…but I'm not going to yet. Maybe later.

DISCLAIMER (for all disclaimers): "No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me!" – Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Colors

Yeah, that doesn't apply here. =_='

99%+ of the characters throughout this series belong to someone else, 1%- belong to me. I think you're smart enough to figure which is which.


There once was a little boy. A little boy filled with honor and chivalry, who loved his family very much.

Then his family disappeared and he was left all alone.

Left with people that were mercenaries, assassins, who trained him in their ways. Ways that were brutal and merciless filled with cold blood. Ways that were filled with no love. And love was all the boy craved. Was all he ever wanted.

He wanted friends and family again. To have a brother again. For his brother was the world to him, and everyone knew it so.

So there once was a boy.

A boy who wished every day, from the depths of his heart, to have a family once more.

Danny woke with a start, tangled in his sheets. Being the klutz he is, he managed to escape the sheets' viper grip only to end up falling face-first on the floor. Hopefully he didn't wake anyone else, but with his luck, well...

Groggily he sat up and stared at the clock on his desk. 2:34 AM. If went back to sleep now, he could maybe get thirty minutes till some ghost came. He could practically tell the time by who attacked. Sulker: one o'clock. Random animal at three and the Box Ghost at two along with every other hour through the night. If he didn't know any better, he'd say they were doing this on purpose- trying to lower his guard down. Too bad it wasn't working. Yet.

Stretching, he got up to open the door. Already his sister was standing there, sticking a thermos right in his face.

"Alright spook, get ready for oh hey Danny," Jazz peeked over his shoulder. "Did something attack you?"

"Yeah, it has orange hair and needs a breath mint. Can I go to the restroom now?" He phased through her and walked down the hall. He probably was going to spend the rest of the night in the thermos for that but eh; he was too sleepy to care.

"So why the noise?" Danny inwardly groaned. Can't a guy do his businesses in peace?

"I think I had a weird dream and fell off the bed."

"Nothing ghost related?"

"Not that I remember. But later on I probably gotta change into Phantom if you're wondering. But for now, nothing ghost related."

"You're doing it again."

Danny stopped washing his hands. "What?"

"Treating your ghost half as a separate individual."

Danny sighed and looked up at the mirror. Black hair and blue eyes...

(He transformed)

...or white hair and green eyes, it really didn't matter. He was just himself. So what if he acted differently? Fenton and Phantom were just masks, but still completely him. Maybe it was the people's views that made him treat them as separates, or imagine something foreign in those eyes.

Or maybe he was so tired he was letting Jazz's psychobabble get to him. Again. He leaned on the doorway.

"Jazz I'm fine. Seriously, you don't need to worry."

Jazz gave him a look, but Danny held his ground. Finally she sighed.

"Okay, fine. Can't blame a psychologist for trying."

"I know," Danny chuckled. He gave her a hug. "Goodnight. Sorry for waking you."

"Mm'hmm." Jazz mumbled and he flew to his room, changing back before plopping on his bed. Hopefully he wouldn't have any more disturbances during the night...

... A blue wisp leaked out of the sleeping boy's mouth, but Danny did not stir. It streamed into the air around, weaving mist until it took form of a teen. One with translucent white hair and glowing green eyes. He floated crisscrossed to the top of the bed, blissfully stroking the raven locks on the pillow.

It didn't matter that he died. That he didn't remember his name or who he was before. That a part of him was used for fighting every day. Everything was all for his brother. His brother who gave him an identity. Who gave him a name, Phantom. Who gave him a reason to live. To live for his friends. To live for his family. To live for his wish. His world.

His world who is sleeping right now, unaware of it all. All was well though-and that was all that mattered. Hovering closer, soft humming brushed past his lips, gliding gently, sweetly, to caress the boy below. There was a flicker; a quiver in form. The ghost sighed. It was time to go.

"Thank you brother," Phantom murmured, kissing the mess of raven hair. "I love you and will always protect you. No matter what."

With one final smile, he dissolved into mist. And once more, it trickled back into the mouth of the oblivious Daniel Fenton.

I hoped you notice, but just in case, THIS IS NOT A SLASH. My apologizes if I confused you so. If you are searching or suddenly in the mood for those, there are some in the community area labeled as "pitch pearl" and plenty more someplace else.