Well... umm... guys, I have bad news for all of you. This story turned out to be harder to write than I thought, since it's hard to come up with random situations for them to "fall in love", and not to mention judging this pace, this'll be a long one, not to worry - I won't discontinue of course, but I'll have to say - these updates will take longer. I'll post the beta'd version when MehLikey-san's done with it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke or TWGOK, all rights go to their respective owners.

He and Kise being "official" wasn't something to be proud about in Kuroko's opinion, because in all honesty, it only brought him more trouble. Well, not really, it wasn't known... at first – it remained a relationship no one could even fathom was possible – Kuroko didn't even know how this happened. Ever since the photograph project, Kise had been proposing to him again and again nonstop – until he accepted, after all – he had to, he was a conqueror.

He was doing this because he was a conqueror – yes, no personal feelings involved.

"Listen up everyone, I'm in a relationship!"

Such was what Kise Ryouta had declared through the school speaker system, and several who was considered his friends merely facepalmed, pretending not to know him – while the girls squealed, some with tinges of jealousy in their eyes.

Kuroko knew this was dangerous.

"Good job conqueror, I knew you were ideal for the job. I picked the right person, we make such a good team." Kagami praises – Kuroko didn't even know who was being praised here.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment, Kagami-kun? Besides, this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for-"

"It's Kurokocchi desu~!"

"See? If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be this crazy proudly declaring your name. Idiots – DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW THE MEANING OF PRIVATE?!" Kagami shouts, Kuroko silences him, saying it would cause a fuss if he did that here.

"Eh? Kuroko...? Is there someone in our school like that?"

"Not in our class... but he might be a freshman like Kise-kun."

"Wait, that awesome guy's gay? Damn, this is the best news I've had all day, now no one gets in the way of me and my girlfriend's relationship."

Most had this killer glare that seemed to be prepared to search for a "Kuroko" person all over the school, even the world – and Kuroko knew he was going to be in serious trouble.

"Ahem, good morning students." A voice echoes, Kuroko recognizes it as the vice president of the student council's voice, which quite surprised them... after that bold declaration/confession and all...

"Waaah, is there gonna be a game again? Yay!"

"What game do they mean, Kuroko?" Kagami faced Kuroko cluelessly, and Kuroko had almost forgotten how Kagami had just come to Teikou.

"The vice president, Hayano-san has been in that position for two straight years now, this year not included – she's quite fond of doing monthly games... they used to be monthly but now she just does these games when something interesting happens – and having something interesting happen is quite rare."

"...Did anything interesting happen these past few days? Did I miss anything?"

Kuroko honestly didn't know either – unless...

"The game is proposed by Kise Ryouta-san, which is quite a good idea! Whoever manages to bring Kuroko Tetsuya to the student council room shall be rewarded by Kise Ryouta-san greatly... males can participate too! They have a separate prize! It's your chance to rise to popularity people, grab it! The deadline is after school – well then, it starts... now!"

Kuroko curses to himself for how daring the blonde could be – he would tell the guy later that this was causing him quite a lot of trouble – he wanted peace, he didn't like people fighting... he didn't definitely like people fighting over him.

"Kagami-kun, I'll be off now, I'll contact you through telepathy often – I need your assistance, well then, please don't tell anyone of my presence and stay where you are."

This was going to be quite the chase – and the whole school was 'it' – quite an unfair tag game it was.

"EEEEH? I swear he was here just a while ago! Where did he run off to?"

"He's so invisible I bet he's actually a ghost who could go through walls."

Now – if only Kuroko Tetsuya could go through walls, then that would be a big help – his hiding places limited to quite a few – for people were all around the campus looking for him, he never really could stay in one place for too long. Kise-kun really got me this time.

"Tetsu? Come out come out wherever you are! Well, not like he'll actually face me after all that..."

There was no mistake, it was him.


It was a dangerous gamble – but this only made Akashi Seijuro even more pleased with the plan, and he figured that all of them should join – for some fun of course. Some "fun".

"What is wrong with wanting to have fun once in a while – when the entirety of the student body are acting like brutes?" At first, it didn't seem to be a plausible reason – but they did see some sense in it, if in case they did find the sought out person – it would be a chance to see him, or create an opportunity on being able to spend time with said person alone.

"Humph, whatever ridiculous game it is – I'm not taking part in it, unlike a certain Ahomine who dashed away as soon as he had heard this... farce."

"Eh? Midochin, you seem prepared all-out, you even have binoculars, and a speaker... Wah~ Midochin looks like a creepy secret agent stalker."


"Why don't you just participate, Midochin? Since Kurochin's there... I don't' see a problem with joining, it'll be fun too, since the female teachers had already joined too~"

"Fools, none of you understand," Midorima huffed, pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose – quite a common habit of his.

"Especially because it's Kuroko... that I wouldn't participate."

"Forget that, Shintarou, though your words are true in almost every way and I know you are a man of sense however..." Akashi smirked manically, and Midorima winced, wondering what exactly he had done.

"Did you just call me a fool?"

And so one certain person was unable to participate in the said event – not because he denied how he wanted to join, but because he was knocked out by a certain person.

"Aomine-kun..." Kuroko breathed out, without noticing how he had said that aloud – he didn't know what insane part of him gave out his identity anyway – more like wanted Aomine to see him – some insane part of him he would never understand.

"Tetsu..." Aomine looked at Kuroko with quite a shocked expression, he himself surprised that he even managed to utter so, surprised he could even say that name after everything.

"So... how are you doing nowadays?"

"...I'm fine, thank you." Kuroko replied, feeling the tension in the atmosphere which he so desperately tried to get rid of – he couldn't remember since when this had started happening around him and Aomine Daiki – surely enough things weren't like this before?

He couldn't even remember anymore.

"Hey, are you a bastard hitting on Kuroko or are you a freaking demon after Kuroko?" A voice from what seemed like nowhere growled, and Kuroko had immediately noticed this face which came from... above.


"Wait, who the heck are you?" Aomine glared at Kagami and Kagami did as well – though in all honesty, they both knew each other as fellow teammates who never really got along – only their pride wouldn't back down. None of them liked to lose – Kuroko knew that.

"Ah, of course an idiot wouldn't know about my awesome existence-"

"The hell? Did you just come from the sky? And wait – who the fuck are you calling a demon?" If Aomine had remembered right, he wasn't the most satan-worthy demon among them (Akashi was) – and he didn't like being called so when he was always the one who was being picked on, demons don't get bullied do they?

"Wait, aren't you-"

"Aren't you-"

"The weakling who messed up a dunk!"

"The ganguro power forward!"

Kuroko sighed, thinking that they had come to a sudden realization was too good to be true after all – well, they did, one of nonsense anyway.

"Hey, don't call me a ganguro, you... spike head!" He fired back, and Kagami touched his locks of hair – wondering what was so wrong with them, not like Aomine had fared any better.

"Umm... Aomine-kun, this is Kaga-"

"No way in hell do I need to know a weakling's name." Aomine grimaced, Kagami wanted to trash talk more with the guy and prove that he wasn't a weakling but... he had other things to do.

"Let's go Kuroko." Suddenly, Kuroko felt a strong tug on his arm and the next thing he knew, he was running with Kagami – more like being dragged by him.

"Kagami-kun, let me go-"

"Sorry, we have to prioritize the current conquest first... I'm taking you to Kise." Kagami hurriedly said, and it took a while for Kuroko to interpret the current situation in his mind.

Not another set-up...

"You running away, bastard?"

And so they left a light longing for his (ex-)shadow.

Kise Ryouta found himself quite the looker – several agreed, almost everyone who knew him did – himself included.

"Come on, Anri-chan!" Kise pleaded once more, and the girl was quite surprised towards Kise's sudden mention of her first name – which surprised her in such a way that she never could have imagined that the Kise Ryouta knew her name.

"U-U-Umm... I can't, the school's orders... u-umm... I can't turn them in to a student! I'm sorry Kise-kun, but you'll have to give up."

But you're blushing anyway, Kise felt the corner of his lips shape into an unnoticeable smile, this is too easy.

"Oh come on, Anri-chan, I'll give you a kiss in return, ne?"

"R-Really?" Anri suddenly had this sparkle in her eyes, gleefully smiling out of sheer joy – it just proved how girls could be so simple to Kise... if only Kurokocchi could be this simple, he thought to himself.

"Yeah! So... hand – it – over~!" Kise held out his hand, and without any reluctance or second thoughts, Anri handed over the ring consisting of three keys side by side – she failed at resisting.

"So... u-umm..." Anri blushed even redder innocently – Kise felt guilty for the girl, this was evil, even for him.

"Sorry!" Kise took steps back – now far away from the older woman, who was actually quite young – not that it mattered to Kise – "That'll have to wait for later!"

Kise left behind a disappointed woman, close to tears. It was what he would call a sacrifice in exchange for one Kuroko Tetsuya.

I'm such a despicable person... Kurokocchi wouldn't like it if he found out.

Oh well, worrying comes after!

"Kagami-kun, what are you-"

Kagami did no pay attention – much to Kuroko's annoyance, no one ever tried to hear what he had to say, in the end he would just be dragged into some situation again without even getting a proper apology – Kagami would just brush it off with a laugh, which was starting to get on Kuroko's nerves.


Kagami almost jumped - he had stopped running and he looked at a furious(?), exhausted Kuroko, which somehow scared him. It had been the first time that Kuroko called Kagami with such power – it was close to shouting, even.

"...What? We're running out of time-"

"Kagami-kun, please... please, just tell me where exactly you're taking me." Admittedly, seeing Kuroko plead to him like this made Kagami guilty – but it was his job, and he would do anything to get it done – even at the cost of Kuroko being mad at him.

"...Weren't you listening? To Kise, that's obvious-"

"Kagami-kun, that isn't yours to decide... it's getting slightly annoying." Kuroko sighed in exasperation – not exactly knowing why he was acting like this, he knew he was being quite moody and incorrigible – but he just felt so confused right now – he was having his life decided for him, and he didn't want that.

"...Even so..."

Suddenly, Kuroko found his feet losing contact from the ground, the only thing connecting him to Kagami was his arm which Kagami's grip held tightly – not wanting to let go, the things around Kuroko were slightly fading into the distance as Kagami ran, and for some reason, he couldn't break free – some part of him told him not to.

"I'm still doing it – we're partners after all."


"I'm making that Kise fall in love with you... for real – no matter how much you don't like it, I'm going to do it anyway."

"Kagami-kun... sure is so stubborn." Kuroko chuckled, Kagami suddenly pulled even harder – Kuroko thought Kagami would throw him to the sky, he closed his eyes, wondering what followed.

The next moment Kuroko opened his eyes, he found himself in Kagami's arms, he looked at Kagami in question who just smiled widely.

He didn't have anything to ask Kagami anymore – for the look in those eyes already had the answer... and he did too.

Wait for me, Kise-kun.

Kise Ryouta was waiting in his spot – the storage shed, and it quite surprised him how things were going smoothly – but the most surprising was how Kagami Taiga so easily agreed to the plan.


"...What? you need something from me? Kinda heading to Kuroko right now..."

"Eh? Really? You know where Kurokocchi is?!"

Kagami could only stare as the blonde hopefully looked at him – as if seeking Kuroko's whereabouts, he had his doubts at first but he just weakly nodded, wishing the blonde would just keep his distance already... it was giving him the creeps to be honest, which the blonde didn't seem to notice.

"I have a favour to ask of you, Kagamicchi~! Would you listen?"

"...And why should I?"

"Because if you don't... Kurokocchi won't like it – I'll tell you onto him."

He was so easily convinced it amused Kise – he truly had a soft spot for Kuroko, he had already guessed a long time ago – it was as clear as day, there was even a time when Kise thought Kagami was in love with Kuroko... maybe he was right, hopefully not.

He had thought an angel had fallen for the sky – or should I say, had come to get him when Kuroko Tetsuya landed on him, they were down on the floor, Kuroko on top of Kise which felt creepily weird in Kise's part, he took a final peek at the door – only seeing a final parting thumbs-up.

The plan started now.

"K-Kise-kun..." Kuroko managed weakly, getting up and rubbing the dust off his uniform – looking around wondering why he was in the storage shed with Kise again. Oh right, Kagami-kun threw me in like paper.

Kise got up as well and headed for the door, telling Kuroko that it was better if they got out and discussed about this situation somewhere else.

"N-No way!" Kise stuttered while applying strong force on the door, Kuroko asked what was wrong – Kise could only shake his head.

"Kurokocchi... we're trapped – I guess we have to stay till someone opens the door."

Only Kuroko doesn't know it's all part of a plan of fate and a certain desperate one– he only sees how he is trapped with a blonde, the first conquest target – going by the name of Kise Ryouta.

Kagami hoped the two were okay inside – and he swore he could hear the blonde's complaints – which was all part of the plan of course, what surprised Kuroko's acceptance of the situation at hand, if it were Kagami in there, he would gag out and call for the gay police.

If it were Kagami, that is.

Suddenly, his mind felt a sudden sensation – a feeling he knew very much about, something much like a warning – the call directly after proved his worries true.

"Kagami-kun, Kagami-kun, are you there!"

"Oh, Riko, perfect timing... I kinda felt some sort of energy near here... By chance did you call me 'bout it?"

"Yes," Riko's tone darkened, and Kagami could sense the worry in their unit chief adviser's voice – that this was serious. "...There are demons very close to your school, it seems they know of our plans – and that this is just the start."

"How many?" It didn't matter, Kagami was going to protect Kuroko – he was going to make sure the plan was going to be done till the very end, he was going to make a miracle happen – he was going to make sure the two inside and himself were to make it out safely.

"...About ten, not so powerful, but the problem is what's directly after, they have someone waiting in case the miracle is brought out – such is the purpose of the first ten, who are tasked to try to stop that from happening."

"Just tell me about this strong guy already – well, not that I care."

"You have to know Kagami-kun, it's... it's... Hanamiya Makoto."

"What?! Can't you provide back-up?!" Kagami growled, why of all things was this happening now?

"...Well, we are in the process of providing you that but sinister movements in other parts of Japan and the other side of the world," Riko paused and it took a while to process the thought – most probably America, Kagami concluded. "Have been increasing – the demons got us this time, I'll send Himuro-kun if I can."

Himuro – Kagami hadn't seen him for a while, perhaps there was some hope if he was here...

Please, damn it, curse me and my unlucky life but don't drag other lives into it – you unfair... ugh.

"It appears someone's outside, I can hear them..." Kuroko was setting his hopes perhaps, that someone would bust them out of the storage shed which apparently no one would dream of going to... for now anyway – and besides, Kuroko knew that Kagami wouldn't let anyone interfere with him and Kise. He had let out a sigh when Kise suddenly leaned on his back, he could feel the build of Kise's back muscles settle on his, every single movement subtle and careful.

"Don't mind them, Kurokocchi – you can just stay in here with me for the whole day~" This was weird, Kise was acting weird – he wasn't himself, Kuroko doubted that the real Kise was like this. After all...

"I'm not mature enough Kuroko-kun... I'm not mature enough to say no to their smiles... no matter what they're hiding beneath them... I'm not mature enough to accept my emotions as my own... I feel as if there's another Kise Ryouta when I smile, someone who isn't me."

The smile on Kise's face now was something Kuroko knew but couldn't believe – he had seen it a few times before, at some subdued corners of the school where they didn't know he was there watching – they wouldn't care either, and now Kuroko could only fear for Kise that he didn't know what smile he had himself – that he didn't know what he truly felt. Genuine but willing to lie, tolerance is there but temptation is present as well.

The smile of a person madly in love.

Kuroko shifted slightly, turning to face Kise while Kise did the same – Kuroko found himself being enveloped in Kise's warm strong embrace when Kise had pushed himself slightly backwards, they were now facing each other, and Kuroko found himself quite nervous for some reason – for certain thoughts had come to sense in that mind of his. He was smart, he knew what would happen next.

"Kurokocchi... I don't know what I'm doing anymore..."

He feared so – he feared for Kise, he didn't know if this truly was for the best. In the end Kise would forget about all of this, he would forget who his partner was for the photo project – he would forget who had told him to truly smile and not mask his emotions with a cheery façade which only brought pain, he would forget who he did all these rash things for.

He would forget a part of himself in the process – Kuroko wouldn't of course, but it was still different, something was missing. Did he want Kise to forget?

"Kise-kun, we'll find a way out of this-"

"No, it's not that..." Kuroko knew, it wasn't that – he wasn't the dense heroine of the tale, he saw the look in Kise's eyes, they couldn't fool him. "It's just... god... please make this work."

Within that storage shed was the light – a bright one illuminating everything, all from a kiss from the blonde which was now entrusted to Kuroko... his first kiss too.

His first conquest.

The first miracle was out – but it didn't mean it was all over.


He still had his own battles to fight – with Kagami, and perhaps the part of Kise, he wasn't alone, Kise had entrusted his feelings to him – Kise believed in him, and he was going to believe in this miracle too.

Kise-kun... he probably wouldn't remember anything if he wakes up...

But now wasn't the time for that – for he had his own share of demons to fight.

"Tch... how long do we have to wait, anyway? This is stupid..."

"Patience, imbeciles, patience – you'll go under my signal." Though in all truth, they knew such words only showed how their leader was impatient as well – they knew however that the time drew closer, one step closer to the success of their plan.

"Hanamiya-san, the light – it's... the miracle is stronger than we suspected!"

"Heh..." Hanamiya's Makoto shaped into a smirk, this was indeed an unexpected happening – but nothing that could go in the way of their plan.

"Attack, now."

"But sir-"

"Oh, but a few sacrifices won't hurt, will it?" Hearing their leader's words, they shuddered – demons did not shudder, not normally at least, but they knew well that Hanamiya Makoto saw them as merely pawns – their existences meant nothing to him, as long as he could fulfil his desires.

"Well, my minions, you're not the only ones dying today – who was it again? I don't care about the name – this first miracle is going to die by our hand... and anyone who stands in my way... I shall see to personally."

"Kuroko, link with me!"

For the tenth time Kuroko wanted Kagami to just hear his response on how he had no idea how to link with him – but he knew that as impossible at the moment, for Kagami was fending off some demons – easily fighting them off, Kagami had turned to Kuroko, saying it wasn't over for the true trouble had yet to come. Kuroko nodded, finally getting a chance to Kagami, he decided to state his questions – they could count as worries even.

"Kagami-kun... how exactly do we link?"

"Oh right, I forgot." Kagami shook his head, reprimanding himself for being so forgetful. He always had this habit that got him into trouble – including how he would be so obsessed in fighting. "We just do this."

Kagami wrapped his right hand around Kuroko's left, when the wristbands started glowing, as if forming a bond between Kuroko and Kagami – though not a limitation, for it was felt, not in any way physical, as if they were united as one, Kuroko felt power coming over him, he felt that he stood a chance.

"Well... didn't expect you to have that kind of power, for some reason I feel really pumped up."

Kuroko decided to let Kagami be, for now was not the time to ask him what that had meant and he started concentrating in channeling his new power – when he had found out that this somehow came from the miracle Kise had brought out, and he swore he heard Kise's voice as well, his will carrying on to Kuroko's every limb, every inch.

"I know you can do it, Kurokocchi!"

"Well well, if it isn't the fiery angel and the new conqueror – heh... you two look so weak I don't think you're even worth my time." If Kuroko had been a bit more gullible than he would believe so, but he had seen through those words, and he had to admit, it had been quite a puny attempt to try to put them off guard by triggering their rage – especially at situations like these, he had to keep calm.

"Hanamiya Makoto." Kagami muttered in disgust.

"My minions, I wonder what's in that storage shed, hmm? Why don't we blow it up for you and-"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you through just yet." Kuroko had cut in, setting up a barrier out of nowhere – much to his surprise and Hanamiya's too, he would not let harm come to Kise, not while he was still breathing.

Not while he was conqueror.

"Heh... look who's being brave. Very well, I'll prove you wrong – no one stops me from getting what I want." Hanamiya grimaced evilly, not bothering to keep his sinister laughs to himself – and Kuroko treated this as quite offending and rude.

Told you demons were bastards. Kagami had commented through telepathy, and Kuroko understood immediately.

"And all I want is that miracle in your wristband – and to get that, I need to get you."

"Over my dead body."

No matter what blasted attack they tried, it was troublesome – how Hanamiya Makoto would merely either dodge it or make it disappear with a blast of dark energy, coming in colours of red and black, and though cowardly, all they could do while they were being fired at was dodge too.

Until Kuroko miraculously managed to excrete pure energy in the form of a single beam and inflict damage on Hanamiya Makoto, or in simple terms – suddenly gained superpowers, or at least – the power to fight.

"Nice, Kuroko!" Kagami ruffled his hair – not knowing whether that was meant to be a compliment. He didn't know whether he was supposed to be pleased or not either.

Hanamiya Makoto grimaced, tending to the wound the conqueror had used which proved to be fatal, having shot one of his power forces (what would be called pressure point) and decided retreating would be best for now – not to mention that boy was more powerful than expected, and so was the angel on fire – Kagami Taiga, they were indeed a formidable pair in the way of their plans.

His minions' life forces in the form of dark sparks vanishing to their former world, he had to deal with it first – he could never defeat a wielder of pure energy alone, he knew that, but the trap had already been constructed in his mind, he only need set it the next time he comes prepared.

It is only a matter of time before the boy will be entangled in his web.

And so he vanished, leaving nothing but a sinister cackle lingering in the air to be heard.

Kuroko waited for Kagami to finish speaking with whoever was Himuro Tatsuya that the situation had been dealt with, and that no one had been injured, he hung up shortly and told Kuroko it would be reported to heaven headquarters soon enough by Himuro.

"Friend of mine." Kagami muttered gently, Kuroko nodded and thought of one thing: Kise. He headed for the storage shed when Kagami shook his head while stopping Kuroko along the way. Kuroko mentally asked why when Kagami told him it was best to leave Kise alone... and suffer alone, Kuroko looked at Kagami in disbelief when Kagami rushed to lock the storage shed – speaking of locking in...

"... Kagami-kun still hasn't given me a proper apology for throwing me into the storage shed with Kise-kun."

Seeing the pout, Kagami wondered what he did wrong, then he defended himself. "Kise asked me to! So, can you blame me for locking him up? Besides, he won't remember you, though I'm still not sure if that old hag," Kagami gulped and took back the words, seeing if any lightning bolt were to come at him from the sky, feeling nothing, he continued on,"Took the deal of the conquest target to forget about everything seriously, when he wakes up, he's better off alone – or do you want to be locked in with him?"

Better off... alone...

That's right, Kise would wake up to that world again, where he had to smile, he would no longer remember him, somehow Kuroko felt sad, but he had asked for it, so he had no reason to protest or take anything back.

"I feel as if there's another Kise Ryouta when I smile, someone who isn't me."

Strange, Kuroko remembered the Kise that looked so desperate from earlier – the one that wanted him to stay by his side.

"It's just a fitting punishment for Kise, don't you think?"

"...I suppose it is."

He would have liked if he had properly said goodbye though – but he knew it wasn't the end yet, for there was still a long journey ahead.

"So you're finally awake, I see."

Kise got up and scanned his surroundings, he felt the sensation of soft earth on his fingertips as he woke up to one of the fellow first string members – Midorima Shintarou, the skilled shooter if he remembered correctly, and wondered what he was doing here with him and why exactly was he unconscious.

"Midorimacchi!" he exclaimed, and Midorima could only sigh at how lively the blond was all of a sudden – not forgetting to note the rather embarrassing nickname, "What am I doing here?"

Strange, he doesn't remember?

"You don't remember how you directed that ridiculous idea to the vice president?" Kise only bobbed his head in confusion and Midorima sighed, he guessed Kise probably didn't remember anything about the thing about Kuroko.

"...What idea? What are you saying-"

"Never mind." Midorima dismissed and walked away, when Kise called out to him.


"At least tell me why I was unconscious..."

"Well, I would say it was because of your stupidity."

He ignored the streak of protests and had only one thought in mind, still confused about the recent events, only one name echoed in his mind.


"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!" Riko cursed to herself, she had done so for a while now – it seemed to be a big puzzle in her brain, and she couldn't solve it. Hyuuga had appeared, along with Teppei and Furihata Kouki, who seemed to be in a daze – they were probably teasing him about something again, but no matter. Hyuuga asked why she seemed so troubled, and that she should relax, she resisted the urge to strangle hm.

"How could I stay calm in this situation?! I just... something's wrong." she muttered, calming herself down, then concluding it would be best to explain first. She activated the records database and they all looked to the screen, reading the name of the person it belonged to.

"Kuroko Tetsuya".

"It's... something's wrong with Kuroko-kun's records." she inputted some more commands and then the records of the miracles showed up, much to their confusion – and what they had in relation to Kuroko's records, they continued to listen.

"They're incomplete," Riko scrolled down slightly in the records of the miracles and shook her head, "We were careless as to not compare the records of human activity between the two sides – miracle and conqueror. You see, in Kuroko's records, he has never associated with them before, unless it was tampered with, and I cannot think of what would cause such a defect, unless it's not a defect..."

"Well, one thing's for sure," Hyuuga pushed his glasses up and faced Riko once again, pointing at the screen.

"It couldn't be a coincidence."

"I already know that, idiot." Riko growled, when Teppei decided to ease the tension, he stood between the two who looked like they were about to get into a little dispute – then turning serious, he turned to Riko.

"Riko... could it be the Academy of Science?"

"No... it couldn't be..." Riko seemed to treat this incredulously, still unable to gather the pieces together, "I mean... the last time this happened... was when someone in Heaven had ties to below, when we were betrayed..."

"Exactly, and it might be happening again."

They could think of no reason why, perhaps there was more to it than they thought – they could do nothing but believe for now, after all... the duo proved strong, and they had to, too.

Midorima was heading back to the male dormitory, still trying to make sense in earlier events, holding a bottle of perfume in hand, a lucky item – but it did him no good, normally he would think he was overthinking it, but this was Kuroko and Kise we were talking about, he couldn't deny, they were in a way... dear people to him, Kuroko all the more so.

He had never gotten over the past really.


He almost jumped hearing that familiar voice, he looked down to see Kuroko, who was actually holding the hand of another – a familiar face, Midorima thought, who he later realized as Kagami Taiga, the cocky one who had challenge Kise to a challenge.Pathetic was what Midorima would call it,childish even.

"Kuroko, what are you doing out of the male dormitory at this hour? N-not like I care or anything..."

"And I should say the same for you," Kuroko deadpanned, Midorima winced and let out a sigh, he had never changed really – he was still the same blunt handful he was, but putting things aside... he wasn't supposed to care but he found himself staring at those two hands holding each other with care.

"Stop staring at our hands, idiot." Kagami let go of the smaller hand and faced Midorima with a cocky grin, "Who are you?" he asked sarcastically, as if stating he didn't anyone to interrupt his moment with Kuroko, but then again, he wasn't just anyone, really.

"And who are you to know my name?" he huffed with pride, Kagami scoffed.

"Name's Kagami Taiga."

"I see, and you may know but I'm-"

"Midorima Shintarou," Kagami had cut in smirking, Midorima then figured there was no need to extend this conversation any further and was about to head into the dorm when Kuroko called for him. "Midorima-kun", he said, and he admitted it, he missed that in a way he didn't want to admit it.

"Yes? Do you need something from me?"

"You haven't changed," Kuroko managed a smile, but Midorima didn't greet such with any sign of pleasure of happiness, only saying he didn't either, bowing slightly before leaving. Kuroko and Kagami were left alone outside the gates of the dorm, when Kagami seemed to be oddly enthusiastic, smiling to himself. Kuroko was slightly concerned, when he asked what was in Kagami's mind.

"It's nothing... just that... we've found our next conquest."


"Shin-chan, welcome back!"

Midorima ignored his roommate, Kazunari Takao and sat on the bed, and there was only one thing – one person in his mind: Kuroko Tetsuya.

He started to wonder when it has last been since he even talked to him, or strike in such a conversation – they never got along really, they were too different – but something about that kindness had charmed him – that honesty.

It still did, even now.

"Shin-chan, soooo cold." Takao made a "pfft" sound and slung an arm over Midorima's shoulder, then whispering to him.

"You look so bad as if you just met your ex or something."

Midorima winced, "Of course not, idiot." he said almost immediately, completely brushing off the idea. Takao heard what he wanted to hear and decide to leave the greenette alone for now.

After all, if it came to Kuroko Tetsuya, Midorima Shintarou just couldn't get enough. –as expected of a tsundere, Takao muttered to himself.

If you'd like, please drop a review, questions, criticism, random fangirling, sure why not? xD I'll reply if I can.
