Levy woke up to meowing and the rays of the sun in her eyes. She felt a big arm wrapped around her as she finally came awake. She fully opened her eyes to see Gajeel watching her carefully.

"Sorry, Pantherlily's hungry," he apologized.

"I'm guessing that is the name of your cat. You take a cat around with you?" Levy asked, her eyebrows raised questioningly.

"I brought him cuz I thought I might be here awhile. I usually just have someone watch him," he explained, stretching his arms above his head.

He had lost the covering of the sheet and she raked her eyes down his still naked body. She couldn't help it. He looked just as delicious in the sunlight as he did in the moonlight. She shook her head to try and rid herself of her dirty thoughts.

He noticed her gaze. "Can't get enough, huh? Ya need it in the mornin' too?" he teased, his usual smirk on his face.

"I'm fine, thank you. Where is the bathroom? I need a shower," she said, not taking his bait.

"Door across the hall," he told her. He got up, still naked. She forced herself not to look again. "I'm gonna feed Lily." He walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

He hadn't said anything about last night. Oh well, it wasn't the first time they slept together. She pulled the sheet over her head. "Get it together Levy," she murmured to herself.

Levy walked into the bathroom, figured out the shower faucet, and hopped in. The warm water felt good on her tired body. She noticed marks she had gotten from him last night. She closed her eyes, remembering how good she felt with him.

She was right in the middle of her hot little recollection when she heard the bathroom door open.


He opened the white shower curtain and got in with her. He just stared at her for a bit, but then grabbed her and pulled her wet body against him.

"I kept thinkin' about you all naked and wet in here and I thought I should join ya," he growled in her ear. His hands were all over her body, running it up and down the slick surface of her wet skin.

She put her arms around him. She looked up at him innocently. "Are you going to wash my hair or something?"

"Did ya enjoy yourself last night," he asked, ignoring her teasing.

She shrugged, but her smile betrayed her indifference.

He slowly pushed her against the wall of the shower, taking very slow and deliberate steps. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder, and she shivered.

"Your body always tells me the truth. Ya want me so bad," he said confidently, in between kisses. He moved his lips up her neck and started to suck on her earlobe.

Her throat was too dry to reply. All she could muster was a slight moan. She was just about to surrender herself when her eyes snapped open. "Oh shit!"

She pushed herself away from him, grabbed a towel from a shelf and wrapped it around her body, and then practically ran into the living room and picked up her phone.

She had six missed calls from Lucy and three from Natsu. She expected one, two at the most. She felt uneasy instantly.

Gajeel stalked into his living room, a towel around his waist. "What's wrong?"

She called Lucy. While it rang, she told Gajeel, "I was supposed to get a check-in call from Lucy. But she and Natsu have called me several times and I'm a tad concerned."

Lucy finally answered. "Code Blue," was all she said, and hung up the phone immediately.

Levy cursed. She turned to Gajeel. "Lucy and Natsu have possibly been found out. We have to extricate them," she explained.

"How do ya know that? You were on the phone for like two seconds."

"Years ago I made a list of words that Lucy and Natsu should call and tell me in certain situations. She said 'Code Blue,' which means they may have been compromised and they need to leave the Bureau immediately."

He crossed his arms and looked at her thoughtfully. "Ok, so what's your plan to get 'em out?"

"I have about a million plans, but we need to suss out the situation before we take any action. I knew this job was way too easy so far."

Lucy had been having a terrible day at work so far. First, Lucy had been yelled at by her boss for being one minute late. Then, Natsu had come to her office to tell her that one of their co-workers, Yukino, had started asking questions about a possible mole in the Investigative branch.

"Wait, what did she say exactly? Is she leading the hunt for the mole?" Lucy demanded of Natsu when he had told her what had happened.

"Just that she was leading an investigation into our department and we would all be questioned. This isn't good, Luce," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck with a concerned look on his face.

Lucy narrowed her eyes in thought, tapping a pen on her desk. "If they knew exactly who it was we would have been black bagged and in some holding cell in a far-off country by now, being tortured. No, I think we'll be ok, as long as we can keep our wits about us," Lucy said thoughtfully.

Natsu sat next to her on her desk and she looked up at him from her chair. "I'm not so sure. See, I asked around. The only people in our department that are getting questioned are you and I. I'm pretty sure Yukino said everyone else was getting interviewed to lure me into a false sense of security. We gotta call Levy. We can't stay," Natsu argued. Lucy saw the desperation in his eyes. He was worried about her safety.

"OK, I'll call Levy. You go back to your office and act normal. When was Yukino supposed to start the interviews?" Lucy questioned.

"This afternoon, after lunch. She's going to be in a meeting upstairs until then," Natsu advised.

"Maybe they're looking for definitive proof that we're the moles. I don't see any other reason why she would be in a meeting with any of the higher-ups. Go to your office and get all the information on Porla you can. Take it slowly, you can't exceed your file uploads or IT will be down here to check your credentials. I'll get everything I can on the Exceed program, my clearance is higher than yours,' she said, her plan coming together in her mind.

"Yeah, don't get me started on that. I'm still pissed you got promoted ahead of me," Natsu teased, grinning.

"This isn't the time for jokes, Natsu. I'm going to call Levy on my burner phone. I'll tell her it's a Code Blue. I'm sure she'll come up with a plan from there," Lucy chided him. She gave him a hard look.

He held up his hands in defeat. "I'm going. See ya," he said, shuffling out of the room.

Natsu's office was across the room from Lucy's. He had asked for that office so he could look up and see her whenever he wanted. But today he caught himself glancing at her more often than he usually did. He saw her make the calls to Levy and not get a response. He tried to call Levy himself a couple times, just to make sure there wasn't something wrong with Lucy's phone. He was extracting some files from a zip file when he saw Lucy mouth the words "Code Blue" into her burner. She looked across the room and nodded at him.

"Wait, so how are ya gonna find out anything about their situation. You already hung up the phone with Lucy," Gajeel asked as Levy got all of her stuff together in his house.

"Natsu will send me an email from a random email address he'll create today. He'll tell me the situation in code and then I'll send them a coded message back. Natsu will then close out the email account and we will extract them," Levy explained, grabbing her cell phone and opening her email app. After about a minute, she received an email from Natsu. She quickly read it, thought about it for a couple seconds, and replied. She then put her phone in sleep mode.

Gajeel had been looking at her impatiently the entire time. "Well?"

"I think this will make you happy, Gajeel. We are going to set fire to the Bureau of Intelligence building."