Disclaimer: Hey guys, so just so we're clear, I do not own O.H.S.H.C. If I did I would have made sure the anime series was made longer. ;) Um, just got a heads up, I did use some script from the actually episode 8. So, who ever who that, credit goes to them. Enjoy!

Haruhi's POV

Here I was, sitting on Kyoya's bed, finally understanding Tamaki's reason for lashing out at me. Kyoya tried to pass himself off as the bad guy, but I knew this was all an act once he said, "Surely you don't believe a person's sex doesn't matter. You've left yourself completely defenseless against me." He was Tamaki's best friend, so I knew he was just trying to prove Tamaki's point. Of course at this point we had forgotten that the lights were off and Tamaki came in.

"K-y-o-y-a, do you have any lotion? This sunburn is..." Tamaki looked up at us, taking in the situation. He saw Kyoya without a shirt, me sitting on Kyoya's bed and the lights off. I could only wonder what thoughts had come to his mind, "YOU BASTARD!" Just then, Kyoya smashed a container of sunscreen into Tamaki's face, making me laugh a little inside. Slowly, with his face down, he walked towards me. He was facing the ground as he spoke. "What were you going alone with him?"

"Nothing, really."

"OUT EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE NOTHING WAS GOING ON! YOU WERE ALONE IN HIS BEDROOM AND WHY WERE THE LIGHTS OUT! Don't you lie to me." Sighing, restraining himself he looked down. "Nevermind. You've been through a lot today. I'm sure you're tired. You should get some sleep." Just as he began walking away I heard the thunder outside and immediately my body jumped at the frightening sound and rumble.

"Senpai..." In response to my fear I flew and latched onto Tamaki's shirt, immediately letting go, afraid I had crossed the line. Another clap of thunder sounded and my body shivered, making me quiver.

"What's wrong Haruhi?" He asked, his voice a little concerned. Immediately I went to bolt for the wardrobe.

"It's nothing. I just remembered there's some business I have to take care of... Excuse me." I said as I slipped into the wardrobe, closing the doors and locking them behind me.

"What business could you have in a wardrobe?!" Another roll of thunder tore threw the sky. "Haruhi, are you afraid of thunder and lightning? Why'd you lock yourself in there? It seems like it would be scarier locked up like that." Tamaki asked as he tried to open the doors.

"I'm all right. I'm used to getting through stuff like this by myself." It was sweet of Tamaki, to try to comfort me. I was so used to being alone at home when this happened and I had no one to depend on except for myself.

Tamaki's POV

"By yourself?" Immediately after hearing Haruhi say this I got a mental image of Haruhi, cowering underneath a table in her living room, and it saddened me. "You're always by yourself. All alone in your home. You never call us for help even though we're so close. I get it." With all of my strength I ripped open the wardrobe doors to see the girl I had dreams about so often now, cowering. I stood there, with a reassuring smile, to try and comfort her. "I understand now, Haruhi. I'm sorry, I acted the way I did. You grew up without relying on anyone else. But not anymore. You can come out now." I gestured a hand to her, seeing her beautiful face look up into my face with a newfound trust. Just as another thunderclap hit the sky, Haruhi jumped and flew out of the wardrobe, flying for me, and as she landed against me I embraced her with as much warmth as I could muster. "You don't have to be afraid. I'll always be here for you, Haruhi. I promise that you'll never be alone again." After lowering my face I breathed in the gorgeous scent of vanilla sugar from her hair and smiled as Haruhi's hand clenched onto my shirt, with relief.

I looked down at Haruhi now. With a smile upon my face. It no longer mattered that her and I were once angry with each other. As of now, I felt a wonderful emotion. I couldn't quite place it. In response to this emotion I pulled Haruhi closer to me, never wanting to let her go. Afraid that maybe if I did, something like this thunder could hurt her and make her reject herself from me.

Once Haruhi looked up at me, I knew this was the right time. The right time to... announce my feelings. But how could I? Haruhi was really the only girl I really loved. I mean of course I was in the host club, trying to please other girls by making them feel wanted, but it was never genuine feelings. I was brought back to myself as I felt Haruhi's head move to look at me, and I immediately knew that now was the time.

And slowly, I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers.

To Be Continued...