Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of SVU. I don't make money out of this on any level. Just borrow the characters to write my stories. So don't sue me.

The first chapters of this story were already written before SVU's season started. So this story is not based or related to the season's start and Lewis attacking Olivia. This story is like it was in season 13, with both Alex and Casey as SVU's ADA's.

Chapter 1

Alex is doing paperwork in her office. She is working late again like the whole week. It's just one of those weeks that she is never home before 9 pm. She looks at her watch and sees that it is 7 pm.

'Not getting home early again' she thinks.

Alex's cellphone is ringing. She answers it without looking who it is.

"Cabot." Alex says.

"Hey Alex, it's Olivia. Are you still at work in your office?"

"Hi Liv, yes I am. I bet you are still at the precinct, working too."

"What else would I do here Counselor?" Olivia chuckled.

"I don't know Detective. Is there something I can do for you Liv?" Alex asks.

"Did you eat anything after lunch? Or didn't you have had lunch today?" Olivia asks.

" I have had lunch today. Can you say the same thing? " Alex laughed.

"Busted." Olivia muttered.

"Olivia, when was the last time that you had something to eat?" Alex asks seriously.

"Eat or a meal, Alex?" Olivia asks.

"You know I mean a meal Olivia, don't play dumb with me Detective!" Alex says sternly.

"Hold your horses Cabot. You know just as well as I do there is a difference between eating something and a meal." Olivia answers a little bit irritated.

"Sorry Liv. But don't avoid the question. When was the last time?" Alex asks.

"Uhm... around 8... I think..." Olivia answers.

"You mean 8 am, like breakfast. And you asking me if I had eaten anything after lunch or if I have had lunch?" Alex asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Uhm... No Alex... Not 8 am this morning . It was around 8 pm last night actually." Olivia mumbles.

"Olivia Benson! Did you just said 8 pm last night? Did I hear that correctly?" Alex asks.

"Yes Alexandra Cabot, 8 pm last night. You gave me a warrant around 8 pm for Neil Prentiss and that delicious sandwich. Thank you for that again. But we had to go and find him since he wasn't at home and his wife didn't know where he was. Otherwise I would have called you for the interrogation." Olivia answers.

"Liv, why didn't you eat after that? Like I don't know breakfast perhaps or lunch or dinner today?" Alex asks concerned.

"At 10 pm last night we've got a call that there was a new victim. Same MO as the others but worse. I spoke to his wife but he hasn't been home since yesterday morning when he left the house after breakfast. So our suspect is gone since breakfast yesterday morning and last night we've got an other victim. I didn't have time to eat until now. That is why I am calling you. Do you want to eat something together? I can fill you in with the case while we eat." Olivia asks.

"Yes I would love that. Nice way to catch up too. And you can fill me in about the case. Let's say an hour? Can you make that? " Alex asks.

She really is looking forward to spent some time with Olivia and this looks like an good opportunity.

"Yes an hour would be great. And I love to catch up with you. See you in an hour than Counselor." Olivia answers.

"Ok. See you soon. Bye Olivia." Alex says.

"Bye Alex." Olivia says and ends the call.

It was two and an half hours later and Olivia still wasn't at Alex's office and the blond attorney called Olivia's cellphone for the second time that hour but she didn't answer. Then she dialed the number of her desk phone but Olivia didn't answer that either.

Alex was a bit worried now because if the brunette couldn't make it she would have called her. And it was two and an half hour later then that they had agreed to meet.

Alex decided that she was going to the precinct to see what was holding Olivia up.

She puts her coat on grasps her purse, briefcase and keys and leaves her office locking it behind her. Outside she holds a cab and gives the driver the address of the precinct.

She calls Olivia's cellphone again but Olivia still doesn't answer it.

10 minutes later she is there, pays the driver and walks into the precinct and takes the elevator up to the squad room.

When she enters the squad room nobody is there, the light on Olivia's desk is on and her cellphone is on her desk. Her leather jacket on the chair. But no Olivia. Alex lays her purse and briefcase down on Olivia's chair and headed to the interrogation rooms but Olivia isn't there. She walks to the restroom.

"Liv, are you in here? " Alex asks.

When she walks into the restroom she sees Olivia lying on the ground. She is bleeding and beaten up. Her clothes are torn apart. And her left arm is cuffed at the heating. Alex runs to Olivia.

"Liv, what happened?" Alex asks softly while she kneels next to Olivia.

Olivia is shivering.

"Alex did you see anybody in the squad room?" Olivia asks.

"No. Liv, but what happened?" Alex asks gentle.

"Alex, go to my desk now! In the left upper drawer is my gun. Get it and come back here as soon as you can. I explain it later." Olivia answers.

Alex gets up and runs to Olivia's desk opens the drawer and takes the gun out it and shut it. Then she runs back to Olivia and hands her the gun.

"Olivia, can you tell me what the hell is going on?" Alex asks softly.

"Alex call 911 and ask for back up, go in to the stall and stay there until the back up is here or I tell you to come out. Neil Prentiss is in the building he went down to get something to eat but will be back soon." Olivia answers softly and with a cracked voice.

"Liv no, please? Where are the keys for the handcuffs? I get those off first." Alex pleads.

"Lex, please. I need you to go into the stall and stay there. I can't protect you like I normally can but now I have my gun and he doesn't know that. Now please go in there. I don't want you get hurt. Don't come out no matter what happens. Do it for me. Please?" Olivia almost begs, softly.

"Ok, for you I do it." Alex answers.

Alex calls 911 asks for back up and ambulance and goes into the stall. She was there 2 minutes when Neil Prentiss came back. He walks over to Olivia.

"Diner was good but now it's time for my desert." Prentiss says.

He is kicking Olivia and the sounds of cracking fills the restroom and Olivia dropped her gun at the floor.

Alex has to bite in her hand for not making a sound when she hears the cracking. But Olivia doesn't make a sound. She is trying to buy time. Time for the back up that is on the way but most of all she wants to keep Prentiss busy so that he doesn't find out that Alex is in the stall. She is hoping that the blonde ADA will keep her promise and stays in the stall. Alex is struggling to stay there because she promised Olivia. And she knows that Olivia takes the assault for her.

After a few minutes Olivia thinks she can't take it anymore. At the same time Prentiss has enough of it and steps back. Olivia touches the floor to find her gun. Finding it she picks it up and pointing it at Prentiss.

"Don't even think about it. Stay there or I will shoot you." Olivia says, with a threat in her voice.

Prentiss is backing away for moment when he sees the gun pointed at him. And at that moment Amanda Rollins walks in the restroom with her gun raised and pointing at him.

"Put your hand behind your head and get down on your knees." Amanda shouts at him.

She was on her way back to the precinct when she heard the call for back up on the police radio.

Prentiss knows that he is out gunned and puts his hands behind his head and drops on his knees. Amanda cuffs him and drags him out the restroom.

"I'll be right back." Amanda says to Olivia before walking away with Prentiss.

Olivia knows it's finally over.

A/N I hope y'all liked the first chapter of this story. I know I'm way behind with Runaway. And I promise there will be a new chapter for it. I'm working on it. But writing Runaway is kinda hard for me right now. So decided to start posting this story at the same time. For those who read ' I don't wanna lose you now' there will be a sequel in the future. Just not right now. But I promise it will come. That story is my baby and far from finished.

As always read and review. They are truly wanted and appreciated :D.