I do not own Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, or any of the characters...but the baby of course ;)

All rights to Yana

"Sebastian! The Young Master has locked himself away in his room again!"

"It's alright, Mey-rin. I will take care of it… It is time for afternoon tea anyways."

"B-But, Mr. Sebastian. He said…"

"He said what?"

"That you're the last person he wants to see right now. He said he needed to think something over before seeing you… ...Do you think the Young Master is sick?"

"Well, whether he wants to see me or not. As the Butler of the Phantomhive household I must protect My Lord no matter what. Even if it is just a mere sickness!" And with that Sebastian was off to the Earls room with the tea.

"Young Master?" He knocked on the door. "It is time for afternoon tea….'

"Go away!'

"But Young Master," he opened the door to the young Earls room.

"I said GO AWAY!" Ciel launched a pillow at him.

"My Lord, May-rin says your are sick, she is concerned for you… so am I, Young Master… What is ailing you?"

"I-Its none of your concern!" He buried himself in the pillows.

Sebastian turned and locked the door the Earls room, before walking over to the bed. He placed his hand on his Masters head.

"Young Master...Ciel, everything about you is my concern. As I am your butler."
"Thats right! You're just a butler! We shouldn't have… We can't anymore… I-I… …"

He began to shake violently under the covers. "Young Master?"

"Sebastian!" He launched from under the covers into his butlers arms… Thats right HIS butler, who would never betray…. Who… loved him… Right? He would take responsibility if it was true. But God knows how it was even possible in the first place…. But his Sebastian, his butler...no right now he was his lover… He would understand right? Right? Either way he didn't have much of a choice, Sebastian would find out sooner or later. It would be better just to tell him now…

"Sebastian… I-...I… …"

"What is it, Young Master?"

"I think that I'm… … Um… That is to say… that, uh, um…. I think I'm-"

They both jumped in shock.

"Yes what is it, Mey-rin?"

"Um, well, theres a guest here, yes there is."

"Very well… Show him to the Masters study. We will be along shortly." Mey-rin left and he turned back to ciel. "Don't think this is over, Young Master. You will have to tell me sooner or later. Please get out of bed and come see to your guest."

"Young Master," Sebastian started as soon as their guest left. "Please continue where you left off earlier."

"I-I just….I-"

BANG! "Sebastian, the kitchen."

"Bard!" They yelled and ran to the kitchen.

"Um, Bard…"

"Y-yes Mr. Sebastian?"

"How many times must I tell you… No flamethrowers or explosives?" He said with cruel smile on his face.

"I-I-I'm sorry Mr. Sebastian, Young Master."

"Sebastian, clean this place up."

"Of course, My lord."

"If it's not one it's the other. These servants, why does the Young Master have to make my life miserable with dealing with all this. Ah, well at least, Finny seems to be doing his job properly for-" Sebastian stopped cold as he entered the garden. "Finny?"

"Y-yes Mr. Sebastian?"

"What happened?"

"AH, well um, I kinda forgot that the….that the sprayer was broken… and killed everything again...I I'm so sorry!"
"Well, it can't be helped. At the guest didnt come out to the garden… Finny, go to the store. Buy Some flowers, any kind, every kind, dig these dead ones up, and plant the new ones."

"Y-yes, Sir!" Finny took the money Sebastian handed him and ran off to do his errand.

"You are too easy on them, Sbast-chan~"

"Grell Sutcliff. What do you want." Sebastian felt his eye twitch. He needed to get back to the Master before he decided not to tell him what was wrong! "I dont have time to play your silly games. I am a very busy man."

"Oh, Sebas-chan~ why are you so mean to me. You should treat me as you would any other Maiden."
A smirk covered the black haired mans face." I am sorry, My Lady, but something tells me you are the 'Maiden' you claim to be… Am I correct?"

"How dare you speak like that to a woman!" Sebastian ignored the red shinigami as he ranted. He had to get the Young Master, NOW!

It wasn't until the Young Masters bedtime that Sebastian got be alone with him again.

"Well, Young Master… Finish please." He asked as he undressed his Master.

"Uh,um… Well you know how we've been doing… THAT, for a while now?"

"Master?" He buttoned up Ciels nightshirt, Ciel climbed into bed.


"Please, continue… If you dont tell me I worry all the more…"

"Well… I… Um… … … I don't know how its at all possible but it seems like I'm… I might very well be… I'm almost positive that… …" He trailed off into a whisper.


Ciel looked up at Sebastian tears in his eyes. A look of dread and fear on his face. Sebastian climbed into the bed with him pulling his Young Master close. He took his gloves off and laid his hands on Ciels stomach under his nightshirt. He could feel it, very faintly… He lowered his head and placed his ear so Ciels stomach. He could hear it… A very small, but steady heart beat. One much too light to come from Ciel, as he was 15 now.

"Ciel… My Young Master, what do you intend to do?"

"I won't put it in one of horrible places they call orphanages,and I won't throw it out on the streets…"
"Young Master… Are you contemplating...Keeping it?"


"listen. We can keep it hidden for quite a few months. Then when it starts to show we can say I suddenly became very ill. So ill I cannot under any circumstances leave the house, and nobody but my staff is allowed in… But it is yours as well… What do you think should be done?"

"I will do anything my Master… No. I will do anything my lover asks me to. We will do as you say. But what do you intend to tell the servants, and people who will find out once those months are up?"

"Though it may cause some scandal… it will be the illegitimate grandson of my father."
"So your nephew?"

"Yes. Much less of a scandal than me being impregnated by a butler… HA! Hahahahaha."

"Young Master?"

"It sounds so ludacris. Me, a male, pregnant!"

"Yet, Young Master, here you are."

"Yes… and you're the father… So, Sebastian, are you ready to take responsibility as a Father."
"That makes you the Mother, My Lord."

"Enough with the 'Young Master', and 'My Lord'. We are alone address me properly."

"Yes," Sebastian pushed him back on the bed hovering over him. "My Love…"


please review! I like reviews XD