from the blonde boy with the scar on his lip, he's my boyfriend." I explained to her. She smiled "Done." She said, agreeing. Then the limo drove away and the bus dropped off the next person.


I looked away from that beautiful mystery girl to my beautiful girlfriend, who would kill me if I stared any longer. "What do all those guys see in her?" I asked Annabeth, "Stop lying Seaweed Brain, I know that you think she's beautiful!" she said with a huff. "Annabeth, don't be silly!" I didn't want to upset her anymore by calling her stupid, it would insult her pride, "You are beautiful! She's just a stereotype!" I told her in a gentle voice. Her frown melted into a smile. "Awww…. thanks Percy!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I gave her a long hug as a boy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm Ryan Delta, you're Percy, right? My ambassador?" We blushed, pulling away. "Ahhhh… yeah, I'm Percy. This is my girlfriend Annabeth." I said gesturing to her. "Hey Annabeth." He said with a little wave. I gave Annabeth a quick kiss on the lips and told her, "I'll see you soon Annabeth. I love you." "I love you too Percy." She responded. Then, I started to walk away from my girlfriend, just as the next person came out.


We were sitting on a bench near the water fountain, me and Hazel. I was next to her and we were just sitting there, happy that we got to see each other's face every day. We didn't talk much, but it had never really been in our nature to talk. We were kind of shy. We were both waiting for different people, I was waiting for Brad Prince, and she was waiting for Derek Angelo. We were holding our signs so that they could see them properly. Then some dork kid with spiky red-ish brown hair and unhealthy looking green eyes started walking up to us. Please be Derek! Please be Derek! I know it was mean to wish it on my girlfriend, but my plead wasn't answered anyway! "I'm Brad Prince, the coolest guy you will ever know." he said with a smirk. I sat there, with my mouth practically touching the ground, and Hazel was covering her hand with her mouth and biting her finger to stop from cracking up. Did he seriously just say that?! Hazel gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and whispered "good luck" in my ear. I'll sure need it! And as I left, out came the next person.


Ok, so what we were running late? Conner didn't want to go to school, so I had to try various methods of bribery, and pranks to get him out of bed. The one that actually worked was when I filled water balloons with pickle juice and launched them at him. He was angry, but it worked nonetheless. We just barely made it on time and the bus that had all of the newcomers on it had just pulled up. Me and Conner were going to be co-ambassadoring Ethan Johnson. I'm sure he was nice, but in order to be our friend, he would have to be a master pranker. Me and Conner grabbed our sign from the blonde secretary, who Conner immediately started flirting with. I could tell that she wasn't an Annabeth type blonde and so I dragged him away. I mean, he's my brother; I love him enough to lead him in the direction of a nice, pretty, smart girl who will knock some sense into him once in a while. Now where will I ever find a girl like that?


I still can't believe he dumped pickle juice on me! Well-played brother… Anyway, thank the gods I took a shower because that secretary, was HOT! Travis pulled me away though, ruiner, then launched into this monologue about how I needed a steady girlfriend who is not only pretty, but also smart, and nice (It sounded like he was rambling on about Katie Gardener again). Anyway, now nice I can handle, what I can't handle is a smart girl bossing me around. Then again, I can probably get her to do my homework for me… All I said was that I'd consider it. So, soon after this conversation, a guy with awesome brown hair and cool brown eyes, walked over to us. He looked kind of like Travis and me actually. "Dude, nice shades." Said Travis. "Thanks." He responded "Don't tell anyone, but I stole them from some guy on the street." Me and Travis shared a devious grin and high fived. I think we found a new prank mate.


So I'm supposed to meet this punk named Matt Duelist. I'm guessing that the person who just jumped out of the bus. He was big, and burly, and he look like he looked like he was about to strangle something. I like this kid. I thought to myself. He came running up to me. Now, most kids would run screaming, but I stood my ground. As he was a couple inches away from me, I flipped him. He was kind of heavy, but nothing that I couldn't handle. He landed on his feet, which was startlingly impressive, I was the only one that I knew of who could do that. "What the heck Clarisse?!" He yelled to me. Huh? "Umm… do I know you?" I asked with caution. "Well duh!" he responded with an eye roll, my signature eye roll. "And you're Matt Duelist?" "Yes!" He said after a quick pause. Oh well, I'll figure out where I know him later. We walked away, just as the next person walked out.


I guess all of my friends are idiots. I mean, no one thought to waitby the bus door? Anyway, it didn't take long before a girl stuck out her hand for me to shake and I obliged. "Hey, I'm Annabeth." I told her as we shook. "Ooh! That means favor and grace! I'm Ramira." Wow! I was impressed with her knowledge, but told her "Your name means wise." in return. I could see that we would become close friends. "So Ramira," I started, "Yeah, Annabeth?" she responded, "I bet I can identify the most name meanings." She gave me a smirk and said, "You're on."


The person I am ambassadoring was named Kate Feral. She sounded nice. I noticed that a girl with pretty brown hair and green eyes was approaching. She daintily glimpsed around the signs and her eyes found mine. She wore a big grin as she approached me. She must be Kate Feral. I loved her outfit! And OMGs (oh my gods)! Look at her bracelet! Its sooooo cute! I LOVE Macramé! "Hey, are you Kate?" I asked, gesturing to my sign. "Yeah." She responded. "I'm Katie." I told her. "Kate means 'pure chaste'. Two points Annabeth." Said Annabeth to a girl with brown hair and grey eyes. "Well Feral means 'in a wild state'. Two points Ramira." the girl shot back. They walked away looking for more people to give facts to. "Anyway, I love your bracelet." I told her. "Oh thanks! I just made it before school. Want to come over? I could teach you." "Sounds like fun!" Well, now I have plans after school. I thought as the next person walked out.


Oh poor Frank. That Brad guy seems so egotistical. I thought as I waited for Derek Angelo. Funny, his last name is so similar to Nico's. He looked like Nico too, assuming Derek was the person standing in front of me. "Umm… are you Derek?" I asked him. "Yeah, lets go." He said pulling me away by the arm. Wow, he doesn't like to waste time. "Derek means power of the tribe." Said a girl with pretty Spanish features (minus her grey eyes, that is). "Well Angelo means messenger." Said Annabeth. Well, Hew pulled me away before the conversation was over, so I cant tell you what happens next. Sorry!


How on earth did Calypso know what I was doing behind her? Grrraaahhhhh! Girls are so frustrating! How on earth can you understand them!? "Ummmm…. Are you ok?" A muscly guy asked me. "Yeah." I told him in defeat. "Girl problem?" he asked. Wow! Ladies and gentlemen we have a mind reader! "Yeah! My girlfriends too smart for me! It drives me crazy!" I told him. "Yeah." He said sympathetically. "My girlfriend, she's a knockout! But she's cheating on me." He told me with a sad expression. It looked like he was going to cry actually. I gave him a pat on the back; I needed to do something, ANYTHING to make this less awkward! "Why do you stay with her then?" I asked with earnest. "Well, when you have this girl, she's for keeps. Trust me. Oh! Doofus! I forgot to introduce myself! My names Chris Burns." He told me. Annabeth walked up to us with a girl with Spanish features. Ooh! I'm Spanish! (Well, Latino, same difference!). "Chris means 'who holds Christ in his heart'. " Said Annabeth, weirdo… "Hola Chica! Quiero ir a una cita conmigo?" I asked her. (This means: Hey girl! Want to go on a date with me?") She looked into her bag and pulled out a huge textbook. Huh? She hit me across the head with it. "¡Estupido Leo! ¡Tienes Novia! Me volvería de todas maneras!" (This means: "Stupid Leo! You have a girlfriend! I wouldn't anyway!") "Harsh!" I told her. "Want me to hit you again? If not, get out of here!" She said raising her book. "No ma'am!" I told her and as Annabeth and the girl high fived, as I ran away with Chris in tow. Then, the last person came out.


I don't know how I got roped into being an ambassador. I think Artemis wanted me to. You know, to find someone to replace me. Oh! You should know I'm quitting the Hunters. It was kind of sad, but I'm into Nico now, so I can't very well stay. It was so ironic that the person I was ambassadoring was the last person out. She was pretty, he kind of reminded me of Artemis, in terms of style. Very silvery. "Hi." I said sticking out my hand. "I'm Thalia Grace. I'll be your ambassador." She shook my hand with a strong grip. Good potential Hunter. "Hi, Thalia. I'm Luna Effulgence." "Luna means moon. And Effulgence means moon too! HAH!" Says some Spanish chick. Annabeth, who was standing next to her said, "Fine, you win. Lets go." And they left. "We should probably leave too." I told Luna. And so we left, to "Enjoy school".