Here is the update! Sorry I haven't updated in so long.

Everyone drops to the ground. Peeta is on top of me huffing and puffing. We look up in the direction of the gun fire. All that goes through me is pain. I look at the gunman in grief. The gun man is is Gale. I stare at him in disbelief. We walk down to the train with body guard now with us. We get on a shown our rooms. Haymitch and Effie come in soon after us. We stay in our room silent until dinner. It's just us, Haymitch, and Effie. We eat fir a while then I murmur out loud," why did Gale do that?" Everyone glares at me.

"Fine I won't ask next time." I storm out angrily. I got to the bathroom and lock the door. I start to cry I hate my stupid hormones. One minute I am happy the next I am sad. I sit there and soon Peeta comes and knock on the door. I unlock it and he comes in. " I don't know how I am going to survive." I tell Peeta silently. " Remeber I will be by your side always. In the capital nobody will break us apart even if they tried." I lean on Peeta's shoulder cry and soon fall asleep.

When I awake I am in my bed on the train. I go down to breakfast every one just stares. " I am sorry I yelled at you guys yesterday I was just mad." I tell them. They just nod and go back to eating. An attendant tells us we are in the capital in an hour. I get in a strapless loose dress and Jean jacket. Peeta is in a tux and a tie. I stare at him he stares at me. " I love you. Your are so beautiful." He says

" I love you to Mr. Also you are very handsome." I say

I kiss him for a minute we let go. It's time to leave I see all the flashes and I start to get nervous. He kisses me and we step off flashes go blaring. All I think about is my safety in the capital I ignore all the reporters questions and get in the limo. We drive to where we are going to get ready and go to the interview.

I am rushed to get ready. They let me keep my dress, but they make me take off my jacket.

I am so nervous right now that I am shaking. Peeta takes my hands in his and says," Katniss what ever happens tonight good or bad know I will always love you whether or not they like the baby or not."

I smile and suddenly I stop shaking. I hug him very tight. A backstage person tells us we go on in 5 minutes.

5 min. Later.

We go up on stage waving to the crowd. We sit in front of Ceaser anyoud we begin the interview. He brings lots of things up. How's life, how is the bakery, etc. etc. You know the "IMPORTANT" stuff. And at the end he brings up the topic that every one has been waiting for.

"So I have heard from people that you guys maybe will be expecting a baby soon. Are these sources correct Katniss?" Ceaser says.

" Well Ceaser we do have something to tell everyone right Peeta?" I say.

" Yes we do Katniss. We would like to tell everyone in more than 5 months we will be expecting twins." Says Peeta.

The crowd explodes into screams of happiness. We are escorted off stage and back to our hotel were everywhere we look every corner and cranny there is a person celebrating. Never in my life I had been so sure of having a baby or in this case babies.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long long time. Writers block, busyiness, and other stuff I know excuses. But here is the chapter did you like the twins part I could keep it a secret much longer. Hope you enjoyed.