A/N: this could have a some language and sexual references

It had been a day and a half since Cas had found his ao3 account. Since then, it had been pretty hectic. Dean changed his profile picture to some NSFW artwork his e-friend on tumblr drew for him. He changed his username to "69xdestielislifex69" instead - he thought it would be less noticeable.

No one knew that he was the real Dean Winchester, he went by the name Dean Smith and just bragged on his "About Me" page on tumblr that he had the same name as the real Dean Winchester. He had told his followers who followed him on ao3 that he had met the real Dean Winchester and that's how he got that profile picture at first.

"Dean, your inbox is overflowing," Sam said. He had got on to do some research but Dean had left the tumblr tab open. "There's over 100 messages."

"Huh?" Dean was scrolling through some new fics on and ao3 on his smartphone. "Oh, yeah. I wrote a new fic and it's gotten off the charts. It's almost as big as Twist and Shout."

"Nuh-uh, you can't be 'Twist and Shout' big yet."

"Yuh-huh, it's called 'Falling'," Dean replied, getting a beer from the refrigerator. "It's about how when Cas fell from heaven, he met me first and we fucked so hard - and it goes down from there. "

"Dude, I don't need to know," Sam put a hand on his forehead.

"Sorry, it's already gotten over 5000 hits on ao3 and I just posted it yesterday night."

"I don't understand how people like this shit. It gives them pleasure to read about gay people?" Sam opened a new tab to look up the town this ghost was haunting. "It's disgusting. What happened to adventure stories and people going on quests to find their destiny?"

"It's the 21st century, gay porn is in, adventures are out," Dean said jokingly, taking a sip of beer.

A whoosh of wings surprised the two hunters. "Hello Sam, Dean." Castiel walked over to them.

"Close the tab," Dean coughed.

"What?" Sam asked, continuing research.

"Ose-clay uh-thay ab-tay," Dean gritted through his teeth.

"Huh? Oh, oh okay," Sam closed the tumblr tab and shut the laptop. "What's up, Cas?"
"I have to talk to Dean."

Dean swallowed. "Me?" Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"Wait a second Cas -" But Sam was gone, Cas poofed him off to somewhere else, where Dean couldn't find him anytime soon.

"Cas! What the hell?" Dean set his beer on the table and stood up off of the bed.

"An angel told me something that I thought would be to your interest and mine."
"Who told you?" Dean asked, ready to fight anyone.

"His name shall be disclosed." Cas responded, not moving a muscle.

"Well, what was the information?"

"He has told me that you write stories about me and you."

Dean's head spun. Oh God, he was going to throw up - wait no… he was going to faint - wait, no, no, no he was going to die. He needed to disappear forever.

Cas stared blankly at Dean. "I did not understand at first, but he told me you are quite popular on the world wide web. He showed me something you wrote and I was amazed at first, Dean. I did not know that you wrote stories"

Shit, shit, fuck -

"But, you wrote about us going through sexual intercourse and I wondered if you felt like you wanted to do this in reality and not online," Cas explained, "is it true Dean?"

Dean started hyperventilating. "Oh God, oh God, oh God. I'm so sorry, Cas."

"About what, Dean? I would not mind to have sexual intercourse with you. I just am upset that you haven't come to me sooner."

"Cas, I just thought you would smite me or something if I told you I had a crush on you," Dean looked at the hotel floor.

"Never, Dean," Cas tilted Dean's chin up and kissed him on the lips.

Fucking finally.