I... I don't know anymore. Seriously. This one was inspired by "First Kiss", a video by Tatia Pilieva. I didn't like the video very much to be honest, not in terms of content but I just can't get why it is such a big deal and everybody won't shut up about it. God, the background music was just... No. I was unimpressed in general and I began thinking of ways how it could be a little more interesting.
... Next thing I know, I'd written all this. So, special thanks goes to Tatia Pilieva's for inspiring me. It's huge. But I didn't want to split it, it would disrupt the harmony.
I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of the characters,
Ichigo felt his eyebrow twitch ominously. His fingers were pinching the brigde of his nose, he was shifting his weight right and left on each leg but hell, it wasn't good enough of a way to vent his frustration. No, he wasn't as short tempered as his friends accused him to be. On the other hand actually; it was their fault most of the times, especially when they didn't understand what "I don't fucking want to take part on your stupid video, Yumichika" meant.
"C'mon, Ichigo!", a man whined on the other end of the line, "Pretty please!"
"With sugar on top?"
Ichigo gritted his teeth in agitation, fiery brown eyes narrowing. "I ain't gon' do it, Yumichika," he snarled, "I ain't got time for it."
"Eh?", his friend questioned and Ichigo could practically see the fine, slim and black eyebrow quirking sarcastically, "I know you're on spring break, young man. It is not beautiful to lie."
Well shit.
Ichigo huffed and pushed his free hand into his spiky orange hair. Why was he so easy to read? Even through the fucking phone? And Yumichika of all people; the person who only saw his mug in the mirror and nothing else.
The raven haired man and Ichigo's good friend was obsessed with... Beauty, to put it simply. From human beings to objects but, heh, let's be honest, he thought of himself to be prettiest of all. Yumichika always went psycho about how he looked, how straight his hair was and let's not talk about his face and his skin; those two were the most precious properties of his. He moisturized, he stuffed his face with make up and creams and ointments just to make sure it was perfect.
Yumi would always be late on his dates because his clothes had to match together in harmony, to the point where the shoe laces had to have the same color with the fucking waistline of his fucking boxer briefs.
Good fucking grief. The man was a looney. He even got feathers stuck to his eyelashes, for God's sake.
Besides being the freak that he already was, Yumichika was also stubborn. Veeeery stubborn. Like a damn ox. If things didn't go his way, he'd make sure they did, even if that meant he would have to spend three hours of his life on the phone to convince Ichigo to take part into some video he wanted to shoot as his final project. You see, the raven haired man wanted to be a movie director, as well as a fashion designer. How these things went together, Ichigo would never know.
Being a chef was so much easier. Simpler.
Yes, believe it or not, Ichigo was a chef. Or rather, he wanted to become one. He was already finishing the culinary school and that only meant he would soon be looking for a job as a fine dining chef. He was shitting his pants with glee at the mere thought.
Anyway, back to the situation at hand; Yumichika had been pestering his ass the last three days about that video and now the man wanted Ichigo to participate in it.
"For the last time, Yumi, I don't wanna do it," the oranget sighed, suddenly too tired to argue.
"Oh come on, please?", the other insisted, "You are going to film so well, you are so handsome and drop-dead gorgeous with that orange hair of yours..." Ichigo heard the man nearly swooning and he rolled his eyes. Ah, classic Yumichika.
On second though, what did he have to lose if he said yes? To be honest, if he kept saying no, Yumichika wouldn't get off his back and he would end up losing something else; his patience. And shit got really ugly when that happened.
"Fine," the orange haired man mumbled through clenched teeth, "I'll do it. Anything to get ya to stop bitching."
There was a moment of silence on the other end before Ichigo's friend was on the roll again. "You promise you'll do it?"
"Yes," Ichigo sighed in exasperation.
"No matter what?"
"Fuck it, Yumichika!", he growled, "I said yes!"
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the mistake he made.
Yumichika cracked a huge, evil grin and Ichigo swore he could hear it through the phone. It unnerved him. Something bad was happening or was going to happen. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why had he agreed on so easily? He knew he shouldn't have!
"So...", Yumi drawled, "You wanna know what I am filming?"
Shit. There it was. That small little detail that, in his agitation, Ichigo had forgotten.
The theme.
"UUh... Yeah..."
Yumi-sadist chuckled. "Strangers," the raven haired man finally said, "Kissing for the first time."
Stupid idiot!
What had short-circuited in his brain and made him promise to do it without asking for details first? Ichigo pinched the bridge of his nose for the umpteen time that evening and gritted his teeth. He was a man of his word damn it, he wouldn't back down!
"Why would you do that?", he asked, trying to mask the boiling anger in his stomach.
"Because everybody will be awkward," Yumichika explained as if it was the most natural and normal thing in the world, "I wanna capture that awkwardness and see that evolve into a passionate kiss."
Ichigo sighed and shook his head. Yumi was so eccentric sometimes, eccentric to the point of sadism. Like seriously, what had gotten into his head and rotted, to make him come up with that idea?
"Didja call someone else I know?", he dared to ask. Yumichika hummed in approval.
"Renji and Tatsuki will be there," he said and then added, "Oh and Keigo too."
At the last part of Yumi's sentence Ichigo's face went slack. "Keigo? Are you insane? He'll start harassing all females."
"He promised he wouldn't," Yumichika sighed, "Besides, he was begging me down on his knees to let him in. I thought, why not? Even though he is not all that beautiful, I can work with what he has."
Ichigo sighed and shrugged nonchalantly. "Figures."
"Enough with the ugly minorities," Yumichika suddenly chirped, excited again, "The shooting will be tomorrow at ten in the morning. I'll text you the address later."
"Get a good night of sleep," Yumichika reminded, "I don't want to see black circles or bags under your pretty brown eyes, yes?"
Ichigo rolled said eyes. "Yeah, yeah, get off my case now."
"A man with tact," the raven haired man sneered sarcastically, "I wonder what your lovers see in you."
"My eight and a half inches cock," Ichigo said casually, a teasing grin spreading on his lips once Yumichika clicked his tongue and "Hmf!"ed.
"What a brute," the brunet chided, "Try to be nice a polite tomorrow, please."
"I'll do my best, mom," Ichigo teased and from the agitated huff he received, Yumichika was ten shades beyond pissed now. Yumi never shouted or cursed when he was angry. It wasn't beautiful.
Hehe, payback time, bitch.
"Good," muttered the other, "I'm hanging up now."
Ichigo snickered. "Ladies first." That small snicker turned into a full blown round of laughter at the indignant snort and the quiet grumbling of "Dumbo" he received before the line went dead. Ichigo placed his phone on the bedside cabinet and flopped back on his bed with a grin on his face; Yumichika was such a great one to tease. He always got upset and took everything to heart and reacted in the most dramatic way possible.
What a drama queen, Ichigo thought in amusement before he closed his eyes, trying to go back to sleep like he was doing before that asshole had the audacity to wake him up at eight o' clock in the morning. Anyway, let's not talk about that because he would get pissed off again and never sleep.
Yet... The idea of kissing a stranger was rather... unsettling. Ichigo didn't know what to expect. On one hand, he was certain that Yumichika wouldn't be a total dick and set him up with a weirdo or at least that was what Ichigo hoped and prayed for. It'd be awkward, hell, it'd be embarrassing but... It was something new and intriguing.
No matter what, Ichigo was always open to new things. He was twenty three after all, still young and ready for challenges. Fuck, his whole life had been a challenge in the first place, with a mother that died when he was still young, a father that was swallowed in misery because of her death and twin, baby sisters to take care of. Thankfully, three years ago his father got some help and he progressively got over Masaki's death, otherwise Ichigo wouldn't have left his sisters alone. He still visited his family house more often than not to check things up, to keep his conscience was clear and assured.
He shifted on the bed, getting more comfortable, letting questions flood his mind. How would his partner be? Judging from Yumi's personality, it was certain that he would be good looking. Would he be a good kisser? Better than him? At the last thought, Ichigo smirked and snuggled under his comforter, rolling onto his side and closing his eyes.
Nope. He didn't think so.
But he'd be glad if he was mistaken for once.
The way he woke up the next day was phenomenal; he literally fell off the bed the very moment music started blasting from his cell phone. Damn that fucking alarm clock, it was so loud, as if it was doing it on purpose. Letting a stream of curses pour from his mouth, most of them involving Yumi and his fucking retarded times to shoot his shit, Ichigo stood up and threw the comforter on the bed once again before stomping off to his bathroom to take a shower. His apartment was rather small, one room plus the bathroom, but the shower was big enough to fit two people. Not that Ichigo brought anybody in his house in the terms of showering together but that was an entirely different story.
No, it wasn't like he had commitment issues, nothing like that. He just didn't like people invading his personal space. When he wanted sex, he had sex in either a hotel or his partner's house, after mutual consent of course.
Ichigo sighed in bliss as the steamy hot water brushed through his hair and travelled down his back. He liked hot water the best; it felt like having sex. Yup, you guessed it. His sex drive was at blinking neon red. Or rather fuchsia because he was gay.
Just kidding. He wasn't a girl.
Yumichika asked him to look good and he sure as hell wouldn't deny the man's request unless he wanted his eardrums to suffer major tearings from the tantrum Yumi would throw. Ichigo didn't take too much shit from anyone and he really didn't like fighting with his friends, therefore, to avoid the unnecessary ruckus, Ichigo made sure that his clothes matched and were perfectly ironed, his hair was styled to perfection and he smelled like a walking aphrodisiac.
The place Yumi would shoot his video wasn't far from Ichigo's crib so he left half an hour earlier. He wasn't rich enough to afford a car, so he took the bus to get there. The ride was short, but noisy, with a bunch of girls giggling and chattering and glancing at him shyly. Just before his stop, he turned and gave them one of his flashiest and makes-chicks-swoon smile and as expected all of them gasped and blushed, hiding their faces.
What? Just because he was gay didn't mean that women didn't like him or that he couldn't flirt with a woman. Besides, he liked flirting, and he liked it a lot so to say. When he liked someone, he came right out and showed it. Yes, he was the direct type. You know, acknowledging what you like and what you don't is a really good thing. It earns most of the babes.
Upon entering the correct building, Ichigo quickly spotted the tall muscle mass with the long red hair hanging over a lean, sculpted back. Ah, Renji had this tendency of showing his arms to the world, the tanned, tattooed skin displayed in abundance and leaving nothing to the imagination. Ichigo grinned maliciously and walked up to his friend, trying to be as quiet as possible.
Had Renji not be his best friend since forever, the redhead would definitely spend most of his free time in Ichigo's bed, naked and hard.
At that moment, the redhead bent over to retrieve whatever he had ordered and Ichigo grinned like the cat that got the milk. Speeding up his pace, he reached Renji and landed a blow on the red haired man's behind. The redhead jumped a little and looked over his shoulder, but the moment his russet colored eyes fell on his orange haired best friend, he rolled them and snorted.
"Why is it always you?", he asked, straightening up and turning to face Ichigo, "I wish a hot babe would do that to me one day."
"And I am not a hot babe?", Ichigo gasped and clutched his chest, oh so dramatically faking hurt.
Renji pursed his lips together, examining Ichigo from head to toe before he took a sip from his cola. "Hmm," he hummed after he swallowed, "Yer not too bad, just not my type."
"I'm everybody's type," Ichigo corrected smugly, "And if I am not, I can certainly become the one."
"Always so fucking humble," chuckled the redhead and shook his head. Ichigo gave a loop-sided grin before friendly punching Renji's shoulder.
"Let's go find Yumi or he'll castrate us."
"Fuckin' yes."
It was good to be around Renji. The redhead was an easy going motherfucker, too stubborn for his own good but he was one to trust in hardships. Throughout the years, when Ichigo's life had been nothing else but a bitch, Renji was always there, standing like a rock by his side, giving him strength and hope. Come to think of it, if it wasn't for Renji, Ichigo wouldn't be the man he was today. He owned the redhead a lot but the man never accepted anything in return.
"The only thing I'm askin' ya is to stay by my side when I need ya too."
That was Renji's only condition, even though for Ichigo it was already given. They have kept this promise after all these years and that was why the were still friends. Ichigo had a lot of friends in high school but none of them stayed as close as Renji had. Well, not only Renji. There was another person, someone Ichigo knew from his childhood, someone that knew him better than anyone.
"Oi, Tats!"
The raven haired woman in question snapped her head around, her black eyes landing on Ichigo and immediately a smile broke her face into two. Ah, Tatsuki had cut her hair once again to that short and spiky pattern she had during high school. It looked good on her.
It had been a while since he had seen her.
"Ichigo, Renji!", she chirped once she approached them, offering her hand for a fist bump, "It's been a while, assholes, where the hell have ya been?"
"Workin'," Renji said with a shrug, "Urahara is all over my ass, seriously. We don't have too many customers yet I end up cleaning the shop every fucking day. And when I say, cleaning, we all know just how anal Urahara is."
Ichigo and Tatsuki busted out laughing at that. Yes, Ichigo's uncle, Urahara Kisuke, was the most eccentric man in the world. Always clad in a green kimono and clog sandals, the blond walked around with a fan and a cane, his eyes glimmering in mischief, as if telling you he'd be teasing the shit out of you for the rest of your life.
"How's training?", Tatsuki then added. Ah, yes, he forgot to mention that Renji was playing in the national football team.
The redhead smirked and simply flexed his biceps. "Huuh? I don't know... You tell me."
They both snorted. "What an exhibisionist," the woman said. While chuckling at their childish bickering, Ichigo's eyes caught a bunch of women he didn't know leering at both him and Renji. Nudging his best friend with his elbow, he waited until the redhead responded with a "What?" before he motioned to the direction of the women.
"Oh-ho," murmured the redhead in amusement and again, their gazes locked, "Ya ready Ichi?"
They did this ever since they started noticing girls staring at them. Just like back then, the Handsome Duo gave the swooning women a sexy smile and a wink, sending their libidos flying to the top of mountain Everest. Once teasing time was over, they both turned back to Tatsuki who in turn was staring at them incredulously. Yeah... These looks never worked on her... Why?
She was a lesbian.
"What would they feel if they knew yer both faggots?", she asked.
"Look," Renji began, his face looking serious but Ichigo knew his friend was about to say bullshit on purpose, "Women are more attracted to gay men that don't show it so much, like Yumi does. It's a fact."
"Oh really? And why's that?", Tatsuki sighed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and waiting, an eyebrow quirked in amusement.
"Because," Ichigo explained just as seriously, "They think they can change us. As if gay men need The Woman that can change their preference. I don't know whether they realize it or not, but that's how they feel. Also, we are better lookin' and sexier because we take care of how we look, compared to most straight men who don't give a shit."
"Women want a man that thinks like them," added Renji, "Someone that understands them and they think that gay men are like that."
"But all women lack something to attract us, gay people," Ichigo sighed in exaggerated defeat, Renji nodding just as dramatically along with him.
Tatsuki snorted once again. "Do I really wanna know?"
Both Ichigo and Renji smirked. "A cock," they said simultaneously, earning a amused chuckle from the brunette.
"You guys have really thought this through, haven't you?", she asked.
"Over drinks," Renji said.
"When we have nothing to do but talk crap and being pricks," Ichigo added.
"Praying that no one can hear us..."
"... And think we're a bunch of losers..."
Renji chuckled. "For real, we're nice people, us boozers..."
"Deep inside...", Ichigo said, biting his tongue not to laugh.
"But to reach down there..."
"... You must not be a dyke..."
"Fuck you guys," Tatsuki growled but she was smiling, therefore the threat was empty.
"Handsome Duo strikes again!", both of them yelled simultaneously, causing a few heads to turn and look but ask them how much they cared.
The three of them had always been like this; silly, rude, even insulting one another was a routine. They knew each other very well by now to know better and not get offended. They were stupid. They were assholes. But that was why the three of them had stuck together after so much time.
"Ah, the handsome but noisy duo...", sighed a voice from behind them, making three necks crane towards the sound.
There he was; the man of the hour. The one and only, Yumichika Ayasegawa. He looked fabulous as always, with his jaw-long raven hair bobbing with his every move, with the stylish and expensive clothes and the... ridiculously pink sneakers.
Do you get the sarcasm, people?
"Yumichika," Ichigo greeted, a teasing smile on his face, and offered his hand, "Lookin' good and pink, as always."
Yumi waved him off with a flick of his wrist and a click of his tongue, "At least you managed to look remotely... acceptable today." He walked away without a second glance, going straight to Tastuki and hugging the brunet affectionately. "Why are you hanging out with the brutes, my dear?"
"Eh, they're not that bad," Tatsuki said when they pulled away, "They are funny."
Yumichika turned his head towards Renji and blinked many times, the ever present feathers on his eyes flickering along. "It's been a while, tattoo monster."
Renji sighed and pushed a hand through his hair, as if he didn't care how Yumi had just called him - well, he really didn't. "Yer flashy as always, Tinker Bell."
Ichigo had to clasp his hand over his mouth to stuff the bubbling laughter down his throat at the menacing narrowing of Yumi's eyes. Ah, the man was so funny to tease and Renji had made it his life purpose to agitate the brunet as much as possible.
"I don't have time to spare for you, weaklings," the man finally said, voice calm and composed but the vein on his forhead was ticking, "Tatsuki, my dear, let's go for some make up, yes?"
Tatsuki waved at the Handsome Duo and followed Yumichika. "Laters guys."
Ichigo watched his friends' retreating backs for a while with an amused smile, until he noticed something that had his smile turn into a grin. He elbowed Renji once again.
"Oi," he said, "Yumi is limping."
"No way," Renji exclaimed in disbelief, yet he stared at Yumichika once again. His eyes widened. "Holy shit he does!"
Ichigo snickered maliciously. "Seems like Ikkaku did a very good job last night..."
"Hooo boy," sighed Renji and began walking towards the available seats, "Yumi had sex last night and he is still so stuck up?" They both sat down, next to each other.
"At least he's getting some...", Ichigo mumbled and slouched lower in his seat. That's right, he'd been busy with school and he didn't have time to get laid.
"Fuck yes... I haven't gotten any in over a month."
Ichigo's eyes widened and he snapped his head towards the scowling redhead. "Are you serious?"
"A' course I am asshole," growled the other, "I have yer uncle shoving his sandals up my ass, I have coach Kenpachi shoving the trainings down my throat, I ain't got time to do anything!"
Ichigo sighed and stared off to another direction, fleetingly noticing a couple of good looking men, probably straight. Renji was right. Ichigo had been busy too but he always found time to fit in some sex. It was a necessity for him, right after cooking, and three weeks he had gone without have started to show on him. His libido, to be more specific.
"You'll get some," the oranget said in the end, "Maybe Yumi pairs ya with a handsome brunet like ya like them."
Renji shook his head. "Nah man, Tinker Bell hates me. He'll just hand me the strangest one."
"We'll see," concluded Ichigo, not knowing what else to say.
That's right, they would see. It was a kiss, for God's sake, they weren't filming porn. To be honest though, Ichigo was still a little wary about own case; who was going to be his pair after all?
Yumichika was doing this on purpose, there was no other explanation.
It had been forty five minutes since the shooting had started and Ichigo was still in the waiting room. Tatsuki and Renji had both gone with their partners and took a few shots then came out all happy and shit and left! Renji even gave Ichigo the thumps up which only meant that he'd be getting laid that night.
Truth to be told, once Ichigo saw Renji's co-star, he knew that his red haired friend would not let that chance slip by; the other man was tall, with black spiky hair pointing to random directions, seemed serious and collected and, shit, he had tattoos. Renji was obsessed with tattoos - which was pretty evident if the amount of ink marks he had on his own body was any indication - and then this man came up with a tattoo of the number 69 on his face. Like, dude, next time more obvious.
Tatsuki's luck wasn't bad either; her collegue was a tall, sorta purple haired woman, with skin in the color of chocolate. Even for a gay man like Ichigo, she looked extremely attractive. She also had enormous tits, which only served Tatsuki just fine because she liked them, something Ichigo would never understand. Big boobs were scary as shit, like a lethal weapon; if the owner wanted, she would definitely choke someone to death with them.
After his friends left, Ichigo was bored to death. So bored that he started flirting with the girl sitting next to him, a young red haired girl, probably in her early twenties or so, who had been glancing at him more than once the whole time. She was blushing and giggling like a moron and Ichigo's inner sadist was screaming "Make her even more uncomfortable than she already is!" into his ears. Unfortunately the girl - what as her name again? Inoue or something like that - was summoned by the one and only Yumichika sooner or later and she skidded into the filming room along with another guy, with black hair, glasses and the expression of "I have a stick deep up my ass" on his face.
There were twenty people, goddamn it. What was taking so long?
"Ichigo Kurosaki please join us in the filming room," a short black haired boy called. Ichigo's instantly jumped from his seat, briskly walking into the room, his temper beginning to rise. Oh he was sooo gonna let Yumi in on a little secret.
Something seemed a little off though; normally, there were two people entering the room at the same time yet he was the only one standing.
What the hell? Was he going to make out with himself?
That wasn't totally unappealing, to be honest, since he was good looking and-
"Ichigo!", Yumichika called as soon as the oranget entered the filming room, snapping the oranget out of his musings. There was a huge green screen behind the raven haired man and although the color was disturbing Ichigo's retina, he walked up to his friend.
"What the hell man, ya said it'd be short," he grunted.
Yumichika gave him an apologetic look. "I know, I'm sorry but your partner called and he said he'll be late, that's why I'm stalling you so much."
Ichigo groaned, rubbing his hand all over his face. He already disliked that partner because one of the things the oranget vehemently hated was tardiness. He had a thing time. Seriously, take a moment to think; a few seconds could turn a nice medium-rare piece of fillet to medium-well.
It's common sense, people.
"He'll be here in a few minutes, Ichigo," Yumi prodded, "I promise."
"Yeah whatever," Ichigo grumbled and stalked off, away from the green screen, towards the man behind the camera. He had spotted the cute blond cameraman the moment he entered but he had to talk to Yumi before he could bring the guns out.
The blond man's name was Kira Izuru and seemed very easy to seduce. He was rather shy, not looking Ichigo directly in the eyes, his hair was even hiding half of his face, and that innocence of his fed Ichigo's inner sadist even more. He liked shy men because he liked dominating them and destroying that innocence in bed.
After a while of merciless and intense flirting, there was suddenly a lot of noise and it attracted Ichigo's from the blond man.
"You're late!", he heard Yumi scold. Ichigo tried fruitlessly to grasp an image of what was happening but there were so many cameras in front of him, he couldn't see shit yet. Apparently his kissing partner had arrived. At long fucking last.
"I'm terribly sorry, I got caught up in something," the partner-person apologized, panting heavily. There were noises, doors opening and slamming closed, chattering of the crew as they prepared for the shooting but Ichigo's attention was elsewhere. What the hell? What kind of dry-orgasm voice was that? No kidding; Ichigo's skin erupted into freaking goosebumps once the sound of that deep, gruff voice reached - or rather caressed - his ears. Holy shit, that voice was bed worthy to ten thousand.
He had already forgiven the man for his tardiness.
Leaving Kira behind his cameras, Ichigo took a few steps towards the green screen again, absently heading towards the sound of that beautiful voice only to have his body freezing midstep, his eyes bulging off his face and his jaw hitting the ground.
Wh-Wha-? He... Who... Who the fuck was that?!
Ichigo's brown eyes blinked many times, greedily sucking in the sight in front of him. There, a few meters away stood the most alluring, the most outstanding, the most beautiful man he had ever seen throughout the years of his short life. The man was tall, about six four - even though he was bending over and clutching his knees as he breathed heavily - with a body to die for and think that only his arms were visible from the pale orange T-shirt he had on.
To add to it, the top of the man's hair was decorated with blue hair. Ichigo blinked again, not knowing whether he was dreaming or not. The man had blue hair.
Blue hair.
Blue hair!
Who the fuck had blue hair?
Shit, shit, shit, holy shit. Was it real? Real or not, Ichigo loved the color passionately and if, just if, the blue haired cock-tease had matching eyes too, Ichigo would never allow the man leave his bed. Ever.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. What to do? Seriously, that man was his partner? He'd have to make Yumi the most delicious dessert he'd ever made and still not be enough to show his gratitude.
Oh dear, his palms were even sweating, was that normal? What the hell was happening to him? Ichigo frowned in confusion and rubbed his hands at the back of his jeans. If he was to touch the other man, he didn't want his hands to be clammy and wet and disgusting.
"You shouldn't be apologizing to me," Yumi chided, yet he didn't look angry at all - Ichigo couldn't blame him. He himself wouldn't be able to stay mad at such glorious creature. "You should apologize to your partner."
At that moment, the blunet straightened up and made a half turn towards Ichigo's direction, their eyes locking almost instantly. That was it. That was all she wrote.
Fireworks. Explosions. Butterflies. All of these and then some more happened inside Ichigo's stomach as soon as ocean blue eyes met earthy brown. To Ichigo's utter and very much pleasant surprise, he saw those blue eyes widening in awe, full pink lips parting in shock.
So he wasn't the only one smitten at first sight, huh?
The blue haired man began walking up to him, completely ignoring what Yumi was telling him and without realizing it, Ichigo took a few steps towards the blunet as well. They stopped inches away, almost touching yet not quite and stared in each other's eyes. Ichigo couldn't look away. Seriously, it was impossible. Those blue eyes were utterly captivating.
"Hey," the other spoke and Ichigo had to force down a shudder, "I'm Grimmjow. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques."
Grimmjow huh?
Ah, Grimmjow.
Yeah, he liked the sound of that.
"And I am officially speechless for the first time in my life," Ichigo muttered... or rather blurted and heat gathered on his face as soon as the edges of the blunet's mouth lifted into a small smirk. "I-I mean...", he stuttered and cleared his throat, trying to correct his slip of tongue, "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki."
The blunet offered his large hand and Ichigo took it with no second thought. Aaaw, his hand was so rough and calloused and large and gorgeous and oh look, there were some veins popping out of the skin on his forearms and gaaaah that was so sexy and Ichigo wanted to shoot himself on the head so that his brain would die and shut the fuck up with its obnoxious swooning.
But then the blue haired man spoke again and added more oil to the flame. "Nice to meet you, Ichigo."
Aw shit. Ichigo now wanted to whine and stomp his foot on the floor in order to vent some of his frustration. How dare that man call his name with that sinfully delicious baritone and expect Ichigo not to tackle him to the ground and do the dirtiest things to him?
"Yeah, same here, Grimmjow," said Ichigo, completely lost into the blue depths he kept staring into. Not that Grimmjow was backing down either; the blunet was staring as much as Ichigo was, so much that Ichigo was able to see the darkening of those twin sapphires once his name rolled off Ichigo's tongue.
My. It was mutual wasn't it?
"I'm sorry I'm late," mumbled the other suddenly, his face pulled into an apologetic frown. Ichigo fought the urge to reach up with his fingers and smooth those creases away from that angelic face. Frowns didn't suit such perfection.
"It's alright," he assured the man with a small smile, "Already forgiven."
At his words, a huge grin crawled up the blunet's lips, a line of ultra white teeth blinding Ichigo temporarily and sending his heart into a fit inside his chest. Holy shit, what was Grimmjow doing to him, seriously? He'd never, ever experienced something so intense in his life.
"I really like your hair," Grimmjow said pleasantly, "I like the color."
Ichigo stared at the man before he chuckled and averted his gaze, forcing back the girly blush that was about to erupt on his face. Seriously, Kurosaki, get a fucking grip. You're supposed to be the flirty one damn it!
"I like yours too," Ichigo lamely complemented back, earning another dazzling grin from the blunet.
"You know, they say that orange and blue are complementary colors," Grimmjow said with a cool smirk, "Meaning that they match to perfection."
"Hoh?", Ichigo exclaimed, as if surprised. Please, he'd done this shit in the first year of his culinary school. He took another step closer, stopping right before their chests touched and looked up to those pretty blue eyes, trying to maintain the normal flirty and cocky attitude of his and not diminish into puddles of want like he prompted to.
"Like the earth and the sun which gravitate against each other. Like that?"
Grimmjow's eyes darkened significantly and the blunet licked his lips, slowly, sensually. "I like the way you put it, stranger. I had always been fond of physics."
"Physics huh?", Ichigo sighed, thinking of what else he should say, "I preferred biology to be honest." An orange eyebrow quirked in amusement before the oranget added, "Especially sexual reproduction."
The blue haired man chuckled huskily and opened his mouth to retort but he was cut by Yumichika intervening, on purpose, with his obnoxious voice. The man was standing just a few feet away, with the sneakiest smirk on his face when he said, "Sorry to interrupt boys, but can you two get to it now? The camera is on and there are people waiting outside."
Ichigo gave the brunet the nastiest glare he could muster at that moment but suddenly, a large hand cupping his face, gently asking for his attention, distracted the shit out of him. Grimmjow was looking at him again, blue eyes alternating between his eyes and lips, the thumb running over his cheek... Ichigo was blushing. He was blushing like he had never blushed before, not even the first time he had bottomed. His hands slowly found their way around a narrow waste, making Grimmjow smile.
"That's right," he rumbled and Ichigo bit his lower lip reflexively. "Those are the eyes I like to see..."
Before Ichigo had the time to chide his brain for shutting down as a result of the blunet's words, the other man began inching closer. And closer... And closer... Up until their noses bumped together. They were sharing breaths too, ah so erotic. Shit, Ichigo was hyperventilating but he wasn't the only one; Grimmjow's breathing had accelerated too.
Another hand found its way on the oranget's face and Ichigo's eyes fell to half mast. It was time.
"Can I kiss you, stranger?", whispered Grimmjow over Ichigo's lips and a barely audible, unmanly whine escaped. Grimmjow chuckled, the short breath giving Ichigo's brain the final, fatal shot.
"I'll take that as a yes."
... And then, it happened.
It was better than anyone would expect, but it sure as hell was better than Ichigo had expected. It started off with a few chaste pecks, just Grimmjow slanting his lips over Ichigo's waiting ones. The world started fading to white; cameras, people, Kira, Yumi... All of them, except from Grimmjow. The hands that were initially on his face slowly slid at the back of his head, fingering the short, orange stands at the base of Ichigo's nape. Ichigo wanted to moan, he wanted to make a lot of embarrassing noises but somewhere at the back of his mind, a small, still sane part reminded him that there were people around and he couldn't act like some sort of sex-deprived whore. He instead busied himself with carving into his memory the muscular chest and abdomen underneath that ironic orange shirt.
Crap, Grimmjow was so heavenly defined. He'd look absolutely fantastic in his birthday suit, the oranget had a hunch. Ichigo wouldn't say no if the man ever wanted to take his clothes in front of him.
Oh, he'd get the blue haired man acquainted with his bed the soonest possible.
Grimmjow then angled his head to the side and with his tongue, he requested a deeper kiss. Who the fuck was Ichigo to deny that? He therefore parted his lips even further, accepting the prodding tongue and promptly melted until he became a gooey liquid in his own shoes. Grimmjow was an incredible kisser, he had to acknowledge that. Maybe even better than him, Ichigo wasn't sure yet. He was passionate and paid attention to details, thoroughly exploring and exploiting what Ichigo was offering with his tongue, without rushing or dominating. They kept the pace slow, lazy, as if no one was looking or filming them, as if they were all alone and they had all the time in the world. Suddenly there was one arm wrapping around Ichigo's shoulders while the other remained in his hair. Grimmjow pulled the oranget closer, fitting Ichigo into his rock-hard, nosebleed-worthy body as if they were pieces of puzzles. It was so exhilarating, Ichigo never wanted it to end.
But... Life was a bitch, didn't you know?
"Guys," an amused voice suddenly spoke within the clouds present in Ichigo's head, "You can stop, if you want. We have enough material to work with."
Grimmjow's ministrations slowly paused and to Ichigo's utter disappointment, the blunet began to pull away but he didn't go very far; he brought their foreheads together while they both panted for much needed air, yet all Ichigo wanted was to repeat it.
"Yumi," Ichigo gasped once he found his voice, yet it still came out all husky, "Are you sure it was enough?" He slowly pulled away from the blue haired man and smirked through his haze. "I mean, I am willing to do it again if necessary."
The crew chuckled, some of them even busted out laughing. Yumichika simply smirked and shook his head negatively. Fucking sadist.
"I like that urge to sacrifice yourself for the sake of art but I think it was more than enough," he said sweetly, "Thank you very much."
Ichigo fought the overwhelming urge to pout like a little girl but the arm that threw itself over his shoulder startled him enough to make him jump. He craned his neck to the side and came nose to nose with the blue haired God he had been sucking faces with not even three seconds ago, blue eyes shining with lust but mischief as well.
"Why don't we," the man drawled, his index finger drawing meaningless figures on Ichigo's chest, "Grab a cup of coffee together, huh? To get to know each other better. What do you say about that?"
Ichigo blinked, trying to believe what was actually happening before a wide grin split his face into two. Although he was always the one to ask his men out, he'd allow an exception for the sake of the blue haired demon. Get to know each other huh?
Oh I'll let you on every little secret Grimmjow Jaegerjaques.
"I think that's a pretty good idea." Grimmjow smiled at him, completely depleting his air supply, and started off, strolling graciously to the director's chair to get his things. Ichigo didn't move; he just stared at that fine ass beckoning at him saucily and he licked his lips. Daaaamn that ass. The oranget couldn't wait to get inside with the intimate parts of his body. However, when the blue haired man turned back to his direction, Ichigo looked up once again, smiling sheepishly. As if no one else was in the room, the blunet cocked his head to the side and said, "You comin'?"
Ichigo smiled and pushed a hand through his hair. "Right behind you, stranger."
Thank you, Lady Luck.
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