Hey there guys its guardian again! Here`s chapter 6! Sorry about the whole year since the last chapter, ive just been really busy and honestly i don't think i can keep up anymore -.-. So i might add about 2 to 3 more chapters before i end this. But thank you for all the nice reviews! ^_^ i loved them and they really give me the inspiration to continue putting more work out here for you guys. So thank alot! Without further adue

Patty:We are gonna start!

Liz: Yes patty we know-STIEN!

Stein: Have you children been up to no good?

Liz: yes. kids just going on a rant again how guardian doesn`t own us. Again.

Stein: I see. Is she that broke?

Guardian: HEY!

~Still chilling with Soul ~

"I have a confession to make" he huffed. I tried to keep my face as straight as possible as he spoke. Have you ever confronted an absolute moron while they closely resembled the most idiotic human imaginable and failed making them like super moron? It`s almost as impossible as living underwater without scuba gear or gills. They should make a club for this. It should be called `Idiot life`. Yeah that sounds like a good name. "I'm turning over the DWMA."

I looked at him like he had just completely lost his mind, eyes as wide as they could open. "What? To who?"

"I`m giving the academy to black*star"

I choked on my saliva. "Are you fucking crazy? Your letting Black*Star take over the academy?! Black*star! Egotistical, spiky haired, loud mouthed, stubborn Black*star!"

"Yes. Yes I am giving him the academy."

"What the fuck. Why?"

"Well" he began to pace, exactly 8 steps left, then 8 steps right. "It`s because I'm not going to be able to run it anymore."

"So your giving it to the first spiky haired asshole you can find?!"

Kid stopped and stared at me, then sneered "I'm having a baby you, you asymmetrical skank."

I threw my hands in the air. "Aren`t you asexual? So you're telling me your just gonna pop a kid off the side of your face? Dose that like make you die or some shit and that's why your giving the academy to black tard?" That's when kid surprised me. And to be completely honest, kid never surprises me, or anyone for that matter. He slapped me in the face. Hard. His skull ring had flipped around. So now I have a beautiful hand print and a skull indented into the side of my face.

"No soul" he growled. "My wife is going to be giving birth to our first child."

"You have a wife?" I asked rubbing my now slightly swollen cheek. If the asshole bruised my face, I'm gonna punch him. I have an appearance to make tonight.

"Yes you ignorant shit" He then flopped onto my bed, face first. Someone's on his man period.

"so that's why you had to give the academy to the blue haired idiot. So you can stay home with your imaginary wife and raise a child?"

Kid growled. He then got himself off the bed and leaned intimidatingly close to my face. "Liz is not imaginary"

I backed up from the growling reaper whose shadows were nipping at my heels. "Ok dude, gee. I didn't know you put a ring on miss Detroit pin up. I thought you were still chasing her like a lost puppy." The shadows grew more violent as he growled.

"Do not talk about my wife like that"

"Ok, Ok" I said, slipping my hands in my pockets. "So you got little miss gangster and she's gonna squeeze out your kid. That still doesn't explain why you are giving the academy to Black*star and his band of idiotic tendencies and ridiculous egotistical decisions. Dude, what about me?"

Kids shadows vanished. "Well, no one knew when you were coming back soul. Plus I already told him it's his."

"Idiot" I facepalmmed. "You could have given it to maka, or maybe even kalik"

"He`s busy with kim."

"Well fuck him." I jump off my bed and take a deep breath. "So you came here just to tell me that? Or is there anything else on your reaper agenda of irrelevant activities that you would like to share?"

"That and to make sure you don't mess up your date." Kid patted his jacket.

I gave him one of my signature smiles. "You sly reaper." I smiled and went over and gave him a hug. He squirmed in my arms. "Now get out of my house you damn pantsy."

Kid walked over to the window and summoned his board. "Maka`s house." He smiled and was gone.

"Yeah whatever" I mumbled as I resumed my unamused position of lying on my back on my boring as fuck bed. So he giving the academy to Mr. My ego is going to crush god and having a kid? What the fuck happens when I not here? Fuck he beat me! Now I'm going to owe him money. Great, great job soul. You have reached the ultimate tier of fuck boiery and have officially been beaten by a black haired OCD boy. Great job, you get a thumbs up.

Kid and I made a bet I would have kids before him. I guess it isn`t my fault though. I just got my maka back. I wanna take things slow with her. After all she's not a cum dumpster. She`s cute, charming, smart, beautiful maka. And damn I love her. I reach over and grab the suit bag. This better be damn good.

aaaaaaaaaand posted! ^_^ i hope you guys liked this chapter. I know its a little short but honestly i tried. Ill see you on chapter 7 ^_^.

Liz: *punches kid*

Kid: Ow what was that for?

Liz: You got me pregnant you ass


Kid: Shut up you shark toothed child!

Patty: Rate & Review Please!