Title: Hold Onto Me
Chapter title: Misty Eye of the Mountain Below
Summary: His body felt leaden and heavy as it drifted towards the bottom and his hazy mind vaguely recognized that he was actually drowning.
Author's Note: Hello! And welcome to my story! If you will bother to read this little author's note then I will tell you that this is my first story in this fandom and I can honestly say I am kind of scared! This was by far the most difficult fanfiction I have ever had to write, in relative to language. It was a little difficult to capture, since it isn't exactly modern and English is not y native tongue, but I have tried my best, but I would like to know how I did.
"Italics inside quotation marks" means the words are spoken in Elvish, just to avoid any later confusion.
This story was inspired by the awesome art work from AmyLee-Chan on Deviantart, which is also this story's default picture.
The chapter titles are pieces from Ed Sheeran's wonderful "I See Fire" from 'Desolation of Smaug'. I am not ashamed.
Anyways, enjoy this little story and if you would be so kind to leave a review at the end of it that would absolutely make my day! :D
Disclaimer: I own nothing you might recognize. It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien (and dare I say, Peter Jackson). This has been written only for entertainment purposes only.
"A friend is a treasure, more precious than gold.
For love shared is priceless and never grows old.
Friendships that have stood the test of time are surely best.
Brows may wrinkle and hair grows gray
but friendship knows no decay."
The sky loomed dark and gloomy above.
The chilly feel in the air along with the black clouds threatened with the promise of rain. The wind blew across the lumpy, grassy landscape and made striations in the surface of the large, normally calm river and rustled the leaves on the trees of the forest a mile to the east. It collected the small pieces of sand and fallen leaves on its path and made them sail lightly over the ground.
Legolas looked up at the dark sky as the wind gently played with his light hair. He and Aragorn were on their way to Rivendell. Aragorn had come to Mirkwood to visit his long time friend and when Legolas finally could be excused of his duties of both his father and his woodland realm, they departed from the darkening forest towards Imladris. However, they were not in a hurry and decided to take a longer road towards Aragorn's home.
The Ranger knew his dear friend had been busy with controlling the borders of the Woodland Realm and helping his father beating back the darkness that had spread like wildfire. He could see it in Legolas' eyes that the Elf was growing weary with seeing his beloved forest turn darker and darker, so he had taken it upon himself to make him feel better, which meant taking him to other forests that had yet to be touched by the Dark Lord's reach.
Legolas himself had quickly seen through what his friend was trying to do, but he did not call him out on it. Indeed, he knew he needed relief from the despairing tasks that had filled his life lately but what drove him the most was that he had greatly missed his best friend and in these times they rarely had the time to travel to each other's homes. And since Aragorn had joined the Rangers, it wasn't always easy, knowing where the ranger would turn up next. Legolas knew he had to savor every moment they were together, because it wouldn't be long before duties would separate them again.
Next to him Aragorn too had turned his head upwards and he shivered quickly when he felt the cold autumn air brush against his clothes. Legolas noticed and an amused smile spread across his lips.
"Are you cold, human?" he asked. Elves did not feel the elements as much as mortals did, neither extreme cold nor heat would bother them much, which meant Legolas most of the time would be light at heart on their travels even when they encountered the ever changing weather. Often he found it amusing that his human companion could feel the rising or falling temperatures and would mock him about his inability to ignore it. Of course it would only be in jest and if a break or finding shelter was needed he would happily be the first one to suggest doing so, despite Aragorn's complaints. But that didn't stop him from mocking Aragorn whenever he got the chance.
"Nay. I was merely gazing upon this land and its beauty simply marveled me."
"You do not expect me to believe that, do you? We have wandered through this landscape many times and never once have I seen you shiver because of its appearance, no matter how marvelous it may be."
"Perhaps I have only truly looked upon it now," Aragorn retorted quickly.
The Elf merely raised a bemused eyebrow at his friend's remark and instead of answering he simply shot him an all-knowing look that spoke of what he didn't voice out loud. You cannot fool me, human. Then he turned his gaze upwards to the sky again. "However, I do believe we need to head for the trees for shelter."
"Is the Elf running scared now?"
"I am merely looking out for the pitiful human who cannot withstand the elements of nature," Legolas teased, but his jesting mood didn't last more than a few seconds as his sharp ears caught the low rumble that came from above the clouds. He quickly turned sober. "Do you not feel the heaviness in the air?" he asked.
Judging from the look on Aragorn's face, he knew the ranger had picked it up too. So he wasn't surprised, when Aragorn spoke the next words.
"Aye, I do. Let us head to the trees for shelter and make camp before the downpour hits us."
"Who is running scared now?" Legolas couldn't resist one last taunt. Aragorn exaggeratedly rolled his eyes and together the two friends let their horses towards the forest.
It hit them a few hours later.
It wasn't a light drizzle or a steady calming fall. No, it was a heavy downpour that thundered to the ground and on the leaves of the trees. It started with the warning sounds of loud thunder that rolled across the clouds and rumbled like the sounds of a great battle. Soon the rain followed and the large droplets had quickly soaked the ground completely. Lightening followed shortly ever. Luckily the two friends had managed to set up their small camp and made an overhang big enough to shelter their belongings along with Aragorn's sleeping form.
The ranger had denied being tired at first, but since they could do nothing but wait for the storm to pass he relented and lay down on the moist ground and soon fell into an uneasy rest. Legolas wasn't bothered much about pouring rain so, after making sure their horses were secure and comfortable, he climbed up the nearest tree of their camp and settled himself on one of its thick branches. It felt so very different from the trees in his home at Mirkwood, which as of late were becoming more distraught and withdrawn. Rarely did he sense the comfort and content that this tree exuded of. He let its peace envelop him and slowly he drifted into the brightest corners of his mind, but remained ever vigilant of the echoing rain drops.
So when the storm passed a few hours later Legolas was the first one to blink open his eyes and feel the warm and shining rays of the Sun as she peeped back out from the parting clouds. But that wasn't what truly tore him from his waking dreams. It was the wind that caressed his skin. With it, it carried a dangerous and ominous feeling. Moments later, he felt the same warning come from the trees around him and the perilous sensation rushed through his veins.
In one motion he jumped down from the tree and landed gracefully on the ground. His senses high-lightened instantly as they tried to identify their incoming peril. The hairs in the back of Legolas' neck stood on end as the threat come closer and became identifiable. Legolas' eyes widened as his keen ears picked up the sounds of pounding feet and running grunts. Quickly he placed a hand on Aragorn's shoulder and shook him.
"Aragorn, awaken!" he whispered in the Elven tongue. Startled the ranger shot up and met Legolas' worried gaze.
"What is it?" Aragorn replied. His senses were still dulled by sleep, as were his eyes, but quickly they attuned themselves to his surroundings and soon he too picked up what Legolas already knew.
But the Elf voiced it nonetheless. "Orcs."
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