A/N: This is a fanfic that was born out of boredom at work. Blame boredom. To clear up confusion early, this is set mostly in the PGSM world, but with the characters having some of the same appearance as the anime versions. So, it would help if you are somewhat familiar with the live action version. Also, fun fact- All the chapters will be titles of songs that either the title or the lyrics fit into the theme or mood of that chapter.


With love,


Makoto was groggy as she sat up at the table, looking around the arcade room to see it void of all the other senshi as well as their belongings, a quick glance at her watch telling her it was nearly eleven at night. "Shit." She swore under her breath, standing only to have the jacket that had seemingly been draped about her shoulders slide to the floor and land at her feet. Reaching down, Makoto's green hues softened, knowing one of the others had opted to place her jacket on her like a blanket, smiling softly as she lifted it and took hold of her school bag, glad she had the friends she did. Being a loner had been sufficient, but it was nothing compared to having those four deranged, goofy, annoying girls as her friends. The only people she could trust without reserve or fear. She tossed the jacket over her shoulder and straightened her high school uniform, walking up the stairs to take note of the entire area being closed, Nephrite the only soul to be seen in his civilian clothing.

Makoto smiled at the male, a nod her only reward from the stoic male who had once been a hated foe; after the reset of everything, he had returned to his job at the arcade to serve as an extra guard to the girls and an early alarm should Mamoru be needed. But mostly to keep an eye on Ami. It was common knowledge that the cold, distant Shitennou had a great fondness for the senshi of wisdom, even to the point of worrying about her if she was only a few minutes late. 'Whether she thinks of him the same or not is a different story...' Makoto mused, hearing the male with red tipped black hair clear his throat and tilt his head to the back. She sighed, nodding as she obeyed the unspoken command. The arcade had been locked up and if she was seen walking out the front, people may think she was a thief or a girl he was seeing on site after hours. She had to use the back alley that connected the row of shops to avoid being seen.

It didn't scare her per-say, just the thought of that mostly dark passage way did make her unnerved, and her hesitation to open the door that would take her down the hall to that exit seemed to alert the guardian. "Mako-chan, I can call Endymion-sama to meet you here if you are worried." He provided, almost sensing why she was contemplating staying there. She shook her head, her brown hair that was fastened into a ponytail brushing her mid back at the motion. "Iie. He is probably resting now. Arigatou, Nephrite-kun." She replied, smiling pleasantly at him, noting that he had taken a brotherly approach to her. He nodded, watching her leave before returning to gathering the trash the arcade had accumulated throughout the day, glancing over his shoulder to the door from time to time to see if she would open it and reconsider his offer. She wasn't Ami, but she still was kind to him. He wondered if this was what it would be like to have sisters, his thoughts turning to the group of senshi, a ghost of a smile on his lips. 'Five annoying, loud, naggy sisters.' Nephrite amended, hoisting the trash into a cart before readying the bucket and mop. He still had an hour to his shift, and Motoki usually liked walking into a clean shop. He would ensure it was spotless for his kind, absent-minded boss.

Makoto stepped out into the darkened alley warily, the cool autumn night tracing the slight chill across her form like a taunting caress, the senshi of courage shivering before walking down the grimy asphalt towards where the alley would turn left and then spill into the main sidewalk. However, a soft squeak of fear found its way across the wind to her ears, her feet treading softly but swiftly as she followed where it had come from until she heard a male voice muttering lowly, unable to make out the words. She crept slowly until she saw a powerful male form pinning a much smaller female form to the brick wall of an alcove that lead to a bar, her green eyes wide as she saw long blonde hair in irresponsibly long pigtails. The obviously drunken male tore her shirt off with a jerk, fury welling inside of the senshi of lightning as she noted the red hand mark on her princess' face, holding back a cheer when the typically clumsy and timid girl bit the hand over her mouth. "OW! You bitch!" The man swore as Usagi sucked in a deep breath to call for help, Makoto already dropping her belongings and moving forward to fight as the man drew out a knife and stabbed his captive in her shoulder. The scream of pain was muffled through a hand as Makoto roared in rage, her fist drawn back to strike. "YOU BASTARD!" As she lunged, the color red filled her vision, and she felt something connect with the side of her head before the world went black.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Makoto had never thought her alarm sounded like this, finding it nearly impossible to pull herself out of the fog of sleep, fighting to wake up. As she broke into consciousness, she realized she hurt everywhere, a strangled groan of pain escaping her battered lips. It was like she had done a full day of training before sparring with Haruka for a solid week. Places she wasn't even aware had nerve endings felt as if lava was flowing through her muscles. What on earth had happened? "N...na...ni...?" She croaked, the sound of her own voice causing her head to throb horribly. She tentatively opened one eye, the harsh lights blinding the senshi instantly as she squeezed it closed once more. After a few moments, Makoto tried again, the light still painful, but bearable as she took in her surroundings. The heart monitor, the IVs, the thick bandages and casts that covered most of her visible body all gave away that she was most certainly not at home, but the hospital. Her face felt like she had tried to stop a speeding car with it, a soft groan escaping her as she looked about the room a bit more, the door sliding open as a nurse poked her head in, then swiftly withdrew at the sight of the girl awake. Makoto watched as Saeko poked her head in next before entering fully, walking briskly to the side of her bed. "Mrs. Mizuno..." Makoto managed to mumble, glad to see a familiar face. "Hello Mako-chan. It's good to see you finally awake." Saeko admitted, earning a haggard but confused expression from the battered warrior. "Finally?" A grim nod her reply before the carefully chosen words, "You've been in a coma for almost a week. Nephrite brought you and Usagi here himself." Another confused expression. "Nan...ni...?" Saeko's brow furrowed slightly in concern. "You mean you can't remember what happened?"

It seemed that the question unlocked her memories of waking up in the arcade, leaving out the back, hearing something, and seeing... "USAGI!" Makoto shouted, her cracked voice strained as the images of what she had seen flowed back, her last full memory of charging at the fucker who had stabbed the princess before darkness had taken her. Bit of scattered memories wormed into her mind, no images, just sounds.

-A trembling voice full of fear was begging the man to stop. Makoto knew it had to be Usagi, her voice was so timid.-

-Now Usagi was sobbing. She would kill the man after she got out of this bed. There wouldn't be a piece left for a funeral.-

-Usagi was screaming in fear, pain, and something else. Oh Kami-sama, that sound was nearly inhuman. She would enjoy making him suffer for what he had done to her friend.-

Makoto came back to herself as she felt something sliding down her cheeks, Saeko gently wiping her face with a tissue as her face held an expression of pity. "How much do you remember, Mako-chan?" She finally inquired, ready to back off if the girl wasn't willing to talk. "I... I left the arcade late... I had fallen asleep at the table, and so I was the last to go. I had thought everyone had left ages ago..." Tears. That's what was streaming from her green eyes, Makoto noted almost emotionlessly. "Nephrite had me go out the back... We always do after hours..." Her throat was painfully dry, Ami's mother finding a cup to fill with water and a straw, letting the girl drink her fill before continuing. "I was... I was walking when I heard something. Where that bar dumped into the back alley... A m-m-man had Usagi-chan. He had hit her, and was trying to keep his hand over her mouth, but she bit him. He... He tore her shirt and st...sta...abbed her, and I remember running to fight him... S-so-omething hit my h-head and I blacked out..." The typically invincible senshi was openly crying at this point, Saeko already having abandoned all pretense of being a doctor and was trying to soothe her. "I r-remem-mber hearing Usa-agi begging... An...and crying... And screaming..."

The bluenette was trying to calm the battered girl, knowing she had to fill in the blanks a bit. "You came upon Usagi, yes. You suffered blunt trauma to the head, a fractured skull, four broken ribs, your left arm is broken in two places, your left ankle is broken, and you have several lacerations and bruises." She knew she was leaving out a huge injury, but it looked as though if she told Makoto, she would just break. "Usagi has a stab wound to her right shoulder, a broken leg, two fractured ribs, and a sprained wrist. She... She'll be okay." 'It's you I am worried about...' The doctor whispered in the privacy of her own mind, unsure of how to tell Makoto the rest. Thankfully, another bit of information came to mind that needed to be sorted. "Makoto, you have family, yes?" She questioned gently, a soft, "Iie..." The reply. A frown creased the woman's features. "Are you a ward of-" "Iie. I... I was emancipated at s-sixteen... I am an adult... I live... I live on my own... In my apartment..." Dr. Mizuno's eyes widened a touch; she had known Makoto lived alone, but she had always thought she had family. How else could she afford her own place? "It... It was left... Left to me by... A family friend who... Knew my parents well..." At least she didn't have to go through the calls to family for her. Speaking of family... "Makoto, the others wanted to see you, if that's okay." The bluenette whispered, half shocked at the nod from the brunette. "H-hai... I would like th-that..."

With a final gentle touch to her hair, Dr. Mizuno stood and exited the room, warily looking around before sighing heavily. It was a blessing and a curse Makoto didn't fully remember what had happened, Saeko was certain of that. With her eyes narrowed in focus at what she would say, she made her way out of critical care and into the main wing of the hospital, finding Usagi's room with ease; it was the only room that perpetually seemed to overflow with people in the entire hospital. Between the senshi, Shitennou, Mamoru, her family, and school friends, people were always there to stop in and keep her company as well as play guard. After worming her way through the ten young adults, Dr. Mizuno stood were all could see her, clearing her throat to get their attention. "She's awake. A bit groggy and in lots of pain, but awake. She wants to have visitors, but... She doesn't recall anything after being struck in the head." She watched everyone stiffen up, the ever-cheerful Usagi trying not to let tears spill over. "Please, don't try to tell her what happened. I don't think she can handle it right now." Usagi set her jaw, "Not even that she sa-" The doctor shook her head. "Not even that. I'll let two people see her right now, who would like to go?"

At nearly the same time, Rei and Ami raised their hands and practically shouted, "I'll go!" Saeko smirking at the emphatic duo. "Very well. Come along." She stated, leading them through the halls. Rei's stomach was flopping around like a fish, her trembling hands wringing anxiously. She didn't know if she could see Makoto like this, but at the same time she had to see the tom-boyish girl. Ami was trying to analyze every inch of the hall, trying to keep her racing mind of off the horrific images of what Makoto could look like. Even if senshi recovered at an advanced rate, this kind of injury was also mental. Saeko reached the door that had the name; Kino, Makoto on the scrawl next to it, turning around to look at the girls. "Just, be her friends. She needs you right now." She urged, and opened the door.