I awoke to the smell of rotting flesh, blood, and death. My shaking hand rubbed at my throbbing neck to find that I no longer had Lucifer's shoe pressed to my throat and my eyes told me I wasn't in the garden either. Instead I was in a battle field. Actually it looked more like a massacre. Laying on the bloody ground around me were over a dozen Croats and my entire team. Rita was crumpled on the ground a few feet away, eyes wide and throat torn to shreds. Chuck was by a gate like he had tried to flee. His mouth was wide open like he had let out one last scream before he died. Body after body clouded my vision as I searched the crowd. As my eyes searched I silently prayed not to see bright blue in the mix. I got my wish. There was no blue. There was only dead grey and red.
"Cas…" I croaked, dragging my weakened body towards the ex-angel and collapsing at his side. Cas was ice to my touch and his body was in shreds thanks to the suicide mission I sent him and the rest of my team on. Blood was pooled out around Cas' body, soaking my clothes and the once green grass forever. I held my brother close, staring into his grey eyes. "To think I actually believed it once when you called me family. I guess it was one sided." A broken sob left my lips. But it wasn't one sided. I loved Cas just as much as Sammy. Maybe in some ways a little more. Still, I showed no love or sympathy towards him. It was my fault he's dead. It's always my fault, but here I stand. Why was I not dead? There is nothing for me here and yet I'm left on this earth breathing and alive while the people I love most lay dead in my arms. It wasn't fair!
"Hello, Dean." The blood froze in my veins at the sound of a voice I never thought I'd hear again. I gazed upward to see Metatron smiling down at me with a crooked smile. With gritted teeth I questioned what he was doing here. Was he here to taunt me? ruffle my feathers? "I'm the one that brought you back." My moth instantly dropped and Metatron's smile grew. "Like Sam, you have been most helpful in cleaning the world for –"
"This isn't clean! This is disaster!" I screamed. Metatron sighed deeply, clicking his fingers and causing Lucifer to appear at his side. Lucifer frowned in confusion at me and Metatron clapped him on the back.
"Don't worry, Luci, all part of the plan –"An angel blade flew through the air out of nowhere. Heading right for Metatron's black heart. The ruler of Heaven panicked, throwing my brother's body in front of himself. The blade struck true and I watched in terror as Lucifer disappeared and my little brother came forth. Metatron's gaze turned behind me and Gadreel stepped out from behind my shivering form. The angel didn't look like he had the last time we met. He was ragged and if angels even needed to sleep I would have bet Gadreel hadn't slept since the day I tortured him. Metatron gritted his teeth together. "So it was you that helped Dean find his way here? Gadreel. You have deceived me once too many." Gadreel's eyes blazed darkly.
"I have only followed you word from the beginning and what has it brought me? You tortured me, forced me to kill off my brothers one by one, pushed me to torture an innocent soul until it snapped, and what is my prize?" Gadreel held his hands up, motioning to the world around him. "This is not the world I prayed for! Today I right my wrong…by killing you and the Winchesters!" Gadreel lunged at Metatron and the battle commenced. I ducked as their heavy bodies flew past Cas and I.
"Dean…" a voice croaked from my left. I looked to see that Sammy had crawled to me, leaving a trail of blood behind him and ruining his white suit.
"Sam?" I whispered, reaching out and holding my brother. Tears built up in my eyes as I touched him and brushed through that stupidly long hair of his. Sam gave me a bloody, sad smile and then cast a look down at Castiel's shredded form. I kept my eyes on my brother when he closed Cas' eyes, knowing by the amount of blood that Sam would blink away to nothing very soon. "Please don't leave me, Sammy," I pleaded, holding him tighter. "Cas is gone, Kevin and his mother are gone, and so is my entire team. I'm all alone, Sam. Please don't leave me alone." Sam squeezed me back as tightly as his dying body would allow.
"I'm sorry, Dean," was all he could say. Tears fell down my face as I held my brother. A bright light pulled my eyes from my brother's and I watched as Gadreel ripped his blade from the ruler of heaven's chest. Metatron collapse and his regal wings burn into the dirt. I turned my gaze back to Sam, prepared to say goodbye. I was too late. Sam's eyes were shut and his body had grown still.
"Sam?" No answer. "Sammy!" Tears burned down my eyes as I dropped Sam down next to Cas and cried over my dead brothers. I was so absorbed in grief I almost didn't hear the footsteps coming closer. Almost. I turned my head upwards to Gadreel as he held a blade over me, ready to end my life. He waited for me to fight back, but I didn't. What was the point? I closed my eyes and waited for the sting of the weapon. None came. Only the sound of a gunshot made my heart stop. I opened my eyes just in time to watch as Gadreel dropped down to his knees, blood from the angel blade forged bullets splattering from his body. "No..." I breathed. "NO!" I grabbed hold of Gadreel, shaking him. "Kill me! Kill me you winged bastard! Do it!" Gadreel smiled at me cruelly. Blood covering his teeth.
"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?" Gadreel choked before collapsing into my arms. I screamed, pushing the angel from me and rocking on my knees. A gentle hand touched my shoulder and Garth of all people entered my field of vision. He was older now and heavier than the last time I saw him. Hanging limply in his hand was a gun, a gun with bullets forged with angel blades. Garth had been with his pack during the apocalypse, keeping them safe and all. He always tried to contact Dean and Cas, but the phones had been disconnected. After finally finding a safe place for his family he and some of his pack left their new home to track down the angel and his hunter. What he found wasn't what he had hoped for.
I broke down again, gripping tightly at the hands of my fallen brothers. Garth tried to calm me, but I only pulled away, screaming like a crazed animal. Garth pulled away from me as I screamed, watching with sympathy as tears and snot ran down my face and dripped down my chin. I begged Garth to shoot me like he had Gadreel, but the werewolf only emptied his clip and through the bullets to the ground. That wasn't going to stop me though. I turned my gaze towards the empty air and begged for Death over and over again, screaming for him to take me.
"Well, this has been a turn of events hasn't it?" Death hummed as he suddenly blinked into existence. He was sitting in a lounge chair, dressed in a tailored suit while holding a carton of popcorn in his hands. I ignored his comment and pushed down any snarky comments buried inside me and reached out a hand tainted with blood from my brothers.
"Please…" Death waved off my plea with a wave of his hand.
"Don't grovel, Winchester. You have run from my clutches long enough." Death got up from his chair and kneeled before me. "Since you and your merry band got started to laugh in fates face every reaper or creature that controls the future has waited for this day to come. I will not disappoint them." He brushed back a falling tear from my eye and a sympathetic, pitying look glinted in his eyes. "Let's go see your family." My eyes widened. "They're waiting for you.
"Family? Sam and Cas –"
"Everyone," Death replied simply. A spark of hope fluttered in my chest for the first time in a long time. Glancing over my shoulder, I met Garth's eyes. The werewolf smiled at me, nodding to me to go on. I gave him a thankful smile, holding out my hand to Death. Death took my hand and I yelped as my veins burned black and the Mark of Cain reappeared on my skin only to drain away into Death. "You're free now, Dean," Death whispered, pulling me up from the ground, but leaving my body laying limply next to Sam and Cas. I stared down at my body and then at the bodies of the two brothers I loved more than anything. Death tugged on my hand and I followed the horseman. Two figures joined us as we walked. I looked to my side to bright blue eyes smiling back at me and big puppy dog eyes looking to me through waves of long hair. The two clapped their arms over my shoulders as they walked, holding me tight. Together we walked with Death, following him to our long awaited peace.
Garth lit the match to the last stack of bodies. Night had already fallen and the stars were glinting brighter than ever. The werewolf watched as the bodies of team Free Will burned. He thought back to his time with the trio, remembering both the good and the bad times. It was better this way. Their fight was over. The mark was gone and the brothers were reunited at last. A soft sigh passed Garth's lips and he walked away from the flames. He still had a world to clean up.
And that's it! Thanks for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following. I hope you've enjoyed reading. Feel free to check out my other supernatural fics. I have a new one I'm posting today called 'Road to El Gracia' if you are interested.