This story contains sex boyxboy love, violence, death MPREG,
if you don't like this type of story, so don't read you have been WARNED !
This story does not fallow the Harry Potter canon. ALTERNATE UNIVERSE nor does it fallow the Naruto canon.
DISCLAIMER; I do not own Harry Potter, Harry Potter Belongs to JK ROWLING AND
Naruto belongs to writer Masashi Kishimoto.
Harry Potter crossover Naruto; The unknown Uchiha ; Attack on the road to Konoha !
After the encounter with Itachi Harry decided start their Journey to Konoha.
He knew it was a matter of time before someone decided to attack the Caravan, and even if they had a lot of good ninjas with them they would be sitting duck if someone attack their caravan with an army in middle of knowere.
in the meantime he hoped that Draco arrived safely at the Fire Damyo's palace, He knew that whatever happen to whirepool the Fire damyo had something to do with it, he was sure of it.
Sirius had joined Draco in his Journey to the Fire Palace so in a way Harry was happy for that, at least this way Draco won't be alone.
Naruto,Haku and Sasuke have been spending a lot of time together much to the surprise of everyone when questioning Sasuke of why the boy simple answered ''This way I can escape the pink banshee ''
Harry was sitting under a tree when he saw the Pink girl bothering Sasuke again, with narrowed eyes Harry look at the annoying girl saying;
''Why can just you to leave him alone? ''
'' Sasuke-Kun's like me ! he is just shy about showing his feeling's'' Sakura said while inner Sakura yelled '' it's non of your business old hag !''
'' That is not what I see, and that is definitely not what everyone see, what I see is a girl trying to force Sasuke to like her even after he clearly had let you know many times that he doesn't like you ! '' Harry said with a very calm voice but inside he was fuming at the girl in front of him he hated fan girl's.
''That is not true ! '''Sakura yelled.
''Tell me Sakura? did Sasuke at any point talked to you or any of those annoying girls you hangout with ? '' Harry asks.
'' Mm No he never did '' Sakura said. '' That's because he is shy ! ,Don't listen to her Sakura ! '' Inner Sakura yelled.
''So what give you and those girl's the Idea that Sasuke was interested in any one of you ? what give you and those girls the right to bother Sasuke-kun the whole day ? would you like it if annoying boy's surrounded you're house and bother you whereever you go ? '' '' Harry asks with narrowed eyes he wanted the girl to understand that her actions where right.
'' No I would not like that'' Sakura said '' thinking how annoying it would be having boys following her everywhere.
'' But what we are doing with Sasuke-kun is not the same ! '' Sakura said trying to justify her action's and those of her fan club.
''Yes it is, you guys are practically stalking him ! god you are suffocating him with you're action's, it's a wonder that he hasn't snap yet and beat you girls shitless '' Harry said .
''Sasuke-kun wouldn't do that he is a gentlemen '' Sakura said.
''Yes he is, and that is why you guys are taking advantage of his kindness to stalk him, but don't worry once where back home I will make sure that you girl's will re-great making Sasuke- kun's live miserable ''
Leaning closer to Sakura he whisper into her ear '' and I know why you so desperately want to be part of the Uchiha-Clan, you can kiss that dream goodby I will die before I allow a gold-digging whore like you to marry into the Uchiha-Clan you can tell that Danzo that his plan have just been broken'' Harry said sneering at Sakura's who eyes when wide.
''H,how do you know that ! '' Sakura whispered.
Harry smirked ''That for me to know and for you to never find out ''
At that moment Harry was interrupted by someone yelling;
''Haru-Hime we are under attack ! ''
Harry stood up running to were the Caravan was followed by Haku, Naruto ,Sakura and Sasuke who all when to help their Sensei .
Meanwhile Harry was barking out orders left and right.
''Women I want you to form a circle around the children ! those who can fight help protect the Circle, Kenshi I need a few of you're Ninjas to protect the woman's and children '' Harry said looking at Kenshi who nodded and motion for 10 of his Ninjas to form a barricade around the circle.
When Kenshi notice that Harry was not with the other women and children he narrowed his eyes in concern asking;
''Haru-sama why are not with the other women ? ''
'' Don't worry about me Kenshi I can take care of my self now pay attention here they come'' he looked around yelling ''Here they come be ready !''
every Ninja took up their position while Severus and the twin's stood close next to Harry.
Harry was shocked when he saw Severus Snape with a sword he raised an eyes brow at his ex potion professor.
Severus snorted at the non asks question. ''I Didn't become part of the dark lord's inner circle just because of my potion mastery I was known as one of the best dueler's in Slytherin house after Bellatrix Black''
''That is why Sirius and the Maraunder's feared you didn't they ? that is why they always took you on, al 4 of them because they knew how dangerous you were'' Harry said with a serious voice.
'' Yeah that is part of it, the other part was that you're father was in love with you're mother and he saw me as a direct competition for you're mother heart, and I would have won you're mother's affection if I 'had not call her that name '' Severus said with sad look on his face.
Harry shook his head ''no ! my mother was at fault for not forgiving you, I mean you guys were friend's since you were 9 years old because of one slip up she threw away you're friendship like it was nothing ! I think she was looking for a way out, a way to break her friendship with you, and by calling her mud-blood you gave her the perfect excuse, I think she couldn't take the pressure the Gryffindor house was putting on her anymore'''
At this Severus raised an eyebrow at Harry, he never thought that something like that could have been what caused him his best friend.
''Believe me ! I know first hand what their pressure can do to someone ! they don't understand that their action's can harm people ! it's a miracle there haven't been any suicide in the gryffindor tower ! and they pretend to be more noble than all the houses at Hogwarts, yet they are the cruelest of them all ! even more so than the Slytherin house ! I mean whenever something happen to me they where thirst once to betrayal me ! ''
''Yes that is true ! '' Severus said '' I remember you're mother complaining about her room mates pestering her about her friendship with me specially Alice''
Harry interrupted him asking;
'' Wait Alice? as in Alice Longbottom''s Neville''s mother ? ''
''Yes that Alice, she was the worst of the girls, and when Lily finally stopped talking to me she looked at me with a smug smirked on her face I hated her since then, I was happy when I heard what Bellatrix did to her''
'' Well be happy to know that I would have loved to have you as my father better you than a bully ! now heads up here they come '' Harry said taking out his twin Katana's ignoring Severus shocked face.
Moving in a synchronized fighting style the twin's were cutting bandit's left and right, Meanwhile Harry was fighting cackling like a crazy maniac shocking the entire caravan his cackling caught the attention of on of Kenshi's subordinates he smirking calling out Kenshi ;
''I don't think the princess needed you're help yesterday with that Itachi Uchiha !''
''Why do you say that '' Kenshi yelled back while kicking a bandit in his stomach.
'' Because of that '' the Subordinate said pointing at Harry who was killing the Bandit's without remorse his bloody show made Kenshi's go pale meanwhile an other subordinate whisle;
'' they are not that bad either '' motion in the direction of the twin's who's fighting look more like a dance than fighting.
'' Woa I never knew that Potion master's where figther's ''one of the samurai's said Kenshi and the rest turn to look at the raven hair man who was slashing the bandit's like they where rag doll's even Kakashi was impressed with the man who until now he had thought was nothing more then a potion master and a Civilian.
''Woa I didn't know the twins could fight! '' Naruto said to Haku who was looking at his cousin's in awe but Haku snapped out of his shock saying;
''Well let's go! we can't loose to them ! '' with that said he jump into the fight's yelling ''Hyoton ; NEEDLE'S SPIKES jutsu ! ''
Out of nowhere spikes that looked like needle's came sprawling out right in the path of the bandit's impaling them.
Most of the Uzumaki's gasps they didn't know Haku was a Yuki.
''A Yuki ! '' One of the samurai's whispered in awe;
'' I tought that the Yuki's where destroyed back in Kiri ! '' an other said next Keneshi who with wide eyes answered;
'' So did I ''
Harry eyes when wide when he saw Haku's Jutsu smirking he thougth '' Now I can let you win from me little cousin ! ''
with out thinking twise Harry yelled '' Hyoton ; BLOODY ICE TWISTER Jutsu !''
From the blood on the ground a huge red ice twister Imerged and tore through a huge group of bandit's, Haku turn and look at Harry with a pouting face in which Harry returned with a wink.
The other Uzumaki's gasps in shock not only was their new Hime a full flesh Uzumaki but she also had the Hyoton Kekkei genkai.
'' Kenshi did you know she had the Hyoton ?'' an other subordinate asks looking at Harry in awe.
''No I didn't '' Kenshi said not taking his eyes away from Harry.
The other Uzumaki's were looking at Harry with proud eyes recognition.
recognition because they knew what this could mean for them, they knew the implication's having such power could mean for all of them.
meanwhile Miles away at the headquarters of different enemies group in the Elemental Nation's felt a shiver go down their spine a few narrowed their eyes other's dismissed it.
those who acknowledge the shiver took it as a warning,they took it as a warning that something big was coming !
they took it as warning that There was change in the horizon.
That change was pointing at the beginning of a new Era, A new Era that could spell prosperity or their doom.
Please for those who read my story and hope to complain about my grammatical errors I did warn you people before you start to read my story that my grammar sucks so if your gonna complain about my grammatical errors every time I post a Chapter then I have to ask you to not read my story because it's really annoying .I had posted the warning as big as I could to warn you guys about my grammatical errors.
And for those who suggest I need a beta I know that I need a beta but until I don't find a beta I will have to check my story's for Grammar errors my self end since English is not my native language its gonna be difficult to find every spelling error so if you guys see a spelling error that I missed kindly point it out to me so I can take down the Chapter to correct the error and then post it back again, and I would appreciate any advice other long time writers can give me to improve my stories.