I've opened a poll and want anyone able to do so to take it so I can figure out what I want to do with this story. Sorry if you were excited that I posted a new chapter, but I'm feeling a bit lost with this story and need some input. The poll is on my profile page if you cannot find it.

Thank you all for all the support you've given me and this story over the years I honestly don't deserve any of it. :)

There's a better explanation to this on the poll itself, but I'll try and say it again here.

I'm completely stuck. I've been trying to figure out what I want to do with Scorpio's Legacy for over a year now and so far all I've done is write multiple chapters that I then had to scrap because I didn't like how they ended the story.

We're closing in on the end of Scorpio's Legacy Book One and I have no idea how to end it or if I want to end it and how. The poll is not about what endings SL should have, it's about whether or not I should end it, and when.

I've literally been having this story hanging over me for the last 4 years since I started writing it and I'm feeling like I can't enjoy it anymore. I started writing this Story to have fun and figure out what I would do (or someone very similar to me) if they were dropped ass-first into the Mass Effect universe. I didn't understand the scale of a story I was attempting to write and completely underestimated the difficulty in it as well. After rebooting my story (because I did) it quickly changed from "I want to write this because I love doing it" to "I have to write this because other people are going to be disappointed if I quit or make a crappy chapter".

I literally love thinking about and conceptualizing Scorpio's and Dylan's story, but I've come to hate writing the actual chapters and posting them because it literally takes a full day's work to make one chapter. 12hrs of writing and 2hrs of editing. I've tried to do it in pieces at a time, but it's just completely draining no matter what I try. I'm being forced to choose between having time to hang out with my friends or play video games and writing this story. I love every chapter I've posted for all my stories and absolutely adore what's been happening in Scorpio's Legacy, but I'm getting too old for this shit and I think it's showing. I can't remember what's happened in any of the first 18 chapters and have had to re-read them all when I write a new one just to make sure I didn't contradict myself or forget anything important.

Thanks for listening and I wish all of you a wonderful day. :)

The Poll will be open until the 28th of October 2016