Dumbledore had dropped off a list of possible candidates for the potions apprenticeship for Snape to look over. While he had no intentions of taking on an apprentice, he knew he had to because all the other teachers were. And despite his own feelings towards it, he knew that in the end, it was supposed to help the whole rebuilding wizarding society.

The list was quite a good one. Knowing Snape's dislike of all student, Dumbledore had given him the first pick. It was probably because he owed Snape for the whole, 'let's fake the old fool's death and have everyone hate Snape thing'.

The list was compiled of all 6th, 7th and 8th year students. It was about two feet long but it did not take more than 10 minutes for Snape to narrow down the list of candidates to 6 names. The 6th years had all been crossed out as he had no wish to teach a student who had not finished their schooling. Then there were the lazy one, the brownnosers, the chatty ones, and those who wanted to kill him. The list was then composed of the following students.

- Hannah Abbott

- Hermione Granger

- Felicity Grant

- Luna Lovegood

- Theo Nott

- Draco Malfoy

He reluctantly removed Malfoy because the boy had gone through enough and was most likely still in the middle of processing it all. It would be a waste of time for both of them. The he scratched out Lovegood, Abbott and Grant because he knew they were better in other subjects than potions, despite their hard work. They lacked a certain passion for the arts. Finally, he was left with Nott and Granger. He was really leaning towards Nott.

As he approached Nott about the apprenticeship he saw a mass of brown hair rushing past him and stopping in front of Nott. The chatted quietly for a bit before parting ways. They seemed to be on good terms.

"Nott," Snape called towards the boy quietly.

Theo spun around and face his professor and instantly his face became stoic but filled with respect.

"Professor," he greeted. "How may I help you?"

"The will soon be a potions apprenticeship position available," Snape began. "Would this be of interest to you?"

Nott paused for a moment and his mask broke just a little for Snape to know that the offer was not appreciated.

"Actually Proffesor, I believe I know someone who would be interested," Nott said diplomatically. "Hermione Granger has been discussing with me her lack of plans after Hogwarts. I believe she would make a wonderful candidate for you to consider."

Snape nodded and walked away.

So Nott had other plans for next year. Well, that only left the Granger girl. At least she was intelligent, mature and most importantly a very quiet individual. It also didn't hurt that she has become more diplomatic and gained the friendship of many Slytherin such as Nott. She may not be the typical Gryffindor after all. She would have to do.

The following day, Snape asked her to stay behind after class. There was no use delaying it. The faster he gets it over with, the better.

"Ms. Granger," he began finally. "Would you perchance be interested in a potions apprenticeship?"

Once she stopped gapping like a fish out of water, she nodded her head slightly. Snape had to smirk at this. She was going to be fun to have around. Not that Snape did anything fun.

"You may start tomorrow," he said and the dismissed her.

For the rest of the day and the day following it, Hermione was a mess. She could not get over how excited and nervous and scared she was. The chance to work with the best potion master in all of England and he was the definition of a Byronic hero. She read books about men like him. She knew that she would inevitable bugger this up, but it was going to be wonderful until she does.

"Professor?" She called out as she entered the classroom.

"Come in and close the door," he said softly in his oh-so-melodic voice. Once she complied he looked up from his work. "You're late."

"I was in Herbology, in the Greenhouse, the one farthest from the school, because Ron and Harry were late and I usually work with them so I move to the other…. But you don't care about that. But please know that I was planning on being here on time and that it is not a reflection of who I am or will be. Which you must know because you are a good judge of character. And I have an alarm set….."

She paused and turned beet red. Snape looked at her stoically.

"Are you quite finished Ms. Granger?" he asked. There was a slight hint of humour in his voice.

"Yes, sorry," she said shortly.

He opened his own potions book and told her that they would be brewing Pepper Up potions for the infirmary as the flu season was upon them.

"You may add the lacewing flies and let it simmer now," Snape ordered her and he sat on top of the lab table next to the one they were working on.

Hermione did as he asked and started to look at the bottle fondly.

"You know, I always like Lacewing flies. Not in the creepy way that some people find things sexually attractive. Not that you were thinking about it. Anyway, it just has fun childhood memory. You know I brewed Polyjuice potion….." she caught herself and stopped. "I once brewed it in my 6th year, like all the other students."

Snape smirked.

"Gryffindors are not the sliest people," he said in what sounded like a teasing tone. But Hermione that it could not be true. "Tell me, Ms. Granger, your rambling, is it a newfound talent or have you just hid it very well?"

"Well," Hermione blushed. When Snape did not say anything she assumed he really wanted to know. "I've always talked a lot. I think it's because my parents and peers never listened to me when I was younger. So I feel the need to prove myself. I should stop being so chatty, I know. I get this way sometimes. I'll stop, I will."

"I would appreciate it if you tried to refrain yourself," Snape asked her in a congenial tone.

While they both wished that was the end to her chatter, it was not. When told not to speak excessively, she resorted to fidgeting and bouncing her legs up and down. This, in turn, bothered Severus Snape even more than the chattering.

It took a while but eventually, Snape got used to it.

A few month into her apprenticeship, Snape realised something very interesting. The extent of Hermione's rambling seems to be directly proportionate to the distance between them.

Completely by accident, one day, Snape tried to teach Hermione a better stirring technique and moved behind her to lead her through it. She suddenly spoke at an unbelievable speed that Severus could barely catch up to what she was saying. Something about her familiar and Ron's rat.

As he moved away, he realised she would slow down her speech and once he was across the room, she would begin apologizing for talking too much and becomes very quiet.

He decided that he rambling was due to her nerves. Snape knew he was an unnerving person.

Since he began to develop a certain fondness for the bushy haired Gryffindor, Snape decided that he had to do something about her getting nervous around him. He decided that showing her that he was human and vulnerable would ease her nerves.

The following week Severus divulged to her that he had a sweet tooth and that he often brewed stomach calming potions to allow him to eat the candy but not get stomach aches. Following this, he admitted that he did not have the best of childhoods and did not get to eat much sweets as a child. Which might explain why he ate so much now. After this conversation she brought his a large bag of Honeyduke's Best Chocolate and began to bring any sweets she received from home to share with him.

Severus' favourite memory of sweet now because the day Hermione had brought in macarons. Not the coconut ones, but the ones from France.

"My parents are in France, which means I won't get to go home for the holidays. Not that I want to. I feel like ever since they found out that I was a witch, we've become distant," she paused to breathes and open the box of treats to them to share. Severus sat down on the worktable and readied himself for her chatter. "Anyway, I know they feel guilty about it. And in a way, I'm okay with it. I love Hogwarts and they still have to send me gifts. Oh, I sound like a spoiled brat. Speaking of, these are delicious! Not to mention that as I eat them I feel like a giant eating a tiny hamburger, which tastes like chocolate. Oh how I wish I were bigger or taller. You used to scare me, with all the grandeur and the robe billowing. Not that you're not intimidating now, but I like the intimidating now. Not in a weird way or anything."

She stopped and walked to the other end of the room to the sink to wash her hands off the stickiness and most likely clear her head.

"I'm glad these sweets make you feel like a giant," Severus finally replied.

Hermione had to laugh at this. Out of all the things she had just said, he remembered the bit about being a giant. He was an odd one. But Hermione began to like his oddness and his snarkiness.

On a particular Wednesday, their relationship changed drastically, as far as Severus was concerned. Hermione had entered the lab that day, happy as usual. But there was a distinct extra cheerfulness about her. He thought nothing of it of course, at least, not until she began to speak.

"So I think you would be proud of me," she started as she began stirring the potion clockwise. "I was with Theo Nott today and he introduced me to Blaise. And what a stellar guy he is. Always so proper and charming. I should really learn from him. Even his name is French for a cool attitude."

"Ms. Granger, as much as I wish to hear about your day, do take care with the potions, you are two stirs until completion," Snape said sharply.

While this was the norm for them, where she would chatter and he would stop her sharply with a command, this was the first time he stopped her because he did not enjoy her chatter.

For some reason, the talk of Blaise made Snape feel like his stomach was filled with lead and he had an ach in his jaw. Or was that just him grinding his teeth too much.

"Right," Hermione replied, not at all offended. Once she stopped she continue to chatter away. But this time on a different subject. It appears that Blaise was not worth more than once ramble. Severus was quite glad about this fact.

Severus Snape knew he was in trouble when he considered ways to poison Blaise Zabini discreetly. He knew that is was only a fantasy and opted to not think more of it. After all, it wasn't as if she were dating him or anything. And even if she were, Snape knew that he had no claims over her.

The very next day, Severus realised that there was something distinctly wrong with Hermione Granger. While she was still the same happy Gryffindor, she appeared to be more subdued. When Severus approached her, her breathes hitched a little but she did not ramble.

"Ms. Granger?" Snape finally called her out.

"Yes?" she replied simply.

"Is everything alright?" he asked cautiously.

"Of course," she replied, again very simply, and returned to work.

A feeling very close to dread settled into Severus. He had to fix this and he had to do it fast, before he lost his little chatter box.