Hey everyone! It's been... uh... four years. yep. Four years since I started this story, and four years since I last updated—I want to thank all of you who stuck with this story for being so patient. This story, surprisingly, is not actually dead! I came back to read a review and decided to reread the story and I've fallen in love with the characters and the idea all over again.
So what does this mean?
It probably won't be updated here on FFN. My account on AO3 (under the same username) has become my main fanfiction account, for a variety of reasons—I will always remember FFN as the place where I started, and I will always miss some things about it, and I might one day come back and revive this account. But for now, I'm going to take this story—yes, this one right here, Helping Hand, Willing Heart—and I'm going to put it in a document, I'm going to edit it, and it's gonna go up on my AO3 account. And then I'm going to try to continue it!
If you're a fan of my other works on this site, let me know! I have a couple in mind that I also want to transfer and continue, but knowing what people want to see is incredibly helpful.
As for communication, I will still be responding to user reviews and PMs. I'm also on Tumblr! ( falconfate)
Thank you all for your support, your reviews, and your patience—coming back here has made me realize exactly how much I've grown as a writer, and I will never forget that this website was the place where I really began to explore a budding passion for wordsmithing.
(A more generalized announcement will go up on my profile)