Hey Everyone! Wow it has been nearly 3 years since I last updated this story. Sorry it been such a long time! Been super busy with College, then getting a job. Life has been hectic. But... I will try to keep updating as soon as I can and have this finished! :)

Thanks guys! And enjoy this chapter!


2 weeks and 4 days. 18 days. 18 days to finally flinch unnoticeably when he kills an innocent person (although it still haunts quite a few times when he does). 18 days to finally see what Lucifer was really like under the coldness and the murders. He was lonely and scared under his tough exterior, well that was my opinion.


In the past weeks, he was acting differently. It was as if I was breakable, something so delicate it needed to be protected. However, the change in him was strangely disturbing. I was used to rough treatment, not the protectiveness.


I jumped out of my seat, a hand over my pounding chest. Turning slightly to face behind me, I found Lucifer standing against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. The sleeves of his shirt was rolled up to his elbows. As he stood there, I couldn't help but admire his appearance. He looked handsome. Noticing my silence, he reached forward to grip my shoulders, his touch cooler than before.

We stood there for several moments, my shoulders clutched inside his hands. Not wanting to break the silence, I wrapped my arms around his body. The chilliness seeped into my body, however I was undeterred. I wasn't going to let a little cold stop me from getting a hug by Lucifer.

"What was it you wanted?" I asked softly, my hands gliding up and down along his back. He might be the Devil, but to me he was still someone (well something) that needed comfort. He was alone in this world, hurt by his family. He needed someone to show him that he doesn't have to be alone.

I had learnt so much about his past life in Heaven, and his torment in Hell. I knew I would never be able to change him, but I accepted that. He was the Devil, a fallen archangel. He was murderous and didn't care who he hurt but he was starting to care about me. It was something new to him, these feelings. Even if he didn't want to admit he liked a human being, the very thing he was known to despise. He was feeling protective over me, ever since I first hugged him. I don't know why I did it but I was glad. Somehow it had brought us closer, if that was possible (even he did kidnap me all those months ago).

"I was…you was not in your room." I peered up at him. He was looking for me. Although, my ears might have deceived me, but I could have sworn there a very tiny hint of worry in his voice.

Taking a step back, away from his embrace, I shuffled backwards until I reached the garden chairs. Readjusting the cushion, I fell backwards onto the chair. Pulling my legs towards my chest, I cradled my legs with my arms.

Feeling his presence behind me, I leant back further into the chair. Absentmindedly, I twirled a lock of my hair between my fingers, watching the stars as they lit the sky like beautiful sparkly diamonds. I love spending my time out here, in the dark, with no noise to disturb me. The chair next to me squeaked in protest as Lucifer sat down.

"Is everything okay, Lucifer?" I asked the man next to me. When I received no answer, I glanced at him. He was sat in the chair, eyes were staring straight at the sky. I rose an eyebrow at the sudden need for silence.

"Lucifer?" Again, I was ignored.

Shaking my head in irritation, I shuffled my chair forward so that I was sat closer to Lucifer. Slowly and carefully I made a move to grab his hand. A hand reached out to stop any more movements. Glancing at Lucifer, his face was still turned upwards towards the sky, however his body was tense. Ignoring the warning, I grabbed a hold of his hand. Not expecting it, he actually flinched at my touch. Confused by his actions, I asked if he was okay again. And yet again, I received no answer.

"Lucifer! What's going on?" For a moment, I thought he was going to answer, however I was surprised when he leapt from the chair and stormed away. Completely shocked by his actions, I watched helplessly at the doorway from my position in my chair. Why was he acting like that? What was his problem? Should I go after him, I thought to myself. Shaking my head, I resisted the urge to follow so I sat back down in my seat.

Once again, I glanced towards the sky, silently wishing I could go back to my old life. It was so much simpler. I was just a young woman, working hard to keep my head above water. Sure I knew the brothers then, and I knew about the supernatural, but it wasn't as hectic as it is now. Now, I had to deal with the Devil and his demonic minions.

Thinking about the brothers, I wondered if they were okay. I just wished I was able to contact them. Let them know I was okay, ask if they were okay, but I couldn't. Lucifer would not allow it. He didn't trust me enough; he still believes I will betray him. They must be worried about me. But what if they weren't worried about me, what if they thought I was more trouble than they should have to deal with? What If they have forgotten about me? No! I mustn't think like that. The demons have said that the brothers are trying to catch other demons to find me. They do care about me.

Feeling slightly peeved at Lucifer's behaviour, I rose from the chair, my arms outstretched in front of me. I winced when I felt and heard a few bones clicked together. Going back to the matter at hand, I shoved the door open with a loud bang. Why must Lucifer be such a drama queen? I knew what I needed to do. I needed to confront him, I need to know what is going on in that mind of his. I glanced back at the stars. Did he miss being in heaven, was that why he was looking at the stars, and being moody?

Walking back inside I wondered to myself…. Where could he be? The kitchen was empty, so before I moved onto the next room, I decided to grab a cereal bar. Opening the cupboard next to the fridge, I grabbed a chocolate coated cereal bar. So what if it wasn't morning, I was hungry. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see one of Lucifer's demons watching me with a distasteful look on his face. I ignored him as I walked around the table. It wasn't uncommon to find a demon in this house after all, it was housing Lucifer. Their creator.

As I moved away from the kitchen doorway, I came across the study. A typical place for Lucifer nowadays. I peered through the small gap between the door and the doorway. Nothing peeked my interest. There was no sign of Lucifer or his minions. Strange. Where the hell was he? I held my breath for a second, waiting for any noise. When I heard none, I closed the door to the study, my movements slow and quiet.

I crept up the stairs, eyes wandering over the darken walls. Reaching the top of the stairs, I trudged towards the first room. The bathroom. After a quick glance inside the large room, I could see that there was no sign of Lucifer or his men. The next room, the master bedroom, like the bathroom it was empty. Tilting my head to the side, I opened the next bedroom door. Empty as well.

As I stepped forward to peek into another bedroom, I heard a small squeak downstairs, I quickly close the door behind and quickly stepped down the stairs.

I decided to check the study for Lucifer again. I must be right to choose this room because there were demons stood outside the door to the study (they definitely weren't there before). As I approached the door, I could see the demons tensing, ready to attack anyone who tried to enter the sealed room. I glared at the black eyed demon after hearing the quiet hiss that passed through his lips. My hands slowly grabbed the door handle.

"You are forbidden to go in there, human." It was no surprise to hear the hostility in its voice, but I still made me wish for the old days where there was no ghosts, no vampires, no demons, and definitely no devil to annoy me. I wished I didn't have to look over my shoulder to make sure there was no demons trying to kill me.

"Who's says so?" I gripped the handle tighter, my knuckles turning white from the force, as I felt a sudden shift in the air. The demon, who had spoken to me earlier, had moved closer (too close for comfort). He was now stood behind me. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of me.

"I did." I glanced over my shoulder to find a sneer on the demon's face. I turned around to face him.

"I don't care. You're not the boss of me." I brought my hands to lay on top of my hips. I could feel a defiant smirk made its way onto my slightly flushed face.

"You will do as I say, human, otherwise Lucifer won't be able to stop me when I rip off that little head of yours. Am I understood? Answer me!" I flinched at the ferocity in his words, and luckily it went unnoticed by the low life douche bags in front of me.

"You don't scare me." I muttered as I stood my ground, however I was starting to regret it now as I watched the demons step closer and watch my every move. I cautiously turned around keep an eye on the demon behind me to slowly turn the door handle.

"Well you should-" It happened so fast, my head spun at the force of my body being yanked around to face the demon and slammed against the hard wooden surface of the doorframe.

"You are getting on my nerves, human. You should watch what you say to me. I don't care who you are. I. Will. Kill. You." He spat, hands tightening around my skin so hard, I could feel it already starting to bruise. His eyes fixate on mine, black as night, I knew he could see the small ounce of fear spreading in my eyes, making his eyes sparkle with devilish delight. I blinked hard repeatedly. The cold laugh of the demons around us sparked something inside me. I clenched my hands into tight fists. I could feel the anger hidden deep down start to bubble to the surface.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME! I do not list to bastards like you. So shut the FUCK UP!" I screeched angrily, my face flushed and hands shaking. Before I could grasp what was happening around me, I was pressed against a stone-like, a hand gripping roughly on my chin, while another was pressing the sharp tip of my knife against the soft pale skin of my neck. I hissed when the pressure increased and the metallic smell of my blood invaded my nose. The small pinpricks of pain stopped whatever was about to come out of my mouth.

"Not so tough, human, are you?" The demon laughed in my ear, "I do not understand why he kept you. You are nothing but a filthy piece of –"

"Enough." The cold voice of Lucifer stopped the demon short. I could feel the pressure on my slowly lessen until I was released from his grip. "You will remove your hands away from her. Now. Princess, will you come with me?" I nodded, eager to get away from the demon.

As we both stepped through the door into the study, I glanced backwards to find the demon was-oh god, that is horrible-licking the knife which was coated with my blood. I hurriedly turn my back to him, sighing in relief when the door was closed quietly behind me.

"You should not have provoked him." I glanced up in shock, eyes darting towards Lucifer. After a few seconds, I blinked slowly to find him smirking at me with a knowing look in his eyes. Oh. That sneaky bastard. He wants me to go crazy, to shout at him but I am not going to give him the satisfaction.

"I did not provoke him." I muttered.

"Well obviously you did my little princess. Enough about that little one, we have much more important matters are at hand. Like how did the Winchester brothers know where you were?" He moved across the room in two long strides, his face dangerously close to my mine. His body emitted a cool air. A hand reached out to my head, only to pull my hair to the side, exposing my neck to his taunting lips.

"Now what should I do with you, princess? You have been a naughty little girl." His breath tickled against the curve of my neck, I could feel the goose-bumps over my body. My body, with a mind of its own, hummed in anticipation at what Lucifer would do to me. Suddenly everything changed, I felt Lucifer's body against me suddenly tensed and it was so much colder.

"What is it?" I heard Lucifer demanded at someone behind me. I tried to glance over my shoulder however a hand gripped my chin to halt any more moments. I peered up to find Lucifer staring coldly at the person behind me.

"It's the Winchester's. They escaped. They killed Jonathon. What should I do?" Who is Jonathon? Why did Lucifer have Sam and Dean?

"I do not care." Waving his hand in a dismissal wave, he turned his attention to me. "So tell me, how was the Winchesters able to know exactly where you were? I wonder, what part of 'not to contact the brothers' did you not understand?" He dragged his hands across my waist towards my shoulders. When they finally situated themselves on my shoulders, I felt them tighten ever so slightly.

"I have no idea. I didn't say anything to them. I haven't even contacted them at all. Have you ever thought that maybe it could be one of the angels?" I put my hands on my hips, suddenly annoyed at the way he was accusing me of a stupid little thing. Putting on my best glare, I shook his hands off my shoulder, and took a step backwards.

"What now?" He muttered, a vicious glare aimed at something behind me. This time I did turn around to find two demons, one tall and the other short. They both stood in a tense pose. The short one stepped forwards, it was a woman. She glanced at me for a tiny moment before turning her full attention to Lucifer.

"What should we do about the Winchesters?"

"I DO NOT CARE! LEAVE US!" He shouted. The windows froze as he spoke, the air chilly, causing Goosebumps and a shiver to run through my body. I gasped in mild surprise from the sudden loud voice next to my ear. His arm yanked my body closer to his. His chest was pressed against the soft surface of my back. Lips as cold as ice trailed deliberately slow down my neck.

As the demons walked out of the room, I glanced nervously over my shoulder at the fallen angel. I was soon distracted as the sensations of his forked tongue skimming over my sensitive skin reduced me into a daze. Unable to comprehend what is going on, I was being slowly dragged into up the stairs to the bedroom. I nervously gulped, unsure of what he was about to do….