"Mom?" Henry set down his game and looked at his mother quizzically.

Emma had been pacing for almost an hour with a frown on her face. "Huh?"

Henry rolled his eyes at her less than eloquent response. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

After moment of internal conflict Henry let out a breath and decided to speak. "So, that woman… Regina."

The name got Emma's full attention and she quickly sat down across from Henry hoping perhaps he might be remembering even without the help of magic.

"Yes, Regina…" Emma tried to sound casual. "What about her?"

"Was she…?" Henry hesitated, not entirely sure how he wanted to ask, then decided to just spit it out very quickly, "Were you two like a couple?"

"What? Who? Me and Regina? No." Emma nearly choked not expecting him to ask that. "Why… why would you? I mean what made you think that?"

Henry shrugged not completely sure himself where the idea came from, but then when he started to explain the reasons just came flowing out.

"Well, for starters you brought us to this town I've never heard you talk about but for some reason everyone seems to know you and you know your way around. So it makes sense that you've been here before. Then when you introduced her as the Mayor I thought maybe she had to due with the case but then I remembered this morning in the diner she saw us and dropped that plate and you practically ran over to talk with her like alone. I'm guessing she was surprised to see you."

"No, she –" Emma started to speak but stopped realizing that the truth wouldn't help.

Henry paused as he looked at his mom he knew what she was about to say. "She was surprised to see me too?"

"Henry, wait a second." Emma tried to calm him down.

Henry could not be deterred though and continued with his theory, a smile beginning to form as the idea became real in his head. "We lived here didn't we? I must have been a baby right? That's why I don't remember. That's why you told her all that stuff about me and why she wants to show me around and take me for ice-cream. The three of use were like a family right? I mean really why else would the Mayor of care about the kid of some random Bailbondsperson that's in town."

"Slow down kid," Emma held up her hands as if trying to hold the conversation its self still so she could figure out how they had got to this point.

"Mom, its okay." Henry tried to assure her. "Now I see why you didn't want to marry Walsh."

"That had nothing to do with Regina." Even as she said it though it she realized it felt like a lie but only because yes, flying monkey and curses and Storybrook all sort of came back to Regina.

"I can tell you're hiding something." Henry lifted his chin up with a cocky smile. "Look me in the eye and tell me that we've never been to Storybook and the Mayor and you weren't a couple and I'll believe you."

"Ok so maybe we have been here before –" Emma began.

"I knew it."

"But that was practically a life time ago." Emma allowed a little laugh at her inside joke then assured Henry that she and Regina were just working together for this case. "We're barely friends."

"Ok sure." Henry leaned back into the sofa and picked up his game still wearing a smug grin.

"I mean it." Emma eyed him cautiously, "And whatever idea you're plotting stop."

"I'm not plotting anything!"

"Now who's hiding something?" Emma kicked at his feet.

"Mom, cut it out you're going to mess up my game."

"Fine," Emma walked back over to the kitchen. "I'm making cocoa you want some?"

"Nah," Henry called back.

Pretending to still be focused on his video game Henry snuck a quick glance at his mom looking very at home in this strange apartment. All he really wanted for his mom was for her to be happy and Henry had a feeling that Regina might just be the key to that.

I wrote this at like 1am this morning because I had so many Swan Mills Family Feels. There are are probably still errors but if you saw it on tumblr you'll see I did try to fix some of them. Anywho some people requested a part 2 which I'm considering, or more if anyone is interested.