Chapter 7: Apologies & Flowers

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! I was going to write more, but I decided to wait and put it on the next chapter. I'll update soon though!

(Grimmjow's pov)

I hummed softly to myself as I trimmed the thorns of a bunch of roses. I worked at a flower shop and I loved it. Flowers were so beautiful and working with them just made me feel at peace. They took my mind off of everything. Which I really needed right now.



I couldn't stop thinking about him. My heart still aches so much if I hear his name or think of him. Will I ever get over him? Or will it hurt forever? I don't know anymore.

I'm also confused about Nnoitra. He's been really affectionate lately. He's never done that before. It's really confusing. I don't know if he's just trying to make me feel better or if he likes me. Like likes me. Nnoitra's my best friend, so I've never thought about him like that and I didn't think he thought about me that way.

He avoids the subject when I try to bring it up, so I don't know. I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do if Nnoitra likes me. Honestly I never thought about someone in a romantic way except Ichigo...

Did I like Nnoitra? I mean, he's my best friend, I like hanging out with him, he can be nice when he wants to, and he has always been there for me. But do I like him romantically? And if I did, what about Ichigo?

I groaned and layed my head on the counter in front of me. I was thinking too much. I could feel a headache coming on.

" Grimmjow?"

" Uh, yes sir?"

I looked up to see my boss walking over to me with a vase full of beautiful flowers.

" These are for you." He set them down on the counter.


" Yeah. Some kid called and asked if you worked here. I said yes then an hour later he dropped these of for you."

" W-who?

" I don't know he didn't say his name. He had bright orange hair though. He left a note too." He handed me a piece of paper.

I stared for a minute before taking it.

" Thanks." I murmured.

" You're welcome." He said as he walked away.

When I was alone again I unfolded the note with shaky hands...

Dear Grimmjow,

I am so sorry.

When I went to that party I wanted to find out who was stalking me. I didn't know why or what I would say to him once I found him. Then it turned out to be you.

We were talking and I was actually enjoying it. When I first saw you I though you were beautiful. You were even more beautiful when you smiled at me.

Then I tripped and you caught me. It felt good, being in your arms. Till I smelled you.

I realized it was you then.

I remembered the distinct smell of flowers on you when you bumped into me at the library. And I... I panicked. I didn't know what to say or do so I yelled at you. I said such horrible things to you and I hurt you.

But I want you to know, no, I need you to know, that I didn't mean the things I said. I would do that night over again if I could.

Grimmjow... I want you so much.

I know my ignorance might have made me lose my chance with you, but I'll do anything to get a second chance.

I don't deserve it, but I can't stop wanting it.

I wrote my phone number at the bottom of this note. If it's not too late, please call me.

If it is too late, then I just want you to know how sorry I am and that you're the best thing that I never had.



I looked over at the flowers, stroking their soft petals. Some people didn't know that flowers had meanings, but Ichigo obviously did.

Purple Hyacinth's ; I'm sorry/forgive me.

Pink Camellia's ; longing for you.

Yellow Tulip's ; there's sunshine in your smile.

Calla Lilly's ; beauty.

Red Carnation ; my heart aches for you.

And the last flower...

Primrose ; I can't live without you.

My hand clutched the note. The ink smeared on the tear stained paper.

* Review*