Psst – stay tuned all the way to the end for a very special author's note with a very special announcement! ;)

Chapter Nineteen (Chapter 57-61, aka the end)

It was nice just to have some time to sit down and talk. They weren't in any danger, didn't have somewhere they had to be, and they were safe. They tactfully went around the subject of anything about what they'd just been through, instead remembering funny things from their past, like when Thorne fainted in his elementary school play, or when Little Cress got a glitch and would only allow Cress to play solitaire.

It was nice.

He was just telling her about the time he first met his Aunt Lucile. She came over under the impression that Thorne was a girl, and she had a niece, not a nephew. But his story got interrupted when a set of footsteps stumbled into the cockpit, followed by somewhat erratic breathing.

"Where's Cinder?" gasped a semi-familiar voice.

Cress and Thorne spun around, Cress jumping to her feet. "Your Majesty!" she squeaked.

Thorne grinned and stood up slower, grabbing his cane from where it leaned against the dashboard. He'd been waiting for this moment quite a while. He wrapped his hands around the cane, as if he were a vaudeville dancer. "Welcome aboard the Rampion, Your Magesticness. Captain Carswell Thorne, at your service." Thorne bowed to complete the scene.

"Yeah, I recognize you," the emperor responded, a scowl evident in his tone.

"You do?" Thorne's grin widened and he nudged Cress playfully. "He recognizes me."

"Where's Cinder?"

Cress swayed next to Thorne. He wrapped an arm around her protectively. "I believe she's in the podship dock, Your Majesty."

Then the emperor turned and stalked out of the cockpit.

"That went well," Thorne said quietly.

"He's not going the right direction," Cress whispered back.

"Where's he going?"

She swallowed. "To Wolf."

Thorne choked back his laughter. "Well, that should be interesting. Do suppose we should go help him?"

Her hair brushed his arm as she nodded, and together they set off in pursuit of the emperor.

They approached a silent scene – Wolf was sitting down, and Emperor Kai was frozen in his tracks. Thorne couldn't begin to imagine the level of visual awkwardness in this scene.

"Um. Your Majesty?" Cress said.

Emperor Kai's shoe squeaked as he whirled around.

"Would you like me to take you to the podship dock?"

"Thank you," he said, words forced. "That would be appreciated."

Thorne followed Cress and the emperor followed behind. He smirked. Cinder had a lot of explaining to do, and Thorne was so looking forward to the show.

The door to the podship dock whooshed open. "Here she is, Your Majesty," Cress said.

Someone shrieked. "Don't let him see me this way!"

Oh, Iko.

There was a silence, even more awkward than before, when Cinder finally stammered, "You're awake. How do you feel?"

"Kidnapped. How should I feel?"

"I was hoping maybe you'd feel well rested?" she said, weakly attempting a joke.

Thorne winced. The awkwardness was palpable.

And nobody laughed.

"We need to talk," Kai said.

Thorne whistled – he couldn't help himself. "No one ever likes to hear those words."

Cinder huffed. "Thorne, why don't you go give Iko a tutorial with the cockpit controls?"

"Excellent idea," Cress said cheerily. She nudged Thorne back out the door. "Come on, Iko."

"Is he looking?" Iko's voice was tiny. She must've been hiding somewhere.

"He's not looking," Cinder assured.

She hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"You're not looking," Cinder said exasperatedly to Kai.

"Oh, for all the stars," he muttered.

"All clear," Cinder said to Iko. "We'll finish that up... later."

Iko bounced across the room and over to Thorne. "I'm so happy to see you're all right, Your Majesty!" she chirped.

Then Cress herded them out of the room and the door slipped shut.

Thorne broke away from Cress's grip. "No, no, no!" he said.

Cress stopped. "What?"

"I wanted to watch the – no, listen to their inevitable makeup!"

Neither Cress nor Iko said anything for a moment.

"You want to eavesdrop on them?" Cress said slowly.

"No, I want to go sit with Wolf and talk about our feelings," he drawled, and then rolled his eyes. "Yes, I want to eavesdrop on them!"

"No," Cress said right as Iko said, "Oh my stars, yes!"

Thorne grinned. "It's settled then." He leaned against the door, pressing his ear on the cool metal. He could just make out noise, voices...

"Captain, no!" Cress said, tugging on his arm.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun!" Thorne really, really wanted to hear this conversation. He had a hunch...

Cress took her arm off. "No. I'm going back to the cockpit."

He shrugged. Her retreating footsteps echoing down the hall almost made him leave and run off after her, but the urge to know all about Cinder's love life was more powerful.

Iko leaned in next to him. "This is so exciting!"


From inside the room, Kai was saying, "...we're on a spaceship, Cinder. In space! I can't be on a spaceship. I have a country to run. I have people who need me. We are on the verge of a war. Do you understand that? War. Where people die. I cannot be up here, messing around with you and your band of misfits!"

Thorne straightened. Misfits? How dare he!

"Do you even know that you are housing one of her mutants up there?"

"Oh, yeah," Cinder responded calmly. "That's Wolf. He's harmless. Well, not harmless..."

Kai laughed sharply. "I can't – how could – what were you thinking?"

"You're welcome," she muttered.

"Take me back to Earth."

"I can't do that."

"Cinder... As someone who understands why you did this, and admires your ability to actually accomplish it, I am – pleading with you. Cinder. Please. Take me back."


Well, this is going to get ugly, he thought. "Fifty univs says they kiss in five minutes," Thorne whispered to Iko.

"I don't have fifty univs," she murmured back.

"Never mind." He tuned back into the conversation.

"When did you become so frustrating?" Kai exclaimed.

Cinder didn't answer.

"Fine! As your emperor, I command you to return me to Earth. Immediately."

"Kai... Your Majesty. You may recall that I'm Lunar. And Lunars are forbidden from being granted citizenship in the Eastern Commonwealth. Therefore... you're no longer my emperor."

Ohh, nice one, Cinder!

"This isn't a joke," Kai said evenly.

"You have no idea how seriously I'm taking this."

"Are you? Do you even know what the consequences are going to be for what you've done?"

"Yes, actually," she said indignantly. "I know this is a war. I am aware that more people are going to die before this is over. But we didn't have a choice."

"Your choice was to stay out of the way! Your choice was to do nothing!" he yelled. "This is my job, my responsibility. I'm the emperor. Let me handle it."

Now Cinder was yelling too. "By letting you marry her? That's handling it?"

"It's my decision."

"It's a stupid one!"

This is getting really loud, really fast. Intervention?

"Please," he said, voice lowered to normal levels. "Please tell me this isn't some... some petty act of jealousy. Please tell me this isn't all because I asked you to the ball, or that time in the elevator, or–"

"Oh, you can't be serious." Thorne could almost hear her eyes roll. "I hope you don't really think so little of me."

"You shot me, Cinder, and then you kidnapped me. I honestly don't know what to think."

He makes a good point. Thorne tilted his head. Would this end in a kiss or a fist fight?

Cinder huffed. "Well, believe it or not, we didn't just do this for you. We're trying to save the whole world from your power-crazy fiancée. I refuse to let Levana become empress. I refuse to give her free rein over the Commonwealth. But we need more time."

"More time for what? All you've done is make her angrier, so that when she retaliates, her wrath is going to be that much worse. Was that part of your master plan, or are you just making this up as you go along?"

Iko gasped. "He didn't just say that."

Thorne shushed her.

Cinder was quiet for a second before she continued. "I have a plan, to end this for good. But I need your help."

"Cinder. I hate Levana as much as you do. But she's the one pulling the strings here. She has this army... it's like nothing I've ever seen before. Those little skirmishes that killed sixteen thousand people a couple of weeks ago? Laughable compared to what she's really capable of. Plus she has an antidote to letumosis, and we desperately need it – you know how much we need it. So while the idea of marrying Levana and crowning her empress makes me want to gouge out my own eyes, I don't have a choice."

"Gouge out your own eyes?" Her voice was soft. "She could make you do that, you know."

"So could you, I'm told."

Iko gasped again, and Thorne waved his hand at her to be quiet.

"Kai – Your Majesty–"

"Kai is fine. I don't care."

Well, that's... progress.

"You have to trust me," Cinder said. "We can defeat her. I know we can."

"How? Even if... let's say you did. Let's say you managed to kill her. There's still a whole posse of thaumaturges ready to take her place, and from what I've seen, they're not much better."

Yes, that's exactly right. They're all crazy demons sent to make lives miserable.

"We'll choose the person to replace her. We... already have her replacement, actually."

Thorne and Iko sucked in a simultaneous breath.

Kai snickered, completely missing what Cinder meant. "Ah. I see. Because you think the Lunar people will bow to just any... one..." And then he understood. "Unless... wait. You don't mean...?"

Cinder said nothing.

"Did you find her? Princess Selene? Is that what this is all about?"

Right on the nail, Emperor Kai. She's standing in front of you.

But the princess in question said nothing.


Oh, the irony.

"Yeah," Cinder breathed. "Yeah. I found her."

"Is it that blonde girl?"

Thorne nearly laughed out loud. Hah, no, guess again.

"The girl from France? What was her name... Scarlet something?"

"No. Not Scarlet." Cinder's voice had a queer tone to it. Thorne could hardly imagine what she was feeling at that moment.

"Then where is she? Is she on this ship? Can I meet her? Or is she still on Earth somewhere? Is she in hiding?"

Cinder chose not to answer. Thorne felt bad for her. The biggest mystery of the Third Era, and she doesn't want anything to do with it.

"What's wrong? Is she all right?" Kai asked.

"I have to ask you something, and I want you to be honest," Cinder said finally. "Do you really think I brainwashed you before? When we met? And all those times, before the ball..."

"Really? You're changing the subject to talk about this?"

Aces, it's like they're an old married couple or something.

"It's important to me." She sighed. "I understand if you do. I know how it must have looked."

"I don't know. I never wanted to believe it, but I've had to wonder. And when you fell, and I saw your glamour... Cinder, do you have any idea how beautiful your glamour is?"

"No," she said. "I can't see it."

"Well, it's... it was a lot to take in that night. But then, Levana has manipulated me plenty of times, so I know what it feels like. And it never felt like that with you." He paused. "Of course, the media wants to think that's what happened. It would be convenient."

"Right," she said bitterly. "A convenient excuse for inviting a cyborg to the ball."

Oh, Cinder, not this again. It's–

"For inviting a Lunar to the ball," Kai said.

See? Cyborg has nothing to do with it.

"Not that it makes a difference what I say, but... I never did. Manipulate you, I mean. And I never will." She hesitated. "And I did try to tell you about being cyborg. I mean, kind of. I'm sure I considered it at least twice."

"No, you were right before. If you'd told me, I probably never would have spoken to you again. Although, I like to think I would act differently now."

If that's not love, I don't know what is. Just kiss already!

"Cinder. Look. I'm glad I'm not married right now, but this was still a huge mistake. I can't risk angering Levana. Whatever you're planning, you have to leave me out of it."

"I can't. I need your help."

He sighed. "You think Selene can overthrow her?"

"I do."

"Then I hope she intends to do it soon."

"Kai, she may not be exactly what you were hoping for. I don't want you to be disappointed. I know you put a lot into trying to find her and–"

"Why? What's wrong with her?"

"Well. She was rescued from the fire, but it destroyed a lot of her body. She lost some limbs. And a lot of her skin had to be grafted. And... she's just not... entirely whole."

"What do you mean? Is she in a coma?"

"Not anymore. But she's a cyborg."

There was a long, tense pause.

"I see," Kai said slowly. "But... is she all right?"

Oh, for all the stars, she just described herself! I'm blind, not you, and I know what she means!

Cinder laughed shortly. "Oh, yeah, she's great. I mean, half the people in the world want to kill her and the other half want to chain her to a throne on the moon, which is just what she's always wanted. So she's fantastic."


Thorne groaned. How dumb could he be?

He counted five heartbeats before Cinder finally spoke.

"It's me, Kai. I'm Princess Selene."

Then Iko started squealing uncontrollably.

He waved his hand at her, trying to get her to calm herself. But she wouldn't stop. "Iko, shut up! They're still talking! Iko, shush!" When he realized that she wasn't going to, he lurched forward and clamped his hand over her mouth. "I am going to hear this," he whispered lowly.

Nobody was talking. Eventually Iko figured that out too and stopped squealing.

Finally, Kai spoke. "You? You are Princess Selene?"

"Surprise?" Cinder said weakly. Thorne rolled his eyes.

"All this time?"

"Um, yeah, technically. Dr. Erland figured it out first, when I was taken in for the cyborg draft. He ran my DNA and... yeah. But he decided not to tell me until I was locked up in prison, which complicated a few things."

Kai choked, whether on words or air, Thorne didn't know. "Oh, stars. Levana knows, doesn't she? That's why she hates you so much. That's why she's so determined to find you."

It occurred to Thorne that Cress didn't know Cinder was Princess Selene. He made a mental note to tell her later.

"Yeah, she knows," Cinder said.

"And it was you. This whole time, it was you."

"You're actually taking this better than I thought you would."

"No, you know, it almost makes sense. Kind of. Although... somehow, I always pictured the princess... I don't know. In a dress."

Cinder laughed, and Thorne thought, that makes two of us.

"And I always thought that when I found her, it would be so easy. We would just... present her to the world and announce her as the true queen, and Levana would crawl away to some hole. I never imagined that Levana would already know. That she would be fighting it."

"I'm beginning to think you may not know your fiancée very well."

"That's it, Cinder. No more secrets. I don't know if I can survive any more big reveals from you, so if you have anything else to tell me, out with it. Right now."

Well, Your Majesty, Princess Selene the cybrog fugitive is in love with you.

"I can't cry."

Wait, what?

"I already knew that."

"What? How?"

"Your guardian may have said something about it. And I... I've seen your medical records."

"My – you've seen... you know..." Cinder sounded like she wanted to curl up in a ball and hide.

"You were a fugitive and I needed to know more about you and I... I'm sorry."

She sighed. "No, it's all right. No more secrets."

"Your eyes... are they really...?"


Whaaat? "Iko – her eyes are fake?" he whispered, somewhat shocked.

"Totally fake. She's 36.28% cyborg, you know."

"Wow. That's... specific. How do you know this?"

Iko went on to explain about what Cinder had told her of her time as a plague test subject, and how Dr. Erland had done the tests. It intrigued Thorne, to say the least. But he was still caught on the fake eye thing.

"How can a princess have fake eyes? It seems so... wrong."

Iko gasped. "Don't you let Cinder hear that, or else. Don't you know about cyborg prejudice? And how you're currently such good friends with one that can control your every thought, desire, and decision?"

Good point.

Then he realized that the noise from inside had died down considerably. He froze and listened hard.

"I'm sorry I had you arrested," Kai said softly. "But I'm glad you're all right."

"Really? You don't hate me for... shooting you?"

"I don't remember that medical diagram saying anything about a gun. My security team probably would have found that to be useful information."

"I like to maintain an air of mystery."

"I've noticed."

There was a slight pause, and then Cinder said, barely audible, "The hand is new."

"It appears to be excellent craftsmanship."

"It's plated with one-hundred percent titanium."

Then there was a longer pause. Iko barely silenced a squeal. "Are they–"

"No, shh!" he whispered fiercely.

"Cinder?" Kai said.


"Just to be clear, you're not using your mind powers on me right now, are you?"

"Of course not."

"Just checking."

And then they stopped talking.

Cue sparkles and roses and violin music – now. Thorne grinned. "I told you," he said smugly.


Thorne choked back a laugh and tried halfheartedly to quiet her, afraid the happy couple inside would hear, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

It took probably a solid minute for Iko to contain herself, and then they both eagerly went back to eavesdropping.

"No, you don't understand," Cinder was saying. She sounded really upset. Had the kiss been that bad? "More than anything, I'm afraid that... the more I fight her and the stronger I become, the more I'm turning into her."

"You're not turning into Levana."

"Are you sure about that? Because I manipulated your advisor today, and countless guards. I manipulated Wolf. I... I killed a police officer, in France, and I would have killed more people if I'd had to, people in your own military, and I don't even know if I would feel bad about it, because there are always ways to justify it. It's for the good of everyone, isn't it? Sacrifices have to be made. And then there are the mirrors, such a stupid, stupid thing, but they – I'm beginning to get it. Why she hates them so much. And then – today, I tortured her thaumaturge. I didn't just manipulate her. I tortured her. And I almost enjoyed it."

"Cinder, look at me. I know you're scared, and you have every right to be. But you are not turning into Queen Levana."

"You can't know that."

"But I do."

"She's my aunt, you know," Cinder said.


"Yeah, well, my great-grandfather signed the Cyborg Protection Act. And yet, here we are. Now, let's never talk about you being related to her again. Because I'm technically still engaged to her, and that's really weird."


But Cinder laughed.

Thorne decided that he liked this guy. He knew how to comfort a girl.

It was then that a sudden pattering of footsteps ran up to them. Thorne tilted his head up. The footsteps were too quiet for Wolf. "Cress?"

She was out of breath. She tried to talk, but couldn't quite get the words out.

Thorne realized immediately that something was wrong. He stood up and put his hands on her shoulders. "What is it?"

She pushed past him and opened the door. "I'm sorry," she said, sounding frantic and terrified. "But the newsfeeds – Levana–"

Thorne's blood ran cold.

"I know," Cinder said. "I know about Farafrah."

"It isn't just Farafrah. Their ships are swarming Earth, every continent. Thousands of soldiers are invading the cities. Her other shoulders." She shuddered, and Thorne could hear her teeth chatter. "They're like animals, like predators."

"What is Earth doing?" asked Kai. "Are we defending ourselves?"

"They're trying. All six countries have declared a state of war. Evacuations are being ordered, military is assembling–"

"All six?"

She paused to take a much-needed breath. "Konn Torin has temporarily assumed the role of leader of the Commonwealth... until your return."

There was a long silence. Thorne spent that time imagining terrible, terrible things happening to the Earth, but he couldn't help thinking, good thing I'm up here.

"I think it's about time you told me about this plan," Kai said.

Cinder took a deep breath. "You said yourself that the people of Luna need a revolutionary. So I'm going to start a revolution."


But wait, everyone! There's more! I've determined that this story needs a happy ending, not a cliffhanger, so for the purposes of this story, everything about Farafrah was a joke. Levana is not attacking. But Kai is still on the Rampion with the usual gang. And Scarlet is there too. So without further ado, here is the last section of Fear and Frustration! (the epilogue, I guess?)


They were all sitting in the cockpit. Thorne was in the captain's chair – as he should've been – and all he could see of the dashboard was a wash of dim, hazy colors. He only knew it was the dashboard because he was sitting in his chair, and that's what should've been in front of him.

His sight was returning, but at a painfully slow pace.

Last week, he started to see light and dark. Then the lights got brighter.

Five days ago, the light separated into colors, which just grew brighter.

Two days ago, the colors started to form hazy, unidentifiable shapes.

But that was okay.

Wolf and Scarlet were behind him, flirting. Thorne tried teasing them about it – the alpha female bit was just plain adorable – but when Wolf's voice turned menacing and Scarlet got irritated, he decided he valued his life and stopped.

Since the world was at peace, Kai didn't feel the need to return to Earth right away. Thorne suspected it had something to do with the little thing known as Cinder. Those two wouldn't admit it, but everyone knew they were head-over-heels for each other.

But the best part was sitting right next to him.

Cress was just a blur of gold, pink, and white. He couldn't tell exactly her shape, but he knew it was her. Her dress was white, her skin was pink, and her hair was gold. It bothered him that he couldn't see what color her eyes were yet, and the only way he might be able to tell was if he got right up in her face, which was a position easily accessed when...

He grinned. Maybe later.

They were all gathered in the cockpit to discuss something. Cinder hadn't exactly explained. He thought it was something to do with their plan for crowning Princess Selene as queen of Luna. She wasn't too thrilled, but she knew she had to.

It was a lot of boring talk, really.

"We need to be up there, on Luna, by October, at the latest," she was saying. She was also pacing. Thorne watched her go back, and forth, and back, and forth. She also had a habit of fiddling with the new gloves Kai had given her. "That's when they have this festival thing, and nearly everyone goes, and it would be a good time to announce the news."

"How are we supposed to get up there?" Scarlet asked. "We're too recognizable. I don't think Luna wants a bunch of fugitives."

In his blurry vision, Cinder froze.

"Wait," Kai said. "I thought that you p–"

"Shh!" she said, lurching forward.

"What? What did I do?"

"Nothing," she said – not at all convincing. Thorne frowned. What was Kai going to say? "We'll get there just fine. They won't recognize us."

Thorne held up his hand. "No, wait. Why won't they recognize us?" He strained to focus on her face, but that was hard, and it hurt his head. Curse you, bad vision. It was almost – almost – more irritating than total blindness.

She was fiddling with her gloves. "Well..."

His eyebrows arched. "I'm waiting."

"Didn't you paint the ship?" Kai asked.

Thorne froze.

The room was silent.

"Come again?" Thorne asked.

"I thought Cinder painted over your... symbol. On the ship."

Thorne looked over at Cinder. She didn't move.

"You what?"

"It was too recognizable," she said meekly. "We had to, I promise, and–"

"You painted my ship?"

She sighed. "Yes."

Thorne hated being blind.

So that's it! The end! It was really, really fun to write this! I basically reread the book during the process of writing this, and it has enhanced my enjoyment quite a bit! I noticed a lot of little things that I hadn't before. Those things made it even more fun to write, which brings me to my next point: this story would not exist if not for you, the reader. I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to read, review, follow, favorite, and overall just notice it! Thanks so much!

It's time to count up the grand tally at the end of the story!

Reviewers – 70!

That's AMAZING! 70 reviews, and every single one has made me smile, laugh, hug myself, grab my phone to send an excited text to Turtle, or any combination of the four. Since you took the time out of your lives to make me feel special, I would like to say thank you to: Katiepie99, ChocolateAddict96, Jenni, honey97, ImaginationIsReality, jenniturtlez5, Malika DaughterOfWisdom, xXChibi-samaXx, BrookieWookie, A-book-worm, crazycatgirl, AllisonReader, ThePurpleMarmoset, lunartic, T. Herondale, etudeoftheartist, Need more, Idea, SmoochiePooh, ErisedWriter, rosyravens, Wordmeister259, that-bookworm-girl, Hollypop15, Montana Moore, I Wield The Pen, and 12 anonymous reviews! THANK YOU!

Views – 6,665!

WOW! I don't even know what to think of that. 6,665 people have seen my story? (of course, a good portion of those are probably mine)I have no clue how to find the overall statistics, but if I leave you out, please don't be offended! Thank you to the viewers from the USA, Canada, India, Guam, Cambodia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Philippines, Finland, China, and Mexico!

Followers – 37!

In order of the date added, starting way back in March, thank you DandelionFunky, Katiepie99, Glamorousandgreek, , booksareawesome5, Aria Faccia, ChocolateAddict96, jenniturtlez5, H.M. Thousands, honey97, ImaginationIsReality, RiverHolly13086, lunabella99, Celestique Can't Geom or Algeb, Malika DaughterOfWisdom, BloomingInsanity, crazycatgirl, iGuessImDreaminAgain19, Bookaholic21, Carp's Books, caeai, AllisonReader, iamtheonewhosighs, T. Herondale, that-bookworm-girl, etudeoftheartist, Paradise for the Lost, PrancerDancer, crissy315, Hollypop15, SmoochiePooh, ErisedWriter, JadeDragon341, MsSherlocked, and Montana Moore! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Favorites – 30!

Disney-fied: Thank you xXChibi-samaXx, DandelionFunky, Katiepie99, Aria Faccia, ChocolateAddict96, jenniturtlez5, honey97, rosyravens, Celestique Can't Geom or Algeb, Malika Daughter of Wisdom, crazycatgirl, iGuessImDreaminAgain19, Carp's Books, Lynnie76296, H.M. Thousands, iamtheonewhosighs, Angelica817, ThePurpleMarmoset, that-bookworm-girl, PrancerDancer, Orange215, crissy315, softball4ever, ErisedWriter, aisha5611, T. Herondale, Hollypop15, Wordmeister259, Montana Moore, and I Wield The Pen!

There are so many people who have helped support Disney-fied, not only in reviews and following and favoriting but in their suggestions as well!

Disney-fied: Thank you to a guest, crazycatgirl, etudeoftheartist, T. Herondale, Malika DaughterOfWisdom, Wordmeister259, that-bookworm-girl, and Montana Moore for submitting their wonderful suggestions!

And that brings us to the end of this story, Fear and Frustration. It's time to say goodbye.

Thanks for supporting this story! The positive feedback has been amazing! Once again, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this story. Every view, favorite, follow, and review makes my day. You have no idea how powerful feedback can be, and yours is what gave me the inspiration to keep going. And on the other side of that, I hope that my story has been a positive part of your life. Knowing that I made something that someone halfway around the world has enjoyed is incredible. Truly amazing.

Thank you for this amazing experience!

– Disney-fied

P.S. — Thorne says hi