I do not own the Originals or Vampire Diaries

New Story New OC oh the Joy

She had come to America on a steamship to better her life. Her father had sent her here with the little money that he had to see to it that her life was supposed to be better than her walking the corners of the streets of London.

She wore a bonnet and a perfectly ironed white and blue house maid attire. It was what she had taken the interview for the job in and today it is what she had come to work in. She was rather excited about being a house maid to the Mikealson family. A maid was a respected job and the Mikealson's seemed to have a lot of money. Their house was the biggest that she had ever seen in New York. She would be a Maid in a well-respected house hold. There was nothing wrong with that.

She hadn't even questioned when the very pretty Rebekah had given her a tour of the house and she had seen no other staff on hand. She hadn't questioned it when instead of a small room inside the house she was lead to a small cottage outside that was to be her own place to stay. It had been so much more than generous and it was looking like this would be a great opportunity to work for such a nice family. Granted she had only met Rebekah but she seemed nice enough and there was no doubt in her mind that they would all be kind to her.

So on the twentieth of August 1872 she was in the middle of New York. Only nineteen years old herself a young girl from Picardie France; She had deep flawless olive skin and one brown eye and one that bordered green, low cheekbones and full lips were set into a heart shaped face that was framed by deep coffee brown curls. She spoke both fluent French and Dutch because she was so close to the Dutch border at home. Her English wasn't perfect but it was enough; though her French accent was very pronounced but she had been told that it was charming. This morning she stared at her foreign face in the mirror as she tried to secure all of her hair into a bun on her head but a few curls always managed to escape and she hoped that this would be the place that she would feel at home finally in this scary city of noise and people.

Her hopes had been dashed only a few short hours later and not she was standing in her cottage again looking at the mirror once more. Not much had changed about her appearance except the fact that her perfectly clean uniform was now covered in blood that was dry and had become a putrid brown color. She stared in horror at the splotches that now marred her work clothes.

She had simply been dusting when she heard a ruckus outside. There had been a knock on the door and she wasn't sure if she should answer it. Her mistress had not told her if this was her duty or not but it seemed as if no one else was going to do it so she set her cleaning rag down and straightened herself before walking to the door and opening it. She wished that she hadn't opened it.

Two men stepped through the door with three women in tow. They were all intoxicated the stench of alcohol filled the entryway. She stepped back as the men pushed their way inside.

"Niklaus look at what new play thing Elijah has brought us." The one that spoke was slightly taller than the other with brown hair that fell around his ears and deep brown eyes his face was friendly unlike the other gentleman who looked up at her with his blue green eyes like he would like to ravage her. If she was honest they were both looking at her that was and she backed two steps away from them.

Though she had no need to be alarmed for her own safety because as soon as the blue eyed one closed the door she was struck by a scene so terrible that it would live in her memory forever; the door closed and the monsters reared their heads. She stared in horror as she tried to convince herself that what she was seeing was not real.

Both men took a woman forcefully by the arms as they sank their teeth into their necks. The one that had spoken earlier brought his head up and winked at her as he kissed down the woman's arm and ripped the flesh of her wrist open and lapping the blood that poured out.

She watched as they each drained their body of blood and they each took a wrist on the third woman who seemed pleased as punch to hand them her body as they bit into her wrists and made horrible slurping sounds that made her feel queasy. Her eyes were fixed on them as one moved to her neck and became to bite there. Minutes later she was still standing in the same spot when they both stopped. The entryway was covered in blood and the dead bodies were covered with it. The one with the cold stare dragged the body they had just finished with over to her and dropped it into her arms. She instinctively grabbed it and held the body up as she felt the blood from the girl's neck wound drip onto her own skin below her throat. She felt her small breakfast turn in her stomach as the man looked into her eyes.

"Be a dear and take these bodies into the basement will you?" He asked her and she nodded instinctually. There was nothing that she would rather have done in the whole world but for some reason she felt she must do it. After the horrible scene that she had just witnessed the only thing she knew she had to do was take these three bodies down to the basement. She nodded at the man who had blood covering his mouth and her smiled devilishly at her while the other wiped the remains of the girls on the back of his shirt sleeve. It must have been the shock but all she could think was that she hope she wouldn't have to wash that shirt because blood was hard to get out.

"And clean up the hall when you're done." The other added before they walked away.

So she did.

She dragged all three bodies down one at a time, stacking them in the corner as she went upstairs to face the problem of the bloody trail that she had left behind. She got a rag and a bucket of warm water as she went to work on the stone floor. She had to empty the water four times before she was finished and the hallway looked like nothing had happened. However the three bodies in the cellar told a different story. She poured the water outside before she went to her cottage in the back. She hadn't made it to the door when the smell of the blood and the images caught up with her and her stomach heaved. She threw everything up in bushed that hedged the cottage. Once she was done she opened the door and walked inside and stood still as she traced the outlines of the blood stains with her eyes.

Her mother had been right. America was full of terrible people and she should not have come her. She should have stayed at home where it was safe and the foreigners weren't so awful. She was now stuck here with monsters that she had never seen the likes of before.

"Oh mon Diue" She repeated over and over while trying to figure out what she was going to do. There was a knock on the small red front door and she turned quickly toward it with her fists up in the air like that would somehow protect her. However no one came through and a few seconds later there was another soft knock.

"Miss might I have a word with you?" the voice came from outside. It was not either of the men from earlier of that she was glad but she was still hesitant to open the door. She walked over slowly and cracked to door to see an man with soft features and a look of worry on his face looking back at her.

"Qui etes-vous?" She asked him not realizing that she had used French.

"Un ami ma Chere`" He said to her and then in English "May I come in please?" She nodded as she opened the door and he stepped inside. "My name is Elijah Mikealson." He said to her and he waited for her to give her name but she just stood there like a dolt. "What might I call you?" He asked and she shook her head extending her hand to him which he kissed.

"My name is Annette Cardier." She said to him.

"Annette, lovely to meet you; Won't you take a seat?" He asked her and so she did. "I am assuming that this afternoon you saw something rather unpleasant." He said to her

"I watched five people as they were drained of blood die slowly and then I was ordered to carry them down two sets of stairs." She said to him her eyes wide as if she were gauging his reaction to see if he even knew what was happening in the house. He pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed out heavily.

"My brothers have a tendency to act brashly." He said to her.

"Is this what you call brash?" she asked her accent getting thicker. "At home we call this something else."

"Annetteā€¦" He said looking up at her. "I will be honest with you, we have had trouble keeping a house maid."

"That no suprises me." She said and he smiled at her.

"My family and I have some unusual habits." He said

"We tell stories have people like you." She said defiantly "No good stories, Blood Demons." She spat the word out and he cringed a little bit "Soul takers." She said. There were many stories of the creatures that fed on human blood from where she had come from. Though she wasn't sure how of all the families she had ended up with these people

"Yes." He said and he sat thoughtfully for a moment. "Can you bear to live with us despite the fact that we are these blood demons that you call us?" He asked bluntly and she had to consider it. Blood had never bothered her before. Death hadn't really either. She wanted to say that she could stay but would that make her a heathen if she knew about the killing in the house? Would it be wrong to work for these people? Even if this one seemed not to be as monstrous as the first two?

"I understand if you can't but I would beg you to think on it." He said as he stood up "you seem to be a lovely girl and like I said we are having problems keeping a maid. You would be paid handsomely and compensated for your work." He said as he opened the door. "I don't need an answer now I will come back in the morning. I will have new clothes and some food brought to you." He said and he shut the door behind him.

"Mon Diue" She said again shaking her head.

I do not own Anything!

Okay so this story will be about 5-10 chapters of this time setting and them some in mystic falls season three when all the originals come back. I wanted to start with the back story on my character and also how she is connected with the original family.

Hope you enjoyed it R&R tell me what you think!