Hey guys!

I promise, promise, PROMISE that the next chapters of My Immortal and Wrong Way are coming real soon! While you are waiting… Would you mind checking out this story I'm writing and are very passionate about on Wattpad?


It's called Trusting Mirrors and here's a brief summary:

One room.

One bed.

One bathroom.

One window seeing into the next cell.

One mirror.

Every single cell was exactly the same for every imprisoned person. Everyone was tortured and everyone saw another tortured. Everyone had done something bad. Something that the Knockers did not like.

Alice Sepmen was one of these people, although she didn't understand what she did wrong. She was only trying to protect her brother and stay alive in her war-stricken country.

Alice always thought there was something peculiar about her mirror. If every cell was exactly the same...

Ledge Jenten had been trapped there for five years and for two of them he hadn't had to watch anyone get tortured through his window. Until she came. He had to find a way to contact her so she wouldn't end up dead like the last one. It was nearly impossible, though.

Will Alice and Ledge escape from their one room hells? Or will Alice be killed right before Ledge's eyes like his sister had?

So… it's basically about a girl that gets kidnapped and falls in love with the person on the other side of the one way mirror. I guess I should have said that at first.

If it persuades you, Ledge is a lot like Jace!

PRETTY PLEASE! Thanks guys.

Keep on rocking,
