"Dean, I do not understand,"

Dean looked up from the book he was reading about the latest monster they were fighting. He shifted himself onto his stomach and shut his book. "You don't understand what?"

"This," Cas leaned forward towards the laptop screen.

Dean sighed. "Yeah, the Internet is a scary place, man." He reopened the book.

"No, but what is Destiel?" Cas asked, scrolling down the webpage.

Dean's eyes bugged out as the book he was reading fell onto the floor with a loud thump. He picked himself up off of the bed and looked over Cas' shoulder. "Why are you ?"

"Well, I was looking up more information on Werewolves to help you and Sam when suddenly, there was a suggestion that read "Teen Wolf" and I remembered that you are in fact hunting a teenage werewolf, so I clicked on it."

"No, no, no," Dean shook his head, opening a new tab on the laptop. "That was the name of a blog."

"Oh," Cas tilted his head, as if to say I will never understand the human race. "Dean, I have not told you how I got to Destiel." Cas made air quotes while saying Destiel.

"G-go right ahead," Dean knew what Destiel was. He shuffled around his feet and pretended like he didn't know or care what was going on, but oh, Dean knew what it was.

"Well, after I clicked on whatever a blog is, I scrolled down looking for more information and found a very well drawn picture of you and me. So, I clicked on the link under the picture and started reading."

"Who wrote the fic?"

"What's a fic?"

"Uh, I mean, does it say who theā€¦ article is written by."

Cas scrolled up. "It says it is by 'iwannabangcastiel1967'."

"DON'T CLICK ON IT - SHIT!" Dean was too late, as Cas clicked on the profile of iwannabangcastiel1967.

It produced the profile picture, which was in fact, Dean; and Cas remembers when Dean took that picture. He was on the other side of the room, silently staring out the window and smiling. Dean had said the pictures he was taking were important for a case, and Cas just went along with it.


"Cas sorry I-"

"Do you know how this person got into your hotel room? Do you want me to track them down? Also why do they want to bang me? I do not appreciate being banged on."

Dean's face drained of color. "N-no Cas, they're n-not hurting anybody, so you don't have to, uh, do anything."

"Are you sure, Dean?"

"Yes," Dean nodded. "Cas, c-can you get out of here?"

Cas disappeared just like that. And quickly, Dean dialed his brother Sam who was out getting food.


"Hey Dean! I just left the restaurant."

"Well, uh, Cas just found my ao3 account."

"Oh shit! How did he find it?"

"I don't know, Charlie posted my fic to her tumblr and Cas found it."

Sam laughed. "This is your chance, Dean, go after him and tell him the truth. You loooove him."

"Sam, shut up!" Dean hung up on Sam and ran a hand over his head. He checked his email to see if he got any 'kudos' from anyone. He sighed.

His fic wasn't doing so well.