A/N: Just wanted to say if you clicked on this story, get ready for a hell of an epic retelling. This is my take on the famous HadesXPersephone love story that really struck me as oddly fitting for Jack and Punz. Please do leave a review to show your support, I would love it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Jack Frost, Rapunzel or Greek mythology magic cards. If I did, I'd make a movie out of it and hypnotize people to watch it instead of writing fanfiction. Just saying...

I don't want to live, To waste another day, underneath the shadow of mistakes I made...

-Breaking Inside; Shinedown

The Sun shined annoyingly, heating up the back of his neck like a friendly clasp, making him scowl. He watched as the grass under his feet withered and died, turning a sickly shade of yellow. He sighed, removing one foot and immediately life washed into the plant, reversing it back to spring green.

He hated this; he missed his home, despite how dark and cold it was he loved every inch of it. He sighed, thinking about the number of souls he had to contend with today, all from the Death Express, each one whining and complaining that they didn't deserve to be sent to the Fields of Asphodels, that they deserved a chance to prove themselves worthy of Elysium.

Honestly, Jack was growing increasingly agitated with his job and not for the first time he resented his brothers for pushing all the literal crap onto him. He looked up at the sky and glared, telling himself that he will get revenge one day for how his brother's had treated him.

It was only fair, they both said, agreeing on something together for the first time when he had pulled out the shortest stick. It will only be the underworld, what harm is there? If he hadn't been so surprised he would have punched the smug smiles of their faces, God of the Sky and Sea or not.

Jack cursed. His whole life, tied to that dank place, forever condemned to listen to spirits moan and wail, occasionally yelling out how much they hated this place.

That makes both of us buddy, he thought. But today, today he had a different agenda in mind.

He waited, watching as she appeared, her melodious voice carrying across the lush plains, enrapturing his senses immediately. She appeared from behind a sapling, her blond hair braided beautifully and adorned with flowers. Her floating white dress hugged her figure yet remained ethereal, giving her an almost immortal glow. Jack's throat went dry; he would never say it in front of his niece but her beauty could probably even outshine Aphrodite's.

The fair and lovely Rapunzel, daughter of the harvest Goddess.

By Elysium did he want her!

Jack followed her silently, watching as she picked up flowers and placed them in her braid, a blissful smile on her full lips. She twirled and the dress flowed around her, making it seem as if she had just appeared from Aphrodite's mist.

Jack groaned. He had it bad for her.

He was just about to reveal himself, to greet her when the shrill voice of her mother called out, startling them both. She lifted the hem of her dress so as not to step on it, exposing her delicate ankles as she called back to her mother.

"Coming!" she said, her green eyes twinkling in amusement as she shot back to the young sapling, disappearing behind the branches. It was her mother's magic that concealed her and rightfully so.

Rapunzel could probably capture the eye of worthier Gods than the Lord of the Underworld.

The leaves fluttered in the wind, waving merrily. He cracked a sardonic smile. Of course Gothel's magic would be the strongest here, he could practically feel the Harvest Goddess' magic reverberating on the bright green field, making the flowers bloom vividly and the bees buzz lazily.

His smile turned into a smirk as he gazed at the sapling.

Soon, he promised and opened a crack in the Earth, his body vanishing back to the place where he belonged – far from this spring paradise. Far from his Spring Goddess.