Chp. 6-The Hive Part 1

So hi! I had my mind blank on how to do this.

So I am going to do this chapter and going to focus on another story based on Highschool football playoffs.

My team passed Round 1! Yay! Now onto the second ranked team! Wish me luck!

Nonetheless, I only own Blade and the Storyline

In Jump City...
An explosion from a bank came out, as three figures stepped out. For the sake of the laziness of the author, he will tell you to go to Wikipedia to see what they look like. Anyway, these characters are Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth.

All of a sudden, another explosion sounded, but this one being of an energy ball of draconian origins. "Robbing a bank for money, that's low," The character we all know as Blade said, grinning playfully. "Ever heard of getting a job, Hive?"

Behind Blade was the other four hedgehogs. Just for you to be certain, a random leader is picked for every chapter of the story, in this chapter, it is Blade.

Jinx formed her own mischeivious smile. "How cute fellas, the Titans turned into gerbils!"

"We'rehedgehogs!" Glimpse said through gritted teeth.

"So how about we show these new scrubs whats up? FORMATION DELTA!" The Hive separated and formed a triangle., surrounding the hedgehogs.

Blade only grinned, this was what he expected. "COVER 1, AS WE TRAINED! TITANS, GO!" Blade charged right at Mammoth and they both clashed their fists. Technically, Blade is 20 times stronger than mammoth, but the fact that Mammoth is 20 times heavier that Blade, their punches evened out. Mammoth then slammed the ground with closed fists, but Blade swiftly rolled out of the way, stabbing Mammoth in the back, even though the result was a mere prick. The two then broke out in what was roughly a wrestling match.

Meanwhile, with Gizmo, Aura (in Guardian form) and Meteor were trying to hit the elusive "sonnofa" bitch while it was gliding gracefully across the sky. Gizmo's firepower, mere minor lazer bolts, were dwarfed by the Aural and Meteorite energies shown by the two. Suddnely, Gizmo was connered, but was still teasing. "You can't get me!" Both Aura and Meteor fired upon the kid, for the attacks to collide and form a smokescreen. Then, they were suddenly surrounded by Gizmos, chanting, "You can't get me!" "Aura!" Meteor gritted. "Let me concentrate!" Aura shouted, holding his index and middle finger to his temple. He sees no auras in the army of Gizmos,, except for one. Timing his aim, he fired. A Gizmo fell from the sky, dismissing the army, only for it to grow spider legs. "Come at me, fools!"

With Jinx, she was holding herself off quite effeciantly by herself, as she, well, using her magic and combat skills to counter Glimpse and Sonic's every move like it was just a part of a graceful dance. The hedgehogs tried to home attack, she bicycled kicked, they throw stuff at her, she threw magic back. Until finally, Glimpse had enough. "Sonic, distract her, I'm going in." Sonic nodded, getting Jix's attention. "Hey, you, pink hair!" Sonic turned around and twerked, making Jinx tilt her head. "HYAAH!" Glimpse blindsided Jinx with a Judo kick to the jaw. Jinx tumbled onto her knees, cursing herself to be caught offguard like that. She got up and smirked. "Kinda dirty, green dude." Time for her to be distracting. "I like dirty." She said seductively. "Do you seriously suspect us to fall for a trick like that?" Glimpse laughed ammusidely. "Surely your attempt to flatter was futile."

Jinx looked around, finding her self in a predictament, the Hive in a predictament. She spooteed what she was after, the bag of money. She darted, and grabbed it. "Get her!" Glimpse yelled. "Hive, regroup!" The three regrouped, Blade trying to get out of the rubble Mammoth had somehow trapped him under, but to no avail. As the got back to back, Jinx threw a smoke bomb and the three escaped.

The five cough. "What is with everyone here and smoke grenades?" Sonic asked. But one hero was angrier about something else. "Damn it." Glimpse cursed himself. "We let them go."

"Wait, do you guys notice something?" Aura asked. Meteor knew what he was talking about, and replied, "They are becoming Robotiniks." "Uhm, how so?" Blade asked, scratching his head. "This is the 21st time the Hive robbed something this month." Aura said. "If anything, they could be up for something." "Are you suspecting a spy?" Sonic asked. "Of a sort." Aura said. "I volunteer." Glimpse walked out from his pouting. "Since I let the person go, I should be the one risking his life in the hearts of the enemy." "You sure, dude." Blade warned. "From what we remember last time you were a spy..."


A red alert sounded at an Eggman base.

"SPY AT THE BASE! SPY AT THE BASE!" A hedgehog was running away from an Eggbot with all the weapons to kill.

"WHY THE F*CK DID YOU PUNCH THE ROBOT YOU MOTHERF*CKING DUMBASS!" Blade's voice boomed through an intercome.

End Flashback.

"It was looking at me funny, for the millionth time!" Glimpse defended coldly.

"Robots don't LOOK for the millionth time!" Blade countered angrily.

"Well, it is worth a shot. Humans can't scan like robots can, right?" Meteor asked.

"Just make sure he doesn't punch anybody." Blade crossed his arms grumpily.

A few moments later, at the Titans Tower.

Blade and Beast Boy were playing the newest update from "Ultra Crush Rumble Cousins," whileaven was reading a spell book, Aura and Robin listening to their own music. Starfire and Meteor trying to cook. Speaking of Starfire and Meteor, the two have been very close together, like to the point where they were following eachother. Robin often glanced over and huffs, every time his jealousy aura going up. Aura finds this curious and wanted to investigate.

But before he got the chance, Cyborg and Glimpse carried a machine in front of BB and Blade.

"Need to borrow TV power." Glimpse said coldly.

"One...sec...Glimpse...have...rumble cube...going to kill...YA-HEY WHAT THE HELL MAN I WAS GOING TO WIN!" Blade yelled as Glimpse unplugged the Uzz. "Need the TV power, besides you were going to win anyway." Glimpse replies.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" Cyborg presented with a loud proud voice. "I present to you, the GLIMPSE-O-TRON 9000!" He took off a cloth to reveal a perfect clone of Glimpse. "Uh..." Blade walked forward and tapped the android. "CHAOS!" "WOAH!" Blade backed up at the sudden reaction.

"Um, Cyborg, let me guess." Robin mentioned the time Cyborg was a spy. "Yes, Glimpse is spying the Hive. Again." Cyborg said. "His disquouse is this!" Cyborb shot a gun at real Glimpse, who transformed to and purple.

Blade giggled, then bursted out laughing. "Seriously Blade." Glimpse said. "All they did was change my quill colo-ohh." Glimpse blushed at his coloring. Oh, by the way, his eyes were cyan. "Out of things, PINK AND PURPLE!" "Hey it's not my fault!" Cyborg said innocently. "It just changes to the best color combination to make look itmindating. It is not my fault the internet has a bunch of wimps!" Glimpse. "Oh well, a mission is a mission, I'm going over!" Glimpse teleported out. And everyone went back to their activities, except Robin and Blade. Robin was finding Glimpse's mic, and Blade, well...

"Hey guys! I found a translate-a-sentence feature on this thing!"

"Mi cara es feo porque yo como caca de vaca." (Translation: My face is ugly because I eat cow poop.)

I'd say that was a good chapter. This is gonna be at least 3 parts long. But it will feature some good time with Glimpse. As well as some humor from everyone else! Another Titan is going to join. One that is going to make one titan happy and another struck with something crazy! Who is this titan? Who is going to be happy? Who is going to be struck? Find out in the next chapter!

Oh, before I forget. "Rarity's New Patterns" by Edplus777. Check out that video for you bronies! RACHEL MANITY IS BORN!