The next day Mac took a bus and made her way to Castiel's house. Her knees were knocking and she had a lump in her throat. She didn't know why she was so nervous. It's not like Castiel was a perfect stranger. They saw each other everyday at school. But then again, this will be her first time being alone with a boy. And if she remembered correctly, his parents had jobs that always kept them away from home. So, she'll truly be alone with a boy.

Without thinking, the girl rang the doorbell. What did she just do? Why did she have to ring the doorbell? Now he was going to answer! Maybe there was still time to get out of this! She could make a run for it, he'll probably just think it was a ding-dong-ditcher! Or she could put some mail through his mail shoot, he'll just think it was the mail man!

Looking down on his front porch, she saw no mail, probably meaning he already got it when he got home from school. Also, the mail man came around three, so that plan was out. The bushes? Maybe she could hide there! No, if he found her, she'll never live it down. She at lest wanted to leave with a little dignity and pride!

Maybe it's not too late! Maybe he didn't hear the doorbell ring! Maybe she could still get out of this! She could go home and tell him she got sick. Or maybe she could tell him she was grounded for getting an F!

Better yet! She thought to herself, Maybe I could tell him I was abducted by aliens!

In other words, he'd probably be able to see right through her lies. With a heavy sigh, Mac was about to just turn around and go back home. But before she could even get one foot off the porch, the door opened, reviling a very wet Castiel, with a towel wrapped around his neck.

Oh. Good. Gawd!

From the look of it, he had just got out of the shower, and threw on the first pair of cloths he could get to, probably to answer the door. His shirt was wrinkled, and slightly wet from the water that was dripping off of his hair.

Mac's face turn red when she notice the few top buttons of his shirt were undone. She quickly turned her burning face before Castiel could notice anything.

"You weren't about to leave were you?" She could practically hear the smirk she knew was on his lips right now, "I was in the shower, so it took a few minuets."

"I wasn't leaving!" Mac crossed her arms defiantly, "I was, uh, stretching my leg?" Her voice went up, making her statement sound more like a question.

"Sure you were." Castiel rolled his eyes, "You can come in, unless you still need to stretch your legs. Go ahead," He leaned against the door, "I'll wait."

Mackenzie's eyebrow twitched. It has only been two seconds and he was already annoying her. This just had to be some kind of new record. Without giving any eye contact, the girl walked past the red head and made her way into his house. She was immediately met by Castiel's dog, Demon. Mac has met Demon a few times, but the size of the dog still made her a little nervous. She was used to her own tiny dog she had back at home.

"Hi there Demon." Mac crouched down on her knees and rubbed the dog's neck. If only people were as easy to figure out like dogs. "Oh that's right!" Mac stopped rubbing Demon's neck, causing him to wine, as she remembered something that was in her backpack. She pulled out a tupperware full of cookies. "My mom made these." She handed them to Castiel, who eyed the suspiciously, making her playfully roll her eyes, "Don't worry. I didn't help her make them."

He breathed an over exaggerated sigh of relief, "Tell your mother I said thank you for keeping you out of the kitchen."

"I nearly burn down Home Ec one time." Mackenzie mumbled under her breath.

"Actually, you nearly burnt it down twice." Castiel stated bluntly, before popping chocolate chip cookie in his mouth.

"Psh, details." She tried to hold in a giggle. Well, so far things were up to an okay start. "So, where would we be studying?"

Castiel placed the tupperware of cookies on the kitchen counter, "Upstairs. My room is the first room to the right."

The poor girl nearly lost her balance and fell over at hearing this. It was bad enough she was alone with a boy. Now she had to be alone with a boy in. His. Room?

This was a recipe for disaster!


Again, that ever present smirk made it's way upon his face. It showed up so much, she was thinking about naming it. How about Bob? That worked right?

"Maybe you really are hard at hearing." He sighed. Without any warning, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the stairs, and lead her to his room. It looked like an ordinary room, with some cloths thrown in random places. The hamper was, surprisingly, empty.

Castiel made his way through the junk in his room and sat on the edge of his bed, "Ready when you are." He said.

Wanting to make the situation less awkward then it already was, Mackenzie made a beeline to his desk, sitting at the swivel chair. This action seemed to amuse Castiel. Not wanting to think any else of it, Mac pulled out her French work books, "Well, are we going to get started," Mac asked a bit annoyed, "Or are you just going to give me weird looks all day."

That earned her a cackle/laugh from the red head, "You're the one with her head in the toilet!"

Mackenzie's eyes narrowed but she didn't say anything else. It's probably only been a whole minuet and already she was getting irritated.

"So," Castiel looked over her text book, "What do you need help in? Conjugations? Subjunctives?" The blank stare he got in return was a clue that she had no idea what he was talking about. "Do you even know your basic vocabulary words?"

"Uhhh... Oiu?" Her face gave away her uncertainty. She sighed, "I don't even know how to ask for someones name."

"Comment vous appelez-vous, is a formal way of asking for someones name, and comment tu t'appelles, is the informal way." Castiel was able to answer without thinking much of it.

Mac, on the other hand, just gave him a look that told him that what he just said flew in one ear and out the other.

It took every fiber in Castiel being not to face palm right now. Just what has he gotten himself into?

"Why are you even taking French?" He raises an eye brow.

Mac looked down at her skirt playing with her buttons as if they were the most interesting thing on the planet right now, "Because Spanish class was full." She mumbled.

And at that very moment was when Castiel lost all hope. He was starting to regret what he just got himself into. He wasn't the most patient person in the world. His fuse was very short. And he still didn't know how short a fuse Mac had. This could lead to insanity and lots of yelling. He was getting a migraine just thinking about it.

But an annoying little voice in his head—let's call it his "conscience"—kept telling him that it wasn't a very loyal idea to drop out of this before he even began.

Today was the day he might listen to this "conscience" of his. He probably wasn't going to like it, but maybe he could try.

Sighing and running his fingers through his damp hair, Castiel asked, "So, where should we start?"

"Something easy." Mac place her finger on her chin as she pondered to herself, "How about... Vocabulary? That seems a little easy." She smiled sheepishly.

They went over vocabulary together, and Mac was amazed by how perfect he was able the pronounce these words. Mac's accent, on the other hand, was just cringe worthy. Though, Castiel didn't really have the energy at the moment to tell her.

After awhile of studying, Mac took a pop quiz; Castiel will say a word and Mac would say it back in French.

"Do you think I'll pass the re-test?" Mac asked while she walked around Castiel's room, not really paying attention.

"Nope." Castiel responded without any hesitation and without looking up at her.

"Geez, you could at lest humor me." Mac replied, slightly annoyed and amused by his brutal honesty.

Only a few seconds had past and Mac was already bored out of her mind. This was why she could never study on her own. She had a very short attention span. That's when she got an idea. Given, so far, Mac's ideas have been anything but good, but she just couldn't help herself, "I have an idea." She sat down on the bed next to Castiel. He raised an eyebrow in both confusion and amusement.

"Should I be worried?" He asked teasingly.

Mac ignored him, "So, this was something me and my sister used to do when we studied together. She'd call out a question and if I got it right, I get to ask her any type of question, and vise versa."

"What kinds of questions?"

Mac shrugged, "Doesn't matter." She repositioned herself on the bed so she was facing Castiel, sitting on her knees. "Do you wanna go first?"

Mac's word were laced with the call of a challenge. And Castiel never declined a challenge.

"Okay." Challenge accepted, "When is it the right time to use Vous or Tu?"

"Huh?" Mac was caught off guard by his sudden question. "O-oh, um..." She had to think it over. She remembered she had gotten this one wrong on the test. "One is formal and the other is informal?" She answered, still a bit unsure of her answere.

Impressive, "You think you could give me an example?"

He was trying to make this difficult for her on purpose, "Uh..." She tapped her chin in thought, "C-como-tally-vu?" She said in her cringe worthy (non existent) French accent. "That's the... formal use of, how are you?" Her voice went up, making her answer sound more like a question.

Castiel did something Mac has never seen him do. He smiled. Not a smirk. Not smile laced with mischief. A true, honest smile! Mac decided then and there that she liked this smile and she wanted to see it more often, if that were possible.

"Correct." He said.

"Huh." She was still thinking about his smile, causing her to blush. Quickly turning her head the other way so he wouldn't see her flushing face, "Oh, okay. So, now I get to ask you a question."

"Ask away." He leaned back in his bed, with a smug smirk. Darn. She was starting to miss his real smile.

"Uh." She shook those thought from her head, "Hmm... Why did you agree to tutor me?"

"You offered me Wing Skull tickets." He shrugged, as though he were stating the obvious.

"I'm sure that's not the only reason." Mac pouted, "Admit that you truly just wanted to help out a friend."

Castiel snorted, "Sure."

This earned an eyebrow twitch from Mac.

"Shell we continue?" Castiel asked, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Mac just folded her arms in responds. Castiel took that as a yes, "Translate this," He read off the text book, "Ou se trouve le bureau de poste."

Mac frowned. There was no way she could answer that, and he knew that. There was a reason why she was failing French class in the first place.

"I don't know." She stated bluntly.

"You're not even going to try?" The tips of his mouth twitched into his infamous smirk.

"Nope." Mac gave a little smirk of her own. She was spending a little too much time with this red head.

"Fine." Castiel sighed/grumbled to himself, "Alright, so now I ask you a question?"

Mac nodded, bracing herself. Knowing Castiel, it could be something crazy, or even perverted. Something like—

"What's your favorite color?"

—That? Oh. That was unexpected.

"Wow." Mac breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were going to ask something crazy."

"Oh?" An amused grin graced his lips, "Like what?"

"I don't know. Something embarrassing like, 'What's your bra size,' Or something." Mac blerted without thinking, her face turning bright red once she realized what she just said. Why must she always do this?

"I'll keep that in mind." And there goes Bob again. Gosh, she was really getting tired of seeing that smirk. "You didn't answer my question. Or, do you want me to ask you another one." His voice sounded devious.

"Blue." Mac answered quickly, not giving him the chance to change his question.

"Psh, you're no fun." He cackled. He read through the book again. He wanted to find something hard for her. He was just testing the waters with that first question. He won't let another opportunity pass by. "Can you name me the days of the week in French?" That wasn't hard, but it was tricky. He knew Mac had a tendency to not pay attention (how else did she end up in this situation?). He highly doubted she payed attention long enough to memorize the days of the week by heart. Unfortunately for her, he was right. Mac just couldn't, for the life of her, pay attention long enough to learn at lest a little bit of her french.

"Can I get another question?" She asked, a bit embarrassed.

"Where's the fun in that?" He smiled his devilish grin.

"Now who's being no fun." Mac pretended to pout, before the fell into deep thought. "Urm... Lundi, um... Merdi... I got it, I just know it... Um..." Mac's face was practically red with frustration, causing Castiel to laugh.

"Do you give up?" There was a spark of mischief this shined in his eyes, and Mac didn't like it one bit.

"No." She snapped, losing her patience, "I know this one. It's just..."

"You really don't?" Castiel looked quite amused.

"No. I just... kinda... forgot?" She gave a small shy smile.

"Mmmhmm." Not once did that mischievous look in his eye quiver. "Can I ask my question now?"

She was staring to regret waking up this morning. She was regretting asking to take a re-test on her french in the first place. She probably could have just taken the F. Heck, she was regretting taking french class in the first place. "S-sure."

And there it was. His smirk in all its glory came with a vengeance, making all his other smirks pale in comparison. She never thought she'd miss Bob so much.

"Okay." He pretended to think up his question, but it was pretty obvious that he had already had one prepared. He looked her square in the eye, stormy gray eyes meeting chocolate brown ones, "Have you had your first kiss yet?"

Mac suddenly felt light headed. As though she could float up into the sky, and never be seen again. Of course she hasn't had her first kiss. But that was none of his business. She noticed her face was red hot. Rather it was from embarrassment or something else, she wasn't quite sure.

"Your face is as red as my hair."

Mac jumped from Castiel's sudden movement. She didn't notice when, but he had scooted right next to her, their knees now touching, his thumb on her cheek, causing her to blush—if possible—even redder then before. She jumped up off the bed so fast, she wouldn't be surprised if she got whiplash.

Meanwhile, Castiel was falling into a laughing fit, "I'll take that as a no?" He said in between breaths of his laughter.

"T-that's none of your business." She spat, touching her cheek that his thumb was touching not too long ago. She felt a tingle coming from the spot where he touched her.

"Now I definitely know you've never kissed anyone. Other wise, you wouldn't be over reacting like this." He stated smugly.

"I'm not over reacting!" She said a little too loud for her liking. Now, a bit softer, "I just... um..." She averted her gaze, looking anywhere but at him, "L-let's try to finish this work!" She was about to grab her books, when Castiel put a hand on top of them, a playful smirk dancing on his face.

"You never technically answered my question." He cocked a smug eyebrow.

"I-I just..."

"Just admit you've never kissed anyone and I'll let it go."

"H-have you!?" She threw his question right back at him, only to receive a snort in return.

"Sure I have." He stated bluntly, folding his arms above his head, as though he already won this conversation.

A cold chill ran down Mackenzie's spine after hearing this. She was a little jealous. She would never admit that out loud of course. She didn't know why the thought of Castiel kissing another girl bothered her. Well, she knew the reason, but she would never admit it. Not to herself and definitely not to him.

"Oh, I see." She tried not to sound disappointed, "And why do you want to know if I kissed anyone yet so bad?"

"To see your reaction." He chuckled, "And judging from your reaction, I'm guessing it's a no."

Mac's face was scorching, "N-n-no." She fumbled out quickly.

"'No' What, exactly?" Castiel raised an eyebrow, as if her were confused, but the ever present smirk gave it away, "No as in you've never kissed anyone, or no as in you have kissed someone." He was really starting to get on her nerves. That didn't even make any since!

"No. As in I've never had my first kiss." Mac said through gritted teeth. "Happy?"

For a reason Mac was unable to understand, Castiel's smirk grew bigger. Was it possible that he was happy she didn't have her first kiss yet?

"Yes." He answered smugly, "Now was that so hard."

Quite the smug little he is, Mac thought to herself. "Now can we get back to work."

"Why in such a hurry?" He raised an eyebrow. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked teasingly. If her kept it up, Mac may have to make him eat those work books!

"I just want to study up before I have to go." She said as calmly as she could. It was pretty hard considering she was pretty irritated.

Castiel, on the other hand, had a huge smug grin on his face, "Okay then. Let's get back to work."

It was the end of the week and Mackenzie was getting ready for her French Re-test. She, along with Li, Iris and Kim, were the only kids in the class. Amazing that out of twenty students, only four failed. It seemed like she was in there for hours! The clock seemed to be louder then usually. She was pretty sure if a pin dropped, it would be heard across the school.

Because there were only four other students, Mac's test was graded much quicker by the teacher. When she received her results, she made her way to the hallway, where she saw her favorite red head sitting by the door, blasting music from his ear-buds. He paused his song and pulled them out when her saw her. They were silent for a moment before Castiel sighed, pinching his noes, "Alright." He said as he stood to his feet, "What did you get?"

It was very quiet in the halls. Probably because everyone has gone home by now, save for a few teachers. For a moment, Mac just stood there. Her face was blank and her eyes seemed unfocused. The tips of her mouth twitched—

"I got—" She beamed the biggest smile, her eyes now bright, "An A plus!" She beamed, "You're the best tutor ever!"

It was as though Mac's brain was disconnected from her body (and her mouth) lately. For, again, she acted without thinking. She had leaped and grabbed Castiel in a tight hug. She didn't even realize she was hugging him until she heard his heart beating. Which meant her head was on his chest. And to her surprise, he didn't push her away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her.

"Well look at that." She was pretty sure he was smirking, "Looks like I am a miracle worker."

Mac snorted, "Don't get too cocky."

She decided at that moment that she liked this hug. It was sweet, it was warm, and it was awkward. But it was an enjoyable kind of awkward. It was rare having a sweet moment with Castiel, so she just wanted to enjoy it.

"Enjoying yourself Princess."

And there it was! Almost every time they had a sweet moment, he had to ruin it by saying something. But for some reason, Mac didn't get annoyed. She just looked up at Castiel and gave him a smile.

"Well, I guess I owe Winged Skull tickets huh?"

Castiel smiled. It was that rare smile that she liked so much. That smile that wasn't laced with sarcastic humor and mischief. Not a smug smirk or a cackle. An honest warm smile.

"I'll gladly take them." A small spark of mischief sparkled in his eyes, "But on one condition."

Mac's happy smile fell into a nervous one, "A-and what's that?"

Castiel's face was just inches away from hers. She could feel his breath on the tip of her nose. She was quite sure he could hear her heart pounding. But she couldn't convince herself to turn away.

"You promise to come with me." His forehead was now atop hers, their noses touching. He smiled his fox like grin, "Your face is so red." He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, causing her to blush even more.

"Y-yeah." The girl was barely able to say that in a whisper.

"'Yeah' what?" His face seemed to be getting closer, their lips just a few inches.

"Yes. I'll go to the concert with you."

That was the only push he needed before his lips touched hers in a kiss. It was a new type of sensation for Mackenzie, as he caught her by surprise. But her surprise only lasted for a second before she melted into the kiss. His hands had cupped her face, both his thumbs rubbing her cheeks, sending sparks of electricity down her spine. Now she knew what people meant when they said they had butterflies in their stomach. She was sure she probably had thousands. Her knees were week, casing her to take support on Castiel. The seconds felt like hours, before he broke the kiss for air.

Mac's eyes were glazed, her mind was cloudy and she felt as if she could walk on air. She looked up into Castiel's eyes. He had on his warm smile, "Looks like you got your first kiss Princess."

Mac huffed, "You're so stubborn." She mumbled to herself, though her smile didn't leave her face.

"So," Castiel smirked at her, "Looks like we have a date." He kissed her again, only for a short second on the lips, before saying, "I guess I'll pick you up this weekend at seven."

"Seven it is then."

Castiel decided to walk her home. The young girl was practically floating. She decided she liked this tutoring thing. Maybe she should get F's more often, if it would end every time with a kiss.

Wow! I was so surprised by the reviews and followers I got on this story! Thank you all so very much! Constructive criticism is highly welcomed! And I'm sorry if you found any miss spelled words. I edited this as best as I could ^_^