Here you go, guys! The final chapter. I hope it doesn't feel too rushed. I wanted this fic to be able to fit in and still work with what happened in Blade Runners and Mother's Little Helper, so the stuff with Crowley at the end is more or less exactly what happened in the episode, I just shortened it a bit since we already saw that part. I would have loved to have Sam and Dean have a full out brotherly moment and actually discuss what happened, but since their relationship is so strained and weird in the show at the moment it didn't feel like it would fit here. Here's to the hope that they will fix these boys by the end of the season, I can't take much more of this!

Thanks again for all the love!

Dean looked at Sam, watching him, but not making a move. Sam backed up, suddenly very aware that he had no use of his hands and his shoulder was still hurting.

"Dean?" Sam said it quietly. He was able to get through to him before, maybe he could do it again.

"Dean, I know you're probably pissed right now. I don't know what is going through your head, but you have to fight it, man. You don't want to do this. You don't want to kill me and be part of this lunatic's collection."

Dean's stoic facial expression didn't waver. If he could hear Sam, he wasn't showing any signs of taking his words in. Sam looked to Magnus who stood outside of the cell, hands gripping the bars with that smile on his face.

"You really needed to tie my hands?" Sam asked him. Magnus shrugged.

"Why not? Makes this easier."

Sam looked back to his brother.

"Dean. Dean!"

Dean's response was to take a step closer. Sam took a step back, but found his back hit the wall. He had nowhere to go. The reality of the situation was hitting him. He had to get the blade out of his hand. He could either be a sitting duck or he could try to take matters into his own hands…which is a thought he would have laughed at if his own brother wasn't about to try to murder him, considering he had no use of his hands.

Sam did the only thing he could think of. He charged at him, letting out a growl as he thrust his body into Dean's, hitting his left side, hoping to knock him off balance.

Sam's breath was knocked out of him as he hit the floor, head cracking on the cement. Dean had seen him coming the second he thought about it and he used his now inhuman strength to simply push him away like he was swatting a fly.

Magnus's face lit up.

"Oh Sam, please keep putting up a fight. I love to see what he's capable of."

Sam ignored him and tried to stand back up. Once he was back to his feet he tried to make eye contact with his brother, looking for any sign of recognition. They used to have full on conversations without saying a word. But what Sam saw when he looked into his brother's eyes scared him like nothing had before.

"Dean," he panted. "Dean listen to me…"

Dean stalked forward, rage in his eyes. He swung the blade. Sam, thankful for his quick reflexes, ducked out of the way and moved until he was on the other side of the cage. Dean made a turn, following him. This time he reached out with his fist and landed a single punch to the side of Sam's head. Sam fell into the wall and managed to stay on his feet. He just needed more time.

"Okay, okay. Dean. I'm sorry okay. For everything. You're my brother. You gotta hear me, man!"

But Dean didn't hear him. He made another move for him and Sam jumped out of the way. Dean was too quick, though. He grabbed at the rope tying Sam's hands together and yanked him to the floor. Sam hit hard, but the force Dean had used when he yanked him down made the ropes give way and Sam felt his hands freed. Dean raised the blade once more and made a move to strike. In one quick motion Sam launched himself back up, using his hands to push his upper body up and he kicked out with his legs, landing a solid shot to Dean's right hand causing the blade to fall to the floor.

Dean fell to his knees, breathing hard. Sam dropped down next to him.

Seconds passed, but it felt like a lifetime. Sam was pretty sure he didn't breathe until he heard Dean speak.


Sam sighed. "Yeah, you with me?"

"I don't…I don't know." His voice was gravely. He looked away from Sam trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"It's okay," Sam assured him.

"No!" Both boys looked up to the sound. Magnus was staring at them with anger in his eyes. "No. It's not going to work like this." Magnus unlocked the door to the cell and stalked inside. Sam and Dean watched him, both trying to get to their feet.

"You pick up that blade now, Dean." Magnus entered the cell and stared him down.

Dean looked down at where the blade lie on the floor, but didn't make a move for it.

"I said now!" He shouted. Suddenly the blade lifted from the floor and flew back into Dean's hand.

"No!" Sam yelled, taking a step away from his brother toward where Magnus was standing.

"You think all those feelings of hatred and resentment are caused simply by holding that blade?" Dean looked down at the weapon in his hand. "They were already there. The blade just amplifies them. It brings them to life." He turned his attention to Sam, "Now, use that power you feel to kill him."

Dean looked up. That look back in his eyes. Sam wished he could have his brother back for just one more second because this time it felt like it was truly over. He was defeated.

Then Dean moved faster than Sam had ever seen him. There was rage in his eyes, but this time it was something different. He felt Dean push him out of the way hard, he stumbled back until he landed on the floor. He looked up just in time to see his brother raise the blade, just in time to see Magnus's wide eyed expression of disbelief before the blade cut through his neck. In one quick second his body fell to the floor, along with his head that was now detached from his body.

Dean stood over him. He looked down at the body, blood slowly forming a puddle at his feet. He turned back to Sam. Sam held his eyes then looked down at the blade. He once again found himself holding his breath.

Then Dean dropped the blade on his own. The mark on his arm, which had been lit up now went back to looking like a nasty scar.

"…Dean?" Sam choked out.

Dean looked at him. "Yeah."

"How did you…"

"I just did."

Sam didn't want to push it at that moment. He stood up.

"We need to get out of here." Sam walked over and looked at the blade lying on the floor. He bent down and picked it up. Dean watched him. "You good?"

"I'll need to get back to you on that."

They spared Magnus one last glance then made their way out of the cell.

"Well, well. Did I miss something here?"

The brothers both turned to the sound of the voice to see Crowley standing just outside the cell.

Sam's jaw dropped. "What the hell, Crowley? Where were you?"

"Oh, just hanging around. Decided it was time to check on you two lads."

"You just 'hung around' for two days?" Dean nearly yelled.

"Sure, what else was I to do?"

Sam and Dean looked at each other, both rolling their eyes and moved passed him. Crowley looked into the cell.

"Is that Magnus?" They nodded. He looked to Dean, "You did this?"


"With that?" He motioned to the blade in Sam's hand.


Crowley then took in Sam's beat up appearance; a black eye, cuts on his face, and blood soaking through the shirt from an obvious wound to his shoulder.

"I certainly did miss something, didn't I?"

The brothers stared blankly, then at the same time turned to leave down the hallway lined with cells of Supernatural creatures, keeping their eyes straight ahead, ignoring the screams and outstretched arms reaching for them as they made their way out.

"Well, you boys are chatty, aren't you?" Crowley mocked as they made their way back into the woods. "No need to thank me for opening that portal again to get you two damsels out of there."

The relief Sam and Dean felt to finally be free of that house was short lived as they noticed the impala had been ransacked. They ran towards, immediately checking to see what had been taken. The words etched into the side made Dean's blood boil. Crowley stood watching them.

"Did you do this?" Dean yelled at him.

"Of course not. You think I would waste my time pawing through that piece of junk?"

Sam and Dean paused to look at each other. "Abaddon," the said in unison.

Sam moved toward Dean, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer. "You said Crowley was only useful until we got the blade. We got the blade."

Dean looked over Sam's shoulder at Crowley, understanding exactly what he meant. He didn't have time to think about it before he and Sam found themselves thrown backwards into the impala, an invisible force pinning them there. Sam looked down at the ground where the blade had fallen out of his hand.

"Smart, Moose. Having that conversation five feet away from me." Sam glared at him.

"You are quite the killing machine, Dean. I imagine holding that blade made you feel all these new tingly feelings. Made you more dangerous, powerful." Dean did his best to not show any acknowledgment of those words being exactly true. "And it occurs to me, alongside Abaddon I am also on the top of your list. So," he held his hand out and the blade flew into it. "I'll be taking this."

"That's no good to you without me," Dean said.

"Yes, but as long as I have it, it's no good to you. Now this is how it's going to go. I'll hang onto this until you locate Abaddon. At such time you will call me, I will give it back and you'll destroy her. You were right, Moose. You can't trust me. But I can't trust you either."

With that he disappeared and the force holding them let go.

"This is just great." Dean kicked the dirt. Sam sighed and looked around. He'd never admit to Dean that a small part of him was happy the blade was away from them.

"How do you feel?" Sam asked from the passenger seat as they drove down a dark back road.

"How do you think?" Dean snapped. Sam looked down at his hands.

"Do you…do you remember what happened in that cell?"

Dean gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Yes."

"Are we going to talk about it?"

"What's the point? We don't have the blade anymore. Magnus is dead. It doesn't matter."

Sam turned his head to look out the window. He had so many questions, so many statements he wanted to make.

"Yeah, fine. It doesn't matter." Sam paused. "But you're okay, right?"

Dean looked at Sam out of the corner of his eye. He knew they should talk about it because it did matter. It mattered a lot. The way he felt when he held that blade mattered. He would have killed Sam and it scared him that it didn't seem to take much. The blade manipulated his thoughts and feelings and turned him into some kind of monster. But it was powerful and there was no way he was admitting to Sam that he liked that feeling, that he missed the blade, and that the second Sam was away from him he was going to call Crowley and try to get it back.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

Dean pushed the gas pedal down and steered them home.