Into Another World Epilogue

Today was a great day. It's, December 23. I'm going to London for Christmas, visiting my mother's side of the family.

I can't wait to see my cousin Quinn! Well, second cousin actually. We haven't seen each other in person yet, but we have met online. That was where she told me that she was a reader, and then we were friends immediately. And here's the thing, she's a PJO and HoO fan!

I can't help but feel giddy the moment I stepped in her house. It was a cute little thing. With two floors, and a chimney. (We don't have that at home.) The interior was homey, the stairs were at your left when you enter, the carpet was beige, the walls were white, and full of photographs.

"Hi!" My mom said as my Aunt Mary welcomed us to her home. Before we even got comfortable, they were already chatting loudly like young teenagers.

I was busy drinking in all the details when someone called me.

"Penny?" A feminine voice said.

I turned around to see..

"Quinn!" She was a petite girl, whose skin was porcelain pale. A shock of short, red, curly hair was on her head. She has a fit physique, despite being a reader. And her clothes consist of jeans, shirt, and cotton vests. She may wear simple clothing, but she was beautiful.

Even though she was 16, and I was 14, I was slightly taller than her. I found out as we hugged each other.

"It's nice to finally see you." I said.

"Come on, I'll show you around."

I was told that I would stay with Quinn in her room. So, after dinner, we went there and used our time chatting.

I can't help but think of the adventure I had a few months ago. She was someone who I could trust. We were fangirling when I mustered up the courage to tell her my amazing tale.

"Hey Quinn, do you believe that the human mind is brilliant? And that we could confuse a dream from reality?" I popped out of the blue.

"Well, yes." She replied.

And that's when I told her the story. She was the first living soul that I told since my adventure. And since I used the same technique, we were brought back to the moments I had experienced. Back to Leo's room, to the Argo II, the bubble, until Epirus. She even saw my dream when grandma had told me how I entered the book.

"Woah." She said as I finished. She was obedient, and didn't interrupt when I told the story.

"Yeah, I know."

"Nico's hot." She muttered suddenly.

Before I could react, she looked at the clock on the wall.

"It's getting late, I think I should go get a shower." She said.

"Wait, you shower at night?" I asked.

"I like to sleep fresh." Quinn said as she was making her way towards the bathroom door.

And so, I shrugged and tried to organize my stuff. Just as a few minutes had passed, I heard a scream. I heard Quinn scream.

"Aah! Penny! Penny!"

And there you have it! The Sequel would come out once I had read BoO. I think you know why. *wink* *wink*