Last Chapter. :'( I enjoyed writing this though, and I think I might just do something along with this. A POLL! I'm going to put a poll on my profile for...

Continue Breakaway?

A sequel to What's Next?


What do you think? I might just add another option in there too...

This is a sad chapter...Grab a box tissues!

Disclaimer: Nope. I like writing anyway.

Song: Fire, Fire, Flyleaf


Mikey continued to jump over rooftops looking in alleyways, but saw nothing. Devin rested on his shell silently, and said nothing the entire time. Mikey had to admit, he was getting tired. But he wouldn't stop for himself, they had to find Chester.

"Hey uh..Devin." Mikey started. Devin lifted his head a bit.


"So um. How did you meet my brothers?" Devin smiled.

"Funny actually. I was almost shot by the Purple Dragons." Devin smirked. Mikey looked over his shoulder at Devin, his eyes wide.

"What did you do?" Devin laughed.

"You see, after Dad put me in an adoption home, I only stayed until I was able to take care of myself." Mikey furrowed his eye ridges.


"I am currently homeless."

Mikey raised his eye ridges.

"So what does this have to do with the Purple Dragons?" Devin chuckled.

"This is where it gets interesting." Devin said. Mikey rolled his eyes.

"The Purple Dragons have a huge room where they keep their food and clothes. Did you know that? It's pretty weird actually. It's almost like a giant closet and refrigerator."

Mikey nodded his head, a smile on his face.

"I see where you're going with this." Devin nodded.

"Yeah. So anyway, I sneak in there all the time and get my food and stuff. But I wasn't so lucky this time." Devin pulled his sleeve up to show off a nasty scar extending from the backside of his thumb to his forearm.

"He barely got me. I wasn't fast enough, I guess." Devin said with a frown. "Their leader, the fat guy, came out with a gun and held it to my head. I'm lucky your brothers came and helped me. I wouldn't be here if not." Devin said.

Mikey nodded and looked back at Devin.

"You have a tragic story." Devin shrugged his shoulders.

"If this it what I have, I'm happy. I'm happy for my life. I live it because that's what Mom would've wanted me to do."

Mikey turned his head back around and smiled.

If that's what he has, he's happy...

April sat up in bed when she heard her phone go off. Her eyes were still half closed, but she reached over for her T-phone on the bedside table. She blinked when the light to her phone nearly blinded her. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she read the text message from Donnie.

Chester's missing. We could use some help finding him.

April shook her head. The fact that she was still asleep made her read it over several times before she understood what it meant. She texted back a simple response.

I'll be out

Quickly, she threw the blankets off of her and slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She slipped her shoes on and lifted the window open. She slipped out on the fireescape, not even closing her window, before taking to the rooftops. After jumping over two (or was it three?) roofs, she spotted a dark figure laying in the alley. Careful to get on the ground, she climbed down the fire escape ladder until her feet touched the ground. April ran over to the figure and slid on her knees to him. She sent a quick text to Donnie.

I found him. The alley on Jefferson.

She didn't even bother to look at her phone when she felt it vibrate. She pressed two of her fingers to his neck, and felt no pulse. She started to panic, and looked around the alley for anything that could help her. But she knew, that nothing could help her now. April took a minute to look at his face. His eyes were gently closed, and his face was peaceful.

"You seem like you wanted to die!" April shouted. She pressed her fingers against his neck again. Still nothing. Lifeless. Tears ran down her face, but anger swarmed through her eyes. She saw the blood staining his jacket and was quick to pull the jacket off. The blood was even darker on his white shirt. She knew, that there was nothing more she could do.

"April!" Donnie shouted from the rooftops. April looked up, the tears sparkling in her eyes.

Donnie noticed and was quicker to get down to her, with Leo and Raph following him. He dropped to his knees and looked at Chester his eyes wide. Leo growled.

"Purple Dragons." He looked back at the streets, before back at Raph.

"Text Mikey. Tell him to meet us at the lair." Raph nodded and took out his T-phone. Leo walked over to Don and April and knelt next to them.

"There's nothing you can do." She sobbed. Donnie frowned and looked at the corpse of their newfound friend.

I would do anything for you April. But I can't bring the dead back to life.

When Mikey and Devin walked into the lair, all eyes turned to them. Mikey looked around and smiled.

"Okay guys...What's going on here? A surprise party...?"

Leo looked down before replying.

"No Mikey. Chester is...Chester's..." He started, but couldn't finish. He couldn't tell his baby brother that Chester was dead, murdered at that.

"What's wrong with Chester?!" Mikey's smile disappeared.

"What's wrong with my brother!" Devin didn't ask, he demanded for an answer, Leo couldn't find it in his heart to tell them. He gestured for them to follow him. If he couldn't tell them, he would show them.

Inside the infirmary, Mikey's eyes were wide and Devin's almost angry.

"Who did this?" Devin growled in a low voice. Mikey was taken aback by this. Never had he saw Devin like this.

"A Purple Dragon." Leo replied with a heartfelt voice. Devin ran his hands through his hair and rested his elbows on the bed. Hot tears ran down his cheeks. He gasped, trying to hold his tears in, and wanted everything to be normal. In a place with a loving mother and father and a his big brother, Chester. His biggest fear had come true. He didn't have anyone left.

His mother, gone by her own doing.

His father, gone by his own doing.

His brother, gone by murder.

Himself, alone.

He shot a glare up at Mikey and Leo.

"You're so lucky." He started. He wiped tears away, but it didn't help, as tears continued to form and run down his face.

"You have a family. Four brother living happily with their father." He said, and after taking a shaky breath he continued.

"You don't have a mother, but you're lucky enough to have a father." He said wiping his face again.

"I don't have anything!" He gasped and more tears ran down his face. Mikey started to cry, and Leo held a look of grief on his face. Mikey wiped his face, before looking up at Devin, who was on his knees next to the bed that his brother lay in.

"You have us."

That's it guys *blows nose* That's the end of Broken. *blows nose again* Leave a review of thoughts and opinions while reading, and don't forget to check out the poll on my profile!

R&R! *blows nose*