Chapter 1: My Crazy Stalker

I groaned as I sat down next to Shinji, who was drinking a cup of cinnamon coffee. We were at a coffee-house downtown that Shinji insisted that we go to after school. I think it was just because he wanted to use their WiFi. Stupid.

" Aw come on Ichigo, what do you have against coffee?" He pouted.

" Everything. It's gross. How do you drink that shit?"

" It's amazing that's why!" I rolled my eyes. Amazing my ass. I don't know how anyone could like coffee. I just don't see it.

" Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." He smiled and did a little happy dance in his chair.

" Yay! I win!" Again, I just rolled my eyes. It was no use trying to argue with Shinji. He's like the most irrational person I have ever met. " So Ichigo... how's your stalker?"

I groaned again. Yeah that's right. I had a stalker. And it's not just a regular stalker like it usually , no. Heavens forbid I get a normal stalker. Usually its some stupid ex or someone you had a one night stand with. Or maybe someone you talked to a few times or went to school with. Normally its someone you know at least a little bit. This wasn't the case with me. I have never seen my stalker, let alone talked to him/her. I have no idea who it is. At first when I got a letter brought to me from my apartment manager, I thought it was just some innocent little crush that someone had on me. I actually thought it was kind of cute. But then it started to happen a lot. Cards, flowers, chocolate. Day after day after day they came. Its been happening for at least 5 months now. My stalker would leave me white rose's (My favorite) and chocolates that had the yummy pink filling (Also my favorite). He/she also wrote me love notes all the time. Sometimes it would be sweet poems or sometimes they'd just say how much they loved me and told me how good I looked that day. It kind of creeped me out, knowing I was getting followed and didn't know who it was. I'd look around sometime's, hoping to see someone following me, but I never caught anyone. This person was like some kind of shadow. It also kind of scared me because those gifts didn't come from my apartment manager anymore, they were left at my door. My stalker knew exactly were I lived and which apartment. They could just break into my apartment anytime if they wanted to. At the bottom of every note they left me it was signed, xxx. I didn't even have a name or their gender! You can't tell me that that's not creepy as hell.

Now my apartment was littered with love notes, flowers, and empty boxes of chocolate. Hey! Don't judge me! So yeah, maybe I did eat the candy. But come on.. it was chocolate. I figured by the way my stalker said they loved me all the time, that they weren't going to kill me with poisoned candy. Were they..? And for some reason Shinji found it hilarious, me getting stalked. What a friend he is.

" Shut up, Shinji. It's not funny. There's someone stalking me!"

" Aw come on, Ichi. It's not like they've tried to hurt you or anything. I think it's kinda sweet."

" Stalking someone is sweet? Yeah, I don't think so. I think the word you're looking for is CREEPY!"

" But they might be hot.."


It happened again. I don't know why I even bother being surprised anymore.
I had just got home from the coffee shop and stopped to look at the bright blue envelope that was taped to my door. On the front was my name written in neat handwriting. Ichigo. I sighed and opened my door. I threw my school bag on the couch and sat down to read the letter.


You look nice today. Like everyday. I saw you at the coffee shop with your friend, talking. I wish I could talk to you too. I love you.



What am I going to do? This really is creepy. How long is this going to happen, what if it never stops? I just don't understand why my stalker couldn't just walk up to me like a normal person and ask me out if they really liked me this much. Loved me this much. Was he just shy? Unattractive? Didn't think I'd like them? Or was my stalker really that much of a psycho with mental issues?

I hope it's not the last one. I really hope it's not.