Chapter 26: Epilogue

You guys asked for an epilogue, so here it is!

Three Years Later...

In the settlement of Jackson it had been raining all day long, it was late afternoon and the downpour drenched any residents that went outside. Some though were fine staying inside.

"Oh baby... Oh my god..." Ellie panted as Rylan rolled off of her from their naked heap. "...I love you so much, you know that?"

"You're everything I could have ever asked for, I love you too Ellie." The brunette smiled as he caressed her cheek then gave her the most compassionate kiss.

The eighteen year old Ellie and the nineteen year old Rylan were finishing their 'quality time' and it was spectacular after all the buildup of really talking about it, finding an opening where they were both ready and where Joel was out for work because of Tommy. They had the house for themselves...

"Oh fuck..." Ellie panted as she pulled back from their kiss and she hopped out of the bed like she knew she was late for something. But then she remembered. "I gotta go get Sarah and watch her for the day."

"You're babysitting for Maria again?" Rylan inquired as he adjusted himself and put his arms lazily behind his head. "I can come with you..."

"Nah... Just, I'll see ya later okay? Do you mind?" Ellie asked as she struggled to put on her pants, one leg at a time. "You like hopping out the window anyway."

"I might as well see you outside if you want me to do that. ...Ellie, where are my clothes at?" He looked around in the sheets and didn't find them.

"Well if you insist." She smirked as she pointed towards her ceiling.

Rylan looked up to find his pants and shirt caught on the still ceiling fan above them. "Huh... maybe I was a little excited."

"It's fine." Ellie chuckled as she jumped on the bed to reach up and grab the brunette's clothes. "Here."

"Thanks." Rylan smiled as he took them and covered himself. Soon the two of them were presentable for the outside world. "You know, I think I'll leave the window open when I hop out. It's a bit stuffy in here."

"Gee, I wonder why~" Ellie picked on him as she ran to her door. "I'll meet you outside."

(Play The Last of Us OST All Gone [Overcome] or [Reunion].)

Back at Tommy's hydroelectric dam, specifically his office, Daddy was looking through some blueprints for a new turbine, not to mention his little girl was right under his arm, trying to make sense of the complicated designs.

"What's this Daddy?" Sarah cutely pointed at the diagram.

"Baby girl, that's a machine that's gonna help daddy a lot if we manage to build it." Tommy kindly informed her.

"Can I help?" The little girl offered.

"Nah I'm sorry honey, Ellie should be by any second to pick you up and babysit ya."

"She's nice, I like her." Sarah smiled.

"You didn't hear any bad words coming outta her mouth right?"

"Bad words? Like what?"

"Never mind. Just make sure you cover your ears whenever that girl talks. ...At least sometimes."

Suddenly, the daughter and father were met by the mother as Maria burst into the office door, soaking wet. "Tommy!"

"Maria! What's wrong? What are ya doin here?!" Her husband questioned her presence. She was supposed to be working too.


Maria panted as explained it to him. "It's Joel! He was leading a hunting party near the old riverbed but when they came back without him, they said they were ambushed by Infected! He's all alone!"

As soon as he heard that Tommy sprang into action, he grabbed his coat and was headed to the door. "I'm off."

Sarah ran to her mother as Tommy sped up into a sprint out of his office and towards the dam's exit. "Is Uncle Joel in trouble?"

Maria knelt down to her daughter's level and comforted her. "It is okay, Daddy's going to help Uncle Joel and they'll both be back soon. Alright? Don't worry."

"Don't worry about what?" Ellie asked as she and Rylan showed up outside the office door to pick up Sarah. "What's going on? Tommy just ran right by us."

Maria had to tell them too, because they had a right to know. "Joel is in danger. Tommy went out to help him, but I don't know. Our other hunters were panicking and they left behind Joel by the riverbed."

"Those fuckers!" Ellie hissed. "How could they just abandon him out there?!"

Rylan smartly retorted. "Well we know it's been raining all day, maybe they were afraid of a flash flood."

"You two are still just kids but... can you go out there and help them both out? If you hurry, you can catch up to Tommy, please." Maria begged the two of them; this was certainly a step-up from babysitting.

"You don't even have to ask that!" Ellie quickly turned to Rylan. "Come on let's go!"

Ellie was about to run off for the exit when Rylan yanked her arm back and dragged her by the nearby railing and actually took out a zip tie of his own and tied her hands to the metal railing. "Sorry, but you're staying here."

"What the fuck Rylan?!" She yelled at him as she tried to free herself by pulling away to no avail, but then she instinctively reached for switchblade in her pocket but she was surprised to find it not there. "Where is it?!"

Rylan revealed that he had the blade in his own pocket. "Remember our game of Keep Away? ...I won." They both remembered the foreplay they had this morning. "But don't worry I'll-!"

"No! Of course I'll worry." Ellie shouted at him. "This won't be where all the men go out and the women have to stay behind and wait for things to be okay! So cut me loose right now or we're through!"

Those words shot at the core of the brunette. He did the one thing, broke the one rule that he had with Ellie: don't get in her way concerning Joel. Because the old man tended to her far before he ever met the feisty redhead, but Rylan loved the girl too much to care about that in this very moment. Call him selfish, stupid, or even a half-blinded fool, he knew what he had to do. "You don't mean that. But I'll bring him back Ellie. I promise..."

And just like that Rylan ran off alone towards the exit, leaving Maria, Sarah, and Ellie dumbstruck by the questionable chivalry displayed before them and especially Ellie yelling and cursing her boyfriend until he was out of earshot and then some. "That idiot! Maria, cut these things off!"

Outside the hydroelectric dam, the wind began to pick up and the rain began to fall down harder and in bigger drops, it slightly stung the skin as each droplet splashed on landing. Most of the Jackson residents had taken refuge inside, but only Tommy and soon Rylan were exposed to the storm by the horse stable. They practically had to yell at one another over the wind.

Tommy spotted the young brunette and was baffled. "What ya doing here?!"

"I'm here to help!" Rylan responded as he made his way to grab a horse while Tommy did the same.

No time to argue. "Follow me and stick close!"

The rainstorm raged on as Tommy and Rylan galloped down the trail as fast as they possibly could, pushing their horses to the limit. After about few minutes of rushing down the path the two guys stopped their horses at the edge of an empty wide rocky ravine. As they got down from their steeds, they could hear the sounds of Infected, their roars and groans nearby. On the other side of the riverbed, Rylan and Tommy could see Joel standing on top of a large wet boulder with his gun drawn and firing at the Runners who were clawing at his feet below. The younger man looked to the older one. "We gotta get to the other side!"

"We'll cross right here! Come on!" Tommy ordered as he jumped down.

The two of them quickly played a serious game of leapfrog across the boulders which lined the whole of the riverbed, although it was very difficult for them to hustle with the rocks being so slippery from the weather. "Hang on Joel!"

Joel must have heard that because he could see another handful of Infected coming out of the forest on his side as he had to inch himself to the edge. "Anytime guys!"


From the bottom, Tommy and Rylan looked up to see that they had to climb back up to get to Joel. So Tommy physically volunteered to go up first and he clasped his hands into the cracks of this huge rock and he went up. Suddenly, after climbing up the steep rock face five feet up, Tommy and Rylan heard a huge crack and then basically a piece of the wall broke out and landed in Tommy's lap as he landed back down.


Tommy's entire lower body was trapped under a massive boulder. He yelled out continually as a result and tried to move the huge rock off of him, but it was no use! "Too heavy, kid!"

Rylan saw what he was trying to do so he put his entire weight into it and attempted to tackle the boulder off of Tommy, but the large piece of granite would not budge an inch. Back above where Joel was, he could hear the cries and hollers of his little brother and so could the Infected. So the fungal monsters abandoned the bearded man and instead they followed the pained screams and lunged into the riverbed. "Oh shit!"

Joel followed suit and shot one more Infected dead until he was on the same bottom level of the riverbed as the others with four Runners left. Rylan pulled out his pistol and fired his gun at the oncoming hostiles. "I got you Tommy!"

Thunder began to roll through and if you can believe it, the rain came down even harder until it was like thousands of needles were shooting down from the sky now. Rylan could only finish off one Runner by emptying his clip, so then the brunette put his gun away, and he pulled out Ellie's switchblade.

Joel had grabbed another Infected and he beaten him until it fell on the ground too where he stomped its mushy skull out. Tommy however was not helpless so he took out his pistol and took the difficult shot on his back with his vision upside down and killed another Infected until his gun clicked empty too.

The last Infected lunged at Joel snapping his teeth towards his neck, the stupid thing was easy for Joel to push back off, but Rylan got beside them and stabbed it in the thing's right eye. Joel then kicked its feet out and stomped its brains out as well, signaling that all the Infected were dead. "Thanks Rylan... shit! Tommy!"

Joel and Rylan ran back to the pinned Tommy whose legs were still trapped underneath the large boulder. The man tried his best to wriggle his way outta there, but the rock must have weighted at least a ton. "Joel! ACK!"

His legs might have been already crushed but Joel didn't want to do the unthinkable so he ordered Rylan to get on his side and help him roll the rock off. Their strength combined, Joel and Rylan gave it all they got but the damn boulder would not budge an inch to that either.

"You need a lever to lift it up!" Tommy's strained voice told them. "Find something like a branch! GAH!"

"We'll find something, don't you worry Tommy." Joel did his best to comfort his little brother. "Come on kid!"

A few yards away, Rylan found a stray tree branch embedded between some rocks so he picked it up and carried it back to Tommy. "Joel, we can use this!"

"Stick it underneath!" Joel pointed where to put it. "Right by his legs, hurry!"

Rylan complied as he jammed the wood in the space where it could be used as a lever for the boulder. So with Joel and Rylan pushing down on the lever, Tommy too used his arms to lift it up as well. And to their amazement, the rock moved, they could feel it, so with renewed hope they went on with it until...


Their lever shattered into useless wet firewood. Tommy looked on despairingly. "We only settled it into place..."

"Tommy, look at me, look at me!" Joel moved and made sure his face blocked Tommy's field of vision of the rock. "We are gonna get you outta here, you understand me? You're going home back to your family!"

Rylan chimed in. "I'll run back to Jackson! I'll tell everyone what happened and we can get back here with a hydraulic jack to get you out!"

"Well then don't tell us! Go do it!" Joel barked at him. "GO!"

Rylan nodded and didn't waste another second as he ran off towards the other side and where their horses were. The brunette was careful where he climbed but as soon he found the irritated horses a third horse arrived with a very familiar redhead spotting him.

"You little one-eyed fucker!" Ellie jumped down from her horse as she stared him down. "Where do you get off playing the hero like that!? Do you think I wouldn't-?!"

Rylan stopped her. "Stop talking! Tommy is stuck under a rock and Joel is with him. I need to get back to Jackson and find a hydraulic jack or a crowbar or something!"

"Wait what?!" Everyone who was outside was soaked to the marrow by this point. "Where is Joel?! And Tommy?!"

"Down there on the other side of the riverbed." Rylan told her as he climbed back on his horse. "I can't waste another second! I'll be right back Ellie!" But the brunette got her attention again. "Ellie!" She turned to him. "Here!"

Rylan gave back her switchblade to her again and just like that Rylan told his horse to kick it into high gear as he back-tracked his path to Jackson to get the necessary tools to save Tommy. Ellie meanwhile didn't know what to think so she decided to check things out for herself and jump down into the desolate riverbed herself.

Soon, she saw two men, one trapped under a boulder while another used pieces of wood as smaller levers. "Joel!" Ellie ran to them.

"Ellie!" Joel shouted at her. "What are you doing!?"

"I came to help!" She stated but then she looked down at Tommy with a look of sorrow. "Tommy..."

"That rock ain't going anywhere until Rylan comes back. Damn thing won't budge." Joel informed her. "I tired... but we might have to wait."

"That ain't very comforting..." Tommy croaked out with a chuckle and then he turned to Ellie. "How's Maria? How's Sarah?"

"They're fine." Ellie smiled. "They're worried but they're fine."

"Good, good... I'd really like to see my girls again. You know I just... really want this rock off of me."

"We will, we just..." Joel then had the thought of cutting off Tommy's legs to free him. The amputations would get him outta there, but he would more than likely bleed out before they got back to Jackson, so that idea was out. "Tommy-!"


"What was that?!" Ellie questioned as she got up and surveyed the area. "Oh fuck... no!"

From all the rain that had fallen that day, from all the snow that had melted off the mountains, a wall of water far off at the moment was rushing towards them, filling up the riverbed with rapids and other debris. They had only but a minute to get out of there to save their skins but...

"No! GODDAMMIT NO!" Joel bellowed as he realized what his little brother's fate would be. "Tommy, I'm getting you outta here now!"

Joel took his baby's brother's arms and pulled out so that maybe he could slip out from under, but it only confirmed that the man's legs were indefinitely pinned under the ton of granite. Chopping his legs off sounded better and better, but even that now they might not have enough time!

"Joel, we have to get outta here!"

"NO!" Joel roared at her. "I can find a way baby brother, just give me a minute!"

"You don't have a minute!" Tommy shouted back at him as he had to accept his demise. "Joel... Joel! It's okay! It's okay..."

"No Tommy! No it's not!" Joel's memories since he was a child. His little brother, his baby brother was crying whenever he pushed him down when they were playing. But goddammit every time Joel would push him down, Tommy would get back up... And he accomplished more than Joel ever did when he founded Jackson...

"Just take care of her for me..." Tommy's voice was cracking up and biting back the tears to look tough in front of his older brother. "This isn't your fault. But please, take care of her..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything..." Joel took Tommy's hand with both of his own. "I should've-!"

"Shut up bro." Tommy smirked. "Now get outta here! GO!"

"Joel?" Ellie was eyeing the flash flood the whole time but she would not leave Joel until he was ready. "It's coming!"

They had ten seconds and Joel stood up and ran back towards the horses with Ellie, leaving Tommy behind...

Nine seconds...

Joel and Ellie made it to the edge and the redhead began climbing.

Eight seconds...

Joel began climbing and Ellie was partway up.

Seven seconds...

Ellie slipped off the wet rocks but Joel caught her motioned her to hurry.

Six seconds...

Joel and Ellie were halfway up the riverbed wall.

Five seconds...

Ellie felt her leading hand touch grass and she climbed her way over.

Four seconds...

Joel safely got out of the riverbed as well so the two of them turned around as down there they could see Tommy still pinned to the bottom and the water rushed towards him.

Three seconds...

Tommy turned away from the flash flood coming towards him and instead looked up into rainy grey sky.

Two seconds...

Tommy closed his eyes.



Tommy had been engulfed by the opaque rushing water, and Joel looked upriver to see that the fast-flowing current from the flood was nearly endless. About another minute and Tommy would drown, still pinned where he was...

"Joel?" Ellie tapped his shoulder, even attempted to hold his hand to which he pulled away. "You okay?"

Joel replied darkly. "No, I'm not..."

"This wasn't anyone's fault."

"Don't! Just... stop, Ellie." Joel pushed her away. "Leave me alone..."

Ellie's eyes looked downcast as she realized that it was happening all over again for this old man. He might let this happen to him again... like his real daughter Sarah. "Joel, don't let this ruin you again!"

"Ellie..." Joel grumbled this at her with his back turned on her and his eyes still locked on where Tommy's body would be. "I need to be alone..."

It would be right to let the old man grieve. "Okay." Ellie went to her horse and climbed into her saddle. "I'll be back... stay right here." She began her own trek back to Jackson, fulfilling Joel's wishes and leaving him by himself.

"I ain't going anywhere..."

And then the rain stopped.

Play the Last of Us All Gone (Seasons).

Three Months Later...

The fallout from Tommy death's spread like wildfire. Jackson was in disarray without its founding leader. Maria was distraught behind all recognition and Ellie was with her nearly 24/7 to help take care of Sarah. Rylan stopped talking to Ellie, and he became reclusive into his work to help rebuild Jackson. Also, newly appointed counsel rose to oversee the settlement's affairs and efforts.

Joel was holed up his house, only coming out when he needed to or when he came to the town cemetery to visit his little brother's grave which was decorated with numerous flowers and such.

In the simplest of terms their family was fragmented. Rylan and Joel stood on their own while Ellie, Maria, and Sarah took care of each other. It was all just... very sad. Until now...

It was a bright and sunny day on the streets of Jackson, and Ellie was taking a walk with Sarah down the street when she spotted a depressed Rylan sitting against a tree trunk. "Hey Sarah, you remember Rylan, right?"

The three-year-old nodded. "Yep, he's nice."

"Let's go see him." Ellie decided as the two girls walked over to him to which he noticed as soon as they arrived. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to nap." He quipped, not bothering to give her eye contact and just staring at the grass between his legs.

"Why are you tired?" Sarah asked as the little blonde approached him.

"I'm tired... of being tired." Rylan responded, confusing the little one. "Ellie," He finally looked up at her. "I'm such a screw-up... when the chips are down, I always come up short with everyone."

"Yeah, probably." Ellie crossed her arms all sass like. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Everything I did... back when Commander Devlin was chasing us, I did for you... and now."


Rylan got back up on his feet and stared her down with a knowing smirk. "I want to do that again."

"That's what I thought." Ellie smirked as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

"Ewww!" Sarah was grossed out and that made the couple laugh.

"Let's go find Joel." Ellie declared as she picked up Sarah in her arms and they jogged to his house.

Soon, the three of them came to his front door and let themselves in. The interior was surprisingly well lit and the window curtains were all open. Joel never liked them open... it was then that they made themselves to the kitchen and they could hear laughter from two very familiar voices.

"He told me that story a hundred times..."

"You never heard it from my perspective."

"He was such a good man..."


Now that was a weird sight, Maria and Joel were sitting at the table drinking coffee (a delicacy nowadays) just talking, albeit it was about the one thing they had in common and that was Tommy. It looked like they were helping each other deal with the grief. "Guys?"

"Mommy!" Sarah ran to her mother and grasped her leg with both arms.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Maria chuckled.

"We could ask you the same question..." Ellie's smile was directed at Joel to whom she got a stoic expression.

"We were just talking that's all." The old man responded as he got up from the table. "Maria, think it's about dinnertime anyway. Anyone hungry?"

"Joel, let's just all eat here. That sound alright honey? Dinner at Uncle Joel's house?"

"Yeah!" She replied excitedly as she brushed blonde her hair out of her eyes.

"Let's get cooking then." Ellie smiled at the reunion before her and everyone began setting up for their meal.

And then they all went on with their lives...

This story that was told here didn't necessarily have a perfect ending, because the older you get, the more you appreciate a good day versus a happy ending. You understand that life continues on the next day; the reality of things is what happens tomorrow.

It was about a man who had everything,

and a girl who has never had something.

But now the two of them, Joel and Ellie, have each other and those people who love to be around them...

To endure and survive.

A/N- Complete! Well my readers, I hope you can appreciate this because I thought for a long time how to end this story and I chose this for a reason. And to those who asked for me to write a The Last of Us III sequel the answer is... maybe, most likely yes coming soon next December.

I have an idea for a plot but I'll work on it and perhaps we can enjoy this next one together. Initially though, I want to focus on my collaboration for the Walking Dead (the game) Season 3.

Stay tuned to me, I love to make my readers happy :) And Thank you to you all! :D