Sonic: That was completely random and unneccessary.

THAT'S THE POINT! Hello everyone, I am Gold the Fox, but of course you knew that! Let's get down to the nitty-gritty! You may have noticed, OMG Gold, this isn't Darkened Dawn! That's right, you smart readers, this isn't my normal Darkened Dawn chapter! This isn't even part of the Eon Chronicles series! This is Complete Chaos, the Good Kind! A very fitting title for a very random and unexpected story! Again, SonicXMLP, BECAUSE WHO DOESNT LOVE SONICXMLP? So, Complete Chaos, the Good Kind. What is the goal for this?

COMPLETE AND UDDER CHAOS OF COURSE! I decided I needed somewhere to go ABSOLUTELY NUTS! I need somewhere to unleash my inner Pinkie!

Pinkies: YES!

Yep, they are still here. Back on track, like I was saying, COMPLETELY NUTS! This isn't some Sonic and co. go to Equestria and meet the ponies, then have to fight some evil like Discord or Nightmare Moon or Sombra, and then Sonic and Rainbow start dating, and then OCs start dating the others, yadda-yadda, that whole deal. THIS IS NOT THAT STORY. If you completely had no information about MLP or had a creative mind to think of ideas for fanfictions for MLP, wouldn't you say it sounds like a very happy and funny show? If there wasn't evil and everything was all rainbows and glitter? WELL THAT IS WHAT THIS IS. This is a story of Sonic and company somehow getting to Equestria and instead of evil rising up and our heroes fighting them, THERE IS JUST HAPPINESS AND LAUGHS. If you like the humor in my stories, THEN THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU! If you want a laugh or someplace to laugh your flanks off, THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU! References, hilarity, and breaking the fourth wall are all common themes here, SO PREPARE YOURSELF.

And now, a question I am gonna get TONS OF when this is released. ADD MY OC, CAN YOU ADD MY OC PLEASE, IF YOU WOULD BE SO KIND TO ADD MY OC PLEASE, YO, ADD MY OC! And the like.

Sonic: And by the sarcastic attitude you got there, I'm guessing you are denying everyone like usual?

ABSOLUTELY...NOT! I WANT ALL THE OCS! I WANT ALL OF THEM. GLIMPSE, AURA, BLADE, MYSELF(DUH), COMET, ALEX, RED, AND YES WEREWOLF, EVEN SPENCER AND NOAH, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO JOIN IN THE HILARITY! Obviously I need your guys permission, BUT ADD AS MANY OCS AS POSSIBLE. Because I'm gonna take all of them, squeeze them all into a little ball, throw them at my computer screen, and BAM, have an amazing and hilarious time!

Sonic: How are you gonna handle all of those OCs?

I have a solution! RANDOMIZATION!

Sonic: Do you need anymore randomness?

YES, I DO! This is my plan. The first two or three chapters will be little introduction chapters of Sonic and all of his friends getting to Equestria. After that, THE HILARITY AND RANDOMNESS STARTS! Every chapter I'm going to put all the names of the OCs people send in into a random picker. The first six that it randomly picks will be the six OCs that will be in the chapter. Few regulations though. One, Sonic and his crew (Tails, Shadow, Eggman, etc.) and the MLP characters (Mane 6 and anyone else the series) will ALWAYS BE IN THE CHAPTERS! Some may not appear in some chapters, but they are always invited to be used by me. Number two, if your character does not appear for 3+ chapters, they are automatically put into the next chapter, even if it goes over the 6 person limit for the chapter. Three, if your character is in a chapter three times in a row and is picked again, they will not be in the fourth in a row and someone new will be picked. Exceptions to that rule include if I get a good chapter plot and involves said character. Please, don't hesitate to ask questions.

Okay, so what about plot? Well each chapter is gonna have a random plot that I make up revolving around the characters that are chosen. However, if I have an idea for a specific plot for a chapter and it involves OCs and they aren't picked from the randomizer, they will be automatically put in, even if the 6 OC limit for the chapter is reached. So what about YOU GUYS?

PLEASE, PLEASE, SEND OCS IN BY REVIEW OR BETTER BY PM. If your character information is on your bio, tell me and I will read it. If it is somewhere else such as in a review section, THEN PM IT TO ME OR COPY AND PASTE INTO A REVIEW. Also, I WILL NOT ACCEPT OCS OF GUESTS. With the exception of werewolf, since he has reviewed my stories for as long as I started and deserves some spotlight. Some OCs I have used before and I hope will have the permission to use again, such as Glimpse, Blade and Unknown, and soon, some others. IF you decide to put your OC in, please do this. Send the OC, obviously, and say this statement.

I hereby give you permission to use (name of OC/s).

Please say that to me so I know who to add. Another thing pertaining to you guys, if you have a hilarious, crazy, or DOWN RIGHT INSANE idea, PM ME! I can add it, with limits of course. Nothing over T, we don't want any disgusting stuff like that. NO GORE. That's obvious. IF IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH ROMANCE OR A RELATIONSHIP, let me know so I can approve. If it is something like 'have Pinkie react to "blank"', I will absolutely read and or watch it for the longest I can, and have the characters react in their personalities. If it is a dare, I will accept some as well. I already got some hilarious and awesome ideas for this, and I hope you all get some to! And by the way, I have some surprises for the character selection, some very interesting and funny people. BE PREPARED FOR THE LAUGHS AND THE CRAZINESS!

Sonic: Did the Pinkies drug you or something, cause you are totally nuts.


Sonic: Speaking of Pinkies, didn't you have three of them?

Yes, why?

Sonic: Well one is not here...

Care to explain Pinkie 2 and 3?

Pinkie 1: Well, she said she was sick and couldn't come today.

Oh, sorry to hear that, can you call her and send my condolences?

*Pinkie 3 pulls out cell phone* *rings*

Pinkie 1: Hello? *sniff*

Pinkie 3: Hey, Gold just wanted to say sorry you are sick.

Pinkie 1: Tell him thanks! I'm keeping myself happy by making some cupcakes right now.

Pinkie 3: She says she's making cupcakes.

While she is sick? That's odd...

*sound of screams from phone*

Um...why did someone scream?

Pinkie 3: She says don't worry about it, and the cupcakes are almost done.

*Sound of chainsaw from phone*

Wait, chainsaws? And screaming? And making cup...cup...cupcakes? OH EON, I'M GETTING THE HELL OUTTA HERE! *runs away screaming*

Pinkie 3: I think Gold had to do something...

Pinkie 1: Oh, did he hear the scream and the chainsaw? That was just me watching a scary movie for kicks, and my neighbor cutting up some wood. What did he think I was doing?

Pinkie 2: I have no clue.

*at Dash's house*

*bursts through door*

Oh, thank Eon, you are still here.

Rainbow: Why did you just burst into my house?

Just, just don't eat Pinkie's candy, don't do it. *slams door*

Rainbow: What is he talking about...

There, a little sampling of some hilarity and RANDOMNESS! Yes, reference to something in that. If you hear of the reference, DO NOT LET CURIOUSITY TAKE ITS HOLD. It did on me, yeesh, my damn curiousity. Anyway, REALLLLLLLLLY LONG INTRO, but I do have an actual chapter for this, so let's get started!





Our story of laughs and giggles begins in the land of Equestria, at the Ponyville library. This library also doubles as home to Twilight Sparkle and right now, she and the pink party pony known as Pinkie Pie, are having a conversation.

"Okay Pinkie, you said you wanna learn magic?" Twilight asked the bouncing pony.


"Well, it's gonna be hard considering you aren't a unicorn..." Twilight said.

"Well give me a wand or something! Like a hawthorn one with a phoenix core!" she said.

"I don't know what that even is!" Twilight complained.

"You know! Like Potter or something!" Pinkie said bouncing.

"Who is that?" Twilight said, getting a bit frustrated.

"I don't know!" Pinkie answered with a smile.

"Okay, whatever, how about this. You look in that spell book and tell me a simple spell to do, and I'll do it." Twilight proposed.

Pinkie was already speedily zipping through the pages, looking for a fun spell to do. She found a very fun one to say and hopefully it would have fun results.

"Okay, here's one! Here I go!" Pinkie said looking at the page. "ONERARIIS MULTIS DIMENSIO!"

Twilight's horn glowed a bright purple and flashed with a white light. Pinkie looked on with excitement, but saw nothing. No animal spawned, nothing crazy happened, and nothing could tell them it worked.

"Aw, it didn't do anything!" Pinkie pouted.

"What spell was that?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie picked up the book and looked at the name at the top of the page.

"Mass...tele...telesomething, dimen...dimen...something! I don't know, you look!" Pinkie said, throw the book Twilight's way.

"Pinkie! This a mass teleport spell with a dimension add-on!" Twilight said slamming the book.

"Um, okay? What does that mean? DOES IT MEAN WE GET A GIANT PARTY!" Pinkie said, excitedly.

"No, it means you just teleported lots of people from somewhere far, far away to here." Twilight said.

"Far, far away? You mean like that movie with the green monster and the pony thing that followed him? That far, far away?" Pinkie said.

"I have no idea what you mean, but I mean as in dimension far away. So far away it was impossible to see them ever." Twilight explained.

"Everything is possible when you are on FanFiction." Pinkie said.

"CAN YOU MAKE SENSE FOR ONCE?" Twilight yelled, a bit confused and kinda angry. "Sorry about that, but anyway, we need to find these people and return them."

Pinkie was sitting down at a laptop, "According to many fanfictions, our best bet is to look in the Everfree Forest."


"Ebay..." Pinkie said with a deep voice, imitating a movie with robots in it.

And there we go! Many references in there for you to laugh at, and some Pinkie humor, which IS THE BEST HUMOR! Anyway, be sure to send your OCs in and give me permission to use them by saying the statement I said in the intro. Thanks for reading, leave your OC in a review or PM, and leave a review saying what are your expectations for this little series. As an added note, this story will be less frequently updated than Darkened Dawn. That is all, and instead of saying my normal phrase, WE GOTTA BE RANDOM! RANDOM PHRASE!