A/N: New story, yes I know. I've been debating on this one for a little over three years now and I finally said, fuck it! Let's do this! My only problem was I could never figure out how to start it and now I'm like OH SON OF... THAT'S HOW! Anyways you get the point.
So just to let you know outside this first part the rest of the story is going to be done in third person. Just a fair heads up as there is no way I could do this story in first person. I'd be Mordecai.
I knew it was a dumb ideal soon as I did it but there was no choice left. Madara had practically won as he beat Sasuke and I for the second time even with help from my father, Kakashi-sensei, Lee, Gaara and even Orochimaru and Obito. Go figure on that one but that's neither here nor there.
Just as he was about to cast the Eternal Tsukiyomi I had the bright ideal of taking the full force of it to give everyone more time. No one could stop me as they were all still just standing their, trying to figure out a way to stop it, and I acted.
All I saw when it hit was a spiraling flash of red and back and then there was nothing. Nothing but the constant sound of beeps. And annoying sound to say the least.
I kind of figure Eternal Tsukiyomi would be nice but I guess Madara is a prick because his world of peace is nothing but darkness and fucking beeping! I hate the god forsaken beeping! Reminds me of being in a hospital!
Then a thought hits me. Those are hospital beeps! We've won! We defeated Madara! Yes! I would have liked to have been there to help in stopping that badass mother fucker and deck him good once before he was ended but in the end I helped save the world.
Sure I used myself as a scapegoat to save everyone...
Soon I almost wanted to scream out as I heard a hissing sound around me and an immense pressure placed on me as something around me was sucked out. It wasn't the most painful feeling I have had the delight of going through but it was up there as feeling as if something was trying to suck the very air around me away.
My eyes snap open and I shoot up, breathing heavily. Or at least I tried to and slammed my head into this thick steel door with some sort of high density glass surrounding my being.
"Son of a...!" I shouted in pain as that bump hurt like hell when I begin to note my surroundings and all my pain vanished at the sight before. "What the fuck?"
There were thousands of glass and steel pods surrounding me, all connected to a massive monitoring machine. And each pod was filled with this grayish gold liquid surrounding... People. And not just any people.
These were people I knew. Sakura, Hinata, Lee, Chouji... All my friends. And there were hundreds if not thousands of people that I didn't even know.
I wasn't sure what was happening but I could see that mostly everyone was breathing. The few that weren't...
There pods were drained, in a very similar manner to mine, and a cord detached itself from their spinal column before a claw came and took them to another location that was beyond my sight. The only questions were why was I seeing all of this and...
Damn Hinata's breast are big and her nipples!
That's when one of the claws grabbed my pod and snapped me out of my horny stupor. All the other, more prominent questions begun to flood my head as it pulled my tube out like where was I going and what was going to happen to me and my friends.
"Hey!" I slam my fist against the glass top, cracking it the machine claw begun to take me away like all the others. "What the hell is going on here?!"
I was ready to pound on it some more and break out when I noted two things. One, I was not heading to the same direction that all the corpses had been taken. Two, why had I not noted Tenten? She had a fine ass!
Again I was soon knocked out of my perverted stupor, something I had my deceased sensei to thank for, and suddenly my tube was sucked into a larger tube and I was jettisoning towards an unknown destination. I knew I could break out but something told me doing so at such a high speed might cause more problems so I would wait.
And that allowed me to see the entire machine facility as it passed by. There were millions of tubes that I passed by with tentacle like machines occasionally swooping by and making a check on the contained.
I passed by many more machines, some of which I could safely say I wouldn't want to screw around with and others that I simply didn't know what the fuck their purpose was, my tube begun a gradual but sure stop until I was before I massive mainframe.
And then I was unceremoniously dumped out of my tube right before the mainframe at the very moment that thousands of tiny little metal bugs begun to scurry across the floor.
My initial reaction was one I am not proud of.
I screamed like a little girl.
"Do not be afraid, child." A mechanical voice said as the thousand of scurrying metal bugs formed the face of a man with a cool mustache and beard. "You were not brought her for malicious purposes, I can assure you of that."
"What... What are you? Where am I?" I asked as I slowly sat up, looking at the great mechanical face with some fear and trepidation. "Why am I here and what's with all my friends being..."
"Patience, child. I will answer all your questions and more in a moment." The mechanical man stated in a neutral tone. "My purpose for bring you here is to answer these questions and explain to you current situation. So to start I am the Mainframe."
"I maintain and keep everything in this facility in order and running proficiently, most importantly the neural nexus that connects all of your people to the world you believe you had existed in."
"The fuck do ya mean by existed in? I lived there. It existed!" I yelled out the computer, scared and confused at what was going on.
The computer, despite how emotionless it sounded, understood my panic. "I am sorry to say, but that world is nothing but a facade that my AI, artificial intelligences, have created for you and your people to live in a somewhat more peaceful life."
"Peaceful? We're in the middle of a massive war that consumed the entire world!" I again yelled at the computer, angered that I had been taken here.
"I am aware of that and it is unfortunate we no longer have any agents in that world but they simply could control your people." The mainframe stated, almost sighed if it were possible for a computer. "Your people adapted quickly to the virtual world and even begun to affect the coding in the very world around you. By doing so you were even able to destroy and seal away agents therefore making it pointless in creating them."
"Wait... Do you mean to tell me the Juubi was one of these... Agents?" I begun to catch on, if only a little.
"Indeed. His original programming was to keep the world in check and too keep the people of that world from realizing they possessed untold power within them. But due to a programming flaw within him it caused that knowledge to be realized but also it went berserk and I was unable to control it's actions anymore. That is when your people first begun to alter the coding of their world." The mainframe answered.
"Wait..." I continued to process this information little by little. "By affect the coding... You mean sealing?"
"Correct. By doing that your race begun to integrate with the coding and were able to fend of any agent sent in making it pointless in doing so. In the end it was for the best as your people had no intention of ever leaving the world that was created to keep you entrap until..."
"Entrapped? What the hell?!" I screamed yet again as I really didn't like hearing that particular word amongst what he was telling me.
Again if computers could sigh the mainframe would have. "Five-thousand, four hundred and eighty-two years ago a great war broke out between most races of the known universe and your race. In the end the universe won and realized the danger that your race presented and had you confined to a world where you could never interfere with the outside universe again."
"I was created and soon I had this world up and operational. But there was worry that this world could be easily discovered and your people could be released again to reek havoc and destruction upon the universe. So they did use the only way they had to hide your entire existence. They sealed your people and my facility into this Vault and prayed that no one would ever use the Vault Key and awaken your race."
It took me a few moments to digest what the mainframe had said. My initial reaction was of course anger. But a more rational side of me took over and I saw similar parallels in my world were people did very similar acts to stop someone or something.
"So what you are saying is... They had my people sealed away to keep the universe safe." I solemn stated, wanting to make sure I had it right.
"That is correct." The mainframe stated. "Which leaves us with one last problem as I have now answered all of your questions. How to deal with you, the one that used the escape code."
"Escape code?" I immediately jumped on, putting aside on the whole how to deal with me issue, as that was more prevalent in my mind. "I never wanted to leave that world, only to find out it was a fake and that our real world is being stuck in tubes and living off this weird goo!"
"Whether you wanted to leave or not is not the issue. The coding was used on you and you are no longer part of that world and leaves us in our current predicament." The mainframe stated.
"Then why don't you put me back in so that I can stop the 'Escape Code' from being used on everyone and sparing you a world of trouble." I countered as this was not a world I wanted to live in, away from all my friends while they were fighting desperately for their lives.
"I am afraid that is impossible." The mainframe stated and then gave an explanation. "The Escape Code is an end all bit of coding that is download into your neural nexus and allows you freedom from the world. However once the code is released it stays in your nexus and refuses any attempts to integrate you back into the system. I learned this from our attempt to reintegrate you just moments before you awoke and were brought here before me."
I could feel the blood thinning from my face as it slowly dawned on me why I was brought before him. It wasn't because they hadn't tried it was because they failed and had no other option. And that meant...
"I... You mean... I'll never see my friends again?" I stuttered on my own words as it boiled down to it but new life soon filled me. "But if the 'Escape Code' is used on everyone..."
"The one that used the Escape Code, the one you know as Madara, has been neutralized. He is no longer a threat to the facilities' or the world's stability and can no longer use the coding on anyone else." The mainframe stated, cutting the small silver lining I had reached out for.
"No." I sunk into a deeper depression at the thought of never seeing my friends again.
It was almost unbearable. Now I wouldn't get the chance to become Hokage. I couldn't keep teaching Konohamaru and eventually becoming the sensei he deserves. I would never be able to see how my relationships with Sakura or Hinata worked out? It all was...
"Then what if... I destroy you and release them from their imprisonment!" I cried out, new hope filling me as I moved to form the Rasengan.
"That would be adverse to all of your goals, child. Ending my life ends all of theirs for a fail-safe was put in during my creation that if I were to deactivate the lives of all your people would end." The mainframe stated. "Only the opening of this Vault could and would awaken your people. That was the risk the ancients put into sealing your people away from the universe."
"And what if you are lying to save your own hide?" I called him out, hoping it was a bluff as the Rasengan spiraled into life showing me that chakra existed in this world to.
"I have no need to lie to you. It would not benefit either of us." The mainframe stared me down, unafraid of my threat.
I wanted to call it a bluff. I truly did. But there was too much at stake and I let the Rasengan fade. "Then... What is there for me? To live in this mechanical world?! Fuck that!"
"Indeed. That would be adverse to all involved. I, however, have created an alternative solution to this problem." The mainframe stated before a small plate before me rose showing a simple human sized ring made of metal. "This is a gateway. It leads to another world that is habitable for human life."
"If you are willing, I will look past this one incident and allow you safe passage out of here and allow you to integrate with the rest of the universe. From what I can tell of the world outside in this day and age you would fit right in and would hardly be seen as one of the ancient race that nearly brought the universe to ruin."
Frowning, as this was seemingly too convenient, I gazed at the computer before me with distrust. "I thought my race was a danger to them. Why are you so willing to let that danger out onto everyone else?"
"Your race as a whole is a danger. You are not." The mainframe replied. "There is nothing left for you here and your presence will only hinder my work. Besides from outside you have a better chance of releasing your friends than you do here."
"In fact it is your only chance. Find the Vault Key and then find this Vault. Then you may save your friends from this so called imprisonment." The mainframe seemingly called me out, knowing what it was I wanted.
And again I felt it was too convenient. "Just what are you after if you are telling me this?"
The mainframe stayed silent at the question and instead responded by activating the gateway. A black and purplish portal sprung to life and held firm in the ring, an occasional flash of red lighting crossing the portal. It didn't seem stable at the moment and I wasn't for one going to test that by walking through it.
But soon it seemed to stabilize and then, to my surprise, the mainframe's face smiled. "I like observing your people. You are a mystery to me on how you are always capable of doing the impossible and performing miracles when all logic dictates your failure."
"Show me that strength and show me you are like the rest of your people. Perform this impossible task for me and you will get your wish."
I wanted other alternatives. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be with my friends. But I was provided with only this and just seeing how the computer responded I knew this might be the only chance I got to see my friends again.
Steeling my resolve, I strolled into the portal and with a moment's hesitation I walked through and found myself on a whole new planet, standing before a group of surprise people wearing masks and wearing large black cloaks.
In the buff I might add.
"What the hell is that?!" One of them shouted and immediately I forced to duck as a small projectile fazed by my visage. I wasn't sure what it was but I did know what I did next.
I charged at them as they charged at me, intending to kill me for no reason.
And I killed them instead.
Three years have passed since that day. I've learned quite a bit about this world since my arrival in the middle of a bandit camp.
The world was Pandora, a shitty hell-hole that no one wanted to be stranded on. Well, almost no one. Despite there being no valuable resource on this planet there was a legend. A legend of a Vault filled with wondrous treasure that no man could believe.
And that was enough for me to call this place home for now. If there was a Vault here it meant it could be the Vault that my friends were locked away in, stuck in their fake world and unknowing of how fun the outside world was...
For those that thought thrill and excitement in killing bandits that at times said the funniest shit ever as you killed them, taking odd missions that had no apparent reason for pay and trying to throw your hotdog down the well known as Moxxi.
Speaking of Moxxi...
"Hey Suga." Moxxi's voice called to me as I yawned and sat up and kept the covers firmly over my legs as I gazed across the room at the said woman. "Time to wake up and get to work."
"Yeah, yeah." I yawned again and stretched out a little bit before getting up, forgetting about the covers and moving to get dressed.
"Looks like your worm is up and ready to catch the early bird." Moxxi grinned as she watched me dress, her eyes focusing on a particular part of my anatomy as I did.
"And the worm is saying the bird was a little rough with him last night and he needs a break." I retorted as I pulled on my undergarments and then followed with my pants.
"I could say the same thing, Suga. My I've never been run through so thoroughly." Moxxi sighed as her idol had been put away before she handed me my pistol. "Heard from my second ex-husband that he's taken a group of Vault Hunters out to the Badlands today."
"I'll pass. Every group he takes out there just comes back dead and I'm usually the one that has to go out and round up their guns from their corpses... Most the time from Skag defecation." I shook my head as most Vault Hunters I saw weren't up to the task and couldn't even take Pandora's wildlife.
And as much of a badass as I was there was even things here I couldn't do on my own. And taking on the Crimson Lance for the Vault was one of those things. Besides I didn't even know where to really begins as the Vault Key was apparently in pieces and you had to find them.
And it just so happened no one knew where they were or even knew that they existed.
"I think you might want to rethink that. This groups got a little something special about it. I can see it." Moxxi grinned with an all knowing look before motioning to me to the window.
So taking a peek outside, to where Marcus had his bus station, I saw four individuals waiting for Marcus to arrive and take them to the Badlands. And for once I was surprised at what I saw. "A Siren?"
"Thought that might catch your attention, hun." Moxxi smirked as she looked out at the group. "Not to mention you have the Soldier Boy over their that looks like he was part of the Lance."
"Lancemen are always well trained. That's why they've been difficult for me to deal with in groups. One an one they're not that special as long as you take out their turret." I stated having had my fair share of dealings with the Lance, usually being the victors of our run ins.
Something I know Commander Steele was seething about.
"The guy with the bird doesn't look like much but I saw him yesterday and boy let me tell you he is a wicked shot. Picked off a Badass Rakk from across the canyon with a single shot to the head." Moxxi pointed out to the one with the beard and the bird on his shoulder. "Not to mention that bird single handily took out the rest of the Rakk on its own."
"Not bad. A good sniper is always good to have around and that bird seems rather handy. But if he relies solely on the rifle it will leave him vulnerable once something gets in close." I responded when Moxxi pointed out the last guy.
"And then we have him... He scares the shit out of me." Moxxi finished as she pointed at the beast of a man standing besides the bus.
I could only whistle as the man was impressive in both stature and his muscles were impressive. Then there was all the scars he had across the body stating he was battle tested and could handle himself. Finally add in he was just sitting their punching his palm as he waited for Marcus...
Intimidating was a good word to describe him.
"Alright... I'm sold. I'll see what this group can do and see if they can get me closer to the Vault." I sighed, knowing it was worth the check.
After all it was one step closer to finding and saving my friends.
"Good luck, Suga." Moxxi waved me off as I exited from the window, jumping out and landing before the bus...
Right in front of Marcus and the group.
"Vault Hunters, huh?" I grinned as I stood to my full height, a head shorter than the imposing one's height.
"Ah, Naruto!" Marcus proclaimed as he grinned at seeing me. "It is good to see you again, my friend. I'm sorry to say I don't have any jobs for you at the current moment but if you come and see in me in a day or two I 'might' just have something for you."
"I'm here to join this little expedition for the Vault, actually." I responded as I kept my gaze focused on the four of them. "If that is alright with you four. I've been seeking the Vault for a while and to be honest I can only get so far on my own."
"Did you just... Jump off a three story building?" The Siren looked a little surprised as she looked at me and the direction I came from and seeing as that was the only building there.
And as I nodded the intimidating one simply laughed. "Goddamn you are awesome! Welcome to the group!"
"Hey wait! We know nothing about him!" The Siren pointed out the obvious.
Only for the sniper to put her down. "Do we really know anything about each other? To be honest I don't even know any of you but it'd be easier to find this Vault with more people so we don't get overrun and eaten on the first day out. So I'm all for it."
"Well when you put it like that... Sure, why not?" The Siren thought about it logically before shrugging and throwing her hands up.
The only one that didn't answer was the former Lancemen. He simply huffed and nodded as the majority had decided anyways.
"Alright! Then it's settled! You're one of us now!" The big one patted Naruto on the shoulder, hard. "The name's Brick!"
I did my best not to yell from the sheer power he put into that pat nearly dislocated my shoulder. This guy had some serious strength!
"Lilith." The Siren introduced herself and shook my hand.
"The name's Mordecai and this little darling here is Bloodwing." The sniper grinned as he rubbed Bloodwing's beak and made her caw happily.
"And mister mysterious there?" I pointed out to the Lancemen that had still yet to say a word.
And before they could answer, he actually responded to my surprise as he figured I was just the silent type. "Roland."
"Cool. I'm Naruto." I grinned, ignoring the throbbing coming from my shoulder. "So let's fire thing up and let's get going!"
"I'm all for that." Lilith nodded as she had been waiting in the heat for far too long. "I came here to kill stuff and I'm not going to be denied that any longer."
"Fair enough. All aboard." Marcus opened the bus' door and sat in the driver seat, letting everyone get on before closing it and calling out the destination. "Next stop, Fyrestone!"
"I hope you all came prepared." Marcus chillingly laughed and left everyone a little uneasy as the bus pulled out and begun it's trek to the Badlands.
A/N2: Cut! This story has been, as I said above, been on my mind for a while. I'm deciding to air it as I've just started it and I'm almost finished with chapter 3 on the third day of writing. I believe I can keep this pace up as the game series as a whole has me enamored and focused on doing this story.
So here is to hoping I can keep the pace up and not get lost again. Also if there are any errors let me know as I can only see so much.
Peace Out.
NOTE: Changed Marcus to Moxxi's second ex-husband for story purposes even though he is technically third in the games. So just go with it. It's fanfiction after all.