I return to writing fan-fiction!

Yeah, I had do some more writing sometime. And recently, I've gotten into Kill La Kill.

What a great series it is. And don't you think some of the lesser-seen characters deserve some love? I do! One of the things I love most about fanfiction is that it gives you the ability to tell what-if stories. If you have a favorite character, but they didn't get much screen-time, here's a chance to tell their story. For Omiko Hakodate and Takaharu Furokada lovers (Tennis Girl with the Teeth and Crazy Eye and Boxing Guy who Screams for those who don't know their names), this may be the story for you!

So, here's a prequel to the events of the original series. I didn't want to mess with the storyline too much, but I wanted to write something, so a prequel to the present story seemed to be the best way to go. It takes place about two years or so before Ryuko's arrival, and details the rise of two prospective students of the famed Honnōji Academy.

And those two have already been described above. The legacy of boxing and tennis begins!

Well, enough of me talking, go ahead and read. And be sure to review while you're at it! I pretty much run on reviews!

For most people, the first day of high school usually turns out to be quite the intimidating experience.

And for those with the honor of attending a prestigious academy, the level of intimidation for any would-be student would just sky-rocket like an emerald-shrouded drill.

So it'd be perfectly natural for any prospective academy student to be nervous on their way to the first day of school.

For one Omiko Hakodate, this was also the case. With shark-like teeth pursed behind her lips, the twin-tailed girl kept her gaze to herself as she walked up the long, arduous hill that led all the way up the very academy where she would be attending school for the next few years to come.

Her gaze changed for a moment. Along the winding road up to the academy, she looked up to see the battered form of a first-year student who had seemingly been in class only minutes before.

He was naked almost completely, literally beaten into the concrete wall with only a scrap of grey covering his privates. Omiko was quick to look away once she realized his current state, though many other prospective students weren't so respectful.

The boy twitched, his eyes spinning as he continued to see stars, tears staining his face. Most who passed did not want to know what fate had befallen him, but one student seemed to have an idea.

"So that's what Gamagoori's like..." that particular student said quite non-nonchalantly. Omiko could only wonder to herself if such a fate might befall her, since it seemed so easy to get on this Ira Gamagoori's bad side.

But the twin-tailed girl was quick to put aside such a notion. She remembered the pristine racket in her backpack, dreams present in her mind as she looked up the widening vista ahead. She remembered that of all things, she was not supposed to be afraid, lest she look weak in front of her fellow classmates.

As far as Omiko remembered, the acceptance letter and included pamphlet to this academy had specifically repeated the phrase,

"Fear is the tear that ruins the suit of victory."

Clearly, this wasn't just any regular prestigious academy.

As other students passed by Omiko, also clad in in their required No-Star attire, she continued to look on at the grand display before her. A sharp-toothed smile slowly began to form on her face. Maybe it was just the resplendent rays of light coming from the Student Council President's personal spire, but something was making Omiko feel particularly excited.

This was Honnōji Academy: newly opened to the general, less-elite populace as of today. To those lucky few hundreds accepted out of hundreds of thousands, it represented the future hallmark of the greatest student body to ever exist in not just Japan, but the entire world.

Omiko was one of those lucky few. She was one of the best of the best, at least where the sport of tennis was concerned. Taking out her stark white tennis racket out of her backpack, her strides became longer and more proud the closer she came to the grand entrance of the academy.

Her athletic dreams were nearly within her grasp now. It would be a long road to the top, but as the pamphlet put it, there were great rewards to reap along the way. Omiko had only heard rumors of something given to students who excelled: a gift so great that the Academy's higher-ups had done all they could to keep it shrouded in mystery thus far. It was a cunning tactic in attracting more prospective students, if anything.

But whatever that prize was, Omiko was set on obtaining it. After all, it would only help her along her way.

And if Omiko had her way, then Honnōji Academy would be that last serve she needed to obtain her much-desired victory.




Omiko hated standing still, but she knew a moment like this would require her to relent. She stood as one of many among the numberless No-Star students, who seemed as obedient as an army on standby. They were all gathered outside of the Academy's main complex, standing before a huge stage as they waited for this year's commencement ceremony to begin.

On stage, wearing Two-Star Uniforms, were none other than the infamous Honnōji Student Council, better known as the Elite Four, or sometimes, the Four Devas. They all stood at ready, silent as they waited for their most honorable President to make their appearance. Taller than the rest, and bristling with muscle, was the feared Disciplinary Committee leader, Ira Gamagoori. As his eyes scanned the crowd of No-Stars below, students knees buckled as they felt his criticizing gaze. Next to him was another boy, just a bit shorter and much leaner. He had a cocky grin on his face, clearly showing of f his aura of confidence. He was Uzu Sanageyama, once a delinquent, now the overseer of all Athletics clubs. While Gamagoori looked down on the students, Sanageyama looked for hopefuls.

For a moment, his eyes stopped on Omiko in the crowd, seemingly sensing her innate talent for the tennis sport. She continued to stand still and firm, but her heart couldn't help skip a beat at the thought of this pinnacle of athleticism looking down at her. He was quite good-looking, after all.

Next to lean but built Sanageyama was the officer of Information and Strategic Planning, the thin and wiry Houka Inumuta. His eyes had a colder, much more methodical gaze as he looked on at the crowd, to the point where it was as if he was seeing right through every detail of the No-Stars standing before them.

Finally, at the end, was the smallest of the Student Council, Nonon Jakazure, in charge of all non-athletic clubs of various kinds. Judging by her bandstand outfit, one could only assume she had a soft spot for the academy's musical clubs. The mischievous smirk on her face did little to hide her impression of all the prospective No-Stars.

At least a minute of silence passed as the No-Stars continued to stand firm, and so did the Student Council. In the distance, red steps escalated down from the heavens, opening the way to a small entourage of people. A young boy in a lab coat, wearing what looked like a see-through medical mask, was followed by a tall butler. They were quick to enter the stage, revealing the source of the spectacle rays that had empowered Omiko earlier.

They originated from a girl, none other than the revered Student Council President herself, Satsuki Kiryuin. Sheathed sword in one hand, and a stern expression present on her face, she was silent as she made her way to the grand podium at center stage. The Student Council members went so far as to go down on one knee as Satsuki passed, leaving most of the One-Star's to wonder at the significance of her arrival. After all, they had little to no idea she was the female heir to the entire Kiryuin conglomerate, one of the two business giants of Japan.

Quickly perturbed by their behavior, Gamagoori naturally moved to fix it.

"STAR-LESS PLEBIANS!" he roared at the top of his lungs, sending a shiver down Omiko's spine in particular. "YOU ARE TO BOW IN THE LADY'S PRESENCE OR YOU ARE TO BE EXPELLED!"

The crowd was unanimous in their decision, quickly bowing as best as they could as the Student Council President surveyed them like some self-appointed god. Finally, there was enough silence to allow her to speak.

"Welcome," she began, her voice containing the power to shatter mountains. "...to Honnōji Academy."

All of the No-Stars were quickly mesmerized by the President's words. Omiko herself felt a sudden sense of school pride, which increased with each passing second as she listened to Satsuki speak.

"You are all here because you were chosen as the absolute best among the best. You were not chosen because of your status. You were not chosen because of your family's legacy, nor were you chosen because of any wealth you might possess. No, at this place, we will give you everything you need. We will give you everything you could ever want. But for these gifts, we demand in return for just one simple thing."

There was a sudden crack as the entire podium shattered into a million pieces. The students did not utter a word however, either too fearful of Gamagoori's response or too mesmerized by Satsuki herself.

Simply bringing down her unsheathed sword had somehow created enough force to destroy the entire podium in front of her. Satsuki's voice was demanding and yet empowering this time, as she exerted her very will into her words.

"Excellence! At Honnōji Academy, at my forefront of perfection, we demand nothing less than excellence! Only those who excel will ever hope to attain anything more than a life of being a pig in clothing!"

The president narrowed her gaze. "And as many of you may have guessed, there are rewards to reap with the excellence I ask for."

Omiko perked up. This was the moment she had been waiting for.

"Let me tell you," Satuski began, "...about the Goku Uniforms."

To say that Omiko Hakodate was excited would be a sheer understatement. She was so giddy, in fact, that she could barely contain herself.

Even in the middle of class, it seemed.

After the grand ceremony of commencement, most of the students were enamored with the very idea of the Goku Uniforms. Satsuki had been on the mark almost immediately in her goal after that speech: she had succeeded in creating a competitive atmosphere where only the best among the best would triumph. The very thought of possessing a uniform that could grant them powers beyond their wildest dreams was enough to send most of the No-Stars into a mad frenzy. A third of the student body was lost before homeroom even started.

Of course, Omiko was too pumped to be taken down so easily. She managed to cut herself a small path of destruction with her beloved racket in order to make it to her homeroom in one piece, but the day seemed to be only beginning.

Barely paying attention as the teacher students to introduce themselves one by one, Omiko could only think of the challenge offered by the President herself.

"Those who are among the first to make it to one of the four club-rooms at three'o'clock, will be the only ones to have a chance to earn themselves their own One-Star Uniform. Those who do not will remain as they are, devoid of excellence. And if you feel that being devoid of excellence is sufficient in this academy, then you are not fit to be here!"

The twin-tailed girl was more than ready to take on the President's challenge. Very much on auto-pilot, she introduced herself to the rest of the class and cited her main skill in the sport of tennis. But before she was able to get back into her zone, Omiko managed to listen in just long enough to hear the introduction of the boy next to her.

Short in stature, but seemingly built, he had a buzz-cut and a prominent gap in his mouth where a tooth used to be.

"Takaharu Fukoroda! I am eager to show the world the beauty of the art of boxing! It is an art that cannot be surpassed!"

His desk shifted as his shouting became even louder. It continued to interrupt Omiko's thought process, much to her annoyance.

"TE! KEN! FUN! SAI!" he shouted, as loud as he possibly could. With each word came of a flash of red, which simply aggravated Omiko further. Then, quite suddenly, his voice lowered.

"This is the art I intend to share with the world. I hope for a good year together, for us all!" Takaharu finished, before taking his seat and allowing calm to come back to the room.

The rest of the introductions went on normally, but Omiko was now thoroughly annoyed.

"Loudness does not equal skill, short stuff." an annoyed Omiko commented to her neighbor. Fukoroda seemed impervious to her insults however, not even turning as he addressed her.

"We will see what skill means once it becomes three'o'clock, Hakodate-san." he replied, stoic as he continued to look forward in his seat.

Omiko simply made a toothy smile. "You should get used to calling me Hakodate-sempai, because I'll have a One-Star Uniform in my posession before you can even say Ken!"

"With all due respect, Hakodate-san, One-Star Uniforms are more fit for those with a normal bite radius." he shot back, a small smile forming as his missing tooth became more prominent.

Omiko simply raised her eyebrows in shock. She whispered her threat very clearly.

"I'm going to serve those words straight down your throat. I hope you're not afraid to hit a girl."

Finally, it was these words of challenge that made Takaharu turn to face his blonde, twin-tailed and sharp-toothed classmate.

"Don't you worry." he declared, leaning forward so that him and the now snarling Omiko were nose to nose. "You'll be so off-balance from the knock-back of my blows, I won't even have to hit you."

The area around them seemed to almost heat up with fighting spirit. At the front of the class, the teacher seemed at a loss of what to do. In the end, he could only look up at the clock, and hope that three o'clock came sooner.

The bell to end classes rang at exactly three o'clock.

In their sanctum high above the Academy, the Student Council and their President watched from various monitors as the hallways seemed empty.

A second later, and the chaos began. The Student Council members moved to get to their positions in the four club-rooms scattered in four corners of the Academy's halls. Only ten students would be allowed in each room once ten minutes were up, and it would be those ten who would be given the chance to start their own club and get themselves one step closer to obtaining a One-Star Goku Uniform.

"I'm having a good feeling about this event." Sanageyama commented as he followed Gamagoori, Inumuta and Jakazure out. Behind the the departing Student Council Members, Satsuki seemed to be focused elsewhere, but nevertheless answered his statement.

"This is where our Academy's efforts truly begin. I want you all to remember that."

Gamagoori seemed well aware as he stood alongside his brethren on top of one of four colored pads. "This is where the best these No-Stars have to offer show their true colors."

Jakazure laughed at his words, clearly not expecting much. "And it's also where the cowards show their yellow streaks, Gamagoori-kun."

Inumata seemed to be looking forward to his own venture. "At the very least, this will be quite the data explosion for my archives. I am anxious to begin."

"I bid you all the best of luck." the Student Council President assured her trusted four. She narrowed her eyes though, pressing her next words.

"But remember. I expect excellence. Especially from the four of you.

The pads below the four Student Council members began to light up as the electronic transportation process began. Satsuki continued, though her voice became fainter.

"There are greater rewards to reap, even for the Student council. Perhaps Three-Star Uniforms will not be far from your grasp, if you can impress me today." she told them, and in a mixture of shock and gratitude, the four all saluted at once.

"YES, SATSUKI-SAMA! EXCELLENCE FOR HONNOJI ACADEMY, AND NOTHING LESS!" they shouted in admiration, before a flash of light overtook them and they were whisked away.

Smiling to herself, Satsuki simply allowed herself to relax as Soroi served her a fresh cup of tea.

"How is it?" he asked, eager for the lady's approval.

She seemed quite content. Her well-laid plans were in motion. She looked back at her trusted butler and answered him with sincerity.


In the halls of Honnōji Academy, discord reigned, and Omiko Hakodate seemed right at home.

The moment the bell rang, desks were sent crashing through the windows as students wrestled for control of the surrounding space. Everyone was aware of the four club-rooms from the beginning of the day, but suddenly, paths were blocked off with a tide of bodies as No-Star students fought with crazed vigor.

For Omiko, No-Stars were simply obstacles to be swept aside. The moment the bell rang, she focused on getting as far away from Takaharu as possible. Her insight was right on the mark, as the wall next to Takaharu's desk burst apart as No-Star students flew out in all directions.

Even Omiko looked on in awe, if only for a moment, as the self-professed boxer cut a path of punches through the hordes of No-Stars blocking his way. Not one to be upstaged so easily, Omiko reached for the one tennis ball she had brought with her. Readying her white tennis racket, she made a shark-toothed smile as she brought down the racket for a serve. As expected, the ball ricocheted around the hall, slamming into the faces of No-Star Students and knocking the aside with the force of bullets.

With the entrance of these tennis and boxing prodigies, most of the No-Star students seemed more comfortable running than fighting, and a stampede of students cleared the hallway of most blockage.

Omiko was a bit smarter than the average No-Star however.

"Amateurs." she commented, before readying her racket again. Her eyes focused on the window in front of her, and the telescopic attachment over her eye pinpointed the weak point in the window frame's structure.

With impressive arm strength, she sent the ball straight into that weak point, and as it bounced back into her hand, the entire wall structure buckled under enormous pressure. Omiko grinned as the wall collapsed before her, revealing the outside shortcut to the roof, which would quickly bring her to the Athletics club room.

"Here I come, Sanageyama-sempai." she said as she licked her lips. But as she prepared for the jump, Omiko felt a force push her aside and into the nearby wall. The twin-tailed girl gasped in surprise as none other than Takaharu used her route for himself, giving her a thumbs up before making the long jump towards salvation.

"Bastard!" Omiko screamed in defiance as she regained her composure, her racket at the ready as she made the leap after him. Below them, No-Stars fought in a giant mosh pit of violence, unaware of the tennis player and boxer making the leap of faith across an entire building's worth of space.

After Takaharu landed on the academy building over a football-field's length away, Omiko followed. A tennis ball flew towards the boxer the moment she gained her footing, but he was quick to punch it back at her. Gritting her teeth after watching her tennis ball go far beyond her reach and into the sea of No-Stars below, Omiko realized this would have to come down to nothing less than close combat.

"This is where the battle ends for you, Hakodate-san." Takaharu taunted, beckoning her to come at him as he kept his stance.

Omiko knew she was at a disadvantage the moment she lost her only ranged attack. Nevertheless, she wasn't about ready to give up just yet, when the possibility of a One-Star Uniform was so close.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, Furokoda." she taunted, distracting him for the mere moment she needed to focus her scope onto the slightly damaged roofing below Takaharu's feet. Holding her tennis racket at an angle, she grinned, before sprinting forward.

She knew the punch was coming, but Omiko didn't realize just how hard it would be. She was taken aback as his fist plowed right into her nose, sending the girl down onto onto her knees from the sheer force. At the same time, she sent her racket down like a spear, with the end of it hitting the edge of the roofing just at the spot she had pinpointed.

Holding back the blood, Omiko let out her best tears.

"That...that hurt." she said quietly, before raising her tone to her best "shocked" impression." "I thought you didn't NEED to hit me!"

As expected, Takaharu was taken aback, and reality hit him when he realized he did indeed hit a girl.

"Oh...well, it was just..."

He was clearly at a loss of words once he realized Omiko was bleeding from her nose, and that some of her blood was on his knuckles.

Suddenly feeling incredibly bad, the boxer leaned over, now clearly concerned. "Are you alright, Hakodate-san? I'm sorry for being so...so rough. Perhaps we're letting this competition get to our heads..."

As his weight shifted, Omiko saw her chance. She shot him a sharp-toothed smile before standing suddenly.

"As if! Sucker!" she declared with a haughty laugh, before stamping down on the crack created from her thrown racket. The very roofing below Takaharu splintered apart as the crack widened throughout the structure, just as Omiko had expected. Pushing the boy hard, she smiled as he went tumbling down the newly-created hole in the roof, and into an old boiler room with but one rusty door as its sole entrance.

"Enjoy being a No-Star!" she declared in triumph as Takaharu shook an angry fist up at her.

"Agh, Hakodate-san! You're lucky I could fake sympathy for so long!" he argued, but Omiko simply pulled down her eye and stuck out her tongue.

"Sure, sure! I guess my cute charm was too much for you." She told him, before turning tail and making a run for a way back into the building. Stuck in his position, Takaharu could only look down and turn slightly red in response to Omiko's words.

"Well, cute isn't the word I'd use. I'm sure those teeth...they must feel..."

For a moment, the boxer was lost in some derivative thoughts, until he shook his head and refocused himself. Takaharu almost wanted to punch himself in stupidity for not realizing the obvious sooner.

"Wait a minute! I can jump right out of here! HAKODATE-SAAAAN!"

In the darkened atmosphere of the Athletics club, Uzu Sanageyama waited patiently for the violence to end outside and for prospective No-Stars to arrive. He sat back in a chair, staring at the ceiling and wondering how the other members of the Elite Four were faring.

He contemplated contacting Gamagoori, until the sound of the door in front of him opening interrupted his thoughts. Standing in the doorway, with the bodies of No-Stars piled behind her, was none other than Omiko Hakodate. Sanageyama recognized her as the very same girl with the sharp teeth he'd be eying earlier.

He had sensed some potential in her before, but now, seeing her standing before him with her white racket in hand, he could see it clear as day.

"Ah, Hakodate." he remarked, trying to sound somewhat unimpressed. "First to arrive, I see."

Omiko kept her composure as she sat down, giving the Athletics Club leader her utmost respect.

"I am here as commanded by Lady Satsuki. I look forward to an excellent year with you, Sanageyama-sempai."

The relaxed Elite Four member was flattered, somewhat, but seemed uninterested in being so formal.

"Don't try to be so stiff about it, Hakodate. I haven't been completely indoctrinated yet. I can see you've got the talent, and to me, that's what matters most." he assured her. Omiko simply nodded, pulling her cap down to hide the little bit of red flush that formed on her face.

"Umm...thank you, sempai."

But a moment later, the door opened again, revealing a roughed-up Takaharu. Omiko turned around, greeting him with a toothy smile as he punched aside a No-Star who attempted to get past him.

"Late." she said with venom in her voice, but the boxer simply ignored her, bowing in respect at Sanageyama.

"Forgive me, sempai! This kind of tardiness will NEVER happen again!" he shouted, trying to sound as apologetic as possible.

But Sanageyama seemed too relaxed to care. "I wouldn't worry too much over it. You're actually three minutes early. Take a breather and be glad you two made it. If we're lucky, we might have another three or four before time's up, and we can start forming the Athletics clubs."

Amazed at the mercy Sanageyama seemed to be exuding, Takaharu nodded before taking a seat next to Omiko. Lightning seemed to begin arcing between the two as their eyes met.

"This is far from over." Takaharu stated, the only thing stopping him from unleashing his fighting spirit on Omiko being his utter respect for Sanageyama.

"As far as you know." Omiko replied, her shark grin making it clear that she enjoyed toying with him very much.

From his seat, Sanageyama simply laughed to himself as he listened to the ongoing violence outside as the No-Stars continued their battle royale.

"Ah, I'm having that good feeling alright. This is going to be some year, Satsuki-sama..."

Hey, so what did y'all think of my first try at some Kill la Kill? I hope the characterizations are alright, and my attempts at a young Omiko and Takaharu seem like they would make sense. I'm trying to get the sort of wild mood of the series in the description and scenes, and I hope it's working alright! If you like, or even if you don't, leave a review!