Katniss was doing her Math homework and she absolutely hated it. She knew she would never need it because it wasn't necessary to know fractions or the multiplication tables to dig coal so why did they bother? The number nine table was particularly hard and it made her loathe the number even more.

"Do you need help, Kat?" her father asked looking at her. Prim looked at her too and smiled at her big sister. Katniss smiled back weakly and shrugged.

"Why do I need this? I can't remember the number nine table," she asked grumpily looking at the numbers and her father looked at her with a smile that reached his eyes. Katniss really liked his eyes because they were grey but it was the kind of grey she saw in the sky when the sun was coming behind the stormy clouds.

"Actually, you don't," he whispered leaning over the table a bit. Prim giggled and Katniss looked at him surprised. At school the teacher always said it was important and even if she thought it wasn't she would never say it out loud. The Capitol might hear it, like some girls from Town said.

"No, you don't," Prim repeated because she looked at her dad like he had hung the moon, the shining lights that sometimes crossed the skies and the clouds. And she loved to repeat what he said.

"But if I don't do this I'll get triple the homework next time" Katniss said scowling. Her father nodded and drummed the pencil against the table and narrowed his eyes.

"I hated math too," he mumbled running a hand over his jaw and Katniss and Prim laughed. "But I do remember that nine times eight is eighty-nine," Katniss lifted her eyes from the numbers and looked at her dad.

"No it's not, it's seventy-two," she corrected him softly and her dad frowned.

"Then nine times nine is eighty-seven," he said looking at Prim with his eyebrows raised, awaiting a confirmation.

"I don't know daddy;" she giggled and Katniss laughed.

"Nine times nine is eighty-one," Katniss said and her dad hummed.

"So I guess my memory is failing me, because I think nine times three is thirty-eight," he said looking at Prim. Katniss laughed at her dad.

"It's twenty-seven!" she said with a smile, realizing her dad was just messing with her. "What's nine times seven?" she asked him. Her dad scratched his head thinking, then scratched Prim's head and she laughed, her small frame shaking. Her dad tickled her and Prim shriek with laughter.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's and Evening Primrose," he said and both girls laughed at him.

"That's not even a number, dad!" Prim said rolling her eyes and their dad nodded.

"I know, so Katniss will tell us what nine times seven is," he said with a bright smile and Katniss smiled too.

"Sixty-three," she said after a small pause and her dad knocked on the table.

"So you know number nine table," he said and looked at Prim, "I think your sister has a case of selective forgetfulness." Katniss and Prim laughed and Katniss reluctantly agreed with her dad.

Her mom arrived shortly after that, smelling like rain and cold. They had dinner and her father sung them to sleep.

When Katniss heard her dad leaving their house early the next morning she rushed to their porch, forgetting about her coat and yelled at her dad.

"Nine times seven?" her dad turned around among his crewmates and neighbours with a big smile.

"Bow and arrows!" he said and then waved at her. Katniss smiled and entered the house.

The image of her father's back looped in her head over and over again while she waited for the cages to arrive.

"Isn't this a piece of fucking luck, Kat?" Prim mumbled darkly and Katniss's throat closed painfully, taking her out of the memory she had from the last time she had seen her father. She looked for her mother and unlike the last accident, she was helping a burned man. She shook her head. She couldn't remember what was the last thing she had said to Peeta.

There was a collective gasp when the first cage arrived and Katniss spotted Gale. His friends Thom and Bristel were holding him by his arms and he was crying. Hazelle ran quickly to hug her eldest, but Gale fell to his knees.

"I couldn't see Rory, I couldn't see him," he said and Hazelle and his siblings hugged him. Katniss felt Prim next to her sniffling, her eyes red breathing heavily.

"Prim, help me over here!" their mother's urgent tone took Prim out of her stupor and she ran to help her mom. So far, Katniss couldn't see any gravely injured miners ; they were all covered in soot and most of them were coughing. She turned around and saw Gale looking at her. She hugged him tightly

"I couldn't see Peeta, I'm sorry Catnip," he whispered in her ear and Katniss closed her eyes but the tears were falling. Another explosion made them break apart at the same time a cage arrived.

She spotted Peeta's hair easily and the relief made her knees buckle. He was helping Rory, who was limping, a dark bloody stain covering his knee. Peeta helped him sit and then put his hands on his knees breathing deeply. She couldn't take her eyes off of him, of his back moving with each breath. He was okay, he looked whole, he was covered in soot but nothing looked broken or burned. She cried his name and he looked up with surprise in his face but closed the distance quickly to hug her.

It was only then, when he was safely in her arms, that Katniss allowed herself to really understand the magnitude of the event.

"Damn you, Peeta," she mumbled and he swallowed tightly.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear and Katniss shook her head. The Peacekeepers were now shouting to the crowd to move from the place and when they reached the entrance Katniss spotted Bran and Delly running toward them.

"I'll check on Rory," she whispered and Peeta nodded but stopped her when she turned around. "Would you stay with me tonight?" he asked in a small voice and Katniss smiled.

"Of course, I'll be right back," she said and nodded at Bran and Delly, who were now hugging Peeta.

Prim was waiting for someone to carry Rory to their house so they could work on his leg. His head was resting on her lap and she was running her hand through his hair; he had his eyes closed, his brow knitted in pain and his hands were holding Prim's other hand tightly. Katniss tried not to look at his leg. "I'll ask Bran if he can help him," Katniss said and Prim nodded with tears in her eyes but smiled weakly when Katniss told her she would stay with Peeta. She kissed Prim's cheek and walked quickly to ask for Bran's help.

"I'll go too," Peeta said but Bran rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Katniss, please take him home," Bran said and took Delly's hand. Both made their way to the place Prim and Rory were waiting. Katniss took her eyes from her sister and looked at Peeta.

She extended her hand and Peeta took it firmly. He led her to his house by the hand in silence, the events of the night still too recent to understand.

"Peeta!" Sam opened the door before Peeta could open it and hugged him tightly. Peeta had one of his arms around his brother while the other one still held Katniss's hand. "You're okay, you're okay you stupid little muffin!"

Peeta laughed over his tears and Katniss let go of his hand so he could hug his brother with both arms, but Sam with his huge arm brought Katniss's little frame to the hug and the three of them stood there embracing and crying. Katniss lifted her eyes at the sound of creaking wood and saw Mrs. Mellark standing over the stair's last step.

She looked like she had been crying, her nose and eyes swollen and red. Sam and Katniss stepped aside but Peeta didn't move. He waited for Mrs. Mellark to come to him and when she did she put a shaky hand on his cheek and looked at Peeta sadly. Mrs. Mellark looked at Katniss and dropped her hand at her side but then her eyes went back to Peeta.

"You're your father's son," she said and with that she turned around and climbed the stairs slowly, like she was in a daze. Peeta turned around to looked at Sam and Katniss with a surprised expression.

"That's the best I could hope for," Peeta said somberly and Sam shook his head.

"She's not okay, Peet," Sam whispered and Peeta frowned, pursing his lips angrily. His eyes fell on Katniss, who was looking at him sadly and he shook his head.

"I need to change," Peeta said and extended his hand toward Katniss.

"I warmed the water so you can shower, " Sam said and Peeta nodded, tugging Katniss's hand. She followed him quickly to his father's office that now was officially his room. He had put the desk against the window and moved the aprons to the storage room near the kitchen so he could put his clothes in the closet.

He lit the lamp and a soft glow illuminated the room.

"I'm going to take a really quick shower and I'll be back," he said to Katniss and she nodded but reached to him, putting her hand on his cheek. She kissed him softly on the lips with a small smile.

"You taste like soot," she whispered and Peeta chuckled. He kissed her forehead one last time and took a step toward the closet. He took off his shirt and undershirt and Katniss looked at his broad back covered in soot, still marked with the tracks his sweat had left. He picked a couple of items and left the room again, smiling softly at Katniss.

She sat on the mattress, looking around the room. Peeta had made a few drawings of the woods and she smiled when she saw a drawing of a girl with a braid walking toward the Mayor's house.

"Here's some warm water if you want to wash your face," Sam said said with a warm smile after a soft knock on the door. She had kissed Peeta, she had hugged him and he was covered in soot.

"Thanks Sam," she said taking the warm pot from his hands. The door closed softly behind him and Katniss put the basin on the desk, where there was a small mirror with a razor and a towel. Her forehead, lips, and cheeks were stained with soot so she cleaned her face and hands. Peeta opened the door and entered the room quickly.

He was only wearing light blue boxer shorts so Katniss had the chance to look at his chest and legs. He looked strong, his chest broad. The area under his navel was barely dusted with fine fair hairs. He walked sheepishly to the mattress and took a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt and put them on quickly.

"Wait," Katniss said and Peeta stopped with his arms still in the air, the t-shirt in his hands. "You have a bit of soot..." she said and pointed at the back of his neck. Peeta dropped the t-shirt and sat on the mattress laying on the floor. Katniss kneeled on the floor and soaked the towel with the warm water and pressed it between his shoulder blades and the back of his neck gently. He shivered when she rested her hand over his shoulder and ran her thumb slowly across his skin.

He had a dusting of freckles on his shoulder blades and some lost moles all over his back. When Katniss finished the cleaning she traced the moles with her fingers, drawing invisible figures on his sighed and rested her forehead on the back of his neck, feeling his warm skin and his soft breathing; her arms hugged him from behind and he took her hands to put them over his chest. He was breathing, he had escaped an underground hell and he was here with her. The thought of him going back to the mines formed a lump in her throat, but the thought of Peeta Mellark never leaving the mines made her choke back a sob.

"Hey," he said, turning around to hug her. Katniss covered her face with her hands and shook her head, because now she was making choking noises, the tears running freely. "I'm okay now," he whispered, taking her hands. He smiled crookedly at her and she buried her face in his shoulder.

"You shouldn't have been there, Peeta," Katniss sobbed into his shoulder and Peeta sighed. He ran his hands across her back in soothing circles.

"I can't be in the Bakery without my dad, it hurts too much," Peeta whispered after a long silence with his voice full of sorrow. Katniss's eyes filled with tears again as she took her head from his shoulder and framed his face with her hands.

"I get it, I know what it feels like. When I lost my dad I felt like something within me died. Sometimes I wake up screaming to him to run, trust me I know the feeling. But Peeta, you get to choose and he didn't," her lips were trembling and she was shaking. She rested her forehead against his when Peeta's jaw trembled and some angry tears fell from his blue eyes.

"It's so hard Katniss," he whispered and she nodded.

"I know, I know, but Peeta, you get to choose and if the bakery is not an option then I'll talk with Madge, with , or with the Mayor himself or I'll go back to the woods, but please don't go back to the mines," she was desperate for him to understand.

"Kat..." he whispered but she shook her head frantically.

"Please don't go back to the mines, please Peeta, do it for me, please, please..." It was her last card but she never thought Peeta would listen to her like Sam had said.

"Shh... Katniss, it's okay, I won't go back," he said kissing her on her cheek, her forehead. She hugged him once more, her arms tight across his back and her face buried in his neck.

"Promise me, please," she said between sobs and Peeta nodded.

"I promise you I won't go back," he said and Katniss nodded still breathing heavily, her hands holding Peeta for dear life. They sat there for what felt like hours and it was only natural for them to lay down, Peeta on his back holding Katniss securely against him with his arm while her head rested on his chest. Their hands were linked over his stomach.

"Did you have trouble with the nine's multiplication table?" Katniss asked remembering the last time she had seen her dad. She heard the chuckle in Peeta's chest and smiled.

"Not really, why?" he asked. She felt his fingers going back and forth over her arm and Katniss snuggled closer to him.

"The last time I spoke to my dad I asked him what nine times seven was," she answered and Peeta kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry that was the last thing you to said to him," he said and Katniss shrugged with a sigh.

"I regret I didn't say that I loved him, but I didn't know the mines were going to explode," she mumbled and Peeta breathed heavily. "It was like that day all over again," she whispered closing her eyes. Peeta's heart began to beat faster and Katniss lifted her head from his chest. He was looking at her with his brow knitted and he looked confused.

"I never thought -" he mumbled only this phrase and looked at the ceiling again so Katniss leaned up a bit to look at him. His eyes, glassy and sad, met hers again briefly before looking at the ceiling again. "I never thought you would care so much," he whispered, like he wasn't allowed to say those words.

"Why would you think that?" she asked him still looking intently at him but his eyes looked at the ceiling and nowhere else. "Peeta," she whispered and this time he looked at her as if the sound of her voice saying his name had awakened him, like she had some kind of effect on him she didn't know she had. He swallowed and turned on his side so now he was face to face with Katniss, their noses almost touching.

"I always felt no one would care if I'm gone, no one really needs me," he whispered but there was no self-pity in his voice. Katniss frowned and her breath got caught in her throat because she was sure that if someone said those things like it was the most natural thing in the world it was because of years of cold remarks and hurtful comments. She remembered Mrs. Mellark's words at the bakery and everything clicked.

"What about me? What if I need you?" Katniss asked. Peeta lowered his eyes and sighed but Katniss kissed him gently on his lips. He smelled like soap but there was still a trace of something smokey that reminded her about the chaos in the District. About the possibility of not seeing him again. She clinged to him and kissed him deeply, a new hunger new within her that she only associates with Peeta. It felt like fire every time his hand touched the skin on the small of her back or when his tongue met hers or when his breath tickled her neck while she rested her hands on his strong shoulders , his skin warm under her touch.

He rolled over her and smiled when she scowled at him for breaking the kiss. He kissed the frown away and hugged her, hiding his face in her neck, resting his upper body over hers. She was still running her hands on his bare skin, kissing his shoulder softly. He shivered and she smiled at his gooseflesh.

"Cold?" she asked him and he chuckled.

"Quite the opposite actually and you're not doing me any favors," he said looking at her, his eyes still a bit rimmed red from holding his tears but at least they didn't look so sad anymore. Katniss felt her cheeks redden when she felt him pressed against her and yes, she knew how the male anatomy worked but the thought of Peeta getting hard for her sent a thrill down her spine. She smiled at him. "Umm, do you want to take off your sweater?" he asked, probably noticing the blush on her cheeks. She nodded softly and Peeta helped her to take it off.

"I think I'm going to need something to sleep with," she whispered when Peeta put the sweater aside. He stood up and gave her a long sleeve shirt and shorts and before he could leave, she stood up boldly and took off her pants. Peeta swallowed heavily but he got closer to hand her the clothes. He helped her with her own shirt and then Katniss put on the one Peeta was giving her, looking at him shyly. He buttoned it for her and then kissed her again, throwing the shorts over his shoulder. Katniss laughed and Peeta hugged her closely to him.

His steady heart lulled her to sleep.

The month before the announcement she had been in a bubble. After the accident in the mines Peeta returned to the bakery and even if Katniss thought Mrs. Mellark coldness could have melted a bit with the prospect of losing her son, Katniss was sorely mistaken.

"Peeta is in the back, working," she told her nastily before Katniss could utter a word. Mrs. Mellark had the Mayor's order ready so Katniss put the coins over the counter.

"Goodbye Mrs. Mellark," she said raising her voice. She left the shop and smiled when she heard a soft whistle. She turned around and found Peeta looking at her with a smile waving at her to go to the back of the bakery. Katniss looked around and walked quickly to the door where Peeta was waiting for her. The second she was within his reach, he pressed her against the wall, kissing her hungrily. The bag fell on the floor when Katniss reached to throw her arms around his neck.

"You look good in an apron," he said breathlessly when the air was not enough. His hands were around her waist, tugging the strings of her apron under her coat.

"This old thing?," she said, kissing his cheek. Mimi had insisted that Katniss should wear the blue apron during the work hours in the Mayor's house.

She rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh but the rest was short. The creak of the back door, the squeal of the pig and Sam's voice.

"Peeta, the buns. Bring your buns to check the buns in the oven," Peeta shook his head with a roll of his eyes when Katniss grinned.

"I should go," he said and kissed her one last time.

"Yeah, me too," she said and took the bag from the floor. He stopped her when they reached the back door.

"I'll see you later," he said and kissed her. Katniss walked quickly to Madge's house but when she got there she couldn't look at Mimi in the eyes. She was looking at Katniss with a knowing look.

"Well, at least one of us was having a good time," Mimi said and Katniss frowned at her.

"Please don't rub it in my face that you were having a good time dusting the cabinets," she said but Mimi just smirked.

"Just because I want to spread the fun, now you can peel the potatoes, the sweet potatoes and the onions, and don't you dare cry," Mimi said handing her the peeler and Katniss took it without saying a word but she couldn't help to smile at Mimi smirking at her.

It was the first time she felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. That's what Peeta did to her, he made her feel lighter with his good mood and his goofy bread jokes or the way his presence could put her at ease. She felt like it was always going to happen, like she knew deep down that it would take time for them to find each other again after that rainy day all those years ago, but the wait was worth it .

Prim and her mother noticed the difference in her but when Katniss asked them exactly what was so different about her, they just giggled and shrugged. Katniss scowled at them and tried to let the matter rest, but her mother wasn't thinking the same. She was with Prim waiting for her in the Square.

"What are you doing here?" Katniss asked when she was on her way to the bakery on Monday.

"I want to know Peeta," she said and Katniss stopped in her tracks. Prim grinned.

"Why?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. Mrs. Everdeen just smiled and took Katniss's elbow, linking their arms, dragging her with them.

"Because I want to know the young man that has my daughter with puppy eyes," she said with soft smile.

"I don't have puppy eyes," she whispered grumpily.

"Primrose said so," Mrs. Everdeen shrugged. Prim smiled and Katniss rolled her eyes.

"Maybe Primrose should mind her own business," Katniss said looking at her sister with narrowed eyes.

"You think you can fool us," Prim sighed, shaking her head

Katniss was about to answer her when the bakery's back door opened and Peeta stepped outside to dump the trash. He spotted them and his ears turned crimson. The introductions were a bit awkward but Prim lightened the mood and Peeta still managed to be charming while Katniss looked at the floor with a blush that just didn't go away.

"Well, we should go, it was nice to finally meet you Peeta, you can come to dinner any time you want to," Mrs. Everdeen said and Peeta nodded with a smile and a nod. Prim and Mrs. Everdeen left them with big smiles.

"I'm sorry about that," Katniss mumbled. Peeta took her behind the bakery when they usually kiss.

"Why?" he asked, his breath hot on her neck. Katniss whimpered and moved even closer to him. He kissed her neck slowly and Katniss bit her lower lip to fight a moan.

"Why what?" she asked in a haze.

"Why did you say you were sorry?" he asked, stopping his trail of kisses and held her hands. Katniss huffed and frowned.

"Now she wants to act like she's worried about me?" she mumbled and Peeta kissed her to stop her.

"It's fine by me, but are you okay with it?" he asked hesitantly. Katniss looked at him with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," she said and this time she closed the distance between them quickly but Peeta kissed her forehead instead, looking nervous.

"Hey, if you ever want to talk, you know? About your mom or whatever, the weather or what ... Buttercup? Or Lady, you know, I'm all ears for you, umm -" he gestured with his hand avoiding her eyes but Katniss stopped him with a gentle hand over his flushed cheek.

"Thank you Peeta," she whispered and Peeta put his hand over hers with a small smile.

"Yeah, okay," he smiled and let her go.

The days got longer and the air warmer and even if she knew the Reaping was coming, she chose not to worry. This would be Prim's last Reaping and then she would be free and Katniss would accomplish what she always fought for; Prim's wellbeing.

But even if the sun shone in the sky brightly and Peeta's kisses turned her to jelly, the voice of President Snow put a damper on her brief happiness. She should have known, she had let her guard fall, but how was it possible to know the magnitude of the events that would change her life forever? The odds were not in her favor but she just didn't know it yet.

"Dear Panem! I salute you and I especially salute our Victors." The screen showed a crowd clapping loudly and cheering at their President, who kept talking to all of Panem about the Dark Days, the punishment for the war, the elimination of District Thirteen and finally, the Quarter Quell. Until a kid with a wooden box walked in.

"On the fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels died for each Capitol citizen, every district was required to send twice as many tributes. And now we honor our third Quarter Quell" he said and a little boy dressed in white extended the box with envelopes "On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors. If there's a lack of a Victor, the tribute will be reaped from the eligible people, without a top age."

Static and lights out.

The next couple of days before the Reaping, Katniss made sure to stay busy to keep her mind off it but Effie Trinket's voice was usually in her nightmares saying Prim's name. While her sister climbed the stairs she shouted to volunteer but she had no voice.

Peeta knew of scared she was and he was cautious with his words. But she enjoyed being with him. The day before the Reaping, she barely said a couple of words. She was sick with worry and Peeta could tell.

Katniss stayed with him while he fed the pig under the scorching sun.

"Katniss, wait," he said when she stood up to leave.

She turned around and suddenly he was there, hugging her, his big hands on the small of her back and between her shoulder blades. She realized her arms were hanging at her sides and Peeta was stepping away from her, maybe thinking that his hug was not welcome so she hurried to hug him closer to her. She felt his strong back under her hands, his scent of cinnamon and dill, the soft cotton of his t-shirt and she closed her eyes, feeling for a few seconds that she was in the safest place on Earth, there in Peeta's arms.

They were about to break the hug and the same sense of dread filled her again.

But when Peeta rested his cheek against her temple briefly and kissed it softly, she felt something like hope within her.

On Reaping Day all the District 12 women were gathered in the main Square with their best clothes on. They were divided by age so Katniss was next to Delly and Madge and several rows behind them, their mothers. To Katniss' surprise, they were chatting in low voices, their faces worried but still, they looked like they were old friends. Maybe they were, before a coal miner had appear in the apothecary's daughter's life.

Mrs. Mellark was with other Merchants ladies, but today fear could be seen in all of their faces. The ones that thought they were done with the reapings, the ones that thought their children were done with the barely heard when Haymitch Abernathy's name was called. Peeta was looking at her and she was looking him back.

He looked scared, his hands were clenched and his jaw was set. It was only when Effie announced the women's turn that Katniss lowered her eyes to the ground, hoping the it wasn't her, it wasn't Prim...

"Madge Undersee,"

A collective gasp filled the Square and Katniss felt Madge next to her shift on her feet before going to the stage.

"No," the Mayor stood up and the back of his chair hit the stage loudly but Effie Trinket looked at him with an amazed expression and he sat down again, shaking madly.

Katniss looked at her friend, her one and only friend, and squeezed her hand when their eyes met. A piercing scream made Katniss look back and she saw her mother with Madge's mother. Mrs. Undersee was crouched down covering her ears with her hands while the women around her tried to support her.

"It's okay," Madge whispered with a nod and Katniss saw through blurry eyes how her friend stood bravely on the stage until the ceremony ended.

Peeta was already there and without a thought she took his hand and went to say goodbye to Madge.

Only in the waiting room to greet the tributes Katniss fell against Peeta's chest while Delly paced the room like a caged animal. Katniss let go of him when the door opened and the Mayor and his wife left the room crying.

The three of them found Madge looking through the window with a calm that made Katniss want to puke. She had already given up.

"I'm glad you're here," she said in a small voice. Delly hugged her tightly and whispered something in her ear but Madge just smiled and then she hugged Peeta.

"I'm so sorry Madge," he said with a choked voice and took out of his pocket a brown bag of cookies. "It's not much..."

"It's perfect," she said and placed her hand on his cheek briefly.

She looked at Katniss and they hugged before Katniss' tears reached the floor.

"I should have ask you how to use a bow," she said and Katniss' lip trembled.

"Madge," she said in a hoarse voice. Madge grabbed her by her shoulders and looked at her. She was so serene and peaceful that Katniss wanted to shake her and tell her to fight, to come back, but it was useless.

"I consider myself very lucky, you are my friends and that's all I ever wanted, to be around people like you," she said with such resignation on her voice that Delly choked back a sob and Peeta's lip trembled furiously. She turned to Katniss and held her hands.

"Thanks for sharing lunch with me," Madge whispered.

"Thank you." Katniss whispered back, her throat knotted painfully with tears.

A knock on the door made them say goodbye again with hurried hugs.

And Katniss looked at her best friend for the last time, because Madge Undersee died with a knife stuck in her jugular in the Arena of the 75th Hunger Games.

Haymitch Abernathy, the distant drunk, the man that didn't even care about himself, held her hand while the life slipped off her eyes, telling her softly how brave she was and how bravery must run in her family. To everyone's surprise they were a good team. Their stylist made them shine with synthetic fire and Panem paid attention to them. Their interviews were enigmatic and aloof and Panem craved for them, for another minute from the former Quell Victor and the privileged girl that said that she wasn't scared.

The were Careers now; Finnick Odair and his trident, Johanna Mason and her axe, and Beetee and his cleverness were their allies. But there was another band of Careers and Cashmere had a wickedly accurate aim. The knife reached Madge in the blink of an eye but Haymitch choked the brutal Career to death while Finnick fought with Gloss and Johanna decapitated Brutus.

But Katniss saw nothing of this. The minute Madge fell to the sand in the tropical Arena, she ran in panic toward the Bakery. She couldn't see if Peacekeepers tried to stop her, she just knew that she needed to find Peeta. She knocked on the Bakery back door frantically and Peeta took her hand without asking. He wasn't surprised when she lead him to the woods. He never mentioned that they might get in trouble, he didn't even mentioned the whipping months ago. They walked and walked and walked and only stopped when Katniss spotted the lake, panting and sweating under the heat.

"Do you know how to swim?" she asked and Peeta shook his head. "I'll teach you," she said.

And now she was in her underwear and a tank top, the scars on her back still healing, stretching under the scorching sun. She dove in the lake and when her head was under the water she yelled so loud that her throat burned but it was the only thing that keep her sane at the moment, her anger could only leave her in underwater bubbles.

She emerged panting and rubbing her eyes. She stayed like that until her heart stop hammering in her chest and her eyes were mostly dry. She turned around and saw Peeta standing at the shore. He was in his underwear, standing nervously with his hands folded in front of him with the water reaching his knees and an expectant look on his face.

"Are you going to stay there?" she asked with a smile and Peeta smiled back nervously.

"I've never seen so much water before," he said with a chuckle. He walked slowly, like the soles of his feet were testing the muddy floor.

Katniss swam towards him and looked at the broadness of his chest. Even if she had seen him once it was in the dim light but now, with the sun shining over his shoulders she could even could see the goosebumps on his arms. She blushed when he caught her staring at him.

"So, how's this swimming business?" he asked when she was near him. She stayed under the water and extended her hand for him to take.

"Oh shit," he said when the rest of his body touched the water.

"Now the head," she said with a laugh and Peeta took a mouthful of air and sank in the water.

He reemerged shaking his head, sending droplets of water everywhere.

"That was cold," he said shivering with a boyish smile that made Katniss lick her lips.

"Okay, now we float," She taught him how to float and to do a few strokes. He was a fast learner, eager to do what she told him to do and willing to ask for help when he couldn't get something right.

"It's not that hard," he said floating and holding Katniss's hand. She didn't want to let go of him on the deep part. She didn't want to let go of him. "And the water is really nice, I can't believe we have something so..." he said in amazement, looking for words.

"Clean," she finished for him with a sad smile and he nodded. She lead him to a huge fallen branch from an ancient looking tree that was near the middle of the lake and he followed her easily.

"Come here," he said and opened his arms to her. She hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder and felt his arms engulf her. His skin was warm and smelled like cinnamon. She touched the freckles that spreaded on his shoulders and he hummed contentedly. How was it possible to fit so well against his body?

He moved the hair from her shoulder and kissed her softly from there to her ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin. She moved her head and he brushed his lips softly against hers.

"Thanks for teaching me how to swim, too bad I can't practice in the shower," he mumbled kissing her neck. His warm breath against her damp skin made her sigh and she tilted her neck to gave him more access.

"Anytime," she whispered, her eyes closed because all she could feel now was Peeta's lips on her neck, her cheeks, the shell of her ear, his hands on her side, his thumbs brushing against the side of her breasts.

She shifted her position so she was now straddling his lap and with his intake of breath she felt the tension rise between them. She framed his face with her hands and her thumbs brushed his stubble. He was watching her intently , waiting for her to proceed or stop. She leaned in, barely brushing her lips against his and she whispered his name when she felt him hard against her. The need she felt for him was almost unbearable.

She looped her arms around his neck, bringing his mouth to hers. He took her lower lip between his at the same time he pushed her even closer to him, their chests panting. The tease on her center sent shivers down her spine so she rotated her hips against his, feeling the frantic need to being closer. They kissed hungrily and possessively, fueled by the solitude the lake provided, the knowledge that there was no time but theirs, there was no place to be, no danger of Peeta's mom lurking in the corner. Just them, in the middle of a lost lake where the only thing they needed was each other. Katniss felt like there was a fire within her that only Peeta could put out but the thing was she only wanted this fire to grow until they were both consumed -

They were snapped out of the kiss when they heard a booming sound in the distance.

"What was that?" Katniss asked and Peeta frowned, both still in a lustful haze.

A flock of birds crossed the sky and Katniss knew something was wrong, animals were wise and knew when was the time to hide. Another loud sound echoed through the woods and she saw three deers running in the opposite direction from Town.

Katniss untangled from Peeta and took his hand to swim towards the shore.

"What...?" his words were covered with the sound of three hovercrafts that ploughed through the sky. They heard the booming sound in the distance and this time not only deers, but also wild dogs, lynxes, and bears were running in the same direction that the first three deers had taken.

And then there was an stillness that somehow scared her more that the noise.

"Is that...?" Peeta asked that this time there was no mistake. A high pitched sound could be heard in the distance and then the earth shook a bit sending dense columns of dark smoke.

They dressed quickly and Katniss cursed at the fact that even if they ran, they would have at least an hour and a half hike toward Town, so she took Peeta's hand and lead him through the woods, stopping every once in awhile when they heard animals on their paths. The bombing sounds from Town could still be heard and Katniss felt bile rising at the thought of Prim getting caught by one.

When they reached the the last stretch of the woods Katniss took her bow and arrows and hung it over her shoulder. She gave Peeta a knife and he took it with a somber expression, like he was holding evil itself on his hands. He took a shaky breath and looked at her.

"Let's go," she said but stopped immediately when they heard voices she recognized.

"Vick?" she called and she saw him but he wasn't alone. Many families from the Seam were walking towards them and Katniss almost passed out from relief when she saw Prim holding Posy by the hand.

"What happened?" Katniss asked to her mother. She looked around and she recognized more people; Greasy Sae with her daughters and grandchildren, her neighbour Bristel, Thom, Gale's crewmate with his sister and many more families from the Seam.

"The Tributes scaped," Prim explained, relief on her features because her sister was alive. "A couple of hours after Madge was killed, Finnick threw his trident and Johanna her axe to some kind of force field and everything exploded, we only could see hovercrafts and then the connection was lost."

"How did you get out?" Peeta asked, paler than usual.

"The missiles reached the Merchant side," Mrs Everdeen said and Peeta stood still, his face blank. He gave a step back, swallowing heavily.

"I have to go," he said and launched himself toward town but Katniss grabbed his hand. It was almost laughable how easy it was for him to drag her.

"No, you can't go," she said, trying to stop him by holding him but not even with her two hands on his arms she could stop him "Peeta, please, listen to me,"

"Katniss, they could be hurt," he said, still dragging her. She changed tactics and stood in front of him but he kept walking so she planted her feet and put her arms around his chest and stood firmly on the floor, her head against his chest. His heart was beating almost as fast as hers.

"Peeta, it's dangerous, please," she said with tears in her eyes. He stopped and looked at her. His eyes were mad and sad and Katniss thought what she would do if the same thing was happening to her family.

"Please move, Katniss," he said desperately but she stayed there.

"I'm coming with you, then," she said and he sighed shaking his head.

"No, stay here," he said with gritted teeth.

"I'm coming with you, c'mon, we're wasting time," she said and this time he sighed, knowing that any resistance was futile. They walked faster through the woods, still finding what it look like the last people from the Seam on their way. They were all the miners and Gale was the last one.

"Katniss! Go back to the woods, both of you." Gale was running toward them but Katniss shook her head. He took her by the shoulders searching for any damage.

"Take her with you, I'm going to town," Peeta said coldly but Gale, just like Katniss, stood in front of him.

"Peeta, it's all gone," he said in a low voice but Peeta just pushed past him and ran faster.

Katniss looked at Gale briefly and ran behind Peeta. They didn't hear Gale warning that another attack was coming.

When they reached the Merchant side of the District the sun was almost down but the air was hot and full of dirt from the destruction caused by the fire, because there was fire everywhere. The Mayor's house was a big pile of debris with smoke and fire. All the Merchant shops around the main Square were destroyed, the windows smashed, the walls that once held the houses were now on the floor like they were made of paper and a soft breeze had knocked them down.

And what made Katniss' stomach turn painfully, there were burnt bodies everywhere. Laying on the streets, under the piles of debris, on the steps of the Justice Building.

They stood there, watching how the Town they had known a few hours ago was gone.

"No, no, no," Peeta said when he saw the Bakery his hands over his head, fisting his hair. Or at least what it used to be the bakery.

There was a burned body on the front door and Katniss recognized Peeta's brother by his head, because the rest of the body was like raw meat, with the clothes plastered on his body.

"Sam..." Peeta said walking toward the bakery and his brother looked at him with pleading eyes but it was too late. An explosion, probably from the ovens, threw them several feet away. They couldn't even stand up because a bomb fell on the Undersee house again and Katniss felt Peeta hovering over her to protect her.

"We have to go back," Katniss said, looking at Peeta's sweating face, the vein on his forehead pooping out from the effort. He nodded and tried to stand up but yelled in pain when he was on his feet. Katniss saw a metal pole with blood from what it used to be a sign of the Grocery store.

"What happened?" Katniss asked and then she saw an alarming amount of blood pouring from a deep gash on the back of his lower leg.

"Go," he said and stood there, wobbling on his feet, his pale face covered with dirt and sweat.

"Are you mad?" she yelled angrily and gave him her quiver and bow to take while she put his arm under her shoulders.

It was a painfully slow trip towards the woods with the hot wind plastering their clothes to their bodies, the smell of smoke and...Katniss shook her and the bile rose in her stomach. It was only when they reached the first trees that Katniss yelled for help.

"Thanks for not letting my die, I owe you one," he said through gritted teeth with pain, eyes closing. Katniss nodded and suddenly the idea of not having Peeta made her want to cry.

"You're not going to die. Help, help!" she yelled again and this time, Gale appeared from the woods with Thom and some other miners that ran toward them and took an almost unconscious Peeta.

Katniss took the bow and the quiver that Peeta had dropped and followed them. She tried to ignore the trail of blood Peeta was leaving, but first she bent down and threw up all the contents of her stomach. She put her hands on her knees and took deep breaths trying to understand what on earth was happening. Was she really kissing Peeta a few hours ago?

"Katniss, what the hell?!" Prim's shocked voice reached her ears and she saw her sister's face over her, holding her by the shoulders, shaking her furiously. "You can't leave just like that, don't ever do that again," she said, with her tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Prim, Peeta..." she said, but was cut by a bone crushing hug from her sister.

"I'll check on him," Prim said letting go of her and ran toward Peeta. He was pale and his wound was bleeding like a faucet.

"Ka'niss?" he asked groggily and tried to stood up but Prim pushed him gently on the floor again. Mrs Everdeen gave him something from a small cup that made him cough and gag.

"She's okay," Prim said to Peeta. Katniss crouched down next to him and took his hand. He smiled weakly at her.

"Hi. I held your bow, it was awesome," he said sleepily and Katniss smiled, pushing his sweaty hair out of his forehead.

"Yes you did," she said with a small laugh but then the tears fell. He looked at her with a glint that knotted Katniss' throat and then he closed his eyes.

Prim asked for space and Katniss stood up to check on the Hawthorne family but on the way she saw Delly and her brother sitting on a log. He was curled on her lap while she stroked his golden locks.

"Delly," Katniss said and Delly looked at her with a trembling lip. "I'm sorry,"

"Everything is gone, the shop, my parents, my friends, Bran..." she said and Katniss sat next to her, patting her shoulder awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Delly. Peeta is okay, Prim is fixing his leg," she said and Delly's eyes brightened a bit.

Prim and her mom were able to stop Peeta's blood but according to her mom he was still very weak. He also had deep cuts on his back from the explosion. She sat next to him and grabbed his hand, squeezing it softly every few seconds.

Gale was looking at her with a frown but she ignored him. She just looked at Peeta, hoping for him to be okay. She didn't want to think about how they were going to survive in the woods, if the Capitol would attack them again. She just wanted Peeta again, next to her, safe and sound.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head on their joined hands for a long time. She was falling asleep when the sound of two hovercrafts woke her with a start.

Hi! Sorry for the delay, hope this chapter it's worth the wait. Gentlemama and Hanginghope (eatnightlockforbreakfast on Tumblr) made this readable.

The title from this chapter it's from the Arcade Fire song It's never over (Oh Orpheus)

I'm on Tumblr with the same name I have here :)

Thanks for reading!