Chapter 1: Meeting friends or foes
Hey dudes and dudets. This is my new story about Mordecai and Rigby as they face girls, bullies and teachers to survive. This is just a story that popped out of my mind and it literary made a hole. Please enjoy this story, review, love and do whatever that is on your mind.
The alarm sounded, waking up a certain someone. That 'someone' didn't want to get up because 'he' has to go to school. That's right, ninth grade, new school and a lazy best friend who's feeling the same feeling he has right now: laziness.
In a messy room lied a messy, lazy, terrible bags under his eyes slob. The slob used dirty clothes as blankets to cover himself. His alarm ringed loudly as he was too lazy to get. He didn't want to go to school and he didn't wanna get up. But he heard a loud voice, banging his bedroom door.
Rigby got up and went to the bathroom. As he was about to reach it, his brother, Don, stood in front of him, "Hey big bro, ready for your new school?"
Rigby already was annoyed, "Leave me alone, Don."
Don smiled, "Well fine but dad said that today he's going away for a business meeting."
Rigby rolled his eyes, "Ok now please let me through."
Don let him get in the bathroom. After Rigby was finished, he went to his room to put some clothes, he wore a black shirt and black sweat bands. He didn't wear anything at the bottom as he went to the kitchen to make himself cereal.
Rigby's mom appeared, "Rigby, how many times must I tell you to not leave your room until you make your bed but we don't have time for that. We got 3 minutes until your school starts. I need you to go to the car right now."
Rigby got up and went to the car and got in. Don sat at the front while Rigby sat at the back, listening to music through his headphones.
Rigby arrived at the school and he saw Mordecai getting kissed in the chick by his mom.
Rigby approached his best friend, "Hey dude, ready to get in that building?"
Mordecai looked at the building, "We have to, anyway." said Mordecai as he and Rigby walked slowly to the school. Once they opened the door, they saw many eyes that looked at them. Football and Basketball players with their girlfriends, a bully and his gang throwing a nerd inside a locker, the cheerleaders writing something on their lockers, a goth and her best friend who was a male nerd and other dudes and dudets. They slowly walked to the principal's room but they were stopped by a bully and his gang, "So you're the newbies the nerds have been talking about. Well in this school, we welcome our freshmen with a welcoming ceremony."
Rigby gulped, "What's that?"
Mordecai and Rigby winced in pain as they hanged tight at the school flag pole after they were given a hanging wegie.
The bully and everyone laughed, "Hey losers, welcome to Twin Peaks High School."
The principal appeared behind the crowd, "Mr. Max Thompson, today is the first day of school and you're already making trouble."
Max chuckled, "No principal dude, I was just showing these newbies how we 'hang' out in this school." said Max as he walked away while laughing.
Mordecai and Rigby eventually fell down and saw two hands, "Let us help you out."
Mordecai and Rigby were lifted up, thanks to the two girls, "Ah, thank you for that." said Mordecai and Rigby in synch.
The first girl chuckled, "Don't mention it 'cause it happens a lot. My name is Margaret by the way."
The other girls smiled, "And my name is Eileen. We know how these things happen because we too were freshmen last year but now, we on that neutral level between freshmen and popular."
Margaret smiled, "Hey, how about you go to the principal's room to get your timetable."
Mordecai was confused, "Ahh, thanks for the info." said Mordecai while handing out his hand, "I'm Mordecai and this is my buddy Rigby."
The four shook hands and Eileen looked at her watch, "Its 10 minutes before our classes start so you better hurry up and get your timetable before you end up embarrassing yourselves, again."
Rigby looked at her, "Ok, see you...when we see you." said Rigby as he and Mordecai left the girls and went to the principal's room.
Mordecai looked at Rigby, "Ok what happened?"
Rigby shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but what I know is that mole girl kept staring at me. She is so creepy."
Mordecai thought about something, "Its Eileen dude. And I think Margaret is kinda hot. Do you think she can fall for me?"
Rigby rolled his eyes, "100 percent no! How about I make that a negative 100 percent no! Did you heard Eileen when she said they were in the neutral level of high school. It won't be a surprise to me if she's already dating someone right now."
Mordecai thought about this, "Man you're right but I think she's that kind of girl that doesn't get used as bait."
Rigby face-palmed, "Let's just go to the principal to get our timetable before Max returns."
Upon reaching the principal's room, they saw a goth and a nerd standing in front of them, "Hey Billy, look what the dead has brought back. I didn't know you go to this school, Rigby."
Rigby smiled, "Mandy! Billy! Guys, I'm glad to see you. Its been third grade since I last see you two."
Billy chuckled, "I know. How's the arm and fingers been, Mysterious Mr. R, ready to be defeated by the vicious Vampire Doctor in Dorthon World Survivor?"
Rigby smirked, "I don't know. Maybe I can just play with the Vampire Doctor in the sun."
Mandy chuckled, "Here we go, again. Dorthon World Survivor, a computer game that consist of rated A nerds where you have to kill each other to survive the dimensional world and claim the royal crown. Remember the last time you two played that game together? I had to go to a nerd fest to show you guys that robots and technology are the new thing, not cruddy swamp monsters and nature creatures."
Rigby and Billy gasped, "You take that BACK!" said the two in unison.
Mandy smirked, "Make me!"
Mordecai didn't want to watch a technology vs creature show so he tapped Rigby, "Our timetables remember?"
Billy noticed this, "Who's the skinny bones?"
Rigby pointed, "That's Mordecai, don't worry, he sucks at football."
Mandy and Billy laughed, "That explains a lot."
Mordecai didn't take the joke well, "Rigby we gotta go, now!" said Mordecai as he pulled Rigby and got in the principal's room.
After getting in the room, they saw many pictures of soldiers and students, a trophy stash and many sculptures. The principal noticed the lost idiots, "I never seen you in this school. You're the new kids right?"
Mordecai nodded, "Yes sir, I'm Mordecai and this is Rigby. We are here to take our timetable."
The principal smiled, "Well, I like your confidence kid. Can I say something before I give you your timetable?"
Rigby gulp, "What will it be?"
The principal laughed, "Alright, I just wanna know what's your main goal you wanna achieve in this school. Many students came here and become stars, like Donny G. He came here, studied musical art and became a cool Dj. Everyone's goal in this school is depended on me. If I let them down, they will be nothing in life. But if they let me down, I don't give a damn. One thing is what I ask you to do, that thing is to make yourselves stars. So can I trust you two to get out of this school, knowing that you're stars?"
Mordecai and Rigby smiled, "Yes Sir."
The principal smiled, "Confidence, that's what I like about you boys. Now here's you timetable." said the principal as he gave them their timetable.
Mordecai smiled, "Thanks sir"
Rigby smiled too, "We won't disappoint you sir."
The principal chuckled, "Well, you may go." said the principal as the two walked out of the room.
After they were out, the principal looked at the 'Wall of Greatness', "Welcome to Twin Peaks High School, Mordecai and Rigby."
Mordecai looked at his timetable, "Man, so many subjects."
Rigby looked sad, "The worst part is that Maths and History classes are longer than any other subjects."
The bell rang and the students went their classes. Mordecai sighed, "Well my first class is Geography."
Rigby got angry, "Mine's Science class. Guess I'll see you in the school cafeteria." said Rigby as the two went to their first classes.
Mordecai entered the Geography class and immediately founded an empty sit. He sat down and saw Margaret beside her, "Hey Mordecai. Glad we're on the same class."
Mordecai felt his heart pumping fast, "Yeah, me too."
Mordecai loved the period, why, not because of the boring teaching. Its because the teacher gave them a pairing work and Mordecai worked with Margaret. They finished quickly that everyone so the teacher gave them a free time. They talked about many things, especially about their future. Mordecai wanted to be an artist who makes video games while Margaret wants to be a journalist. That moment, Mordecai realised that he's in love. He loves Margaret and she even confessed that she doesn't have a boyfriend but she wants to have one. Mordecai wanted to ask her out but he couldn't because he was afraid of rejection in front of the class. But at the end, the two became close friends.
Rigby didn't love his class, he spent his period sleeping but the teacher keeps watching him like a hawk. He sat with Billy who was busy listening to the teacher. Beside him sat Eileen who spent most of her time staring at Rigby. She has a crush on him and she even wrote it on her diary. She knew one day that Rigby will ask her out and just like Margaret has said; Don't torture yourself by thinking of a way to ask a boy out, just let the right person ask you out. She knows that Rigby was the right person and she knows that he simply likes her, sorta.
End of the chapter. Remember to review and do whatever something that is on your mind. And tell your friends about this story to like this story and read it but if you already told your friends then get new ones who don't know me yet and tell them about me.
$ Thomas gone $