Author's Note: I seem to be on a bit a roll here, I kind of want to re-vamp the whole story but at the same time I really need to get into the thick of it.

So for now I'm going to release a few more chapters, then go back and start completely re-making the first few. They're most likely going to gain 1000 words each, so it explains the whole backstory a little better.

Anyway, here's chapter 12.

Chapter 12:

The smell of burning filled my nostrils as my eyes shot open, I scanned the room to see smoke sputtering out from underneath the door. To my surprise Riven had actually transferred over to our bed, laying just behind as she clung to my back. I was essentially sandwiched between them. I carefully removed myself from their grasps, walking over to the door and opened it. To my horror I was met by a wall of flames as it zipped across the walls, charring the wooden structure.

"Diana! Riven!" I yelled, turning around to see Riven stirring, whilst Diana remained motionless.

"Why are you yelling Se-"she said, stopping mid-sentence as she saw the haze of smoke flooding the room. I ran over to Diana, shaking her in an effort to wake her up. To no avail, she remained unconscious.

"We need to get her out of here Riven" I said as I placed my arms underneath Diana's body, picking her up. Riven nodded, grabbing Diana's weapon and heading for the door.

"Seth, we can't get out that way" She said, covering her eyes from the smoke that engulfed the hallway.

"Then we'll make another way" I said.

"Barrier!" I yelled, the blue shield enveloping Riven and I.


"Yup" Riven replied, hefting the khopesh in her hand.

I ran head first at the side wall, the shield slightly denting the wood on impact as we pummelled through, splintering the wall as we came crashing into the room next to us. Luckily it was empty.

As I stood up from the floor I could hear the whole building creak as the fire ate away at the inside. Before I could react the floor beneath us snapped, the wooden planks cracking under the weight and I only just managed to grab a hold of one of the support beams before falling, holding Diana's arm with my other hand. I could feel my hand slipping when Riven rushed to me, grabbing me and attempting to pull us up.

"Seth!" I heard a voice call from underneath us, looking down I could see Ethan with his arms stretched up.

"Drop her down to me!" he said, waving his fingers.

"Ok!" I shouted as I slowly slid my grip down Diana's arm to her hand, then let go. She fell a short distance and landed in Ethan's arms.

"You need to find Leticia Seth, she's still up there. I can't put out the fire, it's been infused with magic!" he yelled, carrying Diana outside.

Riven pulled me back up.

"Here" she said, passing me Diana's weapon.

"Thanks, I guess" I replied, twirling the weapon curiously.

"We need to find Leticia" I said, gesturing to the door.

Riven pulled the door open, revealing that the flames had turned to green, the fire flared up and she fell backwards against me, shivering.

"It's…" she whispered, clasping her head with her hands.

"I can't Seth. I can't go out there." She said, rocking back and forth.

"Hey Riven" I said, clasping her firmly on the shoulder.

"It's ok, I'm here for you" she turned around, hugging me tightly. I went back to the hole in the floor and stuck my head down.

"Ethan!" I called out, getting no response I went to call out again.

"Pipe it down summoner" came a growl from beneath, Rengar looked up.

"Rengar, can you catch?" I asked.

"Can I catch? I am no pet summoner I will not "catch" anythi-" he was stopped mid-sentence as Riven fell into his arms.

"Thanks" I called out to him, getting a grumble in response.

Turning back around to the door I could hear crying faintly over the crackling of the fire and the creaking of wood. Leticia.

"Barrier!" I started walking towards the fire slowly, testing out the shield held up against the flames. As soon as the blue bubble came into contact is started to sizzle, but remained intact. Braving the odds I jumped through the fire to the room across the hallway just as the room behind me started to erupt into flames. Leticia's is the next room over.

"Barrier" I said again, but this time nothing happened. Damn cooldown.

I placed my hands on the wall, pressing it to see how thick it was. To my surprise it was thicker than the wall I had broken through just before.

"Here goes nothing" I fuelled some mana into my fist, turning the knuckles into a light blue. As soon as I ran out of mana to fuel it I threw a punch at the wall. The frame of the wall shook and a small dent was left in the centre.

"Dammit!" I yelled, shaking the pain from my fist.

"Seth?" I heard from the other side of the wall.

"Leticia!" I yelled, banging on the wall.

"I can't put the fire out" she replied, sniffling.

"I know, it's infused with magic"

"It's coming Seth!" she yelled, pounding the wall.

I punched the wall again, only a miniscule amount of mana infused into the punch. It barely furthered the dent. I punched the wall again and again, my knuckles reduced to a messy pulp of blood. Letting out a blood curdling yell I hit the wall one last time, a light blue glow emanating from my hand. My hand shot through the wall, wood chips scattering the floor. I ripped my arm out, looking through the hole to see Leticia's worried face.

"Seth!" She yelled.

I looked on in horror as her robe caught fire, she started screaming and rolling on the floor.

"NO" I yelled, creating another hole in the wall, this one much larger. Then another, eventually I could fit my torso through the hole. Looking at the floor I could see Leticia, unconscious as the fire raged around her. Her robe was on the floor beside her, the purple colour now turning black. Squeezing the rest of my body through the gap I kicked her robe to the side, avoiding the fire and picked her up. She was littered in burns and scratches.

The fire surrounded us, flickering dangerously close as I held her tightly to my chest. In a last ditch effort I conjured a makeshift Iceborn gauntlet. Sliding it onto my hand and slamming the ground. The icy spell expanding outwards, touching the flames and sizzling away.

"Fuck" I said, as the ice somehow caught fire and the fire raced towards us until it was just under my boots. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. But it didn't come, when I re-opened them the fire was slowly receding, as if backing away from me. Taking a step forward the fire made space, not daring to touch me. It tried to reach up and grasp Leticia, I slapped it, causing it to wilt and fall back. The fire is alive…

Making my way to the staircase I descended through the flames. When I reached the bottom level I could see the charred burning flesh of dead patrons in the bar, carefully stepping over the corpses I made my way outside the building.

When we got outside I could see Ethan bending over Diana, wrapping bandages around her arms. Leona sat beside Riven, comforting her while Pantheon and Rengar watched the approaching mob. Running over to Ethan I laid Leticia beside Diana, Ethan took a look at Leticia and his face instantly paled.

"Where is the one who calls himself Seth!" one of the mob called. Looking over I could see Rengar looking at me. I cupped Diana's cheek, leaning in and kissing her on the forehead before heading over to see what the commotion was.

"What's the problem" I asked, placing a hand on Pantheon's shoulder.

"You need to come with us" the commander we had met earlier said, smiling menacingly.

"And why would I go with you?" I asked, lowering Pantheon's hand as his went to raise his spear.

"Because you started this obscene fire!" He said, gesturing at the raging green flames behind me.

"I didn't light that fire"

"Then why don't I believe you, the very day a summoner shows up is the day that a green fire erupts in the inn you're staying in!" Yelled, getting a few "Yeah!" from the mob.

"What do you want from us? We didn't start the fire. Why would we start a fire that has injured our own?"

"I don't know, but as of now you're under arrest." He said.

"The summoner is going nowhere" Rengar growled, placing a claw on the hilt of his knife.

"Rengar, its fine." I said, stepping forward.

"Ethan, contact Vessaria" I said, letting the commander wrap ropes around my arm.

As the men dragged me into the mob I could hear Diana yell for me. As I turned around to try and get a look at her the mob blocked my view. Turning back around to the commander the last thing I could see was the wooden plank as it collided with my face, and my world went black.

(Warning, the rest of the chapter from here on out will be almost pure violence/gore/torture so if you dislike this kind of thing you can skip. I'll include a little bit of story at the end to read if you do skip this.)

I could feel the weak warmth of the sun on my face, squinting my eyes I looked up through the bars at the sun. I shifted my hand, a tight metal bar clasping around it, restricting my movement. I noticed the chain above me, I tried reaching up for it but it was just out of reach. The door opened behind me and I heard someone enter the room. I felt something cold and leathery resting against my shoulder, it snaked down my chest, looking down I could see it was a whip. Tensing my muscles I heard him laugh, as he walked around to my front, bending over and lifting my face to look at him. It was the commander from before, a smug look on his face.

"Despicable" he said, spitting on the floor.

"What do you want" I croaked, my throat desperately dry.

"You'll learn in due time" he said, standing up.

I strained backwards as his boot collided with my stomach, winding me. The area started to turn purple. I was looked up at him he hit me again, this time kicking me in the ribs, I heard a crack as sharp pain drove up my side.

"Oh my" he said, grinning. He stretched the whip in his hand, running it over the length.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

The first hit came shortly after, slapping down hard on my shoulder. I cried out in pain, tears stinging my eyes.

"You bastard!" I yelled at him, spittle hitting him in the face.

"Funny, that's what Diana said right after we knocked you out!" he said, yelling the last word as he whipped me again, the lash marking a bright red line across my face.

Three more lashes came in rapid succession, striking down my back as blood dripped from the wounds.

"Bleeding already." He laughed, grabbing ahold of my arm.

"This is going to hurt".

A loud crack echoed through the cell as he kneed my arm, bending it in the wrong directing and breaking it.

My eyes started to blur as I gradually bled out.

"I'll return tomorrow" I heard as the door closed behind me, my mind finally slipping into darkness again.

"Oi you!"


My eyes shot open, the previous pain limiting my movement. The men outside calling for me seemed to notice and began throwing rocks at my bare back.

"Look at 'im, he's a bleedin disgrace!" one of them yelled, eliciting a laugh from the other.

"Shoulda' seen wot we did to 'is little girly aye?"

I twisted my neck, shooting pain up my arm as I looked them dead in the eye.

"He's awake!"

"We should go give 'im a greetin'

The cell door swung open as the tub of lard entered the cell, followed by a small yordle.

"Wot should we do wiff 'him?" the yordle said as he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling it up and looking me in the eye.

" 'ave some fun!" the fat one said as he kicked me in the back.

"Tell 'him wot we did to 'is girly!" the small said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"well, first off we stripped 'er down nice and bare" his boot thudded into my side as I grunted in pain.

"but don't worry mate" he said, tapping my cheek

"we fucked 'er nice and good for ya" he added as he hit me across the face, dislocating my jaw.

"she was hella' tight, I'll tell ya that." The small one squealed.

"Oh how she screamed!" the fat one roared, kicking me in the gut. My vision swim as I blacked out.

(Switching to third person here)

"Don't tell me he's out of it" he said, lifting Seth's face by grabbing a hold of his hair.

"Wot the fuck!" he yelled, letting go of Seth and stepping backwards into the wall.

Seth's face rose, his irises shining an icy, cold blue.

"You 'aid he couldn't use magics!" he roared at the small one.

"He can't! That's wot boss saids!"

The cell room begun to shake as Seth's skin convulsed, the skin ripping apart to reveal not flesh, but something demonic. The darkness underneath gave away nothing as sharp long claws emerged from his hands. He slowly rose to his feet, an unworldly demon, as dark as the abyss. The only light in cell was being emitted through his eyes, the deep blue judgement scanning the room. The guard in front of him screamed, drawing the icy gaze towards the sound. A claw reached out slowly towards the shivering man, cornered and afraid he struck out, his fist flying towards the creature. It landed squarely in its chest, but collided harmlessly with the cold hard surface. The claw penetrated the guard's skin, lifting him up as the claw dug inside his flesh, blood pouring from the holes. The man's screams were subdued to a wet gargle as the life left him. The smaller guard made a run for the exit only to trip and fall, when he looked up he saw the steely gaze locked onto him, and he screamed.

The other guards stationed outside heard the yells, grabbing their weapons and rushing to the entrance. Two ran inside first, disappearing into the dimly light halls. After a while, the clang of metal was heard and a helmet came rolling out of the hallway, stopping just at the other guard's feet. One of the guards bent down, picking up the helmet and taking a step into the hallway, he peered around the corner and was all of a sudden pulled inside, yelling. Two of the guards bolted instantly, dropping their weapons and sprinting away from the entrance. One guard stood, paralysed as his shakily held his weapon at the ready. The lights in the hallway went out, dropping the room into darkness. The last guard looked up from the floor and straight into the deep blue eyes staring at him.

With a final yell he thrust the spear forward, piercing something. A menacing laugh echoed off the walls as the spear was pulled deeper into the beast, drawing him closer until the eyes were just in front of his face. He could feel it breathing on his face, liquid started to drip down his leg and collected in a pool on the floor, the beast seemed to notice, looking down and snorting. As fast as it had appeared, it was gone, leaving the guard standing in a puddle of his own urine.

The Gallows

"This weakling has betrayed his brethren and has instead chosen to side with the pathetic summoner!"

The crowd surged forward, shouting and jumping to get a look at Pantheon with his head in the guillotine.

"Should we, as the Rakkorian people, stand by idly by this hooligan makes a mockery of our strength?" The commander yelled, kicking Pantheon in the head to prove his point.

"I will split your skull open" Pantheon raged on, pulling on the ropes that restrained his arms with the full might of his body.

"You are nothing but dirt on the bottom of my boot." The commander spat, walking off the platform and towards his quarters, a devilish grin plastered across his face.

The crowd started to chant, a tall muscled man stepped up onto the stage, and a black mask covered his face, showing only the eyes as they looked down at Pantheon in condemnation.

"Any last words, artisan of war." The executioner stated, grabbing a hold of the rope and tightening his knuckles around it.

"I love you Leona!" He shouted, over the wild crowd.

The executioner snorted, unhooking the rope and releasing it. The steel blade was released as it fell down the shaft, towards Pantheon's exposed neck.

Commander of the walls quarters.

Leona lay strapped to the bed as she heard a faint cry from outside.

"I love you Leona!"

"No!" She screamed, pulling on the restraints as tears poured down her face.

"Pantheon!" She roared, struggling to free herself, the taut leather wrapped around her arms and legs didn't budge an inch as she writhed in pain, sobbing and shouting incoherently. Before long she gave up, collapsing onto the bed, her auburn mane messily strewn across her face.

The door in front of her slowly opened and someone slipped inside, closing the door quietly behind them.

"I'll kill you!" Leona roared, shouting vulgar phrases at the person.

"But my goddess, you are simply too good for the likes of him" the commander pleaded, stepping out of the shadows and into the light.

"Soon my lovely, you will learn to love" he said, kneeling down in front of the bed and caressing her thighs lovingly.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" she spat at him, writhing around on the bed in disgust.

The commander ignored her pleas, caressing his way up her body. He reached her face, cupping the tear sodden cheek.

"You are simply divine" he whispered, gripping her curves tightly.

"I am going to mur-"she spat before he descended on her, mashing his face into hers as he forcefully kissed her. His tongue poked at her mouth, she opened her mouth briefly before biting down, drawing blood.

"Oh my lovely! I must have you!" he shouted, he gripped her tunic tightly, tearing the weak fabric easily as her midriff was exposed. Her breasts came fully into view, the pink tips hardening from the exposure. He caressed her stomach lovingly, a hand in each direction up and down her body.

"Don't even you dare." Leona screamed, her cheeks bright red as she twisted from side to side, attempting to dislodge his grip.

The commander took his hands off instead pulling his belt buckle off and dropping his pants.

"You are my champion of the sun now" he declared, standing proudly at the foot of the bed dressed in his boxers. He made to take off the rest of her clothing before a cold mountain breeze blew through the open window.

"Blasted weather" he muttered, moving to close the window. Reaching his hand outside the window he clasped the metal handle and started to pull.

"Come on you stubborn bastard." He grumbled, struggling to close the window. The commander felt a sharp pain strike up his arm as the window gave way, the momentum pushing him to the floor as he clutched his appendage.

The commander rose his arm into the light, the hand had been completely removed, leaving nothing but flesh and frayed nerves at the end. Blood trickled down his arm, soaking his sleeves. Behind him Leona froze, looking at the commander's missing limb as it lay on the bed beside her, the fingers twitching.

The commander looked back up at the window past his arm, two blue eyes looked back, unblinking. He scrambled to his feet, holding his dismembered limb against him as he backed up to the wall and whimpered. An unworldly roar rocked the building, causing the glass window to shatter as it rained on the fallen man. He rose his good arm up to cover from the falling shards.

When the glass finally settled the commander dropped his arm, looking up and into the demonic gaze that bore through him. He scrambled to his feet, backing up until he was against the wall. The creatures tore through the wood that surrounded the window. It stepped inside the building, the floor shaking under its weight. The room was filled with the pathetic whimpering of the commander and the shrill scrape of glass underfoot as the demon made his way to the commander, its gave never wavering.

"P-please don't hurt me!" the commander whined, dropping to the floor and curling into a ball. The creature snorted, standing at the feet of the commander. It reached down and picked him up roughly, slamming him into the wall like a ragdoll before leaning in close.

Leona strained to hear what the creature was saying as it whispered something to the commander.

"WHERE IS SHE!" It roared in a guttural voice, the sound emanating off the walls. She? Leona thought, laying still on the bed. Who is she? Leticia? Dian- she thought, her pupils dilating as she realised who the creature was.

The commander started to cry, turning his head away from the beast and looking at Leona with pleading eyes.

"I love you my godd-"he started to say before his neck was crushed, the creature clasping his head under his claws. A popping sound resounded as the commanders head was removed from his neck, the body falling limply to the ground. A thud sounded next as the head landed on the floor behind the creature, rolling slightly before coming to a halt.

"Seth?" Leona whispered, drawing the chilling glare onto herself. It approached the foot of the bed, staring down at her naked form. She could feel the raw magic emanating from the demon, Goosebumps advancing up her body.

"Seth it's me! Leona!" she pleaded, her restraints still in place. The creature raised its claw, ready to strike.

"NO SETH, PLEASE, IT'S ME! Leona…" she started to yell as the claw came down, slashing the ropes that restrained her arms. She looked up at the icy blue eye, seeing the pain behind him.

"Diana" it said

"I don't know where she is" Leona said, freeing her legs from the ropes.

"But Pantheon…" she said, tears filling her eyes as she collapsed onto the floor and letting out her emotions. She felt a claw rest upon her head as she looked up to see the blue eyes staring back.

The door burst open as Ethan rushed in, a sword in his hand and ready to strike.

"Ethan?" Leona sobbed, hiding her nudity.

"Leona!" he yelled, running forward and embracing her, she cried on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. She suddenly remembered, looking around the room to find that Seth was gone.

"Seth…" she whispered.

"Is a fucking badass!" Ethan finished, grinning at her. Leona stood shakily to her feet, wiping away the tears at her eyes. Ethan grabbed a blanket off the bed, wrapping it around her to protect her modesty. As they ran out of the room Leona looked down at her feet to see the commander's head resting on the floor. She pulled her hand out of Ethan's grasp and walked backwards.

"What are you doing?" he asked. She didn't reply, but instead ran forward and punted the head out of the window.

"Let's go" she said, leading the way out the door.

The Gallows

The silver lined blade shot down towards Pantheon's neck, only to stop within a hairs width of reaching it. Pantheon opened an eye, the crowd was angrily charging forward, he looked to the side as the executioner lay dead on the floor. He looked out past the crowd, a pair of eyes stared back. The lights surrounding the gallows started to extinguish one by one, slowly dipping the area into darkness.

The crowd looked around wildly when one of the mob screamed as they were ripped apart, the dismembered body falling over gracefully. The rest of the crowd jumped back, tripping over each other to avoid their demise. A haunting laugh echoed off the surrounding buildings as the people cowered in fear. A rushing sound filled Pantheon's ears, causing his head to jerk to the side. A black wave was descending from the rooftops like a tsunami. The people screamed in fear as it blasted them downwards. Pantheon had to close his eyes at the sight, yet miraculously, none of the black liquid touched him.

As the artisan of war opened his eyes again, the smell of burning flesh invaded his sense, causing his eyes to water and nostrils to shrivel up. The courtyard in front of the gallows was filled with wails of agony as the populace rolled around, black flames flickering off their forms and burning away the skin. The gruesome sight caused Pantheon to turn his head.

Pantheon realised that the flames had burnt away the leather straps restraining him. Allowing him to remove his head from the guillotine and stand up. He reached out a hand hesitantly to touch the fire, but as he approached it the flames backed away.

Cell Block A

Leticia sat on her bed in her cell, the musty stench of the unused room was thick in the air.

She lay back on the bed, expelling a cloud of dust into her face causing her to cough madly. She sneezed, covering her mouth and nose as the dust settled. The gate to the cell rattled as she looked up, one of the prison wardens was looking at her up and down, licking his lips as he brought the keys out of his pocket. Leticia sprang to her feet, fire in her eyes.

"On your knee's bitch" the warden spat, wiping his snot on the top of his arm.

"You wish" she returned, getting ready to hit him.

The guard brought out a large black rod, spinning it around before thrusting it at her, an electric charge shot out, hitting her in the shoulder as she fell to the floor, convulsing as electricity flew through her body. The guard walked toward the incapacitated body, undoing his belt buckle. A rope shot through the air, entangling the man's feet, tripping him over as he fell to the hard stone floor.

"Lesser creature" growled Rengar as he ripped the door of its cell. He approached the fallen man, taking his knife out of its sheath and bending down in front of him. The warden chose his time to strike, lashing out with the rod only for it to be pinned down by Rengars hand.

"Another piece for my collection" The sound of rasping steel woke up Leticia as she looked to see Rengar raising the knife. She gasped as Rengar plunged his knife deep into the man's back, twisting it and effectively severing his heart.

"Thank you" she said, laying her head back on the floor and exhaling heavily.

Town Courtyard

The moon finally shone through the darkness as the creature fell to its knees. Drained of energy the black armour started to recede, flesh broke through and the claws slowly retracted. He let out a cry of pain as his hair broke through its restraints and crimson seeped from his wounds.

Seth's body slowly lay on the cold cobblestone ground, the blue light dying in his eyes as his eyelids drooped.

So tired…