Disclaimer: NOT MINE!! HP and Co. = JKR. Other characters and plot = Dani.

I went back and found a better stopping point.... I'm sorry that last one sucked. The sequel will be called 'Love Still Grows' and the first chapter will be uploaded as soon as this one is.

I will try for better punctuation and "" in the sequel. sighs The things I do for you people. :) Okay, that was a joke, laugh!

Nick-Potter7: Yeah. It was on I thought Dani should bring her talented writing to another group, and since she has a harder time getting on the net than I do, I volunteered.


Ron and Gabrielle went through the barrier first with a last look of the Hogwarts Express.

Harry and Hermione were going second.

'Harry, you got it wrong...'

'Wait. Tell me after we get out of the barrier, okay?' he asked, trying not to sound rude.

'Okay. But you'l l regret you've waited this long.' she warned him.

He didn't pay attention to her as he was still wondering about Gabrielle and her scar. She went first and Harry came next. After they exited the barrier, Harry wasn't at all surprised to see that the Dursleys weren't there. They were probably going to try and be late.

He approached Hermione. 'So what was that you wanted to say?' he asked.

'Well, if you would've at least let me tell you, I would've said that Gabrielle ISN'T the old lady.' she stated clearly.

'She's not? But she's got the scar on her arm...'he argued.

' Yes, she does. On her RIGHT arm. The lady had it on her left.' she told him.

'You're right. Damn. I let that tiny information slip my mind.' he said. 'I guess we're back where we started.' he said sulkily.


'I should find the Dursleys now, shouldn't I?'

'Nope. I don't think they'd be picking you up any time soon.' she said, getting that grin again.

'What do you know that I don't?...aside from the obvious.'

'Hey Harry, remember in your 3rd year how you said you'd live with me? Does that still mean you will now?' asked a most familiar and welcoming voice.

Harry turned around.

OMG! It's not an actual cliff hanger, did you really think I'd leave you there?

'Sirius! What are you doing here?'

'Didn't anyone tell you? Good. I'm free! That rat's in jail...He'll be getting the Dementor's kiss any day now.' he told him. He turned to Hermione. 'Good of you to not tell him.'

'One of the hardest things I've ever done.' she joked.

Harry was happier than he had been most of his life, in fact, today was the happiest. He was going to live with his godfather!

'Do you still have a house?' he asked, trying not to sound rude.

'Yeah. I've been trying to fix it ever since I was freed. Fudge wasn't so please to hear I was innocent. But I actually have a room ready for you. Care to join me?'

'Of course! I've waited for this long enough!' he exclaimed.

Ron and Gabrielle approached them.

'I see you've found out, eh, Harry?' he asked teasingly. 'That's why we couldn't tell you. He didn't want us to. He wanted it to be a surprise.'

'I figured that part out, Ron, thanks.' said Harry.

After some discussion, everyone figured they had to leave.

'Bye Harry. I'll see you when you come to my house or better yet, I come to yours!' Ron said as hugged him. This was of course, a manly hug.

Harry hugged Gabrielle as well.

'Take care of Ron. And say "hi" to your father for us.' he told her.

'Will do. Take care Harry.' She then gave Hermione a hug and whispered something else.

Harry didn't hug Hermione yet. He waited until everyone left. Sirius got the idea and left them. He even stalled Hermione's parents.

The two were clear out of earshot and sight.

You know, I COULD leave it here.

'So um...I...'Harry began. Should I do it? Does she want to be friends?

Hermione wasn't going to do anything until he did. Remember, you don't do anything .Let him do it. He owes you that much

Harry gave up and just gave her a friendly hug.

'I'll miss you miss know-it-all.' he said.

'Don't call me that. I'll miss you, too. Thanks for being a great friend.' she said, half meaning it and half wanting to say something else.

'You were a great friend, too, Hermione.' he told her, wanting to say something else.

They both pulled away from the hug.

'Well, bye.' said Hermione.

'Yeah, bye.'

Leave it here? It's tempting. I can leave the story just like this for a day or so....

He watched her walk further. Come on you dummy, go after her!

'No, don't. You can't hurt her again. Besides, she's in danger when you're around.' he told himself. She's in danger whether she likes it or not! She has the Phoenix light!

Hermione ,this just goes to show you, not everything ends up in happy endings. she thought. Too bad he doesn't have feelings for me anymore.

'Too bad.' she told herself.

She was about to turn a corner where her parent's car was parked when someone grabbed her waist.

'Harry, what are you do..' she protested...pretended to at least.

'Shhh. You'd better shut up and let me kiss you.' he ordered.

For the first time, Hermione did as she was ordered.

Harry leaned in and kissed her. She returned it, both their eyes closed.

'I'm sorry.' he muttered, after they pulled away.

'Damn right you are.' she joked.

'Care to be my girlfriend again?' he asked her.

She smiled widely and was about to answer 'of course!' when someone accidentally bumped into her.

'Ouch! That hurt!'

The man who hit her was carrying something sharp and it wounded Hermione.

Harry wasn't going to yell at the person but he didn't at all liked the idea of him wounding Hermione in her left arm. If he new better, he'd say it was a...

'Herm! You've got a slash on your left arm!' he exclaimed, loud and clear.

'Oh my gosh! It's me! I set the pendant! I made us go back through time!' she exclaimed.

'Hermione, if you were the old woman, who was the man?' Harry asked Hermione.

After hearing what Harry suspected, Hermione made a logical statement.

'Wait. Hang on a minute, Harry. This is silly and not to mention ridiculous! It can't be me! It's not possible. I mean...who's to say it's to become a scar? I was just cut accidentally by that man...'she told him and pointed to the man who wounded her, only he wasn't there. 'Where'd he go?'

'No, listen. I remember her scar quite clearly and it kinda looked like...'he argued.

'Kinda. That's not enough evidence. Come on, Harry. I mean I know we've had our share...more than our share of adventures but how on earth are we supposed to travel back into time?...I mean, I didn't go back through time. And furthermore, the man who the lady was with...I don't think we'll ever know who he is...'

'I'm telling you, Hermione. The old woman is you. She is you. You grew up, got married, figured out how to operate that pendant and went back through time to tell me how to confront Voldemort.' He said determinedly. 'And to...hang on, you asked you something when we met you. You answered it even thought you didn't hear the question!' he said as it finally dawned on him.


'Oh don't play um...dumb.'

Hermione walked up to him and felt his forehead with her hand.

'Are you sure you're okay?...'she asked, trying to see if he's sick. 'Ow!... My arm! I think I need to get something to stop the bleeding.'

'Hang on.' he said. He took his wand from his pocket and waved it a few times. It conjured up a sling and bandaged Hermione's arm.

'My. You're getting pretty good at all the magic.' she giggled.

'Yeah? Thanks. This is basically the first time I've done this and coming from the smartest student her year has known, it's quite an honor.' he joked.

'Knock it off.' she said.

They both suddenly heard Hermione's parents in the distance.

'No, no. We can take it from here. Thank you um... Sirius. Harry must be thrilled to have you as godfather.' said Mrs. Granger..

'I hope so.' said Snuffles.

'Do you have an address? Maybe our dear little daughter could visit sometime.' cheerfully said Mr. Granger.

Hermione heard all this.

'Little? I'll show them how little I really...'

'Herm, your father has a point.' said Harry.

'You think I'm "little", too?!'

'No, no. That's not what I meant. I mean, why don't you come and visit? I know I'm getting ahead of myself but would you? I'd love to see you in the summer...'

Hermione smiled sweetly.

'Of course...That's if it's alright with Sirius.' she said, kind of looking forward to the event.

'I'm alright with it. You can come anytime...after Harry gets use to the house. 'said Sirius, joining in the conversation.


'I've really got to go now, Harry. See you soon!' she said and kissed him on the exact same cheek and spot as she did in their fourth year. 'Goodbye Sirius! I'm glad they came to their sense and freed you.' and with one last smile at Harry, she trotted to the Grangers.

'I hear you've had some pretty rough times this year.' said Sirius as they started walking, to where, Harry had no idea.

'Yeah.. I met my parents though. They were really...'he began, knowing he'd have to explain.

'Y-you met them? But how?' asked Sirius, shocked.

'Well, it's a very long story.' he said, spicing it up.

'Okay then. We'll need a seat for this, don't we?'

Sirius touched Harry, his things and Hedwig. In mere seconds, Harry found himself in a room full of wizarding things. His godfather sat comfortably on a couch.

'Make yourself at home 'cause you ARE home.' He told him.

Harry quickly knew they had aparated and were at Sirius' house...his house, too now.

'I'll look around later and tell you the story now. Then maybe you can tell me if you remember anything. I need all the answers...'he was saying but was quickly interrupted.

'Sorry to interrupt but I have no idea of what you're talking about. Care to start from the beginning?' asked Sirius, grinning.

Harry did as he was asked and soon, Sirius was listening and clinging to every word. When Harry finished, he was itching to know what Sirius would say, if he remembered, if he had any clue to who the lady or the man was or anything.

'So...'Sirius began. He took everything rather well, considering Harry told him about how someone set a phoenix pendant to go back 16 years just to make him and Hermione meet his parents and to gather information from the past so that it would help him in the future. Not to mention they've seen the younger versions of the Marauders and Lily. He also had the chance to meet the person responsible for their journey back through time, who Harry highly believed to be Hermione's future version.

'Is this all too much?' he asked his godfather, not ignoring the silence he brought after the story.

'No, no. It's just that you telling it all over again brought the memories back. I miss them...And Voldemort saying your mom was a Deatheater, that must've been rough for you, Harry.' he told his godson.

'Was she really? Or was Voldemort just saying that to try and distract me?' he asked, hoping it was the later.

Sirius had a saddened face. He was trying to figure out whether he should tell Harry now or not. He finally reached a conclusion and said, 'What time is it?' loud and clear.

Harry knew Sirius didn't want to share that part about his mother... well, at least not now.

'It's half past eight.' he said, checking his watch.

'Already? Boy, you must be some chatterbox, Harry. I should show you around.' he offered.

'Okay.' he said quickly, not liking being called a "chatterbox."

By the time you get here, the sequel will be up, hopefully. If will quit giving me a hard time..... Remember it's called LOVE STILL GROWS