The clock struck signaling that an hour has passed and still the wild and the shota type haven't appeared. Kyoya Ootori was not pleased.

Revenue was declining.


A blur of brown passed his line of vision; catching his attention. Haruhi was running away again from a crazed Tamaki who wanted her in his arms sprouting nothing but his stupid delusional fantasies.

The twins took it to themselves to intervene by each resting against her shoulders enraging the "King." Tamaki was ready to protest but the twin's smirk made him quiver. They both gave their King a disapproving stare then whispered into Haruhi's ear.

"Me thinks-" Kaoru

"Tono is-"Hikaru

"A PERV!" they both flatly stated.

Tamaki stared at the twins shocked from the actualization while Haruhi glared at him sending him into his emo corner to sulk.

Although she just experienced the daily routine of the Host Club, there was something off about today.

"….." She pondered in thought until…"Ah!" Coming to her conclusion all of the hosts looked at her.

"Where's Mori and Honey-sempai?"


Kyoya's pen snapped into two. Unknown to Haruhi she did not know how much her question aggravated the bespectacled host.

Cautiously everyone took three steps back while the Shadow King did the math of how much money they were losing from the two missing hosts, Tamaki's extravagant spending of "pleasing the princesses," and the cost of a new pen…

Please read and review :)