Chapter 1

So, we all know that I still don't own the Avengers or anything related. I'm just borrowing them for a while. I am going to be completely honest and say that this story might make some of you mad, it's hard for me to write (You'll see why especially in later chapters) but please keep an open mind, I'm going to attempt to explore some really deep human emotions in this story.

When Clint Barton first received the news that he would be a father he was overcome with joy. When he had first come to SHEILD he had come to terms with the fact that he would probably never become a father and he was ok with it but secretly, deep down, he had always wanted to have a child. There were many times where he entertained the idea of starting his own family, especially when he finally convinced Natasha to be with him. Those thoughts quickly went out the door when Natasha explained to him that, because of experimentations done to her as a child, she couldn't have any children. He had given up the idea for a while but then ideas of adoption filled his head and even though he was good at covering it up they were there.

So, the day that the love of his life came to him and said she was going to have his child was instantly marked as one of the happiest days of his life. Clint had wrapped Natasha up in his arms and after he spent a bit of time convincing her it was ok the fear had left her eyes and was replaced by a bright gleam. They had smiled, laughed, and just soaked in the amazingness of a moment they never thought they'd have. In that moment there was nothing that could bring them down.

The rest of the team found out about a week later. It was sooner than what they had planned to tell them but when Natasha Romanoff had turned down a glass of the best vodka Tony Stark could get his hands on, there really was no other explanation. The team was almost as excited as they were. They all had to stop Thor from squeezing her too tight while laughing about it at the same time. It was a good day for everyone. The only thing that made it better was Clint's proposal.

They told Fury about both the pregnancy and the proposal the next day. They figured that it was only a matter of time before he figured it out anyways. He had given them a long lecture about the fraternization policies at SHIELD all while agent Hill stood smiling in the background. When he was finished Clint asked him if he would be the one to marry them, he agreed. A week later everything was put into place.

The wedding was, as requested by Natasha and Clint, a small affair. Actually, after the team and Pepper had decorated one of the empty floors in the Avengers Tower, all they had to do was call in Hill, Coulson, and Fury. Jane and Darcy were there as well. Natasha, only about five weeks pregnant, was still able to wear the black cocktail dress that had used before when undercover. Clint wore a simple black suit that had been used for the same mission. It hadn't been planned and they smiled when they saw that the other had the same idea when picking out what to wear. That mission was the first time their partnership was really put to the test and had brought them close to each other. That mission had taught them to trust each other. However, they both doubted they would ever remember Budapest the same.

Natasha was walked down the aisle by Coulson and Fury gave a rare smile the moment he pronounced them as husband and wife. The team cheered and there was many hugs and congratulations passed around. It wasn't much but it was perfect for them. They were married in front of the people that they trusted the most, their family, and they were going to have a child. For that moment absolutely everything was perfect. But things rarely stay perfect for long, especially in their world.

Natasha was about eight weeks pregnant when Clint walked in to see her sitting on the bathroom floor with her head in her hands. She was complaining of a headache. He tried to help her get to her feet but she said that she was dizzy so he picked her up. He didn't know much about pregnancies but he was sure that this wasn't normal so he brought her to Bruce. He was sitting in the common area of the tower so naturally when he was paged the entire team showed up. Besides Clint, Bruce told them all to stay outside while he looked at Natasha.

Clint held Natasha's hand as they waited for Bruce to come back and tell them what was going on. They didn't speak but the fear that they felt for their child was thick in the air around them. It was a mystery to them how Natasha had managed to get pregnant and, even though they knew it was a possibility that the child wouldn't be able to grow because of what had been done to Natasha, they hadn't really thought about it until that very moment. They thought that if they were really careful then everything would be ok. They had told Bruce, and the rest of the team, about what had been done to Natasha as a child so that he would be aware and could keep a close eye on the baby growing inside of her.

When Bruce finally returned there were deep lines of concern on his face and he looked older than what he ever had before. They even thought that they may have seen tears in his eyes but he quickly took his glasses off and rubbed them before they could be sure. Clint gently squeezed Natasha's hand when he felt her body stiffen. He mentally prepared himself for whatever news Bruce had for them. Bruce put his glasses back on and they could see his hands shaking ever so slightly. He took a deep breath and Clint felt his world coming down around him with every word the doctor spoke.

"What are you saying Bruce?" Clint couldn't believe what he had just heard. Bruce took another deep breath and put down the paper he was holding.

"I…I don't know how or why but," he rubbed the back of his neck and looked from Clint to Natasha "whatever was done to you Natasha…your body isn't supposed to be able to carry a child."

"What does that mean," Clint asked.

"It means that…it means," Bruce shook his head sadly. This was probably the hardest thing that he had ever had to tell someone. He met Natasha's eyes again which were full of distress. "It means that your body can't handle this pregnancy Natasha."

"What does that mean Bruce," Clint asked with strain in his voice.

"The baby…" Bruce said.

"Just spit it out Bruce," the aggravation he felt wasn't necessarily at Bruce but rather the situation and Bruce understood that and took no offence to the snapping.

"This pregnancy could kill you Natasha." The room fell silent then at the sound of those words. Clint looked down at Natasha who had grown pale at the news.

"So," he swallowed and couldn't quite believe that this had happened. "Are you absolutely sure Bruce?"

"I wouldn't be telling you this if I wasn't absolutely sure," he said "I ran the tests three times. I'm sure."

Natasha felt like she couldn't breathe. She looked up and could see Bruce and Clint talking but she couldn't hear them anymore. All she could hear was their muffled voices going back and forth. Clint was clearly upset but for some reason she didn't know why. Everything was so confusing and she didn't understand what was going on. Then Clint said something that brought everything rushing back into focus and cleared the world around her.

"When can we make the appointment?" Clint's sounded heartbroken and he gave Natasha's hand another squeeze.

"Appointment?" She said and both men looked at her. It was the first time she had spoken since being brought to the medical center. "What appointment?" Clint looked at her with pain and concern in his eyes.

"Nat, the baby…" he paused to and glanced at the floor before looking back up at her "the pregnancy," he corrected himself "it'll kill you."

"He said it could," she said and looked from him to Bruce then back. Clint saw the panic in her eyes. "There's still a chance,"

"No," Bruce cut in. "The chance of you dying are extremely higher than the chances of you surviving."

"But," she placed her hand on her stomach out of habit. "What are the chances of me carrying to term?" Clint's eyes widened at her.


"What are the chances Bruce?" She asked again and locked her eyes on to Bruce.

"Honestly?" He sat down on a stool and moved in front of her. "I don't know Natasha. I do know that if you…if you continue on with this pregnancy, there's only a small chance that you'll survive. No, I don't think you can carry the child to term."

"Could I make it to where it's enough?"

"Nat," Clint said catching her attention. "Natasha will you please listen to him?"

"I don't know," Bruce said when she was obviously ignoring Clint. "I don't know if you can but I…"

"Nat," Clint tried again and she yanked her hand away from him.

"All I need is a chance Bruce." She said staring straight at the doctor. Her eyes were desperate while Clint's were torn and begging him to make her see reason.

"There is a small chance," he said with a big emphasis on the word small. "Natasha…"

"Nat…" she ignored them calling her and rushed out of the room. She made it to the waiting room when Clint grabbed her wrist and turned her around. "Think about this Tasha."

"Fine," she practically growled at him. She yanked away from him and stormed away from everyone. They all knew better than to go after her.

"What happened," Tony asked.

Wow, so this is rough. Hope you all stay with me and enjoy!