Thank you everyone for reviewing, favouriting, and following! :-) Sadly I take ten years to write one sentence…(as you can tell) so I motivated myself and got to work! And quickly!

Next week, I won't have time to write because I'm going to camp and they don't allow electronics…. Just a warning.

Guest: I tried, just for you! By the time I got back..that message was a bit I hope you do have Internet.

elsaWOLFtiger: Thank you! The Mean Girls part was dedicated to one of my friends… Heheh :-) I tried, and I'll try again after camp!

Guest: I hope it was, after that extremely long wait… I felt like it was time to have more action!

Guest: Just read this chapter… it's short but a lot gets accomplished. Thanks!

Elsa POV

"Elsa, guess what?" Tooth rocked back and forth excitedly while sitting cross-legged.

"What?" I asked, noticing that I was sitting on a checkered picnic blanket.

The sky was bright blue and it was warm and sunny. We were in a meadow: the type Olaf would love to have a picnic in. Tooth plucked a dandelion. "I'm dating Bunny now!"

"Wait, you mean E. Aster Bunnymund?" I asked, confused. "I'm confused."

"Oh Elsa, you don't have to be!" She tittered, while smoothing her colourful streaks in her hair.

Well, you are awfully happy today. I thought to myself.

"I'm with Bunny now, you can be with Jack and not worry about me." She turned to dig in a picnic basket that was beside her.

I smiled in relief. Only the father to deal with and the whole thing will be fixed.

And then, I froze in realization.

"I never told you about that." I lamely said.

She turned her head towards me, so slowly that it was like a horror movie. Widely grinning, she said, "You didn't have to. Friends know secrets before they even were told. Especially," She smiled. "If it's about a relationship behind my back."

Stumbling backwards away from Tooth, I fell on the grass, or I thought I did, but I kept falling downwards into a black void. I heard my father saying not to associate with Jack, over and over again. My nightmare seemed endless. Finally, I yelled for my father to stop, and it all fell silent.

I opened my eyes and bolted upright. It was just a dream. Looking over, I see Astrid and Rapunzel sleeping, and the room illuminated with moonlight, me being the farthest away from the window. Some chip bags were littered on the floor, though those were from movie night. Anna seemed better after the chips and ice cream, but I still felt angry that Hans would do something like that to her. Anna said that she deserved that because she was being so rude to me, but I didn't think so.

I checked the clock, which read 4 am. I didn't really feel like sleeping. Whipping out my phone, I checked to see if I had any new texts. I haven't told my father about Hans yet, and I wasn't about to. I had two new texts from Jack.

Jack: Elsa u r so pretty, I luv watching u sleep.

Jack: NO NO NO, sorry, My phone was hacked, I'm so sorry! I don't watch you sleep! Don't listen to that, it's not true. Well you are pretty, but- oh never mind. Goodnight.

I tried not to laugh, but it was hard. My laughter spilled out in choked sounding noises. I didn't want to wake up Astrid or Punzie, but this was too funny.

Blushing slightly when I see that he said I was pretty, I replied.

Elsa: Thank you for making me sound like a choking dying walrus at 4 in the morning. I will never forget that.

Jack quickly replied, which I found surprising, considering that it was 4 am.

Jack: It's too memorable to forget, isn't it…? Ugh I'm stuck doing homework…from last week.

Elsa: You procrastinator.. how do you juggle everything then? You have sports, play….

Jack: I don't.

Elsa: That explains you being up at 4 am.

A clear ringtone had been going off each time Jack texted me back. In my excitement, I was so caught up that I forgot to mute my phone.

"Augh…." Astrid groaned sleepily. "You could at least turn down the volume. We're trying to sleep here."

"Sorry." I said sheepishly as I also turned the brightness down. Astrid turned away from me.

Elsa: Sorry, Astrid wasn't too happy about my ringtone.

Jack didn't respond.

Opening my eyes slowly, I woke up and found my phone on the floor. Stretching and rubbing my eyes, I went to shower. Punzie and I greeted each other. Punzie was up, finishing last minute homework, while Astrid was still sleeping.

After showering, I checked my phone, where Jack texted me.

Jack: Sorry, I fell asleep. I didn't finish my homework either.

Elsa: I'll help you later at breakfast. We'll sit with the others?

Jack: Okay, see you then.

Jack POV

Running a hand through my unruly hair, I turned off my phone, and making sure I straightened my half done tie. I smiled thinking about Elsa. At the dance, it was impulsive to tell Elsa I liked her… but luckily she liked me back (unless she pulled a weird girl joke on me). But it was also confusing…. she didn't want to pursue a relationship, but she liked me?

Everyone had less complicated problems than me. Hiccup, my best friend, had a huge crush on Astrid Hofferson. Bunny liked Tooth, but preferred not to speak about it.

But today was the day I was going to ask her on a date.

I walked over to Elsa, who was sipping on some orange juice and staring off into space, her back to me. Suddenly, an evil idea formed in my head.

Elsa POV


I screamed as I felt a pair of hands clamp down on my shoulders. "Gotcha!"

I was suddenly aware of everyone staring at us.

"Don't ever do that again." I blushed.

"Haha, it worked twice!" Jack said triumphantly. "Once at Halloween, twice as of now!"

"Everyone is staring." I said uncomfortably.

"Go, stop staring already." Jack said to the others in the room, and after that it was like nothing had happened.

"So everyone sitting here is late?" Jack asked, sitting next to me.

"No." Anna interjected. "A queen and princess are never late. You are just early." Elsa and Anna said together.

"Sadly Elsa is an early Queen." Jack smirked.

"Don't kill the moment." Anna said as she took her usual spot to my left, which had been empty since she left for Hans. I smiled.

Slowly our table began to fill up, Punzie leaving a trail of homework down the hall since she was in a rush, and Flynn picked up after her.

"What a gentleman." Jack snorted, causing Merida to snicker.

"I can hear you, Frost." Flynn glared.

I was so happy: bubbly Anna, silent Kristoff, optimistic Punzie, laid-back Flynn, sarcastic Hiccup, loyal Astrid, fearless Merida, mischievous Jack, and me together again at a table.

I suddenly realized that Tooth was missing.

Jack shrugged. "She's with Mavis probably."

As Hans passed by the table, chin up, with some random girl, I noticed Kristoff stiffen and tense.

Anna pretended that he was nothing but a bad dream. Her head up high, she ignored him and continued talking to Kristoff.

A tall boy with greyish skin and dark spiky hair walked by our table, and Jack and Bunny narrowed their eyes, Jack especially when he turned and stared into my eyes with his curious yellow ones.

It sent shivers down my spine. As soon as he broke eye contact, I felt better. Weird.

"Pitch." Jack frowned. "He is a nightmare personified."

I shivered when I thought about my nightmare and just agreed with Jack.

After breakfast, Jack took out his homework and we did some algebra together. We didn't accomplish that much because Jack was always distracting me and we went off topic.

"I give up." I said, shutting his book.

"Elsa, you're letting me go? No forcing me to do homework? Am I dreaming?" He asked.

"Oh, be quiet." I rolled my eyes but smiled.

Most of the people had filed out of the room. Jack checked his watch after it beeped. "Shoot! I'm sorry Elsa, I promised Bunny and the guys that I'd play video games with them today. I'll meet you later at the Secret Hiding Place?" Jack asked.

"Sure. By the way, Jack, choose a less suspicious name for it." I smiled as he gathered his books and ran away.

I was sitting in the vent, waiting. Finally, I heard the telltale noise of boxes being shoved.

"Hey Jack!" I said brightly as he got into the tunnel.

"So…Elsa, uh… I only have a few minutes or Flynn and Bunny will chase after me… But I've been meaning to ask you something. I'm aware this is not a very good place to ask this sort of question. But I feel like we won't have another alone moment….Did you want to go on a date?"

"No." I said immediately, but regretted it after seeing Jack's crestfallen expression.

Smooth, Elsa.

"It's not because I don't like you. I mean-"

Jack looked irritated. "If this is about Tooth again.."

"No, well yes."

"I told you, I won't ever like her more than a friend. No one can change that. And stop being so selfless!" Jack sighed. "Why do I fall for girls like you?" He muttered. "Too perfectly selfless."

Pretending not to have heard that, I said. "Well….she'll feel so betrayed if she found out!"

Jack's eyes lit up. "IF she found out."

"Jack, what are you suggesting?" I asked, already knowing his answer, but needing to hear it for real.

"I suggest that we go on a secret date." Jack said. "Telling no one but ourselves."

"No." I said.

"Oh come on, this isn't fair to me." Jack pleaded.

"It isn't fair to Tooth." I retorted.

"This is going to go somewhere. I've never loved someone like you and I am not going to let you go that easily." He paused. "I won't push it.. if you say no, it's alright. I just realized how pushy I sounded. I'll still love you though, and you can't say no to that."

I blushed. He loves me, or at least what a teenage boy calls love. "Well…"

Jack looked so hopeful, it stirred my heart.

"Fine. As long as we tell no one. Absolutely no one, alive or dead. Have I mentioned that my father wouldn't approve?"

"That's the least of my worries." Jack said. "He's like a million miles away from us. No one will find out about this, I promise."

Jack sounded so confident… I wished I could be confident too.

"Just do me one favour, Elsa." Jack smirked. "Don't say 'Fine' or it gives me a bad reputation and it sounds like I am forcing you on a date."

Smiling as he left, I said, "Fine."

I really tried to finish this before camp! I'll be gone the next week… So yeah, it isn't a monster chapter. But I tried to make this go somewhere.

Also to the Guest Reviewer, I tried so hard to finish this on time for you, I hope this was.

Thank you everyone for your patience, kind words, and everything!