Cocoon of Destruction

It was storming overhead. Storming violently. The skies were a pitch black, with the only light coming from various cackles of lightning. Within one of the many bungalows of the massive city below a young girl was walking. The rain pelted her violently, staining the jacket she wore on her body. She kept her head down and beneath the hood of the jacket, which was difficult thanks to her large hair. Nonetheless, she was close to home. Finding her door, she slid her golden keys into the golden knob, and turned them. The door opened, she stepped into the dark room, and flipped the switch on.

"Mimi!" the adolescent girl said as she pulled back her hood, "I'm home!"

She was a dark-skinned girl, with great bushy black hair which seemed untamed, yet were in pigtails. As she steadily removed her jacket, she showed clothing which appeared poor by anyone else standards. A long sleeve blue shirt with various patches upon it, a not so clean orange (or possibly brown) skirt, stalkings which also had patches on it, and brown suede shoes. But she didn't look the part of a poor person. It just looked like she enjoyed dressing this way, and didn't actually need too.

Removing the drenched jacket from her shoulders, the teen placed it upon a chair. Any moment now, she was expecting Mimi to run up to her, and grab her leg in love. But it never happened. The teen, finding this odd, began to walk deeper into the small home. There was no sign of Mimi the deeper she walked into the home.

"Mimi!" the teen called as she came to the home's main office, "Mimi! Mi-"

She stopped, almost in a frozen like way. Her jewel blue eyes shining as she stared upon the person before her. It was another girl, one who was slightly older than her. Her skin was dark, like the other girls, but the similarities ended here. While her hair was large and bushy, this other girl's hair was long and straight. She wore a sleeveless black shirt, and a long red skirt. She also wore a red hat with shades upon them. She wore nice shoes, and long socks as well, ones which rolled past her knees. Lastly her eyes, which were a dark chocolate brown.

"You..." the teen girl whispered, "Serena... what are you doing here?"

Serena. The girl in red, that's what her name was. There was another cackle of thunder. She was holding her, holding Mimi. The small little Restraint Pokémon was in the arms of Serena, hugging close to her chest. Despite the tension in the air, the Pokémon appeared to be relatively calm. But that's not to say her friend was.

"Emma... listen..." Serena said as she stood from the chair she sat on.

"No, Serena!" Emma answered as yet another cackle of thunder roared out, "What are you doing here," she slowly began stepping forward, "Serena, you of all people should know how dangerous it is to be here! Do you know what's going on!?"

"I didn't do it!" Serena suddenly yelled as she slammed her hands upon the desk, "Please, Emma," her voice was restrained of the anger she had, "I didn't do it. I didn't do any of it... Please, believe me..."

"Serena, how can I?" Emma asked as she stared down to her open hands, "It's gone. All of it is gone. The entire city... It's all gone..." she gazed back up, "All of it..."

"I know!" Serena answered, "But I didn't do it... I promise you, I didn't do it..."

"Espurrrrrrrr!" Mimi suddenly began to call, "Esppuuurrrrr! Espurr! Espurr! Mwwaarrooooor! Espurr!"

The Restraint Pokémon was suddenly leaping up around the small home, trying to make her way around. Why she was suddenly so frantic was anyone's guess, but the two teens knew it couldn't have been good. When a Psychic-type Pokémon is peeved, then danger is only a few feet away. Anyone could tell that. But only Serena knew.

"This building," the red wearing teen said, "It's... been bugged, hasn't it?"

Emma could only nod in regret. The door began to rumble; someone was on the other end. Emma and Serena stared upon the door together, while the red wearing teen started to walk back. The door was pounded on violently, before finally being knocked off of its hinges. There was a dog, well, two dogs which ran through. Poodle Pokémon ran into the home, glaring holes upon the two teens. But they weren't the Pokémon which knocked the door down. It was this titanic, Daunting Pokémon which did. Standing a staggering 6 foot eleven inches, it glared down upon the two with violent eyes. It wore a police cap on its head, just like the twin Pokémon below.

"Pangoro..." the Daunting Pokémon stated.

"Pangoro?" Emma said, "Furfrous..." she said next, "Wait. This can only mean... Officer Jenny!"

Indeed it was. Officer Jenny and the rest of the Lumiose City Police Department. From outside the building was illuminated by a powerful light from above. Serena gazed out the window to see various helicopters flying overhead. Despite the powerful storm raging above, the vehicles still flew up high. They must have really wanted her if they so blatantly disregarded their own safety. That booming voice echoed next, which sent shivers down both teens spines.

"Serena Y!" a woman's voice yelled into the air, "Come out with your hands up!"

Officer Jenny, that's whose voice echoed right now. Serena gazed toward the Pokémon which glared daggers in her direction. Mimi ran to Emma's position, leaping up in her arms with a single bound. Slowly, the young teen began to wilt away, leaving Serena alone to face her fate. But what fate was she transcribed? Why was the Police Department gunning for her? Whatever the case may be, she wasn't about to stand back and allow this to happen.

Serena withdrew a red and white capsule device. Her Poké Ball.

"Becareful in there," Officer Jenny said to her men, who all had their Pokémon ready, "There's little reason to believe Serena is going to let herself be arrested, so be prepared. Serena's Pokémon are bound to be powerful so-!?"

The building suddenly exploded. Flames flew through the home's front door, tossing away the Pangoro and the Frufrous within. The Pokémon were thrown into the walls of the parallel building, all being knocked unconscious as soon as impact occurred. The other police officers and their Pokémon were shocked by the sudden turn of events. Smog flowed from the buildings front door, being broken only by the silhouette of a creature within.

There was the flash of lightning, and the cackle of thunder. The smog was instantly blown away.

What stood was a burning creature. He was just flaming hot to look at. And no, not in a sexy way. He was tall. Maybe not as tall as the Pangoro from before, but that didn't make him any less of a daunting creature to gaze upon. His body was like a long robe, one which gave off heat. His fox ears, large with fur in the shape of flames. Tail, long and bushy, filled with life. He was a Pokémon who demanded respect, and he sought it with stoic eyes.

"Delphox..." the Fox Pokémon stated.

"Ignis!" Serena yelled as she ran up from behind, "Fire Spin!"

"There she is!" Jenny yelled as she pointed at the red wearing teen, "There's Serena! Get her!"

But it was too late. Serena's Delphox, Ignis, pulled a stick from his an unknown location. Raising it high, he caused fire to sprout from the area around his toes. A blazing column of heat suddenly erupted, and shot skyward. It didn't slow as it reached higher into the atmosphere above; this was truly a powerful Pokémon.

The flames whipped out toward the police, as well as their Pokémon. The powerful vacuum force created by the flames whipped up Pokémon and people alike. Even vehicles were tossed away like mere rocks. The small alleyway was cleared out of individuals when the flame show ended, leaving Serena and her Pokémon alone.

"Good job, Ignis..." Serena stated as she patted her Pokémon on the shoulder, "Now return."

Beaming him into a red light, he returned the Pokémon to its capsule device. Putting the Poké Ball away into her satchel, Serena quickly withdrew yet another. Lightning cackled throughout the air once again, causing the city to flash to life. Serena brought her vision away from the skies as the rain grew too violent to bear.

"Stand down, Serena!" a roar was given.

There she was, with her blue-green hair and red eyes. The officer that everyone looked up too. Jenny was such a strong woman; no storm or flaming Pokémon could drop her, no matter the power. Serena wasn't allow Jenny to stop her in her escape, however. That was, until, Jenny pulled a gun from her waist. In the world of Pokémon, only officers are allowed to wield such weapons. They were last-minute precautions, if straits are dire.

"Jenny..." Serena whispered.

"Stand down!" the officer roared.

Another cackle of lightning which jerked Jenny briefly. In that time, Serena tackled the cop, knocking the gun from her hands. Serena could have done more, but she didn't. Instead she ran off, making way for the end of the alley. The trainer pulled yet another Poké Ball from her waist, preparing to throw it. With a quick movement, she tossed the capsule device, springing it from its confides. A flaming beast flew through the air, gliding between Serena's legs. She leaped up, landing upon the back of this blazing bird. With red feathers on top and grey ones on the bottom, this winged creature was the Scorching Pokémon.

"Talonflame!" he announced in the air with spread wings.

"Turnice! Get us out of here!" Serena commanded.

The bird flew higher and higher, but gunshots rang out. One stray bullet glided through Serena's hair, barely missing her soft skin. She turned and gazed upon the alley she retreated from, seeing Officer Jenny. She was holding her gun and firing with near precise aim. Had it not been for the storm, she could have possibly hit the teen.

But it was all for not. Serena, on the back of her Talonflame, escaped from the city of Lumiose, flying high into the storming clouds above. Jenny moved down her spent gun, returning it to its holster. She couldn't believe this failed. They had Serena right where they wanted her, yet they still failed. Then again, Serena wasn't just some random trainer.

She was the Kalos Region Champion. Well. Ex-Champion.

It was time to wake up. The morning rituals had to be completed before anything else could happen. She couldn't just sleep in all day long, even if she wanted too. There were things she needed to do, people she had to meet, Pokémon she needed to catch.

Her eyes finally opened; she could feel the warmth of the sun upon her body. Pulling up, she gave a loud yawn into the air. Her vision was relatively blurred thanks to the morning queasiness everyone gets. It happened again, it would seem. Instead of sleeping in the bed she owned, the young girl decided to sleep on the floor. Why you may ask? Because her Pokémon was warmer than any bed she could ever ask for.

The long body beneath her was rising high and low steadily with each breath it took. The young girl above the Pokémon dragged her hands up and down the fur of this creature, enjoying the warmth it handed her. Bringing her hands up to the Pokémon's head, she tapped it slowly.

"Ty... phlo...sion...?" the Volcano Pokémon said as she slowly came woke up.

With warm eyes, she gazed up to the girl who gazed upon her. The young trainer cocked her head in a sunny smile, as she motioned toward the small room's bathroom. With a groan, the Typhlosion got on all fours and followed her master. The two entered the bathroom, gazing into their own reflections with disgust. The human was disappointed with her own stature, while her Pokémon was still annoyed with being awake.

Together, the trainer and Pokémon grabbed their toothbrushes. Also, in unison, they began to brush clean their teeth. For a Typhlosion, having pearly-white teeth is important. How else will she be able to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies? The shower was next, though it was obvious the Typhlosion wanted to have nothing of it. But 'no' was not something her trainer would accept, even if the Pokémon could speak. The trainer turned on the hot water of the shower, removing the pink clothing from her body. Begrudgingly, her Pokémon followed suit.

They finished slowly, and returned to their room at the same pace. The trainer ahead, her Pokémon right behind. The trainer started grabbing some other clothing, while her Pokémon began to search through her various drawers. The trainer pulled out blue overalls, a red shirt, long white socks, and red shoes. She switched into them slowly, while her Typhlosion fiddled with a red bow tie she pulled from a drawer. With a slight giggle the trainer wrapped the bowtie around the Volcano Pokémon's neck. The Typhlosion couldn't help but to blush from embarrassment.

With that done, the trainer found her full frontal mirror within her room. She fiddled with her hair, grabbing rubber bands to help her tie tame the wild strands. She put the them into pigtails, and stopped when it was all finished. She and her Pokémon gazed into their full reflections, as they stood side by side. There was something off about it. Oh yes, her hat. The trainer reached for her white and red hat, which sat on top of the mirror. When she grabbed it, she slowly placed it upon her head.

Johto Champion Lyra Soul, and her beloved Typhlosion, Cynder. The two couldn't help but to yawn. Another day, another day.

"Lyra!" her mother called from downstairs, "Lyra, honey! Are you awake yet?"

"Yes Ma!" she answered.

"Ty! Ty!" Cynder replied, just as chipperly.

They both walked down the stairs of their home, with Cynder poking into her trainer's back. Coming downstairs into the bottom floor, the Johto Champion glanced over to the brunette woman she knew as mother. The older female was sitting in her chair, as she usually did, a newspaper on the table. Lyra waved to her mother, but Cynder was oddly weary of the matriarch. Instead of waving, as the Typhlosion usually did, she instead took to sniffing the ground. Cynder sniffed closer and closer to Lyra's mother, stopping when her nose laid upon the mother's. The next second, the Volcano Pokémon became unusually angered. She leaped back, flames sprouting from the ports on her neck.

"Typhlosion!" the Pokémon roared.

"Uh, Lyra," Ms. Soul murmured, "I think your Pokémon here is sick."

"Typhlosion! Ty!" Cynder continued to yell.

"Cynder!?" Lyra yelled, "Cynder, what's wrong with you? Are you..." she suddenly stopped, then turned to face her mother, "Ma...?"

This was odd. Cynder had never shown any ill will toward Lyra's mother before. Heck, the Typhlosion treated Ms. Soul as her own mother, so why was she suddenly angry like this? Lyra looked deep into her Pokémon's eyes, only to shift them back to her mother. There was something off about all of this.

"You're not my mother..." Lyra stated as she walked slowly toward her Pokémon, "Who are you!?"

As Lyra's rage peaked, so did Cynder's. If this situation continued, then it was likely the Volcano Pokémon would set the home ablaze. The Ms. Soul look-a-like suddenly raised her hand and placed it upon her chin. She gained a smug disposition, as her lips curled into a smirk.

"You're a pretty smart kid," the copycat said, but not with a woman's voice; instead it was a man's voice. Both Lyra and Cynder were shocked stupid by this, "I suppose I should have seen this coming. You know, with you being the Johto Champion and all."

S/he suddenly grabbed the bottom of his/her clothing, and tore them off with a single swipe of the hand. The clothing was not actually clothing, but a disguise. What lay underneath was no woman, but a man. He held a stern disposition, greying black hair, and wore a brown overcoat. Placing his chin in his hand once again, he gazed upon the Johto trainer with strained eyes.

"I'm sorry about the way I entered," he said, "I must have scared you like that."

"Ah!?" Lyra said at first, "Wait! Where's my mother!"

As soon as her rage returned, so did Cynder's. The Volcano Pokémon once again erupted into flames as they eyed the strange man who stood in their room. Yet, just as before, the man didn't appear to scared. They'd soon make him regret his intrusions. Lyra aimed for the man, mouth ready to give out an order. But someone ran into the way.

"Lrya Soul!" the woman yelled, "How many times have I told you to not have any Pokémon Battles in the home!?"

"Ma?" the Johto Trainer said as she and her Pokémon lost their fighting vigor.

Yeah, it was Ms. Soul, wearing the clothing she always wore. You know, the red blouse and white apron. You know, what she always wears. Seeing her made both Lyra and Cynder regret their earlier antics. Unfortunately enough, the damage had been done. Singe marks sat on the floor around them, showing just how hot Cynder's flames became.

"I'm sorry for my actions," the mysterious man said as he finally dropped his hand from his chin, "I suppose I should have seen this coming."

"It's alright Mr. Looker," Ms. Soul said, "It's not your fault..." she glanced over to Lyra and smiled, "It's not your fault either. Mr. Looker did startle you two..." she looked back to Looker, who was now sitting down in the chair from before, "Mr. Looker wishes to speak with you, Lyra. Please sit."

The Johto Champion did as her mother told her, though she did so wearily. When she sat down, Cynder ran up to her side. The Volcano Pokémon, seeing this as a chance for some rest, sat down to the floor and closed her eyes. Lyra looked up to the man who sat oppose to her, who had, once again, placed his chin in his hand.

"Do you want something to drink, Mr. Looker?" Ms. Soul asked with a smile.

"No thank you," he answered, smiling too, "I just wish to speak to your daughter," he settled his eyes back upon Lyra, who felt weird gazing into his eyes, "So. You are the Champion of Johto," his hand reached forward, "Nice to meet you. I'm Looker."

Looker. What a weird name for a man. Then again, Lrya didn't know much men. Go figure.

"I'm... Lyra..." she answered, eyes being hidden by her visor.

"You'll have to excuse my daughter," Ms. Soul said as she sat down beside Lyra, "She's not much of a talker."

"I've met my fair share of individuals like her," Looker said with a smile, "I'm used to it. Besides, it lets me talk more often," his face became stern again as he reached his hand into his trench coat, "Have you ever been out of the Johto region?"

Lyra smiled as she reached away into the satchel she always brought with her. When her hand returned, it held a badge case. She opened it, showing not just eight badges, but sixteen. The first eight came from Johto, the second eight came from Kanto. Looker nodded, a smile coming next to his lips.

"I see. So you are as magnificent as I've heard you are," he leaned back, "Good. Then I've made the right choice coming here..."

"Mr. Looker. Why have you come here?" Ms. Soul inquired, her head cocking at an angle.

To the Souls' surprise, Looker's face became oddly distant. He crossed his arms and gazed away, as if he were trying to hide something. But, no, he wasn't hiding anything. He was just crestfallen by what he would have to say.

"A year ago, I set up operations in the Kalos region. I met a girl there, her name was Serena. Serena was a smart person, would you happen to know her?"

He looked up at Lyra and Ms. Soul. While the matriarch had no idea who Serena was, Lrya did.

"Serena," the Johto Champion said, "She's the Kalos Region Champion. Am I right?"

"Indeed," Looker said, with a nod, "I was lucky enough to work with Serena when I stayed in the Kalos region, and I can easily say she was a magnificent Pokémon Trainer. Everytime I watched her fight, she lost to no one. I've seen many Champions, and I can say she ranks up there with the best of them," he removed his hand from his chin, as he gazed to the table, "Which is why it hurts me to say this," he looked back up, "Serena was able to tame a legendary beast known as Yvetal. A few weeks ago, Yvetal was seen destroying the coast city of Shalour. There were no survivors, save for the Gym Leader, Korrina," he squinted, "Lyra. I believe that you are the only person who can help us fight Serena."

Maverick Talks!

So here we are, with this Pokemon fanfic. Some crazy things are happening already, starting with the mystery. What mystery? I mean, seriously, did you read the fic?

How long is this going to be? I don't really know. Hm. I just know we have our main characters. Maybe. Lrya Soul, from Pokemon's Heart Gold and Soul Silver, and Serena, from X and Y. Just so you know, I chose to use the dark skinned, Serena in this story. Why? I don't know, you tell me. Seriously though, I chose the dark skinned one because I know no one else will. But, hey, that's just me.

We've already seen what two Pokemon Serena has, that is her Delphox and Talonflame, we also know Lyra has a Typhlosion. But, hey, that's all we know so far.

Well, I don't have much to say because this is the first chapter. You all are just going to have to wait and see what happens next.

Yours truly,

Maverick Kay Prime