Hey! It's sad that this is the last update for the story. I really loved writing it, and I'm happy that you guys enjoyed and supported me all through the story, even at times when I was going to give up. So here's the final chapter of the story, I hope you like it.
To hungergamesfangirl100: How is that possible? His hands are stuck behind him, and his pen is in his pocket. Unless...some miracle?
To ritzdestinfangirl307: Thanks! And welcome :) Glad you enjoyed the story.
Now without further ado...please enjoy, and find out what happens to the heroes of this fanfic!
As the soldier's took aim, Percy concentrated, willing the each water particle in the air to revolve around him, like a hurricane. The swirling mass of wind and water spun higher, shielding Percy's body, and pushing the soldiers back.
"Citizens of the districts of Panem! Your suffering and poverty will only continue if you do not make a stand. Fight for freedom! Fight for a better future for your children, and many generations to come! Stand together, show the Capitol that they have no control over you. Fight like you once did previously. United, you are strong. Divided, you are weak."
Many loud shots rang in the air, and Percy knew the soldiers were shooting at him. But the hurricane simply swept the bullets away harmlessly.
The soldiers seemed to realize that they were too few in numbers, and were starting to call for backup. Percy knew he couldn't keep up the hurricane forever. His strength was soon ebbing away. He needed to finish his speech soon.
Percy continued, shouting to all of Panem, "Rebel like how you did before, except this time, you will win the war. Whether you choose to believe it or not, the Greek gods are real, and they want this sick and cruel Hunger Games to be stopped. I myself am prove to each of you, that the gods are alive. I am a child of the gods, sent to start this rebellion, to overthrow the Capitol!"
Hundreds upon hundreds of army men dressed in white uniforms were pressing closer. The hurricane was the only thing separating Percy from the sea of Capitol soldiers. Those who came too near to the hurricane were thrown backwards a few meters. But they just stood up and came back at him.
The hurricane was slowing down. Energy was leaving Percy fast. Sooner or later, he would be run over by the soldiers.
"Fight now, and make the Capitol pay. Make the death of all the fallen tributes not in vain!"
Percy's voice broke. He fell onto one knee. His powers were completely drained. Percy felt dizzy and lightheaded. The hurricane stopped swirling, and the air returned to its calm state.
Percy was exposed, exhausted, and his tied hands were unable to reach his sword. His only thought was – had he finally reached his end? In the hands of mere mortals? This was humiliating.
Two guards reached him first, and made sure he was fixed in this kneeling position. They kept their hands on Percy's shoulder, making sure he couldn't move. Another guard, a few feet away, took aim at Percy's chest with his pistol, and Percy knew he wouldn't miss.
Suddenly hot, bright light flashed filled his vision. Then, as suddenly as it happened, the light was gone. The two soldiers who were holding Percy had vanished too. In fact, everyone in his ten metre radius had disappeared. All around Percy, the wooden planks were charred. Only the spot where he had been standing remained untouched. The little microphone was still at his feet.
The smell of ozone gave it away. Looking up at where Thalia and Nico had been held, he could see Thalia's outstretched hand, facing the sky.
Nico grabbed at Thalia's hand, and the shadows converged around them. They disappeared, reappearing again beside Percy.
The Son of Hades pulled his Stygian Iron sword out of the air, and slashed at the short chain which linked the cuffs. The chain snapped, and pulled his hands apart.
"Thanks." Percy said.
"C'mon. Get on with the speech, Mr Motivation, then we can get out of here." Nico said.
Nico summoned an army of ten skeleton warriors from the ground, and they launched themselves at the oncoming Capitol soldiers.
Percy was still panting, but he picked up Leo's microphone and raised his voice, carrying on, "Follow the lead of the victor who had proven her worthiness! She has taken the first step to disobey the capitol. Follow the lead of Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire! She has shown the capitol, by forcing them to accept two victors this year. She is the key, the symbol of the rebellion! Stand together now, and after this war, you will never have to live in misery! The gods are on your side! You have the advantage. Seize this opportunity, and follow your symbol!"
Percy hoped he had convinced the district citizens. He hoped he had caused the spark which would ignite to a rebellion. If this wasn't enough, Percy didn't know what else to do.
A full-fledged fight had broken out on the raised, wooden platform. Skeleton warriors were swinging swords at the soldiers. Every blow the skeletons received didn't harm them.
Thalia was slashing mercilessly with her silver knife. Streaks of lightning flashed occasionally, keeping the Capitol soldiers at bay.
Percy took out Riptide and stood back to back with Thalia and Nico, cutting any soldier that came within range.
It was three against hundreds of soldiers, but the demigods had the upper hand. They were winning.
Then, suddenly a golden light shone at them from the sky, like a spotlight. The armies disappeared. All Percy could see was his two cousins.
"We did it!" Thalia said triumphantly, punching her arms into the air.
"What about Katniss and Peeta? They are still in the Capitol building!" Percy said worriedly.
They appeared in the Throne Room at Mount Olympus. The gods sat in thrones around them.
Percy did the only thing that made sense. He bowed. Thalia and Nico followed.
"Rise, demigods. You have all done well." Zeus said.
"What about –" Percy started.
Zeus raised his hand for silence. "What about Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark? A hovercraft by the rebels arrived shortly after, and they attempted to extract them."
Percy nodded. But he realized the word Zeus had said. Attempted?
"Attempted?" Thalia asked for him.
This time, Poseidon replied with a frown. "The rebels did not manage to extract them both. Only Katniss Everdeen was saved. The boy, however, was caught by the Capitol before he could be extracted."
A lump formed in Percy's throat. Peeta had been captured by the Capitol. A memory of the arena flashed in his mind.
Percy and Katniss had gone to the lake beside the cornucopia to refill the empty water bottles. He had dived into the lake while Katniss knelt down beside the lake, dipping the water bottles one by one into the water. While he was waiting for Katniss, Percy had swum a couple of laps underwater, feeling the cool, soothing liquid on his skin. At that moment, a little shell caught his attention. It was a pretty little oyster, sitting at the bottom of the lake. When Percy decided to check it out, he pried it open and found a small, gleaming, silver pearl. He made a split second decision to give it to Peeta, so that he would remember everything that had happen to start a rebellion. So as they gathered again that night to make their plans, Percy had passed it to Peeta, to remember what they had fought for when the demigods were gone.
"Save him." Percy pleaded to the gods.
"Gods are not allowed to interfere with this. You know that. All wars have losses. But remember, this is for a better future. You have helped them start a rebellion. Be happy about that." Zeus said.
Apollo added, "Things might not be so grim for Peeta. I see a possible way he could survive. It is slim, but there is still hope."
Percy nodded. There was nothing he could do anyway.
Zeus looked at the demigods, "If that is all, I'll send you all back to camp."
A flash, and Percy was back at the beach in Camp Half-Blood.
It was exactly like how he left them. Annabeth and Chiron were surrounding him.
"Percy, are you alright?" Chiron asked with concern.
Percy grinned. "Yep. I'm already back from my quest. The rebellion has started. I completed my quest!"
Chiron and Annabeth stared back at him like he was an alien. But both of them nodded slowly.
"So I haven't lost any time while I was gone. I still can spend the remainder of this day with you, Wise Girl." Percy said happily, looking into Annabeth's grey eyes.
Chiron gave Percy a pat on his back, "Good job!" before galloping away towards the Big House.
Annabeth smiled at him, and wrapped her arms around him.
"Do I get another kiss for getting back?" Percy asked.
"Why?" Percy whined.
Annabeth grinned, "Because you made me worried, Percy."
"You didn't even know I was gone!" Percy protested.
"I was still worried, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said.
Percy pouted, knowing Annabeth would always win in arguments. Things were finally back to normal, or at least, as normal as a demigod life could be. As they started to walk back to the cabins, Annabeth swooped at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
- The End -
So once again, I really hope you like the story Could you all just do me a favour, and review on this whole story. It'll be the least I could ask for :)
Thank you very much for reviewing, reading, following, favorite-ing! Heres some cookies before I go (::)(::)(::)(::)(::).