I am hear by apologizing to everyone who had Favorited and Followed this story, but I am no longer going to continue it. Many people don't know this but I am actually a christian and have recently been going back to church. While I won't give up my horror movie and story loving life this is something I will not continue. This is a choice I made to make myself a little closer to god. I am not judging any religious people who like Black Butler but I myself agreed it's not something I should read or watch. However, I will explain what I had in mind for the OC though for people who are wondering. Oh but if I spell names wrong I'm sorry, it's been so long and I don't want to take the time to look it up


A few years ago she was attacked by a type of monster cat, similar to a werewolf, only in cat form. The only difference is Alex would transform every night rather than every full moon. Also, while she loses her feline from during the day she still has most of the reflexes and instincts, they only become weakened. I called this story The Black Cat not just because Alex was a "black cat" but because I intended to make her unlucky, a Friday the 13th style Black Cat. This bad luck is more for the people around her more than for herself. The longer she is around something the more likely something will happen (like a flower pot falling off a ledge and onto someone's head) This is also partly why she doesn't talk to people; because she believes talking to people is what triggers the bad luck. Granted she doesn't truly know what triggers it and never sticks around long enough to find out what it is.

Becoming a cat monster is why Alex eventually ran away from home and keeps traveling. She doesn't want her family to fear and/or hate her if they ever found out she isn't human anymore. Alex doesn't actually mind dresses too much, as long as they aren't too flurry, but she prefers "boy clothes". She absolutely hates corsets though and will go as far as ripping one to shreds (or simply throwing one in the fire)

Now things I had planed

She is actually very weary of Sebastian because she can sense he isn't human, but she's doesn't know he's a demon. She also feels uneasy around Ciel (If I had wrote him being allergic to cats Alex would have been the exception due to her being mostly human) for reasons she doesn't really understand; other than him forcing her to stay and work for him in return from trying to steal from him. She likes the servants though and would have gotten along best with the gardener. Although, due to her fear that her talking triggers the bad luck, she won't talk much to anyone and when she does talk to someone it will be in a soft, almost whispery voice.

Alex will also have tried to escape back to the warehouse a couple of times, at one point simply to just get her bag of stuff has somewhat of a anger problem and jumps quickly to defend herself but is actually far from evil, or even bad. In fact she hope to go to heaven when she dies and prays that god forgives her sins.

Since I was going to make this a mix of the manga and anime I wasn't going to have the angle kill Ceil's parents. If I involved her/him Anglia would have planed to kill the parents but was too late as the killer from the manga beat her too it.

Now if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments, or PM me if you rather, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability